var GUI = new function() { var _this = this; // Contains list of properties we've add to the GUI in the following format: // [object, propertyName, controllerObject] var registeredProperties = []; this.add = function() { // We need to call GUI.start() before .add() if (!started) { error("Make sure to call GUI.start() in the window.onload function"); return; } var object = arguments[0]; var propertyName = arguments[1]; // Have we already added this? if (registeredPropertiesContains(object, propertyName)) { error("Controller for \"" + propertyName+"\" already added."); return; } var value = object[propertyName]; // Does this value exist? Is it accessible? if (value == undefined) { error(object + " either has no property \""+propertyName+"\", or the property is inaccessible."); return; } var type = typeof value; var handler = addHandlers[type]; // Do we know how to deal with this data type? if (handler == undefined) { error("Cannot create controller for data type \"" + object + "\""); return; } var controllerObject = handler.apply(this, arguments); // Were we able to make the controller? if (!controllerObject) { error("Error creating controller for \""+propertyName+"\"."); return; } // Success. controllerContainer.appendChild(controllerObject.domElement); registeredProperties.push([object, propertyName, controllerObject]); } var addHandlers = { "number": function() { return construct(NumberController, arguments); }, "string": function() { // }, "boolean": function() { // }, "function": function() { // }, }; var registeredPropertiesContains = function(object, property) { // TODO: return false; }; var error = function(str) { if (typeof console.log == 'function') { console.error("[GUI ERROR] " + str); } }; var construct = function(constructor, args) { function F() { return constructor.apply(this, args); } F.prototype = constructor.prototype; return new F(); }; // GUI ... GUI var domElement; var controllerContainer; var started = false; var open = false; // TODO: obtain this dynamically? var domElementMarginTop = 301; this.start = function() { domElement = document.createElement('div'); domElement.setAttribute('id', 'guidat'); controllerContainer = document.createElement('div'); controllerContainer.setAttribute('id', 'guidat-controllers'); toggleButton = document.createElement('a'); toggleButton.setAttribute('id', 'guidat-toggle'); toggleButton.setAttribute('href', '#'); toggleButton.innerHTML = "Show Controls"; toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) { _this.toggle(); e.preventDefault(); }, false); domElement.appendChild(controllerContainer); domElement.appendChild(toggleButton); = -domElementMarginTop+"px"; document.body.appendChild(domElement); started = true; }; this.toggle = function() { if (open) { = -domElementMarginTop+"px"; toggleButton.innerHTML = "Show Controls"; open = false; } else { = 0+"px"; toggleButton.innerHTML = "Hide Controls"; open = true; } }; };