GUI.millis = function() { var d = new Date(); return d.getTime(); }; = function(when, what, tween) { // TODO: Disable if we're using loaded JSON. Don't want to duplicate events. if (!this.scrubber) { GUI.error('You must create a new Timer for this GUI in order to define events.'); return this; } this.scrubber.add(new GUI.ScrubberPoint(this.scrubber, when, what)); this.scrubber.render(); return this; } GUI.loadJSON = function(json) { if (typeof json == 'string') { json = eval('('+json+')'); } GUI.loadedJSON = json; } GUI.loadedJSON = null; GUI.getJSON = function() { var guis = []; for (var i in GUI.allGuis) { guis.push(GUI.allGuis[i].getJSON()); } var obj = {guis:guis}; return {guis:guis}; } = function() { var jsonString = JSON.stringify(GUI.getJSON()); var dialogue = document.createElement('div'); dialogue.setAttribute('id', 'guidat-save-dialogue'); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', window.location.href+'?gui='+escape(jsonString)); a.innerHTML = 'Use this URL.'; var span2 = document.createElement('span'); span2.innerHTML = '… or paste this into the beginning of your source:'; var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); textarea.innerHTML += 'GUI.loadJSON('+jsonString+');'; //; dialogue.appendChild(a); dialogue.appendChild(span2); dialogue.appendChild(textarea); document.body.appendChild(dialogue); } GUI.Timer = function(gui) { var _this = this; this.hoverPoint = null; this.activePoint = null; this.gui = gui; this.gui.timer = this; this.gui.domElement.setAttribute('class', 'guidat time'); = '100%'; // Put toggle button on top. var toggleButton = this.gui.domElement.lastChild; this.gui.domElement.removeChild(toggleButton); this.gui.domElement.insertBefore(toggleButton, this.gui.domElement.firstChild); // Create tween dropdown. this.tweenSelector = document.createElement('select'); this.tweenSelector.setAttribute('class', 'guidat-tween-selector'); for (var i in GUI.Easing) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.innerHTML = i; this.tweenSelector.appendChild(opt); } this.tweenSelector.addEventListener('change', function(e) { if (_this.activePoint != null) { _this.activePoint.tween = GUI.Easing[this.value]; } }, false); this.gui.domElement.appendChild(this.tweenSelector); this.showTweenSelector = function() { = 'block'; } this.hideTweenSelector = function() { = 'none'; } this.hideTweenSelector(); var playhead = 0; var lastPlayhead = 0; var playListeners = []; var windowListeners = []; var windowWidth = 10000; var windowMin = -windowWidth/4; var thisTime; var lastTime; var playInterval = -1; var playResolution = 1000/60; var playing = false; var snapIncrement = 250; var useSnap = false; this.__defineGetter__('useSnap', function() { return useSnap; }); this.__defineSetter__('useSnap', function(v) { useSnap = v; for (var i in _this.scrubbers) { _this.scrubbers[i].render(); }; }); this.__defineGetter__('snapIncrement', function() { return snapIncrement; }); this.__defineSetter__('snapIncrement', function(v) { if (snapIncrement > 0) { snapIncrement = v; for (var i in _this.scrubbers) { _this.scrubbers[i].render(); }; } }); this.snap = function(t) { if (!this.useSnap) { return t; } var r = Math.round(t/this.snapIncrement)*this.snapIncrement; return r; } this.scrubbers = []; window.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { if (GUI.disableKeyListeners) return; switch (e.keyCode) { case 32: _this.playPause(); break; case 13: _this.stop(); break; case 8: if (_this.activePoint != null) { _this.activePoint.remove(); _this.activePoint = null; } _this.hideTweenSelector(); break; } }, false); this.getJSON = function() { var scrubberArr = []; for (var i in _this.scrubbers) { scrubberArr.push(_this.scrubbers[i].getJSON()); } var obj = {'windowMin':_this.windowMin, 'windowWidth':_this.windowWidth, 'playhead':_this.playhead, 'snapIncrement': _this.snapIncrement, 'useSnap': _this.useSnap, 'scrubbers': scrubberArr}; return obj; }; this.__defineGetter__('windowMin', function() { return windowMin; }); this.__defineSetter__('windowMin', function(v) { windowMin = v; for (var i in windowListeners) { windowListeners[i].call(windowListeners[i]); } }); this.__defineGetter__('windowWidth', function() { return windowWidth; }); this.__defineSetter__('windowWidth', function(v) { // TODO: Make these constants. windowWidth = GUI.constrain(v, 1000, 60000); for (var i in windowListeners) { windowListeners[i].call(windowListeners[i]); } }); this.__defineGetter__('playhead', function() { return playhead; }); this.__defineSetter__('playhead', function(t) { lastPlayhead = playhead; playhead = t; if (playing) { windowMin += ((playhead-windowWidth/2)-windowMin)*0.3; } for (var i = 0; i < playListeners.length; i++) { playListeners[i].call(this, playhead, lastPlayhead); } }); this.__defineGetter__('playing', function() { return playing; }); = function() { playing = true; lastTime = GUI.millis(); if (playInterval == -1) { playInterval = setInterval(this.update, playResolution); } }; this.update = function() { thisTime = GUI.millis(); _this.playhead = _this.playhead + (thisTime - lastTime); lastTime = thisTime; }; this.pause = function() { playing = false; clearInterval(playInterval); playInterval = -1; }; this.playPause = function() { if (playing) { this.pause(); } else {; } } this.stop = function() { this.pause(); this.playhead = 0; this.windowMin = -windowWidth/4; }; this.addPlayListener = function(fnc) { playListeners.push(fnc); }; this.addWindowListener = function(fnc) { windowListeners.push(fnc); }; // Load saved stuff. if (gui.json && gui.json.timer) { this.playhead = gui.json.timer.playhead; this.snapIncrement = gui.json.timer.snapIncrement; this.useSnap = gui.json.timer.useSnap; this.windowMin = gui.json.timer.windowMin; this.windowWidth = gui.json.timer.windowWidth; } }