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/* globals Polymer, Path, Gui */
// [ ] scrolling when docked
// [ ] scrolling when window short and not docked
Polymer( 'dat-gui', {
docked: false,
open: true,
localStorage: false,
touch: ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) || ( !!window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch ),
ready: function() {
this.vars = {};
this._controllersByObject = {};
this.domElement = this; // legacy
// this winds up triggering like all the time?
// var _this = this;
// window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() {
// _this.asyncFire( 'resize' );
// }, false );
// -------------------------------
add: function( object, path ) {
// Make controller
var value = Path.get( path ).getValueFrom( object );
if ( value === null || value === undefined ) {
return Gui.error( 'Object doesn\'t have a value for path "' + path + '".', object );
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 );
var controller;
if ( args[ 0 ] instanceof Array || typeof args[ 0 ] == 'object' ) {
controller = document.createElement( 'dat-gui-option' );
} else {
controller = Gui.getController( value );
if ( !controller ) {
return Gui.error( 'Unrecognized type:', value );
controller.watch( object, path );
controller.init.apply( controller, args );
// Make row ( todo: put row in controllers )
var row = document.createElement( 'gui-row' );
row.name = path;
controller.row = row;
controller.name = function( name ) {
row.name = name;
return controller;
controller.comment = function( comment ) {
row.comment = comment;
return controller;
row.appendChild( controller );
this.appendChild( row );
// Remember
var objectKey = this._hash( object );
var objectControllers = this._controllersByObject[ objectKey ];
if ( !objectControllers ) {
objectControllers = {};
this._controllersByObject[ objectKey ] = objectControllers;
objectControllers[ controller.path ] = controller;
return controller;
folder: function( name, open ) {
var folder = document.createElement( 'dat-gui-folder' );
folder.name = name;
folder.open = open === undefined ? true : open;
folder.parent = this;
this.appendChild( folder );
return folder;
remove: function( controller ) {
this.removeChild( controller );
// Forget
var objectKey = this._hash( object );
controller.objectKey = objectKey;
var objectControllers = this._controllersByObject[ objectKey ];
objectControllers.splice( objectControllers.indexOf( controller ), 1 );
var: function( name, initialValue ) {
var args = [ this.vars, name ];
args = args.concat( Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ) );
this.vars[ name ] = initialValue;
return this.add.apply( this, args );
save: function() {
if ( this.localStorage && window.localStorage ) {
var data = JSON.stringify( this.serialize() );
localStorage.setItem( Gui.LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, data );
} else {
// todo: success
Gui.postJSON( this.savePath, this.serialize(), this.saveSuccess, this.saveError, this );
_hash: function( object ) {
if ( object == this.vars ) {
return 'vars';
return this.hash( object );
hash: function( object ) {
// "shallow" stringify
var data = {};
for ( var i in object ) {
var val;
try {
val = JSON.stringify( object[ i ] );
val = object[ i ];
} catch (e) {}
if ( val !== undefined ) {
data[ i ] = val;
return JSON.stringify( data );
saveSuccess: function() {
Gui.log( 'Saved data to ' + this.savePath );
saveError: function( error ) {
Gui.warn( 'Failed to post data to ' + this.savePath + '. Disabling save.' );
this.removeEventListener( 'change', this._debouncedSave, false );
unserialize: function( data ) {
for ( var objectKey in this._controllersByObject ) {
for ( var path in data.values[ objectKey ] ) {
var value = data.values[ objectKey ][ path ];
this._controllersByObject[ objectKey ][ path ].unserialize( value );
serialize: function() {
var data = {
values: {}
for ( var objectKey in this._controllersByObject ) {
data.values[ objectKey ] = {};
var controllers = this._controllersByObject[ objectKey ];
for ( var path in controllers ) {
data.values[ objectKey ][ path ] = controllers[ path ].serialize();
return data;
// Legacy
// -------------------------------
remember: function( object ) {
Gui.warn( 'gui.remember() is deprecated. You don\'t need to do it anymore. See Gui.serialize.' );
listenAll: function() {
Gui.warn( 'gui.listenAll() is deprecated. All controllers are listened for free.' );
// Observers
// -------------------------------
openChanged: function() {
if ( this.open || this.docked ) {
// let the style sheet take care of things
this.$.container.style.transform = '';
this.$.panel.style.transform = '';
} else {
// todo: need the rest of the vendor prefixes ...
// wish i could pipe javascript variables into styl.
var y = -this.$.controllers.offsetHeight + 'px';
this.$.container.style.transform = 'translate3d( 0, ' + y + ', 0 )';
this.asyncFire( 'resize' );
dockedChanged: function() {
// Events
// -------------------------------
tapClose: function() {
this.open = !this.open;
toggleOpen: function() {
this.open = !this.open;
} );