var GUI = function() { var _this = this; var MIN_WIDTH = 240; var MAX_WIDTH = 500; var controllers = []; var listening = []; var autoListen = true; var listenInterval; // Sum total of heights of controllers in this gui var controllerHeight; var curControllerContainerHeight = 0; var _this = this; var open = false; var width = 280; // Prevents checkForOverflow bug in which loaded gui appearance // settings are not respected by presence of scrollbar. var explicitOpenHeight = false; // How big we get when we open var openHeight; var name; var resizeTo = 0; var resizeTimeout; this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); this.domElement.setAttribute('class', 'guidat'); = width+'px'; var controllerContainer = document.createElement('div'); controllerContainer.setAttribute('class', 'guidat-controllers'); // Firefox hack to prevent horizontal scrolling controllerContainer.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { var scrollAmount = this.scrollTop; if (e.wheelDelta) { scrollAmount+=e.wheelDelta; } else if (e.detail) { scrollAmount+=e.detail; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } e.returnValue = false; controllerContainer.scrollTop = scrollAmount; }, false); = '0px'; var toggleButton = document.createElement('a'); toggleButton.setAttribute('class', 'guidat-toggle'); toggleButton.setAttribute('href', '#'); toggleButton.innerHTML = "Show Controls"; var toggleDragged = false; var dragDisplacementY = 0; var togglePressed = false; var my, pmy, mx, pmx; var resize = function(e) { pmy = my; pmx = mx; my = e.pageY; mx = e.pageX; var dmy = my - pmy; if (!open) { if (dmy > 0) { open = true; curControllerContainerHeight = openHeight = 1; toggleButton.innerHTML = name || "Hide Controls"; } else { return; } } // TODO: Flip this if you want to resize to the left. var dmx = pmx - mx; if (dmy > 0 && curControllerContainerHeight > controllerHeight) { var d =, controllerHeight, controllerHeight + 100, 1, 0); dmy *= d; } toggleDragged = true; dragDisplacementY += dmy; dragDisplacementX += dmx; openHeight += dmy; width += dmx; curControllerContainerHeight += dmy; = openHeight+'px'; width = GUI.constrain(width, MIN_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH); = width+'px'; checkForOverflow(); }; toggleButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { pmy = my = e.pageY; pmx = mx = e.pageX; togglePressed = true; e.preventDefault(); dragDisplacementY = 0; dragDisplacementX = 0; document.addEventListener('mousemove', resize, false); return false; }, false); toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }, false); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { if (togglePressed && !toggleDragged) { _this.toggle(); } if (togglePressed && toggleDragged) { if (dragDisplacementX == 0) { adaptToScrollbar(); } if (openHeight > controllerHeight) { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); openHeight = resizeTo = controllerHeight; beginResize(); } else if (controllerContainer.children.length >= 1) { var singleControllerHeight = controllerContainer.children[0].offsetHeight; clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); var target = Math.round(curControllerContainerHeight/singleControllerHeight)*singleControllerHeight-1; resizeTo = target; if (resizeTo <= 0) { _this.hide(); openHeight = singleControllerHeight*2; } else { openHeight = resizeTo; beginResize(); } } }; document.removeEventListener('mousemove', resize, false); e.preventDefault(); toggleDragged = false; togglePressed = false; return false; }, false); this.domElement.appendChild(controllerContainer); this.domElement.appendChild(toggleButton); if (GUI.autoPlace) { if(GUI.autoPlaceContainer == null) { GUI.autoPlaceContainer = document.createElement('div'); GUI.autoPlaceContainer.setAttribute("id", "guidat"); document.body.appendChild(GUI.autoPlaceContainer); } GUI.autoPlaceContainer.appendChild(this.domElement); } this.autoListenIntervalTime = 1000/60; var createListenInterval = function() { listenInterval = setInterval(function() { _this.listen(); }, this.autoListenIntervalTime); }; this.__defineSetter__("autoListen", function(v) { autoListen = v; if (!autoListen) { clearInterval(listenInterval); } else { if (listening.length > 0) createListenInterval(); } }); this.__defineGetter__("autoListen", function(v) { return autoListen; }); this.listenTo = function(controller) { // TODO: check for duplicates if (listening.length == 0) { createListenInterval(); } listening.push(controller); }; this.unlistenTo = function(controller) { // TODO: test this for(var i = 0; i < listening.length; i++) { if(listening[i] == controller) listening.splice(i, 1); } if(listening.length <= 0) { clearInterval(listenInterval); } }; this.listen = function(whoToListenTo) { var arr = whoToListenTo || listening; for (var i in arr) { arr[i].updateDisplay(); } }; this.listenAll = function() { this.listen(controllers); } this.autoListen = true; var alreadyControlled = function(object, propertyName) { for (var i in controllers) { if (controllers[i].object == object && controllers[i].propertyName == propertyName) { return true; } } return false; }; var construct = function(constructor, args) { function F() { return constructor.apply(this, args); } F.prototype = constructor.prototype; return new F(); }; this.add = function() { var object = arguments[0]; var propertyName = arguments[1]; // Have we already added this? if (alreadyControlled(object, propertyName)) { // GUI.error("Controller for \"" + propertyName+"\" already added."); // return; } var value = object[propertyName]; // Does this value exist? Is it accessible? if (value == undefined) { GUI.error(object + " either has no property \""+propertyName+"\", or the property is inaccessible."); return; } var type = typeof value; var handler = handlerTypes[type]; // Do we know how to deal with this data type? if (handler == undefined) { GUI.error("Cannot create controller for data type \""+type+"\""); return; } var args = [this]; // Set first arg (parent) to this for (var j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { args.push(arguments[j]); } var controllerObject = construct(handler, args); // Were we able to make the controller? if (!controllerObject) { GUI.error("Error creating controller for \""+propertyName+"\"."); return; } // Success. controllerContainer.appendChild(controllerObject.domElement); controllers.push(controllerObject); GUI.allControllers.push(controllerObject); // Do we have a saved value for this controller? if (type != "function" && GUI.saveIndex < GUI.savedValues.length) { controllerObject.setValue(GUI.savedValues[GUI.saveIndex]); GUI.saveIndex++; } // Compute sum height of controllers. checkForOverflow(); // Prevents checkForOverflow bug in which loaded gui appearance // settings are not respected by presence of scrollbar. if (!explicitOpenHeight) { openHeight = controllerHeight; } return controllerObject; } var checkForOverflow = function() { controllerHeight = 0; for (var i in controllers) { controllerHeight += controllers[i].domElement.offsetHeight; } if (controllerHeight - 1 > openHeight) { = "auto"; } else { = "hidden"; } }; var handlerTypes = { "number": GUI.NumberController, "string": GUI.StringController, "boolean": GUI.BooleanController, "function": GUI.FunctionController }; var alreadyControlled = function(object, propertyName) { for (var i in controllers) { if (controllers[i].object == object && controllers[i].propertyName == propertyName) { return true; } } return false; }; var construct = function(constructor, args) { function F() { return constructor.apply(this, args); } F.prototype = constructor.prototype; return new F(); }; this.reset = function() { // TODO } // GUI ... GUI this.toggle = function() { open ? this.hide() :; }; = function() { toggleButton.innerHTML = name || "Hide Controls"; resizeTo = openHeight; clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); beginResize(); open = true; } this.hide = function() { toggleButton.innerHTML = name || "Show Controls"; resizeTo = 0; clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); beginResize(); open = false; } = function(n) { name = n; toggleButton.innerHTML = n; } // used in saveURL this.appearanceVars = function() { return [open, width, openHeight, controllerContainer.scrollTop] } var beginResize = function() { //console.log("Resizing from " + curControllerContainerHeight + " to " + resizeTo); curControllerContainerHeight += (resizeTo - curControllerContainerHeight)*0.6; if (Math.abs(curControllerContainerHeight-resizeTo) < 1) { curControllerContainerHeight = resizeTo; adaptToScrollbar(); } else { resizeTimeout = setTimeout(beginResize, 1000/30); } = Math.round(curControllerContainerHeight)+'px'; checkForOverflow(); } var adaptToScrollbar = function() { // Clears lingering slider column = (width+1)+'px'; setTimeout(function() { = width+'px'; }, 1); }; // Load saved appearance: if (GUI.guiIndex < GUI.savedAppearanceVars.length) { width = parseInt(GUI.savedAppearanceVars[GUI.guiIndex][1]); = width+"px"; openHeight = parseInt(GUI.savedAppearanceVars[GUI.guiIndex][2]); explicitOpenHeight = true; if (eval(GUI.savedAppearanceVars[GUI.guiIndex][0]) == true) { curControllerContainerHeight = openHeight; var t = GUI.savedAppearanceVars[GUI.guiIndex][3] // Hack. setTimeout(function() { controllerContainer.scrollTop = t; }, 0); if (GUI.scrollTop > -1) { document.body.scrollTop = GUI.scrollTop; } resizeTo = openHeight;; } GUI.guiIndex++; } GUI.allGuis.push(this); // Add hide listener if this is the first GUI. if (GUI.allGuis.length == 1) { window.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { // Hide on "H" if (e.keyCode == 72) { GUI.toggleHide(); } }, false); } }; // Do not set this directly. GUI.hidden = false; // Static members GUI.autoPlace = true; GUI.autoPlaceContainer = null; GUI.allControllers = []; GUI.allGuis = []; GUI.toggleHide = function() { if (GUI.hidden) {; } else { GUI.hide(); } } = function() { GUI.hidden = false; for (var i in GUI.allGuis) { GUI.allGuis[i] = "block"; } } GUI.hide = function() { GUI.hidden = true; for (var i in GUI.allGuis) { GUI.allGuis[i] = "none"; } } GUI.saveURL = function() { var url = GUI.replaceGetVar("saveString", GUI.getSaveString()); window.location = url; }; GUI.scrollTop = -1; GUI.load = function(saveString) { //GUI.savedAppearanceVars = []; var vals = saveString.split(","); var numGuis = parseInt(vals[0]); GUI.scrollTop = parseInt(vals[1]); for (var i = 0; i < numGuis; i++) { var appr = vals.splice(2, 4); GUI.savedAppearanceVars.push(appr); } GUI.savedValues = vals.splice(2, vals.length); }; GUI.savedValues = []; GUI.savedAppearanceVars = []; GUI.getSaveString = function() { var vals = [], i; vals.push(GUI.allGuis.length); vals.push(document.body.scrollTop); for (i in GUI.allGuis) { var av = GUI.allGuis[i].appearanceVars(); for (var j = 0; j < av.length; j++) { vals.push(av[j]); } } for (i in GUI.allControllers) { // We don't save values for functions. if (GUI.allControllers[i].type == "function") { continue; } var v = GUI.allControllers[i].getValue(); // Round numbers so they don't get enormous if (GUI.allControllers[i].type == "number") { v = GUI.roundToDecimal(v, 4); } vals.push(v); } return vals.join(','); }; GUI.getVarFromURL = function(v) { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split("="); if (hash == undefined) continue; if (hash[0] == v) { return hash[1]; } } return null; }; GUI.replaceGetVar = function(varName, val) { var vars = [], hash; var loc = window.location.href; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split("="); if (hash == undefined) continue; if (hash[0] == varName) { return loc.replace(hash[1], val); } } if (window.location.href.indexOf('?') != -1) { return loc + "&"+varName+"="+val; } return loc+"?"+varName+"="+val; }; GUI.saveIndex = 0; GUI.guiIndex = 0; GUI.showSaveString = function() { alert(GUI.getSaveString()); }; // Util functions GUI.makeUnselectable = function(elem) { elem.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; = "none"; = "none"; elem.unselectable = "on"; }; GUI.makeSelectable = function(elem) { elem.onselectstart = function() { }; = "auto"; = "auto"; elem.unselectable = "off"; }; = function(v, i1, i2, o1, o2) { return o1 + (o2 - o1) * ((v - i1) / (i2 - i1)); }; GUI.constrain = function (v, o1, o2) { if (v < o1) v = o1; else if (v > o2) v = o2; return v; }; GUI.error = function(str) { if (typeof console.error == 'function') { console.error("[GUI ERROR] " + str); } }; GUI.roundToDecimal = function(n, decimals) { var t = Math.pow(10, decimals); return Math.round(n*t)/t; }; GUI.extendController = function(clazz) { clazz.prototype = new GUI.Controller(); clazz.prototype.constructor = clazz; }; if (GUI.getVarFromURL('saveString') != null) GUI.load(GUI.getVarFromURL('saveString'));