George Michael Brower a3ae8c6627 no build submodule
2011-11-07 13:26:03 -08:00

3627 lines
95 KiB

* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui
* Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
/** @namespace */
var dat = dat || {};
/** @namespace */
dat.gui = dat.gui || {};
/** @namespace */
dat.utils = dat.utils || {};
/** @namespace */
dat.controllers = dat.controllers || {};
/** @namespace */
dat.dom = dat.dom || {};
/** @namespace */
dat.color = dat.color || {};
dat.utils.css = (function () {
return {
load: function (url, doc) {
doc = doc || document;
var link = doc.createElement('link');
link.type = 'text/css';
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href = url;
inject: function(css, doc) {
doc = doc || document;
var injected = document.createElement('style');
injected.type = 'text/css';
injected.innerHTML = css;
dat.utils.common = (function () {
var ARR_EACH = Array.prototype.forEach;
var ARR_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
* Band-aid methods for things that should be a lot easier in JavaScript.
* Implementation and structure inspired by underscore.js
* http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/
return {
BREAK: {},
extend: function(target) {
this.each(ARR_SLICE.call(arguments, 1), function(obj) {
for (var key in obj)
if (!this.isUndefined(obj[key]))
target[key] = obj[key];
}, this);
return target;
defaults: function(target) {
this.each(ARR_SLICE.call(arguments, 1), function(obj) {
for (var key in obj)
if (this.isUndefined(target[key]))
target[key] = obj[key];
}, this);
return target;
compose: function() {
var toCall = ARR_SLICE.call(arguments);
return function() {
var args = ARR_SLICE.call(arguments);
for (var i = toCall.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
args = [toCall[i].apply(this, args)];
return args[0];
each: function(obj, itr, scope) {
if (ARR_EACH && obj.forEach === ARR_EACH) {
obj.forEach(itr, scope);
} else if (obj.length === obj.length + 0) { // Is number but not NaN
for (var key = 0, l = obj.length; key < l; key++)
if (key in obj && itr.call(scope, obj[key], key) === this.BREAK)
} else {
for (var key in obj)
if (itr.call(scope, obj[key], key) === this.BREAK)
defer: function(fnc) {
setTimeout(fnc, 0);
toArray: function(obj) {
if (obj.toArray) return obj.toArray();
return ARR_SLICE.call(obj);
isUndefined: function(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
isNull: function(obj) {
return obj === null;
isNaN: function(obj) {
return obj !== obj;
isArray: Array.isArray || function(obj) {
return obj.constructor === Array;
isObject: function(obj) {
return obj === Object(obj);
isNumber: function(obj) {
return obj === obj+0;
isString: function(obj) {
return obj === obj+'';
isBoolean: function(obj) {
return obj === false || obj === true;
isFunction: function(obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]';
dat.controllers.Controller = (function (common) {
* @class An "abstract" class that represents a given property of an object.
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @member dat.controllers
var Controller = function(object, property) {
this.initialValue = object[property];
* Those who extend this class will put their DOM elements in here.
* @type {DOMElement}
this.domElement = document.createElement('div');
* The object to manipulate
* @type {Object}
this.object = object;
* The name of the property to manipulate
* @type {String}
this.property = property;
* The function to be called on change.
* @type {Function}
* @ignore
this.__onChange = undefined;
* The function to be called on finishing change.
* @type {Function}
* @ignore
this.__onFinishChange = undefined;
/** @lends dat.controllers.Controller.prototype */
* Specify that a function fire every time someone changes the value with
* this Controller.
* @param {Function} fnc This function will be called whenever the value
* is modified via this Controller.
* @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this
onChange: function(fnc) {
this.__onChange = fnc;
return this;
* Specify that a function fire every time someone "finishes" changing
* the value wih this Controller. Useful for values that change
* incrementally like numbers or strings.
* @param {Function} fnc This function will be called whenever
* someone "finishes" changing the value via this Controller.
* @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this
onFinishChange: function(fnc) {
this.__onFinishChange = fnc;
return this;
* Change the value of <code>object[property]</code>
* @param {Object} newValue The new value of <code>object[property]</code>
setValue: function(newValue) {
this.object[this.property] = newValue;
if (this.__onChange) {
this.__onChange.call(this, newValue);
return this;
* Gets the value of <code>object[property]</code>
* @returns {Object} The current value of <code>object[property]</code>
getValue: function() {
return this.object[this.property];
* Refreshes the visual display of a Controller in order to keep sync
* with the object's current value.
* @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} this
updateDisplay: function() {
return this;
* @returns {Boolean} true if the value has deviated from initialValue
isModified: function() {
return this.initialValue !== this.getValue()
return Controller;
dat.dom.dom = (function (common) {
var EVENT_MAP = {
'HTMLEvents': ['change'],
'MouseEvents': ['click','mousemove','mousedown','mouseup', 'mouseover'],
'KeyboardEvents': ['keydown']
var EVENT_MAP_INV = {};
common.each(EVENT_MAP, function(v, k) {
common.each(v, function(e) {
var CSS_VALUE_PIXELS = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px/;
function cssValueToPixels(val) {
if (val === '0' || common.isUndefined(val)) return 0;
var match = val.match(CSS_VALUE_PIXELS);
if (!common.isNull(match)) {
return parseFloat(match[1]);
// TODO ...ems? %?
return 0;
* @namespace
* @member dat.dom
var dom = {
* @param elem
* @param selectable
makeSelectable: function(elem, selectable) {
if (elem === undefined || elem.style === undefined) return;
elem.onselectstart = selectable ? function() {
return false;
} : function() {
elem.style.MozUserSelect = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none';
elem.style.KhtmlUserSelect = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none';
elem.unselectable = selectable ? 'on' : 'off';
* @param elem
* @param horizontal
* @param vertical
makeFullscreen: function(elem, horizontal, vertical) {
if (common.isUndefined(horizontal)) horizontal = true;
if (common.isUndefined(vertical)) vertical = true;
elem.style.position = 'absolute';
if (horizontal) {
elem.style.left = 0;
elem.style.right = 0;
if (vertical) {
elem.style.top = 0;
elem.style.bottom = 0;
* @param elem
* @param eventType
* @param params
fakeEvent: function(elem, eventType, params, aux) {
params = params || {};
var className = EVENT_MAP_INV[eventType];
if (!className) {
throw new Error('Event type ' + eventType + ' not supported.');
var evt = document.createEvent(className);
switch (className) {
case 'MouseEvents':
var clientX = params.x || params.clientX || 0;
var clientY = params.y || params.clientY || 0;
evt.initMouseEvent(eventType, params.bubbles || false,
params.cancelable || true, window, params.clickCount || 1,
0, //screen X
0, //screen Y
clientX, //client X
clientY, //client Y
false, false, false, false, 0, null);
case 'KeyboardEvents':
var init = evt.initKeyboardEvent || evt.initKeyEvent; // webkit || moz
common.defaults(params, {
cancelable: true,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false,
keyCode: undefined,
charCode: undefined
init(eventType, params.bubbles || false,
params.cancelable, window,
params.ctrlKey, params.altKey,
params.shiftKey, params.metaKey,
params.keyCode, params.charCode);
evt.initEvent(eventType, params.bubbles || false,
params.cancelable || true);
common.defaults(evt, aux);
* @param elem
* @param event
* @param func
* @param bool
bind: function(elem, event, func, bool) {
bool = bool || false;
if (elem.addEventListener)
elem.addEventListener(event, func, bool);
else if (elem.attachEvent)
elem.attachEvent('on' + event, func);
return dom;
* @param elem
* @param event
* @param func
* @param bool
unbind: function(elem, event, func, bool) {
bool = bool || false;
if (elem.removeEventListener)
elem.removeEventListener(event, func, bool);
else if (elem.detachEvent)
elem.detachEvent('on' + event, func);
return dom;
* @param elem
* @param className
addClass: function(elem, className) {
if (elem.className === undefined) {
elem.className = className;
} else if (elem.className !== className) {
var classes = elem.className.split(/ +/);
if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) {
elem.className = classes.join(' ').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
return dom;
* @param elem
* @param className
removeClass: function(elem, className) {
if (className) {
if (elem.className === undefined) {
// elem.className = className;
} else if (elem.className === className) {
} else {
var classes = elem.className.split(/ +/);
var index = classes.indexOf(className);
if (index != -1) {
classes.splice(index, 1);
elem.className = classes.join(' ');
} else {
elem.className = undefined;
return dom;
hasClass: function(elem, className) {
return new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)').test(elem.className) || false;
* @param elem
getWidth: function(elem) {
var style = getComputedStyle(elem);
return cssValueToPixels(style['border-left-width']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['border-right-width']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['padding-left']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['padding-right']) +
* @param elem
getHeight: function(elem) {
var style = getComputedStyle(elem);
return cssValueToPixels(style['border-top-width']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['border-bottom-width']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['padding-top']) +
cssValueToPixels(style['padding-bottom']) +
* @param elem
getOffset: function(elem) {
var offset = {left: 0, top:0};
if (elem.offsetParent) {
do {
offset.left += elem.offsetLeft;
offset.top += elem.offsetTop;
} while (elem = elem.offsetParent);
return offset;
// http://stackoverflow.com/posts/2684561/revisions
* @param elem
isActive: function(elem) {
return elem === document.activeElement && ( elem.type || elem.href );
return dom;
dat.controllers.OptionController = (function (Controller, dom, common) {
* @class Provides a select input to alter the property of an object, using a
* list of accepted values.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @param {Object|string[]} options A map of labels to acceptable values, or
* a list of acceptable string values.
* @member dat.controllers
var OptionController = function(object, property, options) {
OptionController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
var _this = this;
* The drop down menu
* @ignore
this.__select = document.createElement('select');
if (common.isArray(options)) {
var map = {};
common.each(options, function(element) {
map[element] = element;
options = map;
common.each(options, function(value, key) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.innerHTML = key;
opt.setAttribute('value', value);
// Acknowledge original value
dom.bind(this.__select, 'change', function() {
var desiredValue = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
OptionController.superclass = Controller;
setValue: function(v) {
var toReturn = OptionController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v);
if (this.__onFinishChange) {
this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue());
return toReturn;
updateDisplay: function() {
this.__select.value = this.getValue();
return OptionController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this);
return OptionController;
dat.controllers.NumberController = (function (Controller, common) {
* @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @param {Object} [params] Optional parameters
* @param {Number} [params.min] Minimum allowed value
* @param {Number} [params.max] Maximum allowed value
* @param {Number} [params.step] Increment by which to change value
* @member dat.controllers
var NumberController = function(object, property, params) {
NumberController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
params = params || {};
this.__min = params.min;
this.__max = params.max;
this.__step = params.step;
if (common.isUndefined(this.__step)) {
if (this.initialValue == 0) {
this.__impliedStep = 1; // What are we, psychics?
} else {
// Hey Doug, check this out.
this.__impliedStep = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(this.initialValue)/Math.LN10))/10;
} else {
this.__impliedStep = this.__step;
this.__precision = numDecimals(this.__impliedStep);
NumberController.superclass = Controller;
/** @lends dat.controllers.NumberController.prototype */
setValue: function(v) {
if (this.__min !== undefined && v < this.__min) {
v = this.__min;
} else if (this.__max !== undefined && v > this.__max) {
v = this.__max;
if (this.__step !== undefined && v % this.__step != 0) {
v = Math.round(v / this.__step) * this.__step;
return NumberController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v);
* Specify a minimum value for <code>object[property]</code>.
* @param {Number} minValue The minimum value for
* <code>object[property]</code>
* @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this
min: function(v) {
this.__min = v;
return this;
* Specify a maximum value for <code>object[property]</code>.
* @param {Number} maxValue The maximum value for
* <code>object[property]</code>
* @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this
max: function(v) {
this.__max = v;
return this;
* Specify a step value that dat.controllers.NumberController
* increments by.
* @param {Number} stepValue The step value for
* dat.controllers.NumberController
* @default if minimum and maximum specified increment is 1% of the
* difference otherwise stepValue is 1
* @returns {dat.controllers.NumberController} this
step: function(v) {
this.__step = v;
return this;
function numDecimals(x) {
x = x.toString();
if (x.indexOf('.') > -1) {
return x.length - x.indexOf('.') - 1;
} else {
return 0;
return NumberController;
dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox = (function (NumberController, dom, common) {
* @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number and
* provides an input element with which to manipulate it.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @extends dat.controllers.NumberController
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @param {Object} [params] Optional parameters
* @param {Number} [params.min] Minimum allowed value
* @param {Number} [params.max] Maximum allowed value
* @param {Number} [params.step] Increment by which to change value
* @member dat.controllers
var NumberControllerBox = function(object, property, params) {
this.__truncationSuspended = false;
NumberControllerBox.superclass.call(this, object, property, params);
var _this = this;
* {Number} Previous mouse y position
* @ignore
var prev_y;
this.__input = document.createElement('input');
this.__input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
// Makes it so manually specified values are not truncated.
dom.bind(this.__input, 'change', onChange);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'mousedown', onMouseDown);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) {
// When pressing entire, you can be as precise as you want.
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
_this.__truncationSuspended = true;
_this.__truncationSuspended = false;
function onChange() {
var attempted = parseFloat(_this.__input.value);
if (!common.isNaN(attempted)) _this.setValue(attempted);
function onBlur() {
if (_this.__onFinishChange) {
_this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue());
function onMouseDown(e) {
dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag);
dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp);
prev_y = e.clientY;
function onMouseDrag(e) {
var diff = prev_y - e.clientY;
_this.setValue(_this.getValue() + diff * _this.__impliedStep);
prev_y = e.clientY;
function onMouseUp() {
dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag);
dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp);
NumberControllerBox.superclass = NumberController;
updateDisplay: function() {
this.__input.value = this.__truncationSuspended ? this.getValue() : roundToDecimal(this.getValue(), this.__precision);
return NumberControllerBox.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this);
function roundToDecimal(value, decimals) {
var tenTo = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return Math.round(value * tenTo) / tenTo;
return NumberControllerBox;
dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider = (function (NumberController, dom, css, common, styleSheet) {
* @class Represents a given property of an object that is a number, contains
* a minimum and maximum, and provides a slider element with which to
* manipulate it. It should be noted that the slider element is made up of
* <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tags, <strong>not</strong> the html5
* <code>&lt;slider&gt;</code> element.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @extends dat.controllers.NumberController
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @param {Number} minValue Minimum allowed value
* @param {Number} maxValue Maximum allowed value
* @param {Number} stepValue Increment by which to change value
* @member dat.controllers
var NumberControllerSlider = function(object, property, min, max, step) {
NumberControllerSlider.superclass.call(this, object, property, { min: min, max: max, step: step });
var _this = this;
this.__background = document.createElement('div');
this.__foreground = document.createElement('div');
dom.bind(this.__background, 'mousedown', onMouseDown);
dom.addClass(this.__background, 'slider');
dom.addClass(this.__foreground, 'slider-fg');
function onMouseDown(e) {
dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag);
dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp);
function onMouseDrag(e) {
var offset = dom.getOffset(_this.__background);
var width = dom.getWidth(_this.__background);
map(e.clientX, offset.left, offset.left + width, _this.__min, _this.__max)
return false;
function onMouseUp() {
dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag);
dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp);
if (_this.__onFinishChange) {
_this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue());
NumberControllerSlider.superclass = NumberController;
* Injects default stylesheet for slider elements.
NumberControllerSlider.useDefaultStyles = function() {
updateDisplay: function() {
var pct = (this.getValue() - this.__min)/(this.__max - this.__min);
this.__foreground.style.width = pct*100+'%';
return NumberControllerSlider.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this);
function map(v, i1, i2, o1, o2) {
return o1 + (o2 - o1) * ((v - i1) / (i2 - i1));
return NumberControllerSlider;
".slider {\n box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);\n height: 1em;\n border-radius: 1em;\n background-color: #eee;\n padding: 0 0.5em;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.slider-fg {\n padding: 1px 0 2px 0;\n background-color: #aaa;\n height: 1em;\n margin-left: -0.5em;\n padding-right: 0.5em;\n border-radius: 1em 0 0 1em;\n}\n\n.slider-fg:after {\n display: inline-block;\n border-radius: 1em;\n background-color: #fff;\n border: 1px solid #aaa;\n content: '';\n float: right;\n margin-right: -1em;\n margin-top: -1px;\n height: 0.9em;\n width: 0.9em;\n}");
dat.controllers.FunctionController = (function (Controller, dom, common) {
* @class Provides a GUI interface to fire a specified method, a property of an object.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @member dat.controllers
var FunctionController = function(object, property, text) {
FunctionController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
var _this = this;
this.__button = document.createElement('div');
this.__button.innerHTML = text === undefined ? 'Fire' : text;
dom.bind(this.__button, 'click', function() {
dom.addClass(this.__button, 'button');
FunctionController.superclass = Controller;
fire: function() {
if (this.__onChange) {
if (this.__onFinishChange) {
this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue());
return FunctionController;
dat.controllers.BooleanController = (function (Controller, dom, common) {
* @class Provides a checkbox input to alter the boolean property of an object.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @member dat.controllers
var BooleanController = function(object, property) {
BooleanController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
var _this = this;
var _prev = this.getValue();
this.__checkbox = document.createElement('input');
this.__checkbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
dom.bind(this.__checkbox, 'change', onChange, false);
// Match original value
function onChange() {
var cur = !_this.getValue();
if (cur !== _prev) {
} else {
_prev = cur;
BooleanController.superclass = Controller;
setValue: function(v) {
var toReturn = BooleanController.superclass.prototype.setValue.call(this, v);
if (this.__onFinishChange) {
this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this.getValue());
this.__prev = this.getValue();
return toReturn;
updateDisplay: function() {
if (this.getValue() === true) {
this.__checkbox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
} else {
return BooleanController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this);
return BooleanController;
dat.color.toString = (function (common) {
return function(color) {
if (color.a == 1 || common.isUndefined(color.a)) {
var s = color.hex.toString(16);
while (s.length < 6) {
s = '0' + s;
return '#' + s;
} else {
return 'rgba(' + Math.round(color.r) + ',' + Math.round(color.g) + ',' + Math.round(color.b) + ',' + color.a + ')';
dat.color.interpret = (function (toString, common) {
var result, toReturn;
var interpret = function() {
toReturn = false;
var original = arguments.length > 1 ? common.toArray(arguments) : arguments[0];
common.each(INTERPRETATIONS, function(family) {
if (family.litmus(original)) {
common.each(family.conversions, function(conversion, conversionName) {
result = conversion.read(original);
if (toReturn === false && result !== false) {
toReturn = result;
result.conversionName = conversionName;
result.conversion = conversion;
return common.BREAK;
return common.BREAK;
return toReturn;
// Strings
litmus: common.isString,
conversions: {
read: function(original) {
var test = original.match(/^#([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])$/i);
if (test === null) return false;
return {
space: 'HEX',
hex: parseInt(
'0x' +
test[1].toString() + test[1].toString() +
test[2].toString() + test[2].toString() +
test[3].toString() + test[3].toString())
write: toString
read: function(original) {
var test = original.match(/^#([A-F0-9]{6})$/i);
if (test === null) return false;
return {
space: 'HEX',
hex: parseInt('0x' + test[1].toString())
write: toString
read: function(original) {
var test = original.match(/^rgb\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\)/);
if (test === null) return false;
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: parseFloat(test[1]),
g: parseFloat(test[2]),
b: parseFloat(test[3])
write: toString
read: function(original) {
var test = original.match(/^rgba\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\,\s*(.+)\s*\)/);
if (test === null) return false;
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: parseFloat(test[1]),
g: parseFloat(test[2]),
b: parseFloat(test[3]),
a: parseFloat(test[4])
write: toString
// Numbers
litmus: common.isNumber,
conversions: {
HEX: {
read: function(original) {
return {
space: 'HEX',
hex: original,
conversionName: 'HEX'
write: function(color) {
return color.hex;
// Arrays
litmus: common.isArray,
conversions: {
read: function(original) {
if (original.length != 3) return false;
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: original[0],
g: original[1],
b: original[2]
write: function(color) {
return [color.r, color.g, color.b];
read: function(original) {
if (original.length != 4) return false;
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: original[0],
g: original[1],
b: original[2],
a: original[3]
write: function(color) {
return [color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a];
// Objects
litmus: common.isObject,
conversions: {
read: function(original) {
if (common.isNumber(original.r) &&
common.isNumber(original.g) &&
common.isNumber(original.b) &&
common.isNumber(original.a)) {
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: original.r,
g: original.g,
b: original.b,
a: original.a
return false;
write: function(color) {
return {
r: color.r,
g: color.g,
b: color.b,
a: color.a
read: function(original) {
if (common.isNumber(original.r) &&
common.isNumber(original.g) &&
common.isNumber(original.b)) {
return {
space: 'RGB',
r: original.r,
g: original.g,
b: original.b
return false;
write: function(color) {
return {
r: color.r,
g: color.g,
b: color.b
read: function(original) {
if (common.isNumber(original.h) &&
common.isNumber(original.s) &&
common.isNumber(original.v) &&
common.isNumber(original.a)) {
return {
space: 'HSV',
h: original.h,
s: original.s,
v: original.v,
a: original.a
return false;
write: function(color) {
return {
h: color.h,
s: color.s,
v: color.v,
a: color.a
read: function(original) {
if (common.isNumber(original.h) &&
common.isNumber(original.s) &&
common.isNumber(original.v)) {
return {
space: 'HSV',
h: original.h,
s: original.s,
v: original.v
return false;
write: function(color) {
return {
h: color.h,
s: color.s,
v: color.v
return interpret;
dat.GUI = dat.gui.GUI = (function (css, saveDialogueContents, styleSheet, controllerFactory, Controller, BooleanController, FunctionController, NumberControllerBox, NumberControllerSlider, OptionController, ColorController, requestAnimationFrame, CenteredDiv, dom, common) {
/** Outer-most className for GUI's */
var CSS_NAMESPACE = 'dg';
var HIDE_KEY_CODE = 72;
var SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE = (function() {
try {
return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
/** Have we yet to create an autoPlace GUI? */
var auto_place_virgin = true;
/** Fixed position div that auto place GUI's go inside */
var auto_place_container;
/** Are we hiding the GUI's ? */
var hide = false;
/** GUI's which should be hidden */
var hideable_guis = [];
* A lightweight controller library for JavaScript. It allows you to easily
* manipulate variables and fire functions on the fly.
* @class
* @member dat.gui
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {String} [params.name] The name of this GUI.
* @param {Object} [params.load] JSON object representing the saved state of
* this GUI.
* @param {Boolean} [params.auto=true]
* @param {dat.gui.GUI} [params.parent] The GUI I'm nested in.
* @param {Boolean} [params.closed] If true, starts closed
var GUI = function(params) {
var _this = this;
* Outermost DOM Element
* @type DOMElement
this.domElement = document.createElement('div');
this.__ul = document.createElement('ul');
dom.addClass(this.domElement, CSS_NAMESPACE);
* Nested GUI's by name
* @ignore
this.__folders = {};
this.__controllers = [];
* List of objects I'm remembering for save, only used in top level GUI
* @ignore
this.__rememberedObjects = [];
* Maps the index of remembered objects to a map of controllers, only used
* in top level GUI.
* @private
* @ignore
* @example
* [
* {
* propertyName: Controller,
* anotherPropertyName: Controller
* },
* {
* propertyName: Controller
* }
* ]
this.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers = [];
this.__listening = [];
params = params || {};
// Default parameters
params = common.defaults(params, {
autoPlace: true,
params = common.defaults(params, {
resizable: params.autoPlace,
hideable: params.autoPlace
if (!common.isUndefined(params.load)) {
// Explicit preset
if (params.preset) params.load.preset = params.preset;
} else {
params.load = { preset: DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME };
if (common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.hideable) {
// Only root level GUI's are resizable.
params.resizable = common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.resizable;
if (params.autoPlace && common.isUndefined(params.scrollable)) {
params.scrollable = true;
// params.scrollable = common.isUndefined(params.parent) && params.scrollable === true;
// Not part of params because I don't want people passing this in via
// constructor. Should be a 'remembered' value.
var use_local_storage =
localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(this, 'isLocal')) === 'true';
/** @lends dat.gui.GUI.prototype */
* The parent <code>GUI</code>
* @type dat.gui.GUI
parent: {
get: function() {
return params.parent;
scrollable: {
get: function() {
return params.scrollable;
* Handles <code>GUI</code>'s element placement for you
* @type Boolean
autoPlace: {
get: function() {
return params.autoPlace;
* The identifier for a set of saved values
* @type String
preset: {
get: function() {
if (_this.parent) {
return _this.getRoot().preset;
} else {
return params.load.preset;
set: function(v) {
if (_this.parent) {
_this.getRoot().preset = v;
} else {
params.load.preset = v;
* The width of <code>GUI</code> element
* @type Number
width: {
get: function() {
return params.width;
set: function(v) {
params.width = v;
setWidth(_this, v);
* The name of <code>GUI</code>. Used for folders. i.e
* a folder's name
* @type String
name: {
get: function() {
return params.name;
set: function(v) {
// TODO Check for collisions among sibling folders
params.name = v;
if (title_row_name) {
title_row_name.innerHTML = params.name;
* Whether the <code>GUI</code> is collapsed or not
* @type Boolean
closed: {
get: function() {
return params.closed;
set: function(v) {
params.closed = v;
if (params.closed) {
dom.addClass(_this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED);
} else {
dom.removeClass(_this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED);
// For browsers that aren't going to respect the CSS transition,
// Lets just check our height against the window height right off
// the bat.
// resetWidth();
* Contains all presets
* @type Object
load: {
get: function() {
return params.load;
* Determines whether or not to use <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/Storage#localStorage">localStorage</a> as the means for
* <code>remember</code>ing
* @type Boolean
useLocalStorage: {
get: function() {
return use_local_storage;
set: function(bool) {
use_local_storage = bool;
if (bool) {
dom.bind(window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage);
} else {
dom.unbind(window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage);
localStorage.setItem(getLocalStorageHash(_this, 'isLocal'), bool);
// Are we a root level GUI?
if (common.isUndefined(params.parent)) {
params.closed = false;
dom.addClass(this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_MAIN);
dom.makeSelectable(this.domElement, false);
// Are we supposed to be loading locally?
if (use_local_storage) {
_this.useLocalStorage = true;
var saved_gui = localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(this, 'gui'));
if (saved_gui) {
params.load = JSON.parse(saved_gui);
// Oh, you're a nested GUI!
} else {
if (params.closed === undefined) {
params.closed = true;
var title_row_name = document.createTextNode(params.name);
dom.addClass(title_row_name, 'controller-name');
var title_row = addRow(_this, title_row_name);
var on_click_title = function(e) {
_this.closed = !_this.closed;
return false;
dom.addClass(this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED);
dom.addClass(title_row, 'title');
dom.bind(title_row, 'click', on_click_title);
if (!params.closed) {
this.closed = false;
if (params.autoPlace) {
if (common.isUndefined(params.parent)) {
if (auto_place_virgin) {
auto_place_container = document.createElement('div');
dom.addClass(auto_place_container, CSS_NAMESPACE);
dom.addClass(auto_place_container, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER);
auto_place_virgin = false;
// Put it in the dom for you.
// Apply the auto styles
dom.addClass(this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE);
// Make it not elastic.
if (!this.parent) setWidth(_this, params.width);
dom.bind(window, 'resize', function() { _this.onResize() });
dom.bind(this.__ul, 'webkitTransitionEnd', function() { _this.onResize(); });
dom.bind(this.__ul, 'transitionend', function() { _this.onResize() });
dom.bind(this.__ul, 'oTransitionEnd', function() { _this.onResize() });
if (params.resizable) {
function saveToLocalStorage() {
localStorage.setItem(getLocalStorageHash(_this, 'gui'), JSON.stringify(_this.getSaveObject()));
// Small hack to fix CSS positioning bug in Chrome
function resetWidth() {
var root = _this.getRoot();
root.width += 1;
common.defer(function() {
root.width -= 1;
if (!params.parent) {
GUI.toggleHide = function() {
hide = !hide;
common.each(hideable_guis, function(gui) {
gui.domElement.style.zIndex = hide ? -999 : 999;
gui.domElement.style.opacity = hide ? 0 : 1;
GUI.CLASS_MAIN = 'main';
GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL = 'taller-than-window';
GUI.CLASS_CLOSED = 'closed';
dom.bind(window, 'keydown', function(e) {
if (document.activeElement.type !== 'text' &&
(e.which === HIDE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode == HIDE_KEY_CODE)) {
}, false);
/** @lends dat.gui.GUI */
* @param object
* @param property
* @returns {dat.controllers.Controller} The new controller that was added.
* @instance
add: function(object, property) {
return add(
factoryArgs: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
* @param object
* @param property
* @returns {dat.controllers.ColorController} The new controller that was added.
* @instance
addColor: function(object, property) {
return add(
color: true
* @param controller
* @instance
remove: function(controller) {
// TODO listening?
this.__controllers.slice(this.__controllers.indexOf(controller), 1);
var _this = this;
common.defer(function() {
destroy: function() {
if (this.autoPlace) {
* @param name
* @returns {dat.gui.GUI} The new folder.
* @throws {Error} if this GUI already has a folder by the specified
* name
* @instance
addFolder: function(name) {
// We have to prevent collisions on names in order to have a key
// by which to remember saved values
if (this.__folders[name] !== undefined) {
throw new Error('You already have a folder in this GUI by the' +
' name "' + name + '"');
var new_gui_params = { name: name, parent: this };
// We need to pass down the autoPlace trait so that we can
// attach event listeners to open/close folder actions to
// ensure that a scrollbar appears if the window is too short.
new_gui_params.autoPlace = this.autoPlace;
// Do we have saved appearance data for this folder?
if (this.load && // Anything loaded?
this.load.folders && // Was my parent a dead-end?
this.load.folders[name]) { // Did daddy remember me?
// Start me closed if I was closed
new_gui_params.closed = this.load.folders[name].closed;
// Pass down the loaded data
new_gui_params.load = this.load.folders[name];
var gui = new GUI(new_gui_params);
this.__folders[name] = gui;
var li = addRow(this, gui.domElement);
dom.addClass(li, 'folder');
gui.open = function() {
this.closed = false;
gui.close = function() {
this.closed = true;
return gui;
onResize: function() {
var root = this.getRoot();
if (root.scrollable) {
var top = dom.getOffset(root.domElement).top;
var h = 0;
common.each(root.__ul.childNodes, function(node) {
h += dom.getHeight(node);
if (window.innerHeight < h) {
dom.addClass(root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL);
root.__ul.style.height = window.innerHeight - top + 'px';
} else {
dom.removeClass(root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL);
root.__ul.style.height = 'auto';
if (root.__resize_handle) {
common.defer(function() {
root.__resize_handle.style.height = root.__ul.offsetHeight + 'px';
* Mark objects for saving. The order of these objects cannot change as
* the GUI grows. When remembering new objects, append them to the end
* of the list.
* @param {Object...} objects
* @throws {Error} if not called on a top level GUI.
* @instance
remember: function() {
if (common.isUndefined(SAVE_DIALOGUE)) {
SAVE_DIALOGUE = new CenteredDiv();
SAVE_DIALOGUE.domElement.innerHTML = saveDialogueContents;
if (this.parent) {
throw new Error("You can only call remember on a top level GUI.");
var _this = this;
common.each(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), function(object) {
if (_this.__rememberedObjects.length == 0) {
if (_this.__rememberedObjects.indexOf(object) == -1) {
if (this.autoPlace) {
// Set save row width
setWidth(this, this.width);
* @returns {dat.gui.GUI} the topmost parent GUI of a nested GUI.
* @instance
getRoot: function() {
var gui = this;
while (gui.parent) {
gui = gui.parent;
return gui;
* @returns {Object} a JSON object representing the current state of
* this GUI as well as its remembered properties.
* @instance
getSaveObject: function() {
var toReturn = this.load;
toReturn.closed = this.closed;
// Am I remembering any values?
if (this.__rememberedObjects.length > 0) {
toReturn.preset = this.preset;
if (!toReturn.remembered) {
toReturn.remembered = {};
toReturn.remembered[this.preset] = getCurrentPreset(this);
toReturn.folders = {};
common.each(this.__folders, function(element, key) {
toReturn.folders[key] = element.getSaveObject();
return toReturn;
save: function() {
if (!this.load.remembered) {
this.load.remembered = {};
this.load.remembered[this.preset] = getCurrentPreset(this);
markPresetModified(this, false);
saveAs: function(presetName) {
if (!this.load.remembered) {
// Retain default values upon first save
this.load.remembered = {};
this.load.remembered[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME] = getCurrentPreset(this, true);
this.load.remembered[presetName] = getCurrentPreset(this);
this.preset = presetName;
addPresetOption(this, presetName, true);
revert: function(gui) {
common.each(this.__controllers, function(controller) {
// Make revert work on Default.
if (!this.getRoot().load.remembered) {
} else {
recallSavedValue(gui || this.getRoot(), controller);
}, this);
common.each(this.__folders, function(folder) {
if (!gui) {
markPresetModified(this.getRoot(), false);
listen: function(controller) {
var init = this.__listening.length == 0;
if (init) updateDisplays(this.__listening);
function add(gui, object, property, params) {
if (object[property] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Object " + object + " has no property \"" + property + "\"");
var controller;
if (params.color) {
controller = new ColorController(object, property);
} else {
var factoryArgs = [object,property].concat(params.factoryArgs);
controller = controllerFactory.apply(gui, factoryArgs);
if (params.before instanceof Controller) {
params.before = params.before.__li;
recallSavedValue(gui, controller);
dom.addClass(controller.domElement, 'c');
var name = document.createElement('span');
dom.addClass(name, 'property-name');
name.innerHTML = controller.property;
var container = document.createElement('div');
var li = addRow(gui, container, params.before);
dom.addClass(li, typeof controller.getValue());
augmentController(gui, li, controller);
return controller;
* Add a row to the end of the GUI or before another row.
* @param gui
* @param [dom] If specified, inserts the dom content in the new row
* @param [liBefore] If specified, places the new row before another row
function addRow(gui, dom, liBefore) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
if (dom) li.appendChild(dom);
if (liBefore) {
gui.__ul.insertBefore(li, params.before);
} else {
return li;
function augmentController(gui, li, controller) {
controller.__li = li;
controller.__gui = gui;
common.extend(controller, {
options: function(options) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
return add(
before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling,
factoryArgs: [common.toArray(arguments)]
if (common.isArray(options) || common.isObject(options)) {
return add(
before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling,
factoryArgs: [options]
name: function(v) {
controller.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = v;
return controller;
listen: function() {
return controller;
remove: function() {
return controller;
// All sliders should be accompanied by a box.
if (controller instanceof NumberControllerSlider) {
var box = new NumberControllerBox(controller.object, controller.property,
{ min: controller.__min, max: controller.__max, step: controller.__step });
common.each(['updateDisplay', 'onChange', 'onFinishChange'], function(method) {
var pc = controller[method];
var pb = box[method];
controller[method] = box[method] = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
pc.apply(controller, args);
return pb.apply(box, args);
dom.addClass(li, 'has-slider');
controller.domElement.insertBefore(box.domElement, controller.domElement.firstElementChild);
else if (controller instanceof NumberControllerBox) {
var r = function(returned) {
// Have we defined both boundaries?
if (common.isNumber(controller.__min) && common.isNumber(controller.__max)) {
// Well, then lets just replace this with a slider.
return add(
before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling,
factoryArgs: [controller.__min, controller.__max, controller.__step]
return returned;
controller.min = common.compose(r, controller.min);
controller.max = common.compose(r, controller.max);
else if (controller instanceof BooleanController) {
dom.bind(li, 'click', function() {
dom.fakeEvent(controller.__checkbox, 'click');
dom.bind(controller.__checkbox, 'click', function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // Prevents double-toggle
else if (controller instanceof FunctionController) {
dom.bind(li, 'click', function() {
dom.fakeEvent(controller.__button, 'click');
dom.bind(li, 'mouseover', function() {
dom.addClass(controller.__button, 'hover');
dom.bind(li, 'mouseout', function() {
dom.removeClass(controller.__button, 'hover');
else if (controller instanceof ColorController) {
dom.addClass(li, 'color');
controller.updateDisplay = common.compose(function(r) {
li.style.borderLeftColor = controller.__color.toString();
return r;
}, controller.updateDisplay);
controller.setValue = common.compose(function(r) {
if (gui.getRoot().__preset_select && controller.isModified()) {
markPresetModified(gui.getRoot(), true);
return r;
}, controller.setValue);
function recallSavedValue(gui, controller) {
// Find the topmost GUI, that's where remembered objects live.
var root = gui.getRoot();
// Does the object we're controlling match anything we've been told to
// remember?
var matched_index = root.__rememberedObjects.indexOf(controller.object);
// Why yes, it does!
if (matched_index != -1) {
// Let me fetch a map of controllers for thcommon.isObject.
var controller_map =
// Ohp, I believe this is the first controller we've created for this
// object. Lets make the map fresh.
if (controller_map === undefined) {
controller_map = {};
root.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[matched_index] =
// Keep track of this controller
controller_map[controller.property] = controller;
// Okay, now have we saved any values for this controller?
if (root.load && root.load.remembered) {
var preset_map = root.load.remembered;
// Which preset are we trying to load?
var preset;
if (preset_map[gui.preset]) {
preset = preset_map[gui.preset];
} else if (preset_map[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME]) {
// Uhh, you can have the default instead?
preset = preset_map[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME];
} else {
// Nada.
// Did the loaded object remember thcommon.isObject?
if (preset[matched_index] &&
// Did we remember this particular property?
preset[matched_index][controller.property] !== undefined) {
// We did remember something for this guy ...
var value = preset[matched_index][controller.property];
// And that's what it is.
controller.initialValue = value;
function getLocalStorageHash(gui, key) {
// TODO how does this deal with multiple GUI's?
return document.location.href + '.' + key;
function addSaveMenu(gui) {
var div = gui.__save_row = document.createElement('li');
dom.addClass(gui.domElement, 'has-save');
gui.__ul.insertBefore(div, gui.__ul.firstChild);
dom.addClass(div, 'save-row');
var gears = document.createElement('span');
gears.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
dom.addClass(gears, 'button gears');
// TODO replace with FunctionController
var button = document.createElement('span');
button.innerHTML = 'Save';
dom.addClass(button, 'button');
dom.addClass(button, 'save');
var button2 = document.createElement('span');
button2.innerHTML = 'New';
dom.addClass(button2, 'button');
dom.addClass(button2, 'save-as');
var button3 = document.createElement('span');
button3.innerHTML = 'Revert';
dom.addClass(button3, 'button');
dom.addClass(button3, 'revert');
var select = gui.__preset_select = document.createElement('select');
if (gui.load && gui.load.remembered) {
common.each(gui.load.remembered, function(value, key) {
addPresetOption(gui, key, key == gui.preset);
} else {
addPresetOption(gui, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME, false);
dom.bind(select, 'change', function() {
for (var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index++) {
gui.__preset_select[index].innerHTML = gui.__preset_select[index].value;
gui.preset = this.value;
var saveLocally = document.getElementById('dg-save-locally');
var explain = document.getElementById('dg-local-explain');
saveLocally.style.display = 'block';
var localStorageCheckBox = document.getElementById('dg-local-storage');
if (localStorage.getItem(getLocalStorageHash(gui, 'isLocal')) === 'true') {
localStorageCheckBox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
function showHideExplain() {
explain.style.display = gui.useLocalStorage ? 'block' : 'none';
// TODO: Use a boolean controller, fool!
dom.bind(localStorageCheckBox, 'change', function() {
gui.useLocalStorage = !gui.useLocalStorage;
var newConstructorTextArea = document.getElementById('dg-new-constructor');
dom.bind(newConstructorTextArea, 'keydown', function(e) {
if (e.metaKey && (e.which === 67 || e.keyCode == 67)) {
dom.bind(gears, 'click', function() {
newConstructorTextArea.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(gui.getSaveObject(), undefined, 2);
dom.bind(button, 'click', function() {
dom.bind(button2, 'click', function() {
var presetName = prompt('Enter a new preset name.');
if (presetName) gui.saveAs(presetName);
dom.bind(button3, 'click', function() {
// div.appendChild(button2);
function addResizeHandle(gui) {
gui.__resize_handle = document.createElement('div');
common.extend(gui.__resize_handle.style, {
width: '6px',
marginLeft: '-3px',
height: '200px',
cursor: 'ew-resize',
position: 'absolute'
// border: '1px solid blue'
var pmouseX;
dom.bind(gui.__resize_handle, 'mousedown', dragStart);
gui.domElement.insertBefore(gui.__resize_handle, gui.domElement.firstElementChild);
function dragStart(e) {
pmouseX = e.clientX;
dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', drag);
dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', dragStop);
return false;
function drag(e) {
gui.width += pmouseX - e.clientX;
pmouseX = e.clientX;
return false;
function dragStop() {
dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', drag);
dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', dragStop);
function setWidth(gui, w) {
gui.domElement.style.width = w + 'px';
// Auto placed save-rows are position fixed, so we have to
// set the width manually if we want it to bleed to the edge
if (gui.__save_row && gui.autoPlace) {
gui.__save_row.style.width = w + 'px';
function getCurrentPreset(gui, useInitialValues) {
var toReturn = {};
// For each object I'm remembering
common.each(gui.__rememberedObjects, function(val, index) {
var saved_values = {};
// The controllers I've made for thcommon.isObject by property
var controller_map =
// Remember each value for each property
common.each(controller_map, function(controller, property) {
saved_values[property] = useInitialValues ? controller.initialValue : controller.getValue();
// Save the values for thcommon.isObject
toReturn[index] = saved_values;
return toReturn;
function addPresetOption(gui, name, setSelected) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.innerHTML = name;
opt.value = name;
if (setSelected) {
gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = gui.__preset_select.length - 1;
function setPresetSelectIndex(gui) {
for (var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index++) {
if (gui.__preset_select[index].value == gui.preset) {
gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = index;
function markPresetModified(gui, modified) {
var opt = gui.__preset_select[gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex];
// console.log('mark', modified, opt);
if (modified) {
opt.innerHTML = opt.value + "*";
} else {
opt.innerHTML = opt.value;
function updateDisplays(controllerArray) {
if (controllerArray.length != 0) {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
common.each(controllerArray, function(c) {
return GUI;
"<div id=\"dg-save\" class=\"dg dialogue\">\n\n Here's the new load parameter for your <code>GUI</code>'s constructor:\n\n <textarea id=\"dg-new-constructor\"></textarea>\n\n <div id=\"dg-save-locally\">\n\n <input id=\"dg-local-storage\" type=\"checkbox\"/> Automatically save\n values to <code>localStorage</code> on exit.\n\n <div id=\"dg-local-explain\">The values saved to <code>localStorage</code> will\n override those passed to <code>dat.GUI</code>'s constructor. This makes it\n easier to work incrementally, but <code>localStorage</code> is fragile,\n and your friends may not see the same values you do.\n \n </div>\n \n </div>\n\n</div>",
".dg {\n /** Clear list styles */\n /* Auto-place container */\n /* Auto-placed GUI's */\n /* Line items that don't contain folders. */\n /** Folder names */\n /** Hides closed items */\n /** Controller row */\n /** Name-half (left) */\n /** Controller-half (right) */\n /** Controller placement */\n /** Shorter number boxes when slider is present. */\n /** Ensure the entire boolean and function row shows a hand */ }\n .dg ul {\n list-style: none;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n width: 100%;\n clear: both; }\n .dg.ac {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n height: 0;\n z-index: 0; }\n .dg.main {\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n transition: opacity 0.1s linear;\n /*overflow-y: hidden;*/ }\n .dg.main.taller-than-window {\n overflow-y: auto; }\n .dg.a {\n float: right;\n margin-right: 15px;\n overflow-x: hidden; }\n .dg.a.has-save {\n margin-top: 27px; }\n .dg.a .save-row {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n z-index: 1002; }\n .dg li:not(.folder) {\n cursor: auto;\n height: 27px;\n line-height: 27px;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding: 0 4px 0 5px;\n -webkit-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n -o-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n -moz-transition: height 0.1s ease-out;\n transition: height 0.1s ease-out; }\n .dg li.folder {\n padding: 0;\n border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }\n .dg li.title {\n cursor: pointer;\n margin-left: -4px; }\n .dg .closed li:not(.title),\n .dg .closed ul li,\n .dg .closed ul li > * {\n height: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n border: 0; }\n .dg .cr {\n clear: both;\n padding-left: 3px;\n height: 27px; }\n .dg .property-name {\n cursor: default;\n float: left;\n clear: left;\n width: 40%;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis; }\n .dg .c {\n float: left;\n width: 60%; }\n .dg .c input[type=text] {\n border: 0;\n margin-top: 4px;\n padding: 3px;\n width: 100%;\n float: right; }\n .dg .has-slider input[type=text] {\n width: 30%;\n /*display: none;*/\n margin-left: 0; }\n .dg .slider {\n float: left;\n width: 66%;\n margin-left: -5px;\n margin-right: 0;\n height: 19px;\n margin-top: 4px; }\n .dg .slider-fg {\n height: 100%; }\n .dg .c input[type=checkbox] {\n margin-top: 9px; }\n .dg .c select {\n margin-top: 5px; }\n .dg .cr.function,\n .dg .cr.function .property-name,\n .dg .cr.function *,\n .dg .cr.boolean,\n .dg .cr.boolean * {\n cursor: pointer; }\n .dg .selector {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n margin-left: -9px;\n margin-top: 23px; }\n .dg .c:hover .selector,\n .dg .selector.drag {\n display: block; }\n .dg li.save-row {\n padding: 0; }\n .dg li.save-row .button {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 0px 6px; }\n .dg.dialogue {\n background-color: #222;\n width: 460px;\n padding: 15px;\n font-size: 13px;\n line-height: 15px; }\n\n/* TODO Separate style and structure */\n#dg-new-constructor {\n padding: 10px;\n color: #222;\n font-family: Monaco, monospace;\n font-size: 10px;\n border: 0;\n resize: none;\n box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px #888;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n margin: 12px 0;\n display: block;\n width: 440px;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n height: 100px;\n position: relative; }\n\n#dg-local-explain {\n display: none;\n font-size: 11px;\n line-height: 17px;\n border-radius: 3px;\n background-color: #333;\n padding: 8px;\n margin-top: 10px; }\n #dg-local-explain code {\n font-size: 10px; }\n\n#dat-gui-save-locally {\n display: none; }\n\n/** Main type */\n.dg {\n color: #eee;\n font: 11px 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;\n text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #111111;\n /** Auto place */\n /* Controller row, <li> */\n /** Controllers */ }\n .dg.main {\n /** Scrollbar */ }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar {\n width: 5px;\n background: #1a1a1a; }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {\n height: 0;\n display: none; }\n .dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n border-radius: 5px;\n background: #676767; }\n .dg li:not(.folder) {\n background: #1a1a1a;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c; }\n .dg li.save-row {\n line-height: 25px;\n background: #dad5cb;\n border: 0; }\n .dg li.save-row select {\n margin-left: 5px;\n width: 108px; }\n .dg li.save-row .button {\n margin-left: 5px;\n margin-top: 1px;\n border-radius: 2px;\n font-size: 9px;\n line-height: 7px;\n padding: 4px 4px 5px 4px;\n background: #c5bdad;\n color: #fff;\n text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #b0a58f;\n box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #b0a58f;\n cursor: pointer; }\n .dg li.save-row .button.gears {\n background: #c5bdad url() 2px 1px no-repeat;\n height: 7px;\n width: 8px; }\n .dg li.save-row .button:hover {\n background-color: #bab19e;\n box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #b0a58f; }\n .dg li.folder {\n border-bottom: 0; }\n .dg li.title {\n padding-left: 16px;\n background: black url() 6px 10px no-repeat;\n cursor: pointer;\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); }\n .dg .closed li.title {\n background-image: url(); }\n .dg .cr.boolean {\n border-left: 3px solid #806787; }\n .dg .cr.function {\n border-left: 3px solid #e61d5f; }\n .dg .cr.number {\n border-left: 3px solid #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .cr.number input[type=text] {\n color: #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .cr.string {\n border-left: 3px solid #1ed36f; }\n .dg .cr.string input[type=text] {\n color: #1ed36f; }\n .dg .cr.function:hover, .dg .cr.boolean:hover {\n background: #111; }\n .dg .c input[type=text] {\n background: #303030;\n outline: none; }\n .dg .c input[type=text]:hover {\n background: #3c3c3c; }\n .dg .c input[type=text]:focus {\n background: #494949;\n color: #fff; }\n .dg .c .slider {\n background: #303030;\n cursor: ew-resize; }\n .dg .c .slider-fg {\n background: #2fa1d6; }\n .dg .c .slider:hover {\n background: #3c3c3c; }\n .dg .c .slider:hover .slider-fg {\n background: #44abda; }\n",
dat.controllers.factory = (function (OptionController, NumberControllerBox, NumberControllerSlider, StringController, FunctionController, BooleanController, common) {
return function(object, property) {
var initialValue = object[property];
// Providing options?
if (common.isArray(arguments[2]) || common.isObject(arguments[2])) {
return new OptionController(object, property, arguments[2]);
// Providing a map?
if (common.isNumber(initialValue)) {
if (common.isNumber(arguments[2]) && common.isNumber(arguments[3])) {
// Has min and max.
return new NumberControllerSlider(object, property, arguments[2], arguments[3]);
} else {
return new NumberControllerBox(object, property, { min: arguments[2], max: arguments[3] });
if (common.isString(initialValue)) {
return new StringController(object, property);
if (common.isFunction(initialValue)) {
return new FunctionController(object, property, '');
if (common.isBoolean(initialValue)) {
return new BooleanController(object, property);
dat.controllers.StringController = (function (Controller, dom, common) {
* @class Provides a text input to alter the string property of an object.
* @extends dat.controllers.Controller
* @param {Object} object The object to be manipulated
* @param {string} property The name of the property to be manipulated
* @member dat.controllers
var StringController = function(object, property) {
StringController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
var _this = this;
this.__input = document.createElement('input');
this.__input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
dom.bind(this.__input, 'keyup', onChange);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'change', onChange);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur);
dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
function onChange() {
function onBlur() {
if (_this.__onFinishChange) {
_this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.getValue());
StringController.superclass = Controller;
updateDisplay: function() {
// Stops the caret from moving on account of:
// keyup -> setValue -> updateDisplay
if (!dom.isActive(this.__input)) {
this.__input.value = this.getValue();
return StringController.superclass.prototype.updateDisplay.call(this);
return StringController;
dat.controllers.ColorController = (function (Controller, dom, Color, interpret, common) {
var ColorController = function(object, property) {
ColorController.superclass.call(this, object, property);
this.__color = new Color(this.getValue());
this.__temp = new Color(0);
var _this = this;
this.domElement = document.createElement('div');
dom.makeSelectable(this.domElement, false);
this.__selector = document.createElement('div');
this.__selector.className = 'selector';
this.__saturation_field = document.createElement('div');
this.__saturation_field.className = 'saturation-field';
this.__field_knob = document.createElement('div');
this.__field_knob.className = 'field-knob';
this.__field_knob_border = '2px solid ';
this.__hue_knob = document.createElement('div');
this.__hue_knob.className = 'hue-knob';
this.__hue_field = document.createElement('div');
this.__hue_field.className = 'hue-field';
this.__input = document.createElement('input');
this.__input.type = 'text';
this.__input_textShadow = '0 1px 1px ';
dom.bind(this.__input, 'keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // on enter
dom.bind(this.__input, 'blur', onBlur);
dom.bind(this.__selector, 'mousedown', function(e) {
.addClass(this, 'drag')
.bind(window, 'mouseup', function(e) {
dom.removeClass(_this.__selector, 'drag');
var value_field = document.createElement('div');
common.extend(this.__selector.style, {
width: '122px',
height: '102px',
padding: '3px',
backgroundColor: '#222',
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
common.extend(this.__field_knob.style, {
position: 'absolute',
width: '12px',
height: '12px',
border: this.__field_knob_border + (this.__color.v < .5 ? '#fff' : '#000'),
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
borderRadius: '12px',
zIndex: 1
common.extend(this.__hue_knob.style, {
position: 'absolute',
width: '15px',
height: '2px',
borderRight: '4px solid #fff',
zIndex: 1
common.extend(this.__saturation_field.style, {
width: '100px',
height: '100px',
border: '1px solid #555',
marginRight: '3px',
display: 'inline-block',
cursor: 'pointer'
common.extend(value_field.style, {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'none'
linearGradient(value_field, 'top', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000');
common.extend(this.__hue_field.style, {
width: '15px',
height: '100px',
display: 'inline-block',
border: '1px solid #555',
cursor: 'ns-resize'
common.extend(this.__input.style, {
outline: 'none',
// width: '120px',
textAlign: 'center',
// padding: '4px',
// marginBottom: '6px',
color: '#fff',
border: 0,
fontWeight: 'bold',
textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
dom.bind(this.__saturation_field, 'mousedown', fieldDown);
dom.bind(this.__field_knob, 'mousedown', fieldDown);
dom.bind(this.__hue_field, 'mousedown', function(e) {
dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', setH);
dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', unbindH);
function fieldDown(e) {
// document.body.style.cursor = 'none';
dom.bind(window, 'mousemove', setSV);
dom.bind(window, 'mouseup', unbindSV);
function unbindSV() {
dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setSV);
dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', unbindSV);
// document.body.style.cursor = 'default';
function onBlur() {
var i = interpret(this.value);
if (i !== false) {
_this.__color.__state = i;
} else {
this.value = _this.__color.toString();
function unbindH() {
dom.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setH);
dom.unbind(window, 'mouseup', unbindH);
function setSV(e) {
var w = dom.getWidth(_this.__saturation_field);
var o = dom.getOffset(_this.__saturation_field);
var s = (e.clientX - o.left + document.body.scrollLeft) / w;
var v = 1 - (e.clientY - o.top + document.body.scrollTop) / w;
if (v > 1) v = 1;
else if (v < 0) v = 0;
if (s > 1) s = 1;
else if (s < 0) s = 0;
_this.__color.v = v;
_this.__color.s = s;
return false;
function setH(e) {
var s = dom.getHeight(_this.__hue_field);
var o = dom.getOffset(_this.__hue_field);
var h = 1 - (e.clientY - o.top + document.body.scrollTop) / s;
if (h > 1) h = 1;
else if (h < 0) h = 0;
_this.__color.h = h * 360;
return false;
ColorController.superclass = Controller;
updateDisplay: function() {
var i = interpret(this.getValue());
if (i !== false) {
var mismatch = false;
// Check for mismatch on the interpreted value.
common.each(Color.COMPONENTS, function(component) {
if (!common.isUndefined(i[component]) &&
!common.isUndefined(this.__color.__state[component]) &&
i[component] !== this.__color.__state[component]) {
mismatch = true;
return {}; // break
}, this);
// If nothing diverges, we keep our previous values
// for statefulness, otherwise we recalculate fresh
if (mismatch) {
common.extend(this.__color.__state, i);
common.extend(this.__temp.__state, this.__color.__state);
this.__temp.a = 1;
var flip = (this.__color.v < .5 || this.__color.s > .5) ? 255 : 0;
var _flip = 255 - flip;
common.extend(this.__field_knob.style, {
marginLeft: 100 * this.__color.s - 7 + 'px',
marginTop: 100 * (1 - this.__color.v) - 7 + 'px',
backgroundColor: this.__temp.toString(),
border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip +')'
this.__hue_knob.style.marginTop = (1 - this.__color.h / 360) * 100 + 'px'
this.__temp.s = 1;
this.__temp.v = 1;
linearGradient(this.__saturation_field, 'left', '#fff', this.__temp.toString());
common.extend(this.__input.style, {
backgroundColor: this.__input.value = this.__color.toString(),
color: 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip +')',
textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',' + _flip +',.7)'
var vendors = ['-moz-','-o-','-webkit-','-ms-',''];
function linearGradient(elem, x, a, b) {
elem.style.background = '';
common.each(vendors, function(vendor) {
elem.style.cssText += 'background: ' + vendor + 'linear-gradient('+x+', '+a+' 0%, ' + b + ' 100%); ';
function hueGradient(elem) {
elem.style.background = '';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%, #ff00ff 17%, #0000ff 34%, #00ffff 50%, #00ff00 67%, #ffff00 84%, #ff0000 100%);'
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'
elem.style.cssText += 'background: linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'
return ColorController;
dat.color.Color = (function (interpret, math, toString, common) {
var Color = function() {
this.__state = interpret.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.__state === false) {
throw 'Failed to interpret color arguments';
this.__state.a = this.__state.a || 1;
Color.COMPONENTS = ['r','g','b','h','s','v','hex','a'];
common.extend(Color.prototype, {
toString: function() {
return toString(this);
toOriginal: function() {
return this.__state.conversion.write(this);
defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'r', 2);
defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'g', 1);
defineRGBComponent(Color.prototype, 'b', 0);
defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 'h');
defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 's');
defineHSVComponent(Color.prototype, 'v');
Object.defineProperty(Color.prototype, 'a', {
get: function() {
return this.__state.a;
set: function(v) {
this.__state.a = v;
Object.defineProperty(Color.prototype, 'hex', {
get: function() {
if (!this.__state.space !== 'HEX') {
this.__state.hex = math.rgb_to_hex(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return this.__state.hex;
set: function(v) {
this.__state.space = 'HEX';
this.__state.hex = v;
function defineRGBComponent(target, component, componentHexIndex) {
Object.defineProperty(target, component, {
get: function() {
if (this.__state.space === 'RGB') {
return this.__state[component];
recalculateRGB(this, component, componentHexIndex);
return this.__state[component];
set: function(v) {
if (this.__state.space !== 'RGB') {
recalculateRGB(this, component, componentHexIndex);
this.__state.space = 'RGB';
this.__state[component] = v;
function defineHSVComponent(target, component) {
Object.defineProperty(target, component, {
get: function() {
if (this.__state.space === 'HSV')
return this.__state[component];
return this.__state[component];
set: function(v) {
if (this.__state.space !== 'HSV') {
this.__state.space = 'HSV';
this.__state[component] = v;
function recalculateRGB(color, component, componentHexIndex) {
if (color.__state.space === 'HEX') {
color.__state[component] = math.component_from_hex(color.__state.hex, componentHexIndex);
} else if (color.__state.space === 'HSV') {
common.extend(color.__state, math.hsv_to_rgb(color.__state.h, color.__state.s, color.__state.v));
} else {
throw 'Corrupted color state';
function recalculateHSV(color) {
var result = math.rgb_to_hsv(color.r, color.g, color.b);
s: result.s,
v: result.v
if (!common.isNaN(result.h)) {
color.__state.h = result.h;
} else if (common.isUndefined(color.__state.h)) {
color.__state.h = 0;
return Color;
dat.color.math = (function () {
var tmpComponent;
return {
hsv_to_rgb: function(h, s, v) {
var hi = Math.floor(h / 60) % 6;
var f = h / 60 - Math.floor(h / 60);
var p = v * (1.0 - s);
var q = v * (1.0 - (f * s));
var t = v * (1.0 - ((1.0 - f) * s));
var c = [
[v, t, p],
[q, v, p],
[p, v, t],
[p, q, v],
[t, p, v],
[v, p, q]
return {
r: c[0] * 255,
g: c[1] * 255,
b: c[2] * 255
rgb_to_hsv: function(r, g, b) {
var min = Math.min(r, g, b),
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
delta = max - min,
h, s;
if (max != 0) {
s = delta / max;
} else {
return {
h: NaN,
s: 0,
v: 0
if (r == max) {
h = (g - b) / delta;
} else if (g == max) {
h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
} else {
h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
h /= 6;
if (h < 0) {
h += 1;
return {
h: h * 360,
s: s,
v: max / 255
rgb_to_hex: function(r, g, b) {
var hex = this.hex_with_component(0, 2, r);
hex = this.hex_with_component(hex, 1, g);
hex = this.hex_with_component(hex, 0, b);
return hex;
component_from_hex: function(hex, componentIndex) {
return (hex >> (componentIndex * 8)) & 0xFF;
hex_with_component: function(hex, componentIndex, value) {
return value << (tmpComponent = componentIndex * 8) | (hex & ~ (0xFF << tmpComponent));
dat.utils.requestAnimationFrame = (function () {
* requirejs version of Paul Irish's RequestAnimationFrame
* http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback, element) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
dat.dom.CenteredDiv = (function (dom, common) {
var CenteredDiv = function() {
this.backgroundElement = document.createElement('div');
common.extend(this.backgroundElement.style, {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
display: 'none',
zIndex: '1000',
opacity: 0,
WebkitTransition: 'opacity 0.2s linear'
this.domElement = document.createElement('div');
common.extend(this.domElement.style, {
position: 'fixed',
display: 'none',
left: '50%',
top: '50%',
zIndex: '1001',
opacity: 0,
WebkitTransition: '-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear'
var _this = this;
dom.bind(this.backgroundElement, 'click', function() {
CenteredDiv.prototype.show = function() {
var _this = this;
this.backgroundElement.style.display = 'block';
this.domElement.style.display = 'block';
this.domElement.style.opacity = 0;
// this.domElement.style.top = '52%';
this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1.1)';
common.defer(function() {
_this.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 1;
_this.domElement.style.opacity = 1;
_this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1)';
CenteredDiv.prototype.hide = function() {
var _this = this;
var hide = function() {
_this.domElement.style.display = 'none';
_this.backgroundElement.style.display = 'none';
dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide);
dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide);
dom.unbind(_this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide);
dom.bind(this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide);
dom.bind(this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide);
dom.bind(this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide);
this.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 0;
// this.domElement.style.top = '48%';
this.domElement.style.opacity = 0;
this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(1.1)';
CenteredDiv.prototype.layout = function() {
this.domElement.style.marginLeft = -dom.getWidth(this.domElement) / 2 + 'px';
this.domElement.style.marginTop = -dom.getHeight(this.domElement) / 2 + 'px';
return CenteredDiv;