/** * dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library * http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui * * Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /** @namespace */ var dat = dat || {}; /** @namespace */ dat.gui = dat.gui || {}; /** @namespace */ dat.utils = dat.utils || {}; /** @namespace */ dat.controllers = dat.controllers || {}; /** @namespace */ dat.dom = dat.dom || {}; /** @namespace */ dat.color = dat.color || {}; dat.utils.css = (function () { return { load: function (url, doc) { doc = doc || document; var link = doc.createElement('link'); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = url; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); }, inject: function(css, doc) { doc = doc || document; var injected = document.createElement('style'); injected.type = 'text/css'; injected.innerHTML = css; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(injected); } } })(); dat.utils.common = (function () { var ARR_EACH = Array.prototype.forEach; var ARR_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Band-aid methods for things that should be a lot easier in JavaScript. * Implementation and structure inspired by underscore.js * http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/ */ return { BREAK: {}, extend: function(target) { this.each(ARR_SLICE.call(arguments, 1), function(obj) { for (var key in obj) if (!this.isUndefined(obj[key])) target[key] = obj[key]; }, this); return target; }, defaults: function(target) { this.each(ARR_SLICE.call(arguments, 1), function(obj) { for (var key in obj) if (this.isUndefined(target[key])) target[key] = obj[key]; }, this); return target; }, compose: function() { var toCall = ARR_SLICE.call(arguments); return function() { var args = ARR_SLICE.call(arguments); for (var i = toCall.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { args = [toCall[i].apply(this, args)]; } return args[0]; } }, each: function(obj, itr, scope) { if (ARR_EACH && obj.forEach === ARR_EACH) { obj.forEach(itr, scope); } else if (obj.length === obj.length + 0) { // Is number but not NaN for (var key = 0, l = obj.length; key < l; key++) if (key in obj && itr.call(scope, obj[key], key) === this.BREAK) return; } else { for (var key in obj) if (itr.call(scope, obj[key], key) === this.BREAK) return; } }, defer: function(fnc) { setTimeout(fnc, 0); }, toArray: function(obj) { if (obj.toArray) return obj.toArray(); return ARR_SLICE.call(obj); }, isUndefined: function(obj) { return obj === undefined; }, isNull: function(obj) { return obj === null; }, isNaN: function(obj) { return obj !== obj; }, isArray: Array.isArray || function(obj) { return obj.constructor === Array; }, isObject: function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }, isNumber: function(obj) { return obj === obj+0; }, isString: function(obj) { return obj === obj+''; }, isBoolean: function(obj) { return obj === false || obj === true; }, isFunction: function(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]'; } }; })(); dat.controllers.Controller = (function (common) { /** * @class An "abstract" class that represents a given property of an object. * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * * @member dat.controllers */ var Controller = function(object, property) { this.initialValue = object[property]; /** * Those who extend this class will put their DOM elements in here. * @type {DOMElement} */ this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); /** * The object to manipulate * @type {Object} */ this.object = object; /** * The name of the property to manipulate * @type {String} */ this.property = property; /** * The function to be called on change. * @type {Function} * @ignore */ this.__onChange = undefined; /** * The function to be called on finishing change. * @type {Function} * @ignore */ this.__onFinishChange = undefined; }; common.extend( Controller.prototype, /** @lends dat.controllers.Controller.prototype */ { /** * Specify that a function fire every time someone changes the value with * this Controller. * * @param {Function} fnc This function will be called whenever the value * is modified via this Controller. * @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this */ onChange: function(fnc) { this.__onChange = fnc; return this; }, /** * Specify that a function fire every time someone "finishes" changing * the value wih this Controller. Useful for values that change * incrementally like numbers or strings. * * @param {Function} fnc This function will be called whenever * someone "finishes" changing the value via this Controller. * @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this */ onFinishChange: function(fnc) { this.__onFinishChange = fnc; return this; }, /** * Change the value of object[property] * * @param {Object} newValue The new value of object[property] */ setValue: function(newValue) { this.object[this.property] = newValue; if (this.__onChange) { this.__onChange.call(this, newValue); } this.updateDisplay(); return this; }, /** * Gets the value of object[property] * * @returns {Object} The current value of object[property] */ getValue: function() { return this.object[this.property]; }, /** * Refreshes the visual display of a Controller in order to keep sync * with the object's current value. * @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this */ updateDisplay: function() { return this; }, /** * @returns {Boolean} true if the value has deviated from initialValue */ isModified: function() { return this.initialValue !== this.getValue() } } ); return Controller; })(dat.utils.common); dat.dom.dom = (function (common) { var EVENT_MAP = { 'HTMLEvents': ['change'], 'MouseEvents': ['click','mousemove','mousedown','mouseup', 'mouseover'], 'KeyboardEvents': ['keydown'] }; var EVENT_MAP_INV = {}; common.each(EVENT_MAP, function(v, k) { common.each(v, function(e) { EVENT_MAP_INV[e] = k; }); }); var CSS_VALUE_PIXELS = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px/; function cssValueToPixels(val) { if (val === '0' || common.isUndefined(val)) return 0; var match = val.match(CSS_VALUE_PIXELS); if (!common.isNull(match)) { return parseFloat(match[1]); } // TODO ...ems? %? return 0; } /** * @namespace * @member dat.dom */ var dom = { /** * * @param elem * @param selectable */ makeSelectable: function(elem, selectable) { if (elem === undefined || elem.style === undefined) return; elem.onselectstart = selectable ? function() { return false; } : function() { }; elem.style.MozUserSelect = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none'; elem.style.KhtmlUserSelect = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none'; elem.unselectable = selectable ? 'on' : 'off'; }, /** * * @param elem * @param horizontal * @param vertical */ makeFullscreen: function(elem, horizontal, vertical) { if (common.isUndefined(horizontal)) horizontal = true; if (common.isUndefined(vertical)) vertical = true; elem.style.position = 'absolute'; if (horizontal) { elem.style.left = 0; elem.style.right = 0; } if (vertical) { elem.style.top = 0; elem.style.bottom = 0; } }, /** * * @param elem * @param eventType * @param params */ fakeEvent: function(elem, eventType, params, aux) { params = params || {}; var className = EVENT_MAP_INV[eventType]; if (!className) { throw new Error('Event type ' + eventType + ' not supported.'); } var evt = document.createEvent(className); switch (className) { case 'MouseEvents': var clientX = params.x || params.clientX || 0; var clientY = params.y || params.clientY || 0; evt.initMouseEvent(eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable || true, window, params.clickCount || 1, 0, //screen X 0, //screen Y clientX, //client X clientY, //client Y false, false, false, false, 0, null); break; case 'KeyboardEvents': var init = evt.initKeyboardEvent || evt.initKeyEvent; // webkit || moz common.defaults(params, { cancelable: true, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, keyCode: undefined, charCode: undefined }); init(eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable, window, params.ctrlKey, params.altKey, params.shiftKey, params.metaKey, params.keyCode, params.charCode); break; default: evt.initEvent(eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable || true); break; } common.defaults(evt, aux); elem.dispatchEvent(evt); }, /** * * @param elem * @param event * @param func * @param bool */ bind: function(elem, event, func, bool) { bool = bool || false; if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(event, func, bool); else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent('on' + event, func); return dom; }, /** * * @param elem * @param event * @param func * @param bool */ unbind: function(elem, event, func, bool) { bool = bool || false; if (elem.removeEventListener) elem.removeEventListener(event, func, bool); else if (elem.detachEvent) elem.detachEvent('on' + event, func); return dom; }, /** * * @param elem * @param className */ addClass: function(elem, className) { if (elem.className === undefined) { elem.className = className; } else if (elem.className !== className) { var classes = elem.className.split(/ +/); if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) { classes.push(className); elem.className = classes.join(' ').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } } return dom; }, /** * * @param elem * @param className */ removeClass: function(elem, className) { if (className) { if (elem.className === undefined) { // elem.className = className; } else if (elem.className === className) { elem.removeAttribute('class'); } else { var classes = elem.className.split(/ +/); var index = classes.indexOf(className); if (index != -1) { classes.splice(index, 1); elem.className = classes.join(' '); } } } else { elem.className = undefined; } return dom; }, hasClass: function(elem, className) { return new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)').test(elem.className) || false; }, /** * * @param elem */ getWidth: function(elem) { var style = getComputedStyle(elem); return cssValueToPixels(style['border-left-width']) + cssValueToPixels(style['border-right-width']) + cssValueToPixels(style['padding-left']) + cssValueToPixels(style['padding-right']) + cssValueToPixels(style['width']); }, /** * * @param elem */ getHeight: function(elem) { var style = getComputedStyle(elem); return cssValueToPixels(style['border-top-width']) + cssValueToPixels(style['border-bottom-width']) + cssValueToPixels(style['padding-top']) + cssValueToPixels(style['padding-bottom']) + cssValueToPixels(style['height']); }, /** * * @param elem */ getOffset: function(elem) { var offset = {left: 0, top:0}; if (elem.offsetParent) { do { offset.left += elem.offsetLeft; offset.top += elem.offsetTop; } while (elem = elem.offsetParent); } return offset; }, // http://stackoverflow.com/posts/2684561/revisions /** * * @param elem */ isActive: function(elem) { return elem === document.activeElement && ( elem.type || elem.href ); } }; return dom; })(dat.utils.common); dat.controllers.OptionController = (function (Controller, dom, common) { /** * @class Provides a select input to alter the property of an object, using a * list of accepted values. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * @param {Object|string[]} options A map of labels to acceptable values, or * a list of acceptable string values. * * @member dat.controllers */ var OptionController = function(object, property, options) { OptionController.superclass.call(this, object, property); var _this = this; /** * The drop down menu * @ignore */ this.__select = document.createElement('select'); if (common.isArray(options)) { var map = {}; common.each(options, function(element) { map[element] = element; }); options = map; } common.each(options, function(value, key) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.innerHTML = key; opt.setAttribute('value', value); _this.__select.appendChild(opt); }); // Acknowledge original value this.updateDisplay(); dom.bind(this.__select, 'change', function() { var desiredValue = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; _this.setValue(desiredValue); }); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__select); }; OptionController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( OptionController.prototype, Controller.prototype, { setValue: function(v) { var toReturn = OptionController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v); if (this.__onFinishChange) { this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue()); } return toReturn; }, updateDisplay: function() { this.__select.value = this.getValue(); return OptionController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this); } } ); return OptionController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common); dat.controllers.NumberController = (function (Controller, common) { /** * @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * @param {Object} [params] Optional parameters * @param {Number} [params.min] Minimum allowed value * @param {Number} [params.max] Maximum allowed value * @param {Number} [params.step] Increment by which to change value * * @member dat.controllers */ var NumberController = function(object, property, params) { NumberController.superclass.call(this, object, property); params = params || {}; this.__min = params.min; this.__max = params.max; this.__step = params.step; if (common.isUndefined(this.__step)) { if (this.initialValue == 0) { this.__impliedStep = 1; // What are we, psychics? } else { // Hey Doug, check this out. this.__impliedStep = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(this.initialValue)/Math.LN10))/10; } } else { this.__impliedStep = this.__step; } this.__precision = numDecimals(this.__impliedStep); }; NumberController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( NumberController.prototype, Controller.prototype, /** @lends dat.controllers.NumberController.prototype */ { setValue: function(v) { if (this.__min !== undefined && v < this.__min) { v = this.__min; } else if (this.__max !== undefined && v > this.__max) { v = this.__max; } if (this.__step !== undefined && v % this.__step != 0) { v = Math.round(v / this.__step) * this.__step; } return NumberController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v); }, /** * Specify a minimum value for object[property]. * * @param {Number} minValue The minimum value for * object[property] * @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this */ min: function(v) { this.__min = v; return this; }, /** * Specify a maximum value for object[property]. * * @param {Number} maxValue The maximum value for * object[property] * @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this */ max: function(v) { this.__max = v; return this; }, /** * Specify a step value that dat.controllers.NumberController * increments by. * * @param {Number} stepValue The step value for * dat.controllers.NumberController * @default if minimum and maximum specified increment is 1% of the * difference otherwise stepValue is 1 * @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this */ step: function(v) { this.__step = v; return this; } } ); function numDecimals(x) { x = x.toString(); if (x.indexOf('.') > -1) { return x.length - x.indexOf('.') - 1; } else { return 0; } } return NumberController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.utils.common); dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox = (function (NumberController, dom, common) { /** * @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number and * provides an input element with which to manipulate it. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * @extends dat.controllers.NumberController * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * @param {Object} [params] Optional parameters * @param {Number} [params.min] Minimum allowed value * @param {Number} [params.max] Maximum allowed value * @param {Number} [params.step] Increment by which to change value * * @member dat.controllers */ var NumberControllerBox = function(object, property, params) { this.__truncationSuspended = false; NumberControllerBox.superclass.call(this, object, property, params); var _this = this; /** * {Number} Previous mouse y position * @ignore */ var prev_y; this.__input = document.createElement('input'); this.__input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); // Makes it so manually specified values are not truncated. dom.bind(this.__input, 'change', onChange); dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur); dom.bind(this.__input, 'mousedown', onMouseDown); dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) { // When pressing entire, you can be as precise as you want. if (e.keyCode === 13) { _this.__truncationSuspended = true; this.blur(); _this.__truncationSuspended = false; } }); function onChange() { var attempted = parseFloat(_this.__input.value); if (!common.isNaN(attempted)) _this.setValue(attempted); } function onBlur() { onChange(); if (_this.__onFinishChange) { _this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue()); } } function onMouseDown(e) { dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag); dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); prev_y = e.clientY; } function onMouseDrag(e) { var diff = prev_y - e.clientY; _this.setValue(_this.getValue() + diff * _this.__impliedStep); prev_y = e.clientY; } function onMouseUp() { dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag); dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); } this.updateDisplay(); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__input); }; NumberControllerBox.superclass = NumberController; common.extend( NumberControllerBox.prototype, NumberController.prototype, { updateDisplay: function() { this.__input.value = this.__truncationSuspended ? this.getValue() : roundToDecimal(this.getValue(), this.__precision); return NumberControllerBox.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this); } } ); function roundToDecimal(value, decimals) { var tenTo = Math.pow(10, decimals); return Math.round(value * tenTo) / tenTo; } return NumberControllerBox; })(dat.controllers.NumberController, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common); dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider = (function (NumberController, dom, css, common, styleSheet) { /** * @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number, contains * a minimum and maximum, and provides a slider element with which to * manipulate it. It should be noted that the slider element is made up of * <div> tags, not the html5 * <slider> element. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * @extends dat.controllers.NumberController * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * @param {Number} minValue Minimum allowed value * @param {Number} maxValue Maximum allowed value * @param {Number} stepValue Increment by which to change value * * @member dat.controllers */ var NumberControllerSlider = function(object, property, min, max, step) { NumberControllerSlider.superclass.call(this, object, property, { min: min, max: max, step: step }); var _this = this; this.__background = document.createElement('div'); this.__foreground = document.createElement('div'); dom.bind(this.__background, 'mousedown', onMouseDown); dom.addClass(this.__background, 'slider'); dom.addClass(this.__foreground, 'slider-fg'); function onMouseDown(e) { dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag); dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); onMouseDrag(e); } function onMouseDrag(e) { e.preventDefault(); var offset = dom.getOffset(_this.__background); var width = dom.getWidth(_this.__background); _this.setValue( map(e.clientX, offset.left, offset.left + width, _this.__min, _this.__max) ); return false; } function onMouseUp() { dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag); dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp); if (_this.__onFinishChange) { _this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue()); } } this.updateDisplay(); this.__background.appendChild(this.__foreground); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__background); }; NumberControllerSlider.superclass = NumberController; /** * Injects default stylesheet for slider elements. */ NumberControllerSlider.useDefaultStyles = function() { css.inject(styleSheet); }; common.extend( NumberControllerSlider.prototype, NumberController.prototype, { updateDisplay: function() { var pct = (this.getValue() - this.__min)/(this.__max - this.__min); this.__foreground.style.width = pct*100+'%'; return NumberControllerSlider.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this); } } ); function map(v, i1, i2, o1, o2) { return o1 + (o2 - o1) * ((v - i1) / (i2 - i1)); } return NumberControllerSlider; })(dat.controllers.NumberController, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.css, dat.utils.common, ".slider {\n box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);\n height: 1em;\n border-radius: 1em;\n background-color: #eee;\n padding: 0 0.5em;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.slider-fg {\n padding: 1px 0 2px 0;\n background-color: #aaa;\n height: 1em;\n margin-left: -0.5em;\n padding-right: 0.5em;\n border-radius: 1em 0 0 1em;\n}\n\n.slider-fg:after {\n display: inline-block;\n border-radius: 1em;\n background-color: #fff;\n border: 1px solid #aaa;\n content: '';\n float: right;\n margin-right: -1em;\n margin-top: -1px;\n height: 0.9em;\n width: 0.9em;\n}"); dat.controllers.FunctionController = (function (Controller, dom, common) { /** * @class Provides a GUI interface to fire a specified method, a property of an object. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * * @member dat.controllers */ var FunctionController = function(object, property, text) { FunctionController.superclass.call(this, object, property); var _this = this; this.__button = document.createElement('div'); this.__button.innerHTML = text === undefined ? 'Fire' : text; dom.bind(this.__button, 'click', function() { _this.fire(); }); dom.addClass(this.__button, 'button'); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__button); }; FunctionController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( FunctionController.prototype, Controller.prototype, { fire: function() { if (this.__onChange) { this.__onChange.call(this); } if (this.__onFinishChange) { this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue()); } this.getValue().call(this.object); } } ); return FunctionController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common); dat.controllers.BooleanController = (function (Controller, dom, common) { /** * @class Provides a checkbox input to alter the boolean property of an object. * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * * @member dat.controllers */ var BooleanController = function(object, property) { BooleanController.superclass.call(this, object, property); var _this = this; var _prev = this.getValue(); this.__checkbox = document.createElement('input'); this.__checkbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); dom.bind(this.__checkbox, 'change', onChange, false); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__checkbox); // Match original value this.updateDisplay(); function onChange() { var cur = !_this.getValue(); if (cur !== _prev) { _this.setValue(cur); } else { _this.setValue(!cur); } _prev = cur; } }; BooleanController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( BooleanController.prototype, Controller.prototype, { setValue: function(v) { var toReturn = BooleanController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v); if (this.__onFinishChange) { this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue()); } this.__prev = this.getValue(); return toReturn; }, updateDisplay: function() { if (this.getValue() === true) { this.__checkbox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } else { this.__checkbox.removeAttribute('checked'); } return BooleanController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this); } } ); return BooleanController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common); dat.color.toString = (function (common) { return function(color) { if (color.a == 1 || common.isUndefined(color.a)) { var s = color.hex.toString(16); while (s.length < 6) { s = '0' + s; } return '#' + s; } else { return 'rgba(' + Math.round(color.r) + ',' + Math.round(color.g) + ',' + Math.round(color.b) + ',' + color.a + ')'; } } })(dat.utils.common); dat.color.interpret = (function (toString, common) { var result, toReturn; var interpret = function() { toReturn = false; var original = arguments.length > 1 ? common.toArray(arguments) : arguments[0]; common.each(INTERPRETATIONS, function(family) { if (family.litmus(original)) { common.each(family.conversions, function(conversion, conversionName) { result = conversion.read(original); if (toReturn === false && result !== false) { toReturn = result; result.conversionName = conversionName; result.conversion = conversion; return common.BREAK; } }); return common.BREAK; } }); return toReturn; }; var INTERPRETATIONS = [ // Strings { litmus: common.isString, conversions: { THREE_CHAR_HEX: { read: function(original) { var test = original.match(/^#([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])$/i); if (test === null) return false; return { space: 'HEX', hex: parseInt( '0x' + test[1].toString() + test[1].toString() + test[2].toString() + test[2].toString() + test[3].toString() + test[3].toString()) }; }, write: toString }, SIX_CHAR_HEX: { read: function(original) { var test = original.match(/^#([A-F0-9]{6})$/i); if (test === null) return false; return { space: 'HEX', hex: parseInt('0x' + test[1].toString()) }; }, write: toString }, CSS_RGB: { read: function(original) { var test = original.match(/^rgb\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\)/); if (test === null) return false; return { space: 'RGB', r: parseFloat(test[1]), g: parseFloat(test[2]), b: parseFloat(test[3]) }; }, write: toString }, CSS_RGBA: { read: function(original) { var test = original.match(/^rgba\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\,\s*(.+)\s*\)/); if (test === null) return false; return { space: 'RGB', r: parseFloat(test[1]), g: parseFloat(test[2]), b: parseFloat(test[3]), a: parseFloat(test[4]) }; }, write: toString } } }, // Numbers { litmus: common.isNumber, conversions: { HEX: { read: function(original) { return { space: 'HEX', hex: original, conversionName: 'HEX' } }, write: function(color) { return color.hex; } } } }, // Arrays { litmus: common.isArray, conversions: { RGB_ARRAY: { read: function(original) { if (original.length != 3) return false; return { space: 'RGB', r: original[0], g: original[1], b: original[2] }; }, write: function(color) { return [color.r, color.g, color.b]; } }, RGBA_ARRAY: { read: function(original) { if (original.length != 4) return false; return { space: 'RGB', r: original[0], g: original[1], b: original[2], a: original[3] }; }, write: function(color) { return [color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a]; } } } }, // Objects { litmus: common.isObject, conversions: { RGBA_OBJ: { read: function(original) { if (common.isNumber(original.r) && common.isNumber(original.g) && common.isNumber(original.b) && common.isNumber(original.a)) { return { space: 'RGB', r: original.r, g: original.g, b: original.b, a: original.a } } return false; }, write: function(color) { return { r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b, a: color.a } } }, RGB_OBJ: { read: function(original) { if (common.isNumber(original.r) && common.isNumber(original.g) && common.isNumber(original.b)) { return { space: 'RGB', r: original.r, g: original.g, b: original.b } } return false; }, write: function(color) { return { r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b } } }, HSVA_OBJ: { read: function(original) { if (common.isNumber(original.h) && common.isNumber(original.s) && common.isNumber(original.v) && common.isNumber(original.a)) { return { space: 'HSV', h: original.h, s: original.s, v: original.v, a: original.a } } return false; }, write: function(color) { return { h: color.h, s: color.s, v: color.v, a: color.a } } }, HSV_OBJ: { read: function(original) { if (common.isNumber(original.h) && common.isNumber(original.s) && common.isNumber(original.v)) { return { space: 'HSV', h: original.h, s: original.s, v: original.v } } return false; }, write: function(color) { return { h: color.h, s: color.s, v: color.v } } } } } ]; return interpret; })(dat.color.toString, dat.utils.common); dat.GUI = dat.gui.GUI = (function (css, saveDialogueContents, styleSheet, controllerFactory, Controller, BooleanController, FunctionController, NumberControllerBox, NumberControllerSlider, OptionController, ColorController, requestAnimationFrame, CenteredDiv, dom, common) { css.inject(styleSheet); /** Outer-most className for GUI's */ var CSS_NAMESPACE = 'dg'; var HIDE_KEY_CODE = 72; var DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME = 'Default'; var SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE = (function() { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); var SAVE_DIALOGUE; /** Have we yet to create an autoPlace GUI? */ var auto_place_virgin = true; /** Fixed position div that auto place GUI's go inside */ var auto_place_container; /** Are we hiding the GUI's ? */ var hide = false; /** GUI's which should be hidden */ var hideable_guis = []; /** * A lightweight controller library for JavaScript. It allows you to easily * manipulate variables and fire functions on the fly. * @class * * @member dat.gui * * @param {Object} [params] * @param {String} [params.name] The name of this GUI. * @param {Object} [params.load] JSON object representing the saved state of * this GUI. * @param {Boolean} [params.auto=true] * @param {dat.gui.GUI} [params.parent] The GUI I'm nested in. * @param {Boolean} [params.closed] If true, starts closed */ var GUI = function(params) { var _this = this; /** * Outermost DOM Element * @type DOMElement */ this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); this.__ul = document.createElement('ul'); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__ul); dom.addClass(this.domElement, CSS_NAMESPACE); /** * Nested GUI's by name * @ignore */ this.__folders = {}; this.__controllers = []; /** * List of objects I'm remembering for save, only used in top level GUI * @ignore */ this.__rememberedObjects = []; /** * Maps the index of remembered objects to a map of controllers, only used * in top level GUI. * * @private * @ignore * * @example * [ * { * propertyName: Controller, * anotherPropertyName: Controller * }, * { * propertyName: Controller * } * ] */ this.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers = []; this.__listening = []; params = params || {}; // Default parameters params = common.defaults(params, { autoPlace: true, width: GUI.DEFAULT_WIDTH }); params = common.defaults(params, { resizable: params.autoPlace, hideable: params.autoPlace }); if (!common.isUndefined(params.load)) { // Explicit preset if (params.preset) params.load.preset = params.preset; } else { params.load = { preset: DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME }; } if (common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.hideable) { hideable_guis.push(this); } // Only root level GUI's are resizable. params.resizable = common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.resizable; if (params.autoPlace && common.isUndefined(params.scrollable)) { params.scrollable = true; } // params.scrollable = common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.scrollable === true; // Not part of params because I don't want people passing this in via // constructor. Should be a 'remembered' value. var use_local_storage = SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE && localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(this, 'isLocal')) === 'true'; Object.defineProperties(this, /** @lends dat.gui.GUI.prototype */ { /** * The parent GUI * @type dat.gui.GUI */ parent: { get: function() { return params.parent; } }, scrollable: { get: function() { return params.scrollable; } }, /** * Handles GUI's element placement for you * @type Boolean */ autoPlace: { get: function() { return params.autoPlace; } }, /** * The identifier for a set of saved values * @type String */ preset: { get: function() { if (_this.parent) { return _this.getRoot().preset; } else { return params.load.preset; } }, set: function(v) { if (_this.parent) { _this.getRoot().preset = v; } else { params.load.preset = v; } setPresetSelectIndex(this); _this.revert(); } }, /** * The width of GUI element * @type Number */ width: { get: function() { return params.width; }, set: function(v) { params.width = v; setWidth(_this, v); } }, /** * The name of GUI. Used for folders. i.e * a folder's name * @type String */ name: { get: function() { return params.name; }, set: function(v) { // TODO Check for collisions among sibling folders params.name = v; if (title_row_name) { title_row_name.innerHTML = params.name; } } }, /** * Whether the GUI is collapsed or not * @type Boolean */ closed: { get: function() { return params.closed; }, set: function(v) { params.closed = v; if (params.closed) { dom.addClass(_this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED); } else { dom.removeClass(_this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED); } // For browsers that aren't going to respect the CSS transition, // Lets just check our height against the window height right off // the bat. this.onResize(); // resetWidth(); } }, /** * Contains all presets * @type Object */ load: { get: function() { return params.load; } }, /** * Determines whether or not to use localStorage as the means for * remembering * @type Boolean */ useLocalStorage: { get: function() { return use_local_storage; }, set: function(bool) { if (SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE) { use_local_storage = bool; if (bool) { dom.bind(window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage); } else { dom.unbind(window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage); } localStorage.setItem(getLocalStorageHash(_this, 'isLocal'), bool); } } } }); // Are we a root level GUI? if (common.isUndefined(params.parent)) { params.closed = false; dom.addClass(this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_MAIN); dom.makeSelectable(this.domElement, false); // Are we supposed to be loading locally? if (SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE) { if (use_local_storage) { _this.useLocalStorage = true; var saved_gui = localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(this, 'gui')); if (saved_gui) { params.load = JSON.parse(saved_gui); } } } // Oh, you're a nested GUI! } else { if (params.closed === undefined) { params.closed = true; } var title_row_name = document.createTextNode(params.name); dom.addClass(title_row_name, 'controller-name'); var title_row = addRow(_this, title_row_name); var on_click_title = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation() _this.closed = !_this.closed; return false; }; dom.addClass(this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED); dom.addClass(title_row, 'title'); dom.bind(title_row, 'click', on_click_title); if (!params.closed) { this.closed = false; } } if (params.autoPlace) { if (common.isUndefined(params.parent)) { if (auto_place_virgin) { auto_place_container = document.createElement('div'); dom.addClass(auto_place_container, CSS_NAMESPACE); dom.addClass(auto_place_container, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER); document.body.appendChild(auto_place_container); auto_place_virgin = false; } // Put it in the dom for you. auto_place_container.appendChild(this.domElement); // Apply the auto styles dom.addClass(this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE); } // Make it not elastic. if (!this.parent) setWidth(_this, params.width); } dom.bind(window, 'resize', function() { _this.onResize() }); dom.bind(this.__ul, 'webkitTransitionEnd', function() { _this.onResize(); }); dom.bind(this.__ul, 'transitionend', function() { _this.onResize() }); dom.bind(this.__ul, 'oTransitionEnd', function() { _this.onResize() }); this.onResize(); if (params.resizable) { addResizeHandle(this); } function saveToLocalStorage() { localStorage.setItem(getLocalStorageHash(_this, 'gui'), JSON.stringify(_this.getSaveObject())); } // Small hack to fix CSS positioning bug in Chrome function resetWidth() { var root = _this.getRoot(); root.width += 1; common.defer(function() { root.width -= 1; }); } if (!params.parent) { resetWidth(); } }; GUI.toggleHide = function() { hide = !hide; common.each(hideable_guis, function(gui) { gui.domElement.style.zIndex = hide ? -999 : 999; gui.domElement.style.opacity = hide ? 0 : 1; }); }; GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE = 'a'; GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER = 'ac'; GUI.CLASS_MAIN = 'main'; GUI.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW = 'cr'; GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL = 'taller-than-window'; GUI.CLASS_CLOSED = 'closed'; GUI.DEFAULT_WIDTH = 245; dom.bind(window, 'keydown', function(e) { if (document.activeElement.type !== 'text' && (e.which === HIDE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode == HIDE_KEY_CODE)) { GUI.toggleHide(); } }, false); common.extend( GUI.prototype, /** @lends dat.gui.GUI */ { /** * @param object * @param property * @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} The new controller that was added. * @instance */ add: function(object, property) { return add( this, object, property, { factoryArgs: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2) } ); }, /** * @param object * @param property * @returns {dat.controllers.ColorController} The new controller that was added. * @instance */ addColor: function(object, property) { return add( this, object, property, { color: true } ); }, /** * @param controller * @instance */ remove: function(controller) { // TODO listening? this.__ul.removeChild(controller.__li); this.__controllers.slice(this.__controllers.indexOf(controller), 1); var _this = this; common.defer(function() { _this.onResize(); }); }, destroy: function() { if (this.autoPlace) { auto_place_container.removeChild(this.domElement); } }, /** * @param name * @returns {dat.gui.GUI} The new folder. * @throws {Error} if this GUI already has a folder by the specified * name * @instance */ addFolder: function(name) { // We have to prevent collisions on names in order to have a key // by which to remember saved values if (this.__folders[name] !== undefined) { throw new Error('You already have a folder in this GUI by the' + ' name "' + name + '"'); } var new_gui_params = { name: name, parent: this }; // We need to pass down the autoPlace trait so that we can // attach event listeners to open/close folder actions to // ensure that a scrollbar appears if the window is too short. new_gui_params.autoPlace = this.autoPlace; // Do we have saved appearance data for this folder? if (this.load && // Anything loaded? this.load.folders && // Was my parent a dead-end? this.load.folders[name]) { // Did daddy remember me? // Start me closed if I was closed new_gui_params.closed = this.load.folders[name].closed; // Pass down the loaded data new_gui_params.load = this.load.folders[name]; } var gui = new GUI(new_gui_params); this.__folders[name] = gui; var li = addRow(this, gui.domElement); dom.addClass(li, 'folder'); gui.open = function() { this.closed = false; }; gui.close = function() { this.closed = true; }; return gui; }, onResize: function() { var root = this.getRoot(); if (root.scrollable) { var top = dom.getOffset(root.domElement).top; var h = 0; common.each(root.__ul.childNodes, function(node) { h += dom.getHeight(node); }); if (window.innerHeight < h) { dom.addClass(root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL); root.__ul.style.height = window.innerHeight - top + 'px'; } else { dom.removeClass(root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL); root.__ul.style.height = 'auto'; } } if (root.__resize_handle) { common.defer(function() { root.__resize_handle.style.height = root.__ul.offsetHeight + 'px'; }); } }, /** * Mark objects for saving. The order of these objects cannot change as * the GUI grows. When remembering new objects, append them to the end * of the list. * * @param {Object...} objects * @throws {Error} if not called on a top level GUI. * @instance */ remember: function() { if (common.isUndefined(SAVE_DIALOGUE)) { SAVE_DIALOGUE = new CenteredDiv(); SAVE_DIALOGUE.domElement.innerHTML = saveDialogueContents; } if (this.parent) { throw new Error("You can only call remember on a top level GUI."); } var _this = this; common.each(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), function(object) { if (_this.__rememberedObjects.length == 0) { addSaveMenu(_this); } if (_this.__rememberedObjects.indexOf(object) == -1) { _this.__rememberedObjects.push(object); } }); if (this.autoPlace) { // Set save row width setWidth(this, this.width); } }, /** * @returns {dat.gui.GUI} the topmost parent GUI of a nested GUI. * @instance */ getRoot: function() { var gui = this; while (gui.parent) { gui = gui.parent; } return gui; }, /** * @returns {Object} a JSON object representing the current state of * this GUI as well as its remembered properties. * @instance */ getSaveObject: function() { var toReturn = this.load; toReturn.closed = this.closed; // Am I remembering any values? if (this.__rememberedObjects.length > 0) { toReturn.preset = this.preset; if (!toReturn.remembered) { toReturn.remembered = {}; } toReturn.remembered[this.preset] = getCurrentPreset(this); } toReturn.folders = {}; common.each(this.__folders, function(element, key) { toReturn.folders[key] = element.getSaveObject(); }); return toReturn; }, save: function() { if (!this.load.remembered) { this.load.remembered = {}; } this.load.remembered[this.preset] = getCurrentPreset(this); markPresetModified(this, false); }, saveAs: function(presetName) { if (!this.load.remembered) { // Retain default values upon first save this.load.remembered = {}; this.load.remembered[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME] = getCurrentPreset(this, true); } this.load.remembered[presetName] = getCurrentPreset(this); this.preset = presetName; addPresetOption(this, presetName, true); }, revert: function(gui) { common.each(this.__controllers, function(controller) { // Make revert work on Default. if (!this.getRoot().load.remembered) { controller.setValue(controller.initialValue); } else { recallSavedValue(gui || this.getRoot(), controller); } }, this); common.each(this.__folders, function(folder) { folder.revert(folder); }); if (!gui) { markPresetModified(this.getRoot(), false); } }, listen: function(controller) { var init = this.__listening.length == 0; this.__listening.push(controller); if (init) updateDisplays(this.__listening); } } ); function add(gui, object, property, params) { if (object[property] === undefined) { throw new Error("Object " + object + " has no property \"" + property + "\""); } var controller; if (params.color) { controller = new ColorController(object, property); } else { var factoryArgs = [object,property].concat(params.factoryArgs); controller = controllerFactory.apply(gui, factoryArgs); } if (params.before instanceof Controller) { params.before = params.before.__li; } recallSavedValue(gui, controller); dom.addClass(controller.domElement, 'c'); var name = document.createElement('span'); dom.addClass(name, 'property-name'); name.innerHTML = controller.property; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(name); container.appendChild(controller.domElement); var li = addRow(gui, container, params.before); dom.addClass(li, GUI.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW); dom.addClass(li, typeof controller.getValue()); augmentController(gui, li, controller); gui.__controllers.push(controller); return controller; } /** * Add a row to the end of the GUI or before another row. * * @param gui * @param [dom] If specified, inserts the dom content in the new row * @param [liBefore] If specified, places the new row before another row */ function addRow(gui, dom, liBefore) { var li = document.createElement('li'); if (dom) li.appendChild(dom); if (liBefore) { gui.__ul.insertBefore(li, params.before); } else { gui.__ul.appendChild(li); } gui.onResize(); return li; } function augmentController(gui, li, controller) { controller.__li = li; controller.__gui = gui; common.extend(controller, { options: function(options) { if (arguments.length > 1) { controller.remove(); return add( gui, controller.object, controller.property, { before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling, factoryArgs: [common.toArray(arguments)] } ); } if (common.isArray(options) || common.isObject(options)) { controller.remove(); return add( gui, controller.object, controller.property, { before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling, factoryArgs: [options] } ); } }, name: function(v) { controller.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = v; return controller; }, listen: function() { controller.__gui.listen(controller); return controller; }, remove: function() { controller.__gui.remove(controller); return controller; } }); // All sliders should be accompanied by a box. if (controller instanceof NumberControllerSlider) { var box = new NumberControllerBox(controller.object, controller.property, { min: controller.__min, max: controller.__max, step: controller.__step }); common.each(['updateDisplay', 'onChange', 'onFinishChange'], function(method) { var pc = controller[method]; var pb = box[method]; controller[method] = box[method] = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); pc.apply(controller, args); return pb.apply(box, args); } }); dom.addClass(li, 'has-slider'); controller.domElement.insertBefore(box.domElement, controller.domElement.firstElementChild); } else if (controller instanceof NumberControllerBox) { var r = function(returned) { // Have we defined both boundaries? if (common.isNumber(controller.__min) && common.isNumber(controller.__max)) { // Well, then lets just replace this with a slider. controller.remove(); return add( gui, controller.object, controller.property, { before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling, factoryArgs: [controller.__min, controller.__max, controller.__step] }); } return returned; }; controller.min = common.compose(r, controller.min); controller.max = common.compose(r, controller.max); } else if (controller instanceof BooleanController) { dom.bind(li, 'click', function() { dom.fakeEvent(controller.__checkbox, 'click'); }); dom.bind(controller.__checkbox, 'click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Prevents double-toggle }) } else if (controller instanceof FunctionController) { dom.bind(li, 'click', function() { dom.fakeEvent(controller.__button, 'click'); }); dom.bind(li, 'mouseover', function() { dom.addClass(controller.__button, 'hover'); }); dom.bind(li, 'mouseout', function() { dom.removeClass(controller.__button, 'hover'); }); } else if (controller instanceof ColorController) { dom.addClass(li, 'color'); controller.updateDisplay = common.compose(function(r) { li.style.borderLeftColor = controller.__color.toString(); return r; }, controller.updateDisplay); controller.updateDisplay(); } controller.setValue = common.compose(function(r) { if (gui.getRoot().__preset_select && controller.isModified()) { markPresetModified(gui.getRoot(), true); } return r; }, controller.setValue); } function recallSavedValue(gui, controller) { // Find the topmost GUI, that's where remembered objects live. var root = gui.getRoot(); // Does the object we're controlling match anything we've been told to // remember? var matched_index = root.__rememberedObjects.indexOf(controller.object); // Why yes, it does! if (matched_index != -1) { // Let me fetch a map of controllers for thcommon.isObject. var controller_map = root.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[matched_index]; // Ohp, I believe this is the first controller we've created for this // object. Lets make the map fresh. if (controller_map === undefined) { controller_map = {}; root.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[matched_index] = controller_map; } // Keep track of this controller controller_map[controller.property] = controller; // Okay, now have we saved any values for this controller? if (root.load && root.load.remembered) { var preset_map = root.load.remembered; // Which preset are we trying to load? var preset; if (preset_map[gui.preset]) { preset = preset_map[gui.preset]; } else if (preset_map[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME]) { // Uhh, you can have the default instead? preset = preset_map[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME]; } else { // Nada. return; } // Did the loaded object remember thcommon.isObject? if (preset[matched_index] && // Did we remember this particular property? preset[matched_index][controller.property] !== undefined) { // We did remember something for this guy ... var value = preset[matched_index][controller.property]; // And that's what it is. controller.initialValue = value; controller.setValue(value); } } } } function getLocalStorageHash(gui, key) { // TODO how does this deal with multiple GUI's? return document.location.href + '.' + key; } function addSaveMenu(gui) { var div = gui.__save_row = document.createElement('li'); dom.addClass(gui.domElement, 'has-save'); gui.__ul.insertBefore(div, gui.__ul.firstChild); dom.addClass(div, 'save-row'); var gears = document.createElement('span'); gears.innerHTML = ' '; dom.addClass(gears, 'button gears'); // TODO replace with FunctionController var button = document.createElement('span'); button.innerHTML = 'Save'; dom.addClass(button, 'button'); dom.addClass(button, 'save'); var button2 = document.createElement('span'); button2.innerHTML = 'New'; dom.addClass(button2, 'button'); dom.addClass(button2, 'save-as'); var button3 = document.createElement('span'); button3.innerHTML = 'Revert'; dom.addClass(button3, 'button'); dom.addClass(button3, 'revert'); var select = gui.__preset_select = document.createElement('select'); if (gui.load && gui.load.remembered) { common.each(gui.load.remembered, function(value, key) { addPresetOption(gui, key, key == gui.preset); }); } else { addPresetOption(gui, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME, false); } dom.bind(select, 'change', function() { for (var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index++) { gui.__preset_select[index].innerHTML = gui.__preset_select[index].value; } gui.preset = this.value; }); div.appendChild(select); div.appendChild(gears); div.appendChild(button); div.appendChild(button2); div.appendChild(button3); if (SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE) { var saveLocally = document.getElementById('dg-save-locally'); var explain = document.getElementById('dg-local-explain'); saveLocally.style.display = 'block'; var localStorageCheckBox = document.getElementById('dg-local-storage'); if (localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(gui, 'isLocal')) === 'true') { localStorageCheckBox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } function showHideExplain() { explain.style.display = gui.useLocalStorage ? 'block' : 'none'; } showHideExplain(); // TODO: Use a boolean controller, fool! dom.bind(localStorageCheckBox, 'change', function() { gui.useLocalStorage = !gui.useLocalStorage; showHideExplain(); }); } var newConstructorTextArea = document.getElementById('dg-new-constructor'); dom.bind(newConstructorTextArea, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.metaKey && (e.which === 67 || e.keyCode == 67)) { SAVE_DIALOGUE.hide(); } }); dom.bind(gears, 'click', function() { newConstructorTextArea.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(gui.getSaveObject(), undefined, 2); SAVE_DIALOGUE.show(); newConstructorTextArea.focus(); newConstructorTextArea.select(); }); dom.bind(button, 'click', function() { gui.save(); }); dom.bind(button2, 'click', function() { var presetName = prompt('Enter a new preset name.'); if (presetName) gui.saveAs(presetName); }); dom.bind(button3, 'click', function() { gui.revert(); }); // div.appendChild(button2); } function addResizeHandle(gui) { gui.__resize_handle = document.createElement('div'); common.extend(gui.__resize_handle.style, { width: '6px', marginLeft: '-3px', height: '200px', cursor: 'ew-resize', position: 'absolute' // border: '1px solid blue' }); var pmouseX; dom.bind(gui.__resize_handle, 'mousedown', dragStart); gui.domElement.insertBefore(gui.__resize_handle, gui.domElement.firstElementChild); function dragStart(e) { e.preventDefault(); pmouseX = e.clientX; dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', drag); dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', dragStop); return false; } function drag(e) { e.preventDefault(); gui.width += pmouseX - e.clientX; pmouseX = e.clientX; return false; } function dragStop() { dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', drag); dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', dragStop); } } function setWidth(gui, w) { gui.domElement.style.width = w + 'px'; // Auto placed save-rows are position fixed, so we have to // set the width manually if we want it to bleed to the edge if (gui.__save_row && gui.autoPlace) { gui.__save_row.style.width = w + 'px'; } } function getCurrentPreset(gui, useInitialValues) { var toReturn = {}; // For each object I'm remembering common.each(gui.__rememberedObjects, function(val, index) { var saved_values = {}; // The controllers I've made for thcommon.isObject by property var controller_map = gui.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[index]; // Remember each value for each property common.each(controller_map, function(controller, property) { saved_values[property] = useInitialValues ? controller.initialValue : controller.getValue(); }); // Save the values for thcommon.isObject toReturn[index] = saved_values; }); return toReturn; } function addPresetOption(gui, name, setSelected) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.innerHTML = name; opt.value = name; gui.__preset_select.appendChild(opt); if (setSelected) { gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = gui.__preset_select.length - 1; } } function setPresetSelectIndex(gui) { for (var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index++) { if (gui.__preset_select[index].value == gui.preset) { gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = index; } } } function markPresetModified(gui, modified) { var opt = gui.__preset_select[gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex]; // console.log('mark', modified, opt); if (modified) { opt.innerHTML = opt.value + "*"; } else { opt.innerHTML = opt.value; } } function updateDisplays(controllerArray) { if (controllerArray.length != 0) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { updateDisplays(controllerArray); }); } common.each(controllerArray, function(c) { c.updateDisplay(); }); } return GUI; })(dat.utils.css, "
\n\n Here's the new load parameter for your GUI's constructor:\n\n \n\n
\n\n Automatically save\n values to localStorage on exit.\n\n
The values saved to localStorage will\n override those passed to dat.GUI's constructor. This makes it\n easier to work incrementally, but localStorage is fragile,\n and your friends may not see the same values you do.\n \n
\n \n
", ".dg {\n /** Clear list styles */\n /* Auto-place container */\n /* Auto-placed GUI's */\n /* Line items that don't contain folders. */\n /** Folder names */\n /** Hides closed items */\n /** Controller row */\n /** Name-half (left) */\n /** Controller-half (right) */\n /** Controller placement */\n /** Shorter number boxes when slider is present. */\n /** Ensure the entire boolean and function row shows a hand */ }\n .dg ul {\n list-style: none;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n width: 100%;\n clear: both; }\n .dg.ac {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n height: 0;\n z-index: 0; }\n .dg.main {\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n /*overflow-y: hidden;*/ }\n .dg.main.taller-than-window {\n overflow-y: auto; }\n .dg.a {\n float: right;\n margin-right: 15px;\n overflow-x: hidden; }\n .dg.a.has-save {\n margin-top: 27px; }\n .dg.a .save-row {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n z-index: 1002; }\n .dg li:not(.folder) {\n cursor: auto;\n height: 27px;\n line-height: 27px;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding: 0 4px 0 5px;\n -webkit-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n -o-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n -moz-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n transition: height 0.1s ease-out; }\n .dg li.folder {\n padding: 0;\n border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }\n .dg li.title {\n cursor: pointer;\n margin-left: -4px; }\n .dg .closed li:not(.title),\n .dg .closed ul li,\n .dg .closed ul li > * {\n height: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n border: 0; }\n .dg .cr {\n clear: both;\n padding-left: 3px;\n height: 27px; }\n .dg .property-name {\n cursor: default;\n float: left;\n clear: left;\n width: 40%;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis; }\n .dg .c {\n float: left;\n width: 60%; }\n .dg .c input[type=text] {\n border: 0;\n margin-top: 4px;\n padding: 3px;\n width: 100%;\n float: right; }\n .dg .has-slider input[type=text] {\n width: 30%;\n /*display: none;*/\n margin-left: 0; }\n .dg .slider {\n float: left;\n width: 66%;\n margin-left: -5px;\n margin-right: 0;\n height: 19px;\n margin-top: 4px; }\n .dg .slider-fg {\n height: 100%; }\n .dg .c input[type=checkbox] {\n margin-top: 9px; }\n .dg .c select {\n margin-top: 5px; }\n .dg .cr.function,\n .dg .cr.function .property-name,\n .dg .cr.function *,\n .dg .cr.boolean,\n .dg .cr.boolean * {\n cursor: pointer; }\n .dg .selector {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n margin-left: -9px;\n margin-top: 23px; }\n .dg .c:hover .selector,\n .dg .selector.drag {\n display: block; }\n .dg li.save-row {\n padding: 0; }\n .dg li.save-row .button {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 0px 6px; }\n .dg.dialogue {\n background-color: #222;\n width: 460px;\n padding: 15px;\n font-size: 13px;\n line-height: 15px; }\n\n/* TODO Separate style and structure */\n#dg-new-constructor {\n padding: 10px;\n color: #222;\n font-family: Monaco, monospace;\n font-size: 10px;\n border: 0;\n resize: none;\n box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px #888;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n margin: 12px 0;\n display: block;\n width: 440px;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n height: 100px;\n position: relative; }\n\n#dg-local-explain {\n display: none;\n font-size: 11px;\n line-height: 17px;\n border-radius: 3px;\n background-color: #333;\n padding: 8px;\n margin-top: 10px; }\n #dg-local-explain code {\n font-size: 10px; }\n\n#dat-gui-save-locally {\n display: none; }\n\n/** Main type */\n.dg {\n color: #eee;\n font: 11px 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;\n text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #111111;\n /** Auto place */\n /* Controller row,
  • */\n /** Controllers */ }\n .dg.main {\n /** Scrollbar */ }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar {\n width: 5px;\n background: #1a1a1a; }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {\n height: 0;\n display: none; }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n border-radius: 5px;\n background: #676767; }\n .dg li:not(.folder) {\n background: #1a1a1a;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c; }\n .dg li.save-row {\n line-height: 25px;\n background: #dad5cb;\n border: 0; }\n .dg li.save-row select {\n margin-left: 5px;\n width: 108px; }\n .dg li.save-row .button {\n margin-left: 5px;\n margin-top: 1px;\n border-radius: 2px;\n font-size: 9px;\n line-height: 7px;\n padding: 4px 4px 5px 4px;\n background: #c5bdad;\n color: #fff;\n text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #b0a58f;\n box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #b0a58f;\n cursor: pointer; }\n .dg li.save-row .button.gears {\n background: #c5bdad url() 2px 1px no-repeat;\n height: 7px;\n width: 8px; }\n .dg li.save-row .button:hover {\n background-color: #bab19e;\n box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #b0a58f; }\n .dg li.folder {\n border-bottom: 0; }\n .dg li.title {\n padding-left: 16px;\n background: black url() 6px 10px no-repeat;\n cursor: pointer;\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); }\n .dg .closed li.title {\n background-image: url(); }\n .dg .cr.boolean {\n border-left: 3px solid #806787; }\n .dg .cr.function {\n border-left: 3px solid #e61d5f; }\n .dg .cr.number {\n border-left: 3px solid #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .cr.number input[type=text] {\n color: #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .cr.string {\n border-left: 3px solid #1ed36f; }\n .dg .cr.string input[type=text] {\n color: #1ed36f; }\n .dg .cr.function:hover, .dg .cr.boolean:hover {\n background: #111; }\n .dg .c input[type=text] {\n background: #303030;\n outline: none; }\n .dg .c input[type=text]:hover {\n background: #3c3c3c; }\n .dg .c input[type=text]:focus {\n background: #494949;\n color: #fff; }\n .dg .c .slider {\n background: #303030;\n cursor: ew-resize; }\n .dg .c .slider-fg {\n background: #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .c .slider:hover {\n background: #3c3c3c; }\n .dg .c .slider:hover .slider-fg {\n background: #44abda; }\n", dat.controllers.factory = (function (OptionController, NumberControllerBox, NumberControllerSlider, StringController, FunctionController, BooleanController, common) { return function(object, property) { var initialValue = object[property]; // Providing options? if (common.isArray(arguments[2]) || common.isObject(arguments[2])) { return new OptionController(object, property, arguments[2]); } // Providing a map? if (common.isNumber(initialValue)) { if (common.isNumber(arguments[2]) && common.isNumber(arguments[3])) { // Has min and max. return new NumberControllerSlider(object, property, arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else { return new NumberControllerBox(object, property, { min: arguments[2], max: arguments[3] }); } } if (common.isString(initialValue)) { return new StringController(object, property); } if (common.isFunction(initialValue)) { return new FunctionController(object, property, ''); } if (common.isBoolean(initialValue)) { return new BooleanController(object, property); } } })(dat.controllers.OptionController, dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox, dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider, dat.controllers.StringController = (function (Controller, dom, common) { /** * @class Provides a text input to alter the string property of an object. * * @extends dat.controllers.Controller * * @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated * @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated * * @member dat.controllers */ var StringController = function(object, property) { StringController.superclass.call(this, object, property); var _this = this; this.__input = document.createElement('input'); this.__input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); dom.bind(this.__input, 'keyup', onChange); dom.bind(this.__input, 'change', onChange); dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur); dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { this.blur(); } }); function onChange() { _this.setValue(_this.__input.value); } function onBlur() { if (_this.__onFinishChange) { _this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue()); } } this.updateDisplay(); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__input); }; StringController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( StringController.prototype, Controller.prototype, { updateDisplay: function() { // Stops the caret from moving on account of: // keyup -> setValue -> updateDisplay if (!dom.isActive(this.__input)) { this.__input.value = this.getValue(); } return StringController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this); } } ); return StringController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common), dat.controllers.FunctionController, dat.controllers.BooleanController, dat.utils.common), dat.controllers.Controller, dat.controllers.BooleanController, dat.controllers.FunctionController, dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox, dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider, dat.controllers.OptionController, dat.controllers.ColorController = (function (Controller, dom, Color, interpret, common) { var ColorController = function(object, property) { ColorController.superclass.call(this, object, property); this.__color = new Color(this.getValue()); this.__temp = new Color(0); var _this = this; this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); dom.makeSelectable(this.domElement, false); this.__selector = document.createElement('div'); this.__selector.className = 'selector'; this.__saturation_field = document.createElement('div'); this.__saturation_field.className = 'saturation-field'; this.__field_knob = document.createElement('div'); this.__field_knob.className = 'field-knob'; this.__field_knob_border = '2px solid '; this.__hue_knob = document.createElement('div'); this.__hue_knob.className = 'hue-knob'; this.__hue_field = document.createElement('div'); this.__hue_field.className = 'hue-field'; this.__input = document.createElement('input'); this.__input.type = 'text'; this.__input_textShadow = '0 1px 1px '; dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { // on enter onBlur.call(this); } }); dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur); dom.bind(this.__selector, 'mousedown', function(e) { dom .addClass(this, 'drag') .bind(window, 'mouseup', function(e) { dom.removeClass(_this.__selector, 'drag'); }); }); var value_field = document.createElement('div'); common.extend(this.__selector.style, { width: '122px', height: '102px', padding: '3px', backgroundColor: '#222', boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)' }); common.extend(this.__field_knob.style, { position: 'absolute', width: '12px', height: '12px', border: this.__field_knob_border + (this.__color.v < .5 ? '#fff' : '#000'), boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', borderRadius: '12px', zIndex: 1 }); common.extend(this.__hue_knob.style, { position: 'absolute', width: '15px', height: '2px', borderRight: '4px solid #fff', zIndex: 1 }); common.extend(this.__saturation_field.style, { width: '100px', height: '100px', border: '1px solid #555', marginRight: '3px', display: 'inline-block', cursor: 'pointer' }); common.extend(value_field.style, { width: '100%', height: '100%', background: 'none' }); linearGradient(value_field, 'top', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000'); common.extend(this.__hue_field.style, { width: '15px', height: '100px', display: 'inline-block', border: '1px solid #555', cursor: 'ns-resize' }); hueGradient(this.__hue_field); common.extend(this.__input.style, { outline: 'none', // width: '120px', textAlign: 'center', // padding: '4px', // marginBottom: '6px', color: '#fff', border: 0, fontWeight: 'bold', textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }); dom.bind(this.__saturation_field, 'mousedown', fieldDown); dom.bind(this.__field_knob, 'mousedown', fieldDown); dom.bind(this.__hue_field, 'mousedown', function(e) { setH(e); dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', setH); dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', unbindH); }); function fieldDown(e) { setSV(e); // document.body.style.cursor = 'none'; dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', setSV); dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', unbindSV); } function unbindSV() { dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setSV); dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', unbindSV); // document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; } function onBlur() { var i = interpret(this.value); if (i !== false) { _this.__color.__state = i; _this.setValue(_this.__color.toOriginal()); } else { this.value = _this.__color.toString(); } } function unbindH() { dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setH); dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', unbindH); } this.__saturation_field.appendChild(value_field); this.__selector.appendChild(this.__field_knob); this.__selector.appendChild(this.__saturation_field); this.__selector.appendChild(this.__hue_field); this.__hue_field.appendChild(this.__hue_knob); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__input); this.domElement.appendChild(this.__selector); this.updateDisplay(); function setSV(e) { e.preventDefault(); var w = dom.getWidth(_this.__saturation_field); var o = dom.getOffset(_this.__saturation_field); var s = (e.clientX - o.left + document.body.scrollLeft) / w; var v = 1 - (e.clientY - o.top + document.body.scrollTop) / w; if (v > 1) v = 1; else if (v < 0) v = 0; if (s > 1) s = 1; else if (s < 0) s = 0; _this.__color.v = v; _this.__color.s = s; _this.setValue(_this.__color.toOriginal()); return false; } function setH(e) { e.preventDefault(); var s = dom.getHeight(_this.__hue_field); var o = dom.getOffset(_this.__hue_field); var h = 1 - (e.clientY - o.top + document.body.scrollTop) / s; if (h > 1) h = 1; else if (h < 0) h = 0; _this.__color.h = h * 360; _this.setValue(_this.__color.toOriginal()); return false; } }; ColorController.superclass = Controller; common.extend( ColorController.prototype, Controller.prototype, { updateDisplay: function() { var i = interpret(this.getValue()); if (i !== false) { var mismatch = false; // Check for mismatch on the interpreted value. common.each(Color.COMPONENTS, function(component) { if (!common.isUndefined(i[component]) && !common.isUndefined(this.__color.__state[component]) && i[component] !== this.__color.__state[component]) { mismatch = true; return {}; // break } }, this); // If nothing diverges, we keep our previous values // for statefulness, otherwise we recalculate fresh if (mismatch) { common.extend(this.__color.__state, i); } } common.extend(this.__temp.__state, this.__color.__state); this.__temp.a = 1; var flip = (this.__color.v < .5 || this.__color.s > .5) ? 255 : 0; var _flip = 255 - flip; common.extend(this.__field_knob.style, { marginLeft: 100 * this.__color.s - 7 + 'px', marginTop: 100 * (1 - this.__color.v) - 7 + 'px', backgroundColor: this.__temp.toString(), border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip +')' }); this.__hue_knob.style.marginTop = (1 - this.__color.h / 360) * 100 + 'px' this.__temp.s = 1; this.__temp.v = 1; linearGradient(this.__saturation_field, 'left', '#fff', this.__temp.toString()); common.extend(this.__input.style, { backgroundColor: this.__input.value = this.__color.toString(), color: 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip +')', textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',' + _flip +',.7)' }); } } ); var vendors = ['-moz-','-o-','-webkit-','-ms-','']; function linearGradient(elem, x, a, b) { elem.style.background = ''; common.each(vendors, function(vendor) { elem.style.cssText += 'background: ' + vendor + 'linear-gradient('+x+', '+a+' 0%, ' + b + ' 100%); '; }); } function hueGradient(elem) { elem.style.background = ''; elem.style.cssText += 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%, #ff00ff 17%, #0000ff 34%, #00ffff 50%, #00ff00 67%, #ffff00 84%, #ff0000 100%);' elem.style.cssText += 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);' elem.style.cssText += 'background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);' elem.style.cssText += 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);' elem.style.cssText += 'background: linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);' } return ColorController; })(dat.controllers.Controller, dat.dom.dom, dat.color.Color = (function (interpret, math, toString, common) { var Color = function() { this.__state = interpret.apply(this, arguments); if (this.__state === false) { throw 'Failed to interpret color arguments'; } this.__state.a = this.__state.a || 1; }; Color.COMPONENTS = ['r','g','b','h','s','v','hex','a']; common.extend(Color.prototype, { toString: function() { return toString(this); }, toOriginal: function() { return this.__state.conversion.write(this); } }); defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'r', 2); defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'g', 1); defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'b', 0); defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 'h'); defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 's'); defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 'v'); Object.defineProperty(Color.prototype, 'a', { get: function() { return this.__state.a; }, set: function(v) { this.__state.a = v; } }); Object.defineProperty(Color.prototype, 'hex', { get: function() { if (!this.__state.space !== 'HEX') { this.__state.hex = math.rgb_to_hex(this.r, this.g, this.b); } return this.__state.hex; }, set: function(v) { this.__state.space = 'HEX'; this.__state.hex = v; } }); function defineRGBComponent(target, component, componentHexIndex) { Object.defineProperty(target, component, { get: function() { if (this.__state.space === 'RGB') { return this.__state[component]; } recalculateRGB(this, component, componentHexIndex); return this.__state[component]; }, set: function(v) { if (this.__state.space !== 'RGB') { recalculateRGB(this, component, componentHexIndex); this.__state.space = 'RGB'; } this.__state[component] = v; } }); } function defineHSVComponent(target, component) { Object.defineProperty(target, component, { get: function() { if (this.__state.space === 'HSV') return this.__state[component]; recalculateHSV(this); return this.__state[component]; }, set: function(v) { if (this.__state.space !== 'HSV') { recalculateHSV(this); this.__state.space = 'HSV'; } this.__state[component] = v; } }); } function recalculateRGB(color, component, componentHexIndex) { if (color.__state.space === 'HEX') { color.__state[component] = math.component_from_hex(color.__state.hex, componentHexIndex); } else if (color.__state.space === 'HSV') { common.extend(color.__state, math.hsv_to_rgb(color.__state.h, color.__state.s, color.__state.v)); } else { throw 'Corrupted color state'; } } function recalculateHSV(color) { var result = math.rgb_to_hsv(color.r, color.g, color.b); common.extend(color.__state, { s: result.s, v: result.v } ); if (!common.isNaN(result.h)) { color.__state.h = result.h; } else if (common.isUndefined(color.__state.h)) { color.__state.h = 0; } } return Color; })(dat.color.interpret, dat.color.math = (function () { var tmpComponent; return { hsv_to_rgb: function(h, s, v) { var hi = Math.floor(h / 60) % 6; var f = h / 60 - Math.floor(h / 60); var p = v * (1.0 - s); var q = v * (1.0 - (f * s)); var t = v * (1.0 - ((1.0 - f) * s)); var c = [ [v, t, p], [q, v, p], [p, v, t], [p, q, v], [t, p, v], [v, p, q] ][hi]; return { r: c[0] * 255, g: c[1] * 255, b: c[2] * 255 }; }, rgb_to_hsv: function(r, g, b) { var min = Math.min(r, g, b), max = Math.max(r, g, b), delta = max - min, h, s; if (max != 0) { s = delta / max; } else { return { h: NaN, s: 0, v: 0 }; } if (r == max) { h = (g - b) / delta; } else if (g == max) { h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; } else { h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; } h /= 6; if (h < 0) { h += 1; } return { h: h * 360, s: s, v: max / 255 }; }, rgb_to_hex: function(r, g, b) { var hex = this.hex_with_component(0, 2, r); hex = this.hex_with_component(hex, 1, g); hex = this.hex_with_component(hex, 0, b); return hex; }, component_from_hex: function(hex, componentIndex) { return (hex >> (componentIndex * 8)) & 0xFF; }, hex_with_component: function(hex, componentIndex, value) { return value << (tmpComponent = componentIndex * 8) | (hex & ~ (0xFF << tmpComponent)); } } })(), dat.color.toString, dat.utils.common), dat.color.interpret, dat.utils.common), dat.utils.requestAnimationFrame = (function () { /** * requirejs version of Paul Irish's RequestAnimationFrame * http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ */ return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback, element) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(), dat.dom.CenteredDiv = (function (dom, common) { var CenteredDiv = function() { this.backgroundElement = document.createElement('div'); common.extend(this.backgroundElement.style, { backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', display: 'none', zIndex: '1000', opacity: 0, WebkitTransition: 'opacity 0.2s linear' }); dom.makeFullscreen(this.backgroundElement); this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); common.extend(this.domElement.style, { position: 'fixed', display: 'none', left: '50%', top: '50%', zIndex: '1001', opacity: 0, WebkitTransition: '-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear' }); document.body.appendChild(this.backgroundElement); document.body.appendChild(this.domElement); var _this = this; dom.bind(this.backgroundElement, 'click', function() { _this.hide(); }); }; CenteredDiv.prototype.show = function() { var _this = this; this.backgroundElement.style.display = 'block'; this.domElement.style.display = 'block'; this.domElement.style.opacity = 0; // this.domElement.style.top = '52%'; this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1.1)'; this.layout(); common.defer(function() { _this.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 1; _this.domElement.style.opacity = 1; _this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1)'; }); }; CenteredDiv.prototype.hide = function() { var _this = this; var hide = function() { _this.domElement.style.display = 'none'; _this.backgroundElement.style.display = 'none'; dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide); dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide); dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide); }; dom.bind(this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide); dom.bind(this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide); dom.bind(this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide); this.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 0; // this.domElement.style.top = '48%'; this.domElement.style.opacity = 0; this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1.1)'; }; CenteredDiv.prototype.layout = function() { this.domElement.style.marginLeft = -dom.getWidth(this.domElement) / 2 + 'px'; this.domElement.style.marginTop = -dom.getHeight(this.domElement) / 2 + 'px'; }; return CenteredDiv; })(dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common), dat.dom.dom, dat.utils.common);