GUI-DAT flag

gui-dat is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript. It allows you to easily manipulate variables and fire functions on the fly.

Basic Usage

<script type="text/javascript" src="demo/demo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = function() {

   var fizzyText = new FizzyText("gui-dat");

   var gui = new GUI();

   // Text field
   gui.add(fizzyText, "message");

   // Sliders with min and max
   gui.add(fizzyText, "maxSize", 0.5, 7);
   gui.add(fizzyText, "growthSpeed", 0.01, 1);
   gui.add(fizzyText, "speed", 0.1, 2);

   // Sliders with min, max and increment.
   gui.add(fizzyText, "noiseStrength", 10, 100, 5);

   // Boolean checkbox
   gui.add(fizzyText, "displayOutline");

   // Fires a function called "explode"
   gui.add(fizzyText, "explode").name("Explode!"); // Specify a custom name.



The simplest way to save your parameters is via GUI.saveURL(). This method directs your browser to a URL containing the current GUI settings.

// Make a button for the url function
gui.add(GUI, "saveURL");

Let's say you'd like to share your settings with someone. Instead of sending a long link with lots of parameters stored in it, you can make your saved settings the defaults.

First, add the method GUI.showSaveString() to a gui object:

var gui = new GUI();

// Add some stuff (and pretend I change their values);
gui.add(someObject, "someProperty");
gui.add(someObject, "someOtherProperty");

// Make a save button.
gui.add(GUI, "showSaveString");

Clicking the "showSaveString" button bring up an alert with a string. Copy and paste that string into the method GUI.load() before you instantiate any gui objects.

// Replace COPIED STRING with the value you got from 

var gui = new GUI();

// Now these properties will be set to the values you just saved.
gui.add(someObject, "someProperty");
gui.add(someObject, "someOtherProperty");

Save strings won't work if you change the order in which you've added properties to your gui objects. If you want to add more parameters to your gui and use an old save string, make sure they're added after the properties whose values you've saved.

Let's say you have a variable that changes by itself from time to time. If you'd like the GUI to reflect those changes, use the listen() method.

gui.add(obj, "changingProperty").listen();

By default, gui-dat will create an internal interval that checks for changes in the values you've marked with listen(). If you'd like to check for these changes in an interval of your own definition, use the following:

gui.autoListen = false; // disables internal interval
gui.add(obj, "changingProperty").listen();

// Make your own loop
setInterval(function() {
        gui.listen(); // updates values you've marked with listen()
}, 1000 / 60);

Alternatively, you can forego calling listen() on individual controllers, and instead choose to monitor changes in all values controlled by your gui.

gui.autoListen = false; // disables internal interval
gui.add(obj, "add");
gui.add(obj, "lotsa");
gui.add(obj, "properties");

// Make your own loop
setInterval(function() {
        gui.listenAll(); // updates ALL values managed by this gui
}, 1000 / 60);

You can instantiate multiple GUI objects and name them however you'd like.

var gui1 = new GUI();
var gui2 = new GUI();

// The name function overwrites the "Show Controls" text."Utilities");"Camera Placement");

By default, gui-dat panels will be automatically added to the HTML document and fixed to the top of the screen. You can disable this behavior / styling and append the gui DOM element to a container of your choosing.

// Notice this belongs to the GUI class (uppercase) 
// and not an instance thereof.
GUI.autoPlace = false; 

var gui = new GUI();

// Do some custom styles ... = "absolute"; = "20px"; = "20px";

document.getElementById("my-gui-container").appendChild( gui.domElement );
  1. gui-dat panels are resizeable. Drag the toggle button.
  2. Press H to make panels invisible. Then press H to show them again.