// Would really love to make it so that as FEW changes as possible are required to gui.js in order to make this work. Would love to make it so you simply include gui.scrubber.min.js in addition to gui.min.js. GUI.Controller.prototype.at = function(when, what, tween) { this.scrubber.add(new GUI.ScrubberPoint(this.scrubber, when, what)); this.scrubber.render(); return this; } GUI.Scrubber = function(controller, timer) { var _this = this; this.points = []; this.timer = timer; this.controller = controller; this.controller.scrubber = this; this.playing = false; this.sort = function() { this.points.sort(function(a,b) { return a.time - b.time; }); } this.add = function(p) { this.points.push(p); this.sort(); } this.controller.addChangeListener(function(newVal) { if (!_this.playing) { if (_this.timer.activePoint == null) { console.log(_this, _this.timer.playhead, newVal); _this.timer.activePoint = new GUI.ScrubberPoint(_this, _this.timer.playhead, newVal); _this.render(); } else { _this.timer.activePoint.value = newVal; } } }); this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); this.domElement.setAttribute('class', 'guidat-time'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.domElement.appendChild(canvas); this.g = canvas.getContext('2d'); var width; var position; var height; this.__defineGetter__("width", function() { return width; }); this.__defineGetter__("height", function() { return height; }); controller.domElement.insertBefore(this.domElement, controller.propertyNameElement.nextSibling); this.render = function() { // TODO: if visible ... _this.g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); for (var i in _this.points) { _this.points[i].render(); } // Draw playhead _this.g.strokeStyle = "red"; _this.g.lineWidth = 1; var t = Math.round(GUI.map(_this.timer.playhead, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth, 0, width))+0.5; _this.g.beginPath(); _this.g.moveTo(t, 0); _this.g.lineTo(t, height); _this.g.stroke(); } this.render(); var onResize = function() { canvas.width = width = _this.domElement.offsetWidth; canvas.height = height = _this.domElement.offsetHeight; position = GUI.getOffset(canvas); _this.render(); }; window.addEventListener('resize', function(e) { onResize(); }, false); var scrub = function(e) { var t = GUI.map(e.pageX, position.left, position.left+width, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth); _this.timer.playhead = t; } canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { if (_this.timer.hoverPoint != null) { _this.timer.activePoint = _this.timer.hoverPoint; _this.timer.playhead = _this.timer.activePoint.time; } else { _this.timer.activePoint = null; scrub(e); document.body.style.cursor = "text"; document.addEventListener('mousemove', scrub, false); _this.render(); } }, false); canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { _this.timer.hoverPoint = null; for (var i in _this.points) { var cur = _this.points[i]; if (cur.isHovering(e.pageX-position.left)) { _this.timer.hoverPoint = cur; } } _this.render(); }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { document.body.style.cursor = "auto"; document.removeEventListener('mousemove', scrub, false); }, false); onResize(); this.timer.addPlayListener(this.render); var onPlayChange = function(curTime, prevTime) { _this.playing = true; // This assumes a SORTED point array // And a PROGRESSING/INCREASING/GROWING playhead if (_this.controller.type == "number") { var closestToLeft = null; for (var i = 0; i < _this.points.length; i++) { var cur = _this.points[i]; if (cur.time >= curTime && i > 0) { closestToLeft = _this.points[i-1]; break; } } if (closestToLeft == null || closestToLeft.time > curTime) return; var n = closestToLeft.next; if (n != null) { // Interpolate. var t = GUI.map(curTime, closestToLeft.time, n.time, 0, 1); t = closestToLeft.tween(t); var val = GUI.map(t, 0, 1, closestToLeft.value, n.value); _this.controller.setValue(val); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < _this.points.length; i++) { var cur = _this.points[i]; if (cur.time < prevTime) { continue; } if (cur.time >= prevTime && cur.time <= curTime) { pointHandlers[_this.controller.type].call(_this, cur); } } } _this.playing = false; }; var pointHandlers = { 'function': function(point) { this.controller.getValue().call(this); }, 'boolean': function(point) { this.controller.setValue(point.value); }, 'string': function(point) { this.controller.setValue(point.value); }, } this.timer.addPlayListener(onPlayChange); this.timer.addWindowListener(this.render); }; GUI.ScrubberPoint = function(scrubber, time, value) { var _this = this; var g = scrubber.g; var timer = scrubber.timer; var type = scrubber.controller.type; var x, y; this.hold = false; this.value = value; var barSize = 4; var rectSize = 7; var c1 = "#ffd800"; var c2 = "#ff9000"; this.tween = function(t) { return t; }; this.isHovering = function(xx) { return xx >= x-rectSize/2 && xx <= x+rectSize/2; }; this.__defineGetter__("next", function() { if (scrubber.points.length <= 1) { return null; } var i = scrubber.points.indexOf(this); if (i + 1 >= scrubber.points.length) { return null; } return scrubber.points[i+1]; }); this.__defineGetter__("time", function() { return time; }); this.render = function() { x = GUI.map(time, timer.windowMin, timer.windowMin+timer.windowWidth, 0, 1); if (x >= 0 && x <= 1) { x = Math.round(GUI.map(x, 0, 1, 0, scrubber.width)); } y = scrubber.height/2; switch (type) { case "number": g.save(); var n = this.next; if (n != null) { var nx = GUI.constrain(GUI.map(n.time, timer.windowMin, timer.windowMin+timer.windowWidth, 0, 1)); if (nx >= 0 && nx <= 1) { nx = Math.round(GUI.map(nx, 0, 1, 0, scrubber.width)); } g.lineWidth = rectSize/2 g.strokeStyle="#222"; g.beginPath(); g.moveTo(nx, y); g.lineTo(x, y); g.stroke(); } g.translate(x, y); g.rotate(Math.PI/4); g.fillStyle = c1; g.fillRect(-rectSize/2, -rectSize/2, rectSize, rectSize); g.restore(); break; default: g.save(); g.translate(x-barSize/2, 0); if (scrubber.timer.activePoint == this) { g.fillStyle = "red"; // } else if (scrubber.timer.hoverPoint == this) { g.fillStyle = "green"; } else { g.fillStyle = "blue"; } //g.fillStyle = c1; g.fillRect(0, 0, barSize/2, scrubber.height-1); //g.fillStyle = c2; g.fillRect(barSize/2, 0, barSize/2, scrubber.height-1); g.restore(); } } }