/** * @preserve jQuery DateTimePicker plugin v2.4.1 * @homepage http://xdsoft.net/jqplugins/datetimepicker/ * (c) 2014, Chupurnov Valeriy. */ /*global document,window,jQuery,setTimeout,clearTimeout*/ (function(a) { ('function' == typeof(define) && define.amd) ? define(['jquery', 'moment', 'jquery-mousewheel'], a): 'object' == typeof exports ? module.exports = a : a(jQuery); })(function($, moment) { 'use strict'; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function(format) { return moment(this).format(format); }; Date.parseDate = function(date, format) { return moment(date, format).toDate(); }; var I18N = { months:'months', dayOfWeek:'weekdaysShort' }; var getI18n=function(lang, prop){ return moment[I18N[prop]](); }; var setDayOfWeekStart=function(options){ options.dayOfWeek=moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek(); }; var xde = { 'keyup': 'keyup.xdsoftctrl', 'afterOpen': 'afterOpen.xdsoft', 'blur': 'blur.xdsoft', 'changedatetime': 'changedatetime.xdsoft', 'click': 'click.xdsoft', 'close': 'close.xdsoft', 'dblclick': 'dblclick.xdsoft', 'focusin': 'focusin.xdsoft', 'generate': 'generate.xdsoft', 'keydown': 'keydown.xdsoft', 'mousedown': 'mousedown.xdsoft', 'mouseup': 'mouseup.xdsoft', 'mousewheel': 'mousewheel.xdsoft', 'open': 'open.xdsoft', 'resize': 'resize.xdsoft', 'toggle': 'toggle.xdsoft', 'xchange': 'xchange.xdsoft', 'error_input': 'error_input.xdsoft', 'select': 'select.xdsoft', 'resize_scroll': 'resize_scroll.xdsoft_scroller', 'scroll_element': 'scroll_element.xdsoft_scroller', 'scroller': { 'mousedown': 'mousedown.xdsoft_scroller', 'mousemove': 'mousemove.xdsoft_scroller', 'mouseup': 'mouseup.xdsoft_scroller', 'resize_scroll': 'resize_scroll.xdsoft_scroller', 'scroll_element': 'scroll_element.xdsoft_scroller', 'touchstart': 'touchstart.xdsoft_scroller' }, 'ctrl': { 'keydown': 'keydown.xdsoftctrl', 'keyup': 'keyup.xdsoftctrl' } }; var xdc = { 'calendar': 'xdsoft_calendar', 'copyright': 'xdsoft_copyright', 'current': 'xdsoft_current', 'date': 'xdsoft_date', 'datepicker': 'xdsoft_datepicker', 'datetime': 'xdsoft_datetime', 'datetimepicker': 'xdsoft_datetimepicker', 'day_of_week': 'xdsoft_day_of_week', 'disabled': 'xdsoft_disabled', 'init_time': 'xdsoft_init_time', 'inline': 'xdsoft_inline', 'label': 'xdsoft_label', 'month': 'xdsoft_month', 'monthselect': 'xdsoft_monthselect', 'monthpicker': 'xdsoft_monthpicker', 'next': 'xdsoft_next', 'noselect': 'xdsoft_noselect', 'option': 'xdsoft_option', 'other_month': 'xdsoft_other_month', 'prev': 'xdsoft_prev', 'scrollbar': 'xdsoft_scrollbar', 'scroller': 'xdsoft_scroller', 'scroller_box': 'xdsoft_scroller_box', 'select': 'xdsoft_select', 'showweeks': 'xdsoft_showweeks', 'time': 'xdsoft_time', 'time_box': 'xdsoft_time_box', 'time_variant': 'xdsoft_time_variant', 'timepicker': 'xdsoft_timepicker', 'today': 'xdsoft_today', 'today_button': 'xdsoft_today_button', 'weekend': 'xdsoft_weekend', 'year': 'xdsoft_year', 'yearselect': 'xdsoft_yearselect', }; var XDSOFT = '.xdsoft'; var default_options = { i18n: I18N, template: { datepicker: function() { return '
'; }, month_picker: function() { return '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; }, calendar: function() { return '
'; }, timepicker: function() { return '
'; }, timebox: function() { return '
'; }, monthselect: function() { return '
'; }, yearselect: function() { return '
'; } }, value: '', lang: 'en', format: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm', formatTime: 'HH:mm', formatDate: 'YYYY/MM/DD', startDate: false, // new Date(), '1986/12/08', '-1970/01/05','-1970/01/05', step: 60, monthChangeSpinner: true, closeOnDateSelect: false, closeOnWithoutClick: true, closeOnInputClick: true, timepicker: true, datepicker: true, weeks: false, defaultTime: false, // use formatTime format (ex. '10:00' for formatTime: 'H:i') defaultDate: false, // use formatDate format (ex new Date() or '1986/12/08' or '-1970/01/05' or '-1970/01/05') minDate: false, maxDate: false, minTime: false, maxTime: false, allowTimes: [], opened: false, initTime: true, inline: false, theme: '', onSelectDate: function() {}, onSelectTime: function() {}, onChangeMonth: function() {}, onChangeYear: function() {}, onChangeDateTime: function() {}, onShow: function() {}, onClose: function() {}, onGenerate: function() {}, withoutCopyright: true, inverseButton: false, hours12: false, next: xdc.next, prev: xdc.prev, dayOfWeekStart: 0, parentID: 'body', timeHeightInTimePicker: 25, timepickerScrollbar: true, todayButton: true, defaultSelect: true, scrollMonth: true, scrollTime: true, scrollInput: true, lazyInit: false, mask: false, validateOnBlur: true, allowBlank: true, yearStart: 1950, yearEnd: 2050, style: '', id: '', fixed: false, roundTime: 'round', // ceil, floor className: '', weekends: [], disabledDates: [], yearOffset: 0, beforeShowDay: null, enterLikeTab: true }; // fix for ie8 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start) { var i, j; for (i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i += 1) { if (this[i] === obj) { return i; } } return -1; }; } Date.prototype.countDaysInMonth = function() { return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate(); }; $.fn.xdsoftScroller = function(percent) { return this.each(function() { var timeboxparent = $(this), pointerEventToXY = function(e) { var out = { x: 0, y: 0 }, touch; if (e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel') { touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; out.x = touch.clientX; out.y = touch.clientY; } else if (e.type === 'mousedown' || e.type === 'mouseup' || e.type === 'mousemove' || e.type === 'mouseover' || e.type === 'mouseout' || e.type === 'mouseenter' || e.type === 'mouseleave') { out.x = e.clientX; out.y = e.clientY; } return out; }, move = 0, timebox, parentHeight, height, scrollbar, scroller, maximumOffset = 100, start = false, startY = 0, startTop = 0, h1 = 0, touchStart = false, startTopScroll = 0, calcOffset = function() {}; if (percent === 'hide') { timeboxparent.find('.' + xdc.scrollbar).hide(); return; } if (!$(this).hasClass(xdc.scroller_box)) { timebox = timeboxparent.children().eq(0); parentHeight = timeboxparent[0].clientHeight; height = timebox[0].offsetHeight; scrollbar = $('
'); scroller = $('
'); scrollbar.append(scroller); timeboxparent.addClass(xdc.scroller_box).append(scrollbar); calcOffset = function calcOffset(event) { var offset = pointerEventToXY(event).y - startY + startTopScroll; if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } if (offset + scroller[0].offsetHeight > h1) { offset = h1 - scroller[0].offsetHeight; } timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [maximumOffset ? offset / maximumOffset : 0]); }; scroller .on([xde.scroller.touchstart, xde.scroller.mousedown].join(' '), function(event) { if (!parentHeight) { timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.resize_scroll, [percent]); } startY = pointerEventToXY(event).y; startTopScroll = parseInt(scroller.css('margin-top'), 10); h1 = scrollbar[0].offsetHeight; if (event.type === 'mousedown') { if (document) { $(document.body).addClass(xdc.noselect); } $([document.body, window]).on(xde.scroller.mouseup, function arguments_callee() { $([document.body, window]).off(xde.scroller.mouseup, arguments_callee) .off(xde.scroller.mousemove, calcOffset) .removeClass(xdc.noselect); }); $(xdcument.body).on(xde.scroller.mousemove, calcOffset); } else { touchStart = true; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }) .on('touchmove', function(event) { if (touchStart) { event.preventDefault(); calcOffset(event); } }) .on('touchend touchcancel', function(event) { touchStart = false; startTopScroll = 0; }); timeboxparent .on(xde.scroller.scroll_element, function(event, percentage) { if (!parentHeight) { timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.resize_scroll, [percentage, true]); } percentage = percentage > 1 ? 1 : (percentage < 0 || isNaN(percentage)) ? 0 : percentage; scroller.css('margin-top', maximumOffset * percentage); setTimeout(function() { timebox.css('marginTop', -parseInt((timebox[0].offsetHeight - parentHeight) * percentage, 10)); }, 10); }) .on(xde.scroller.resize_scroll, function(event, percentage, noTriggerScroll) { var percent, sh; parentHeight = timeboxparent[0].clientHeight; height = timebox[0].offsetHeight; percent = parentHeight / height; sh = percent * scrollbar[0].offsetHeight; if (percent > 1) { scroller.hide(); } else { scroller.show(); scroller.css('height', parseInt(sh > 10 ? sh : 10, 10)); maximumOffset = scrollbar[0].offsetHeight - scroller[0].offsetHeight; if (noTriggerScroll !== true) { timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [percentage || Math.abs(parseInt(timebox.css('marginTop'), 10)) / (height - parentHeight)]); } } }); timeboxparent.on('mousewheel', function(event) { var top = Math.abs(parseInt(timebox.css('marginTop'), 10)); top = top - (event.deltaY * 20); if (top < 0) { top = 0; } timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [top / (height - parentHeight)]); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); timeboxparent.on('touchstart', function(event) { start = pointerEventToXY(event); startTop = Math.abs(parseInt(timebox.css('marginTop'), 10)); }); timeboxparent.on('touchmove', function(event) { if (start) { event.preventDefault(); var coord = pointerEventToXY(event); timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [(startTop - (coord.y - start.y)) / (height - parentHeight)]); } }); timeboxparent.on('touchend touchcancel', function(event) { start = false; startTop = 0; }); } timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.resize_scroll, [percent]); }); }; $.fn.datetimepicker = function(opt) { var KEY0 = 48, KEY9 = 57, _KEY0 = 96, _KEY9 = 105, CTRLKEY = 17, DEL = 46, ENTER = 13, ESC = 27, BACKSPACE = 8, ARROWLEFT = 37, ARROWUP = 38, ARROWRIGHT = 39, ARROWDOWN = 40, TAB = 9, F5 = 116, AKEY = 65, CKEY = 67, VKEY = 86, ZKEY = 90, YKEY = 89, ctrlDown = false, options = ($.isPlainObject(opt) || !opt) ? $.extend(true, {}, default_options, opt) : $.extend(true, {}, default_options), lazyInitTimer = 0, createDateTimePicker, destroyDateTimePicker, lazyInit = function(input) { input .on([xde.open, xde.focusin, xde.mousedown].join(' '), function initOnActionCallback(event) { if (input.is(':disabled') || input.data(xdc.datetimepicker)) { return; } clearTimeout(lazyInitTimer); lazyInitTimer = setTimeout(function() { if (!input.data(xdc.datetimepicker)) { createDateTimePicker(input); } input .off([xde.open, xde.focusin, xde.mousedown].join(' '), initOnActionCallback) .trigger(xde.open); }, 100); }); }; var xdsoft_copyright = '
'; createDateTimePicker = function(input) { var datetimepicker = $('
'), xdsoft_copyright = $(xdsoft_copyright), datepicker = $(options.template.datepicker()), month_picker = $(options.template.month_picker()), calendar = $(options.template.calendar()), timepicker = $(options.template.timepicker()), timeboxparent = timepicker.find('.' + xdc.time_box).eq(0), timebox = $(options.template.timebox()), /*scrollbar = $('
'), scroller = $('
'),*/ monthselect = $(options.template.monthselect()), yearselect = $(options.template.yearselect()), triggerAfterOpen = false, XDSoft_datetime, //scroll_element, xchangeTimer, timerclick, current_time_index, setPos, timer = 0, timer1 = 0, _xdsoft_datetime; month_picker .find('.' + xdc.month + ' span') .after(monthselect); month_picker .find('.' + xdc.year + ' span') .after(yearselect); month_picker .find('.' + xdc.month + ',.' + xdc.year) .on(xde.mousedown, function(event) { var select = $(this).find('.' + xdc.select).eq(0), val = 0, top = 0, visible = select.is(':visible'), items, i; month_picker .find('.' + xdc.select) .hide(); if (_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime) { val = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime[$(this).hasClass(xdc.month) ? 'getMonth' : 'getFullYear'](); } select[visible ? 'hide' : 'show'](); for (items = select.find('div.' + xdc.option), i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) { if (items.eq(i).data('value') === val) { break; } else { top += items[0].offsetHeight; } } select.xdsoftScroller(top / (select.children()[0].offsetHeight - (select[0].clientHeight))); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); month_picker .find('.' + xdc.select) .xdsoftScroller() .on(xde.mousedown, function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }) .on(xde.mousedown, '.' + xdc.option, function(event) { var year = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getFullYear(); if (_xdsoft_datetime && _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime) { _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime[$(this).parent().parent().hasClass(xdc.monthselect) ? 'setMonth' : 'setFullYear']($(this).data('value')); } $(this).parent().parent().hide(); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); if (options.onChangeMonth && $.isFunction(options.onChangeMonth)) { options.onChangeMonth.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } if (year !== _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getFullYear() && $.isFunction(options.onChangeYear)) { options.onChangeYear.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } }); datetimepicker.setOptions = function(_options) { options = $.extend(true, {}, options, _options); if (_options.allowTimes && $.isArray(_options.allowTimes) && _options.allowTimes.length) { options.allowTimes = $.extend(true, [], _options.allowTimes); } if (_options.weekends && $.isArray(_options.weekends) && _options.weekends.length) { options.weekends = $.extend(true, [], _options.weekends); } if (_options.disabledDates && $.isArray(_options.disabledDates) && _options.disabledDates.length) { options.disabledDates = $.extend(true, [], _options.disabledDates); } if ((options.open || options.opened) && (!options.inline)) { input.trigger(xde.open); } if (options.inline) { triggerAfterOpen = true; datetimepicker.addClass(xdc.inline); input.after(datetimepicker).hide(); } if (options.inverseButton) { options.next = xdc.prev; options.prev = xdc.next; } if (options.datepicker) { datepicker.addClass('active'); } else { datepicker.removeClass('active'); } if (options.timepicker) { timepicker.addClass('active'); } else { timepicker.removeClass('active'); } if (options.value) { if (input && input.val) { input.val(options.value); } _xdsoft_datetime.setCurrentTime(options.value); } setDayOfWeekStart(options); if (!options.timepickerScrollbar) { timeboxparent.xdsoftScroller('hide'); } if (options.minDate && /^-(.*)$/.test(options.minDate)) { options.minDate = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDateTime(options.minDate).dateFormat(options.formatDate); } if (options.maxDate && /^\+(.*)$/.test(options.maxDate)) { options.maxDate = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDateTime(options.maxDate).dateFormat(options.formatDate); } month_picker .find('.' + xdc.today_button) .css('visibility', !options.todayButton ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); if (options.mask) { var e, getCaretPos = function(input) { try { if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); return range.getBookmark().charCodeAt(2) - 2; } if (input.setSelectionRange) { return input.selectionStart; } } catch (e) { return 0; } }, setCaretPos = function(node, pos) { node = (typeof node === "string" || node instanceof String) ? document.getElementById(node) : node; if (!node) { return false; } if (node.createTextRange) { var textRange = node.createTextRange(); textRange.collapse(true); textRange.moveEnd('character', pos); textRange.moveStart('character', pos); textRange.select(); return true; } if (node.setSelectionRange) { node.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); return true; } return false; }, isValidValue = function(mask, value) { var reg = mask .replace(/([\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\-\.\+]{1})/g, '\\$1') .replace(/_/g, '{digit+}') .replace(/([0-9]{1})/g, '{digit$1}') .replace(/\{digit([0-9]{1})\}/g, '[0-$1_]{1}') .replace(/\{digit[\+]\}/g, '[0-9_]{1}'); return (new RegExp(reg)).test(value); }; input.off(xde.keydown); if (options.mask === true) { options.mask = options.format .replace(/Y/g, '9999') .replace(/F/g, '9999') .replace(/m/g, '19') .replace(/d/g, '39') .replace(/H/g, '29') .replace(/i/g, '59') .replace(/s/g, '59'); } if ($.type(options.mask) === 'string') { if (!isValidValue(options.mask, input.val())) { input.val(options.mask.replace(/[0-9]/g, '_')); } input.on(xde.keydown, function(event) { var val = this.value, key = event.which, pos, digit; if (((key >= KEY0 && key <= KEY9) || (key >= _KEY0 && key <= _KEY9)) || (key === BACKSPACE || key === DEL)) { pos = getCaretPos(this); digit = (key !== BACKSPACE && key !== DEL) ? String.fromCharCode((_KEY0 <= key && key <= _KEY9) ? key - KEY0 : key) : '_'; if ((key === BACKSPACE || key === DEL) && pos) { pos -= 1; digit = '_'; } while (/[^0-9_]/.test(options.mask.substr(pos, 1)) && pos < options.mask.length && pos > 0) { pos += (key === BACKSPACE || key === DEL) ? -1 : 1; } val = val.substr(0, pos) + digit + val.substr(pos + 1); if ($.trim(val) === '') { val = options.mask.replace(/[0-9]/g, '_'); } else { if (pos === options.mask.length) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } } pos += (key === BACKSPACE || key === DEL) ? 0 : 1; while (/[^0-9_]/.test(options.mask.substr(pos, 1)) && pos < options.mask.length && pos > 0) { pos += (key === BACKSPACE || key === DEL) ? -1 : 1; } if (isValidValue(options.mask, val)) { this.value = val; setCaretPos(this, pos); } else if ($.trim(val) === '') { this.value = options.mask.replace(/[0-9]/g, '_'); } else { input.trigger(xde.error_input); } } else { if (([AKEY, CKEY, VKEY, ZKEY, YKEY].indexOf(key) !== -1 && ctrlDown) || [ESC, ARROWUP, ARROWDOWN, ARROWLEFT, ARROWRIGHT, F5, CTRLKEY, TAB, ENTER].indexOf(key) !== -1) { return true; } } event.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } if (options.validateOnBlur) { input .off(xde.blur) .on(xde.blur, function() { if (options.allowBlank && !$.trim($(this).val()).length) { $(this).val(null); datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime).empty(); } else if (!Date.parseDate($(this).val(), options.format)) { $(this).val((_xdsoft_datetime.now()).dateFormat(options.format)); datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime).setCurrentTime($(this).val()); } else { datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime).setCurrentTime($(this).val()); } datetimepicker.trigger(xde.changedatetime); }); } options.dayOfWeekStartPrev = (options.dayOfWeekStart === 0) ? 6 : options.dayOfWeekStart - 1; datetimepicker .trigger(xde.xchange) .trigger(xde.afterOpen); }; datetimepicker .data('options', options) .on(xde.mousedown, function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); yearselect.hide(); monthselect.hide(); return false; }); //scroll_element = timepicker.find('.'+xdc.time_box); timeboxparent.append(timebox); timeboxparent.xdsoftScroller(); datetimepicker.on(xde.afterOpen, function() { timeboxparent.xdsoftScroller(); }); datetimepicker .append(datepicker) .append(timepicker); if (options.withoutCopyright !== true) { datetimepicker .append(xdsoft_copyright); } datepicker .append(month_picker) .append(calendar); $(options.parentID) .append(datetimepicker); XDSoft_datetime = function() { var _this = this; _this.now = function(norecursion) { var d = new Date(), date, time; if (!norecursion && options.defaultDate) { date = _this.strToDate(options.defaultDate); d.setFullYear(date.getFullYear()); d.setMonth(date.getMonth()); d.setDate(date.getDate()); } if (options.yearOffset) { d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + options.yearOffset); } if (!norecursion && options.defaultTime) { time = _this.strtotime(options.defaultTime); d.setHours(time.getHours()); d.setMinutes(time.getMinutes()); } return d; }; _this.isValidDate = function(d) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(d) !== "[object Date]") { return false; } return !isNaN(d.getTime()); }; _this.setCurrentTime = function(dTime) { _this.currentTime = (typeof dTime === 'string') ? _this.strToDateTime(dTime) : _this.isValidDate(dTime) ? dTime : _this.now(); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); }; _this.empty = function() { _this.currentTime = null; }; _this.getCurrentTime = function(dTime) { return _this.currentTime; }; _this.nextMonth = function() { var month = _this.currentTime.getMonth() + 1, year; if (month === 12) { _this.currentTime.setFullYear(_this.currentTime.getFullYear() + 1); month = 0; } year = _this.currentTime.getFullYear(); _this.currentTime.setDate( Math.min( new Date(_this.currentTime.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0).getDate(), _this.currentTime.getDate() ) ); _this.currentTime.setMonth(month); if (options.onChangeMonth && $.isFunction(options.onChangeMonth)) { options.onChangeMonth.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } if (year !== _this.currentTime.getFullYear() && $.isFunction(options.onChangeYear)) { options.onChangeYear.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); return month; }; _this.prevMonth = function() { var month = _this.currentTime.getMonth() - 1; if (month === -1) { _this.currentTime.setFullYear(_this.currentTime.getFullYear() - 1); month = 11; } _this.currentTime.setDate( Math.min( new Date(_this.currentTime.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0).getDate(), _this.currentTime.getDate() ) ); _this.currentTime.setMonth(month); if (options.onChangeMonth && $.isFunction(options.onChangeMonth)) { options.onChangeMonth.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); return month; }; _this.getWeekOfYear = function(datetime) { var onejan = new Date(datetime.getFullYear(), 0, 1); return Math.ceil((((datetime - onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay() + 1) / 7); }; _this.strToDateTime = function(sDateTime) { var tmpDate = [], timeOffset, currentTime; if (sDateTime && sDateTime instanceof Date && _this.isValidDate(sDateTime)) { return sDateTime; } tmpDate = /^(\+|\-)(.*)$/.exec(sDateTime); if (tmpDate) { tmpDate[2] = Date.parseDate(tmpDate[2], options.formatDate); } if (tmpDate && tmpDate[2]) { timeOffset = tmpDate[2].getTime() - (tmpDate[2].getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000; currentTime = new Date((_xdsoft_datetime.now()).getTime() + parseInt(tmpDate[1] + '1', 10) * timeOffset); } else { currentTime = sDateTime ? Date.parseDate(sDateTime, options.format) : _this.now(); } if (!_this.isValidDate(currentTime)) { currentTime = _this.now(); } return currentTime; }; _this.strToDate = function(sDate) { if (sDate && sDate instanceof Date && _this.isValidDate(sDate)) { return sDate; } var currentTime = sDate ? Date.parseDate(sDate, options.formatDate) : _this.now(true); if (!_this.isValidDate(currentTime)) { currentTime = _this.now(true); } return currentTime; }; _this.strtotime = function(sTime) { if (sTime && sTime instanceof Date && _this.isValidDate(sTime)) { return sTime; } var currentTime = sTime ? Date.parseDate(sTime, options.formatTime) : _this.now(true); if (!_this.isValidDate(currentTime)) { currentTime = _this.now(true); } return currentTime; }; _this.str = function() { return _this.currentTime.dateFormat(options.format); }; _this.currentTime = this.now(); }; _xdsoft_datetime = new XDSoft_datetime(); month_picker .find('.' + xdc.today_button) .on(xde.mousedown, function() { datetimepicker.data('changed', true); _xdsoft_datetime.setCurrentTime(0); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.afterOpen); }).on(xde.dblclick, function() { input.val(_xdsoft_datetime.str()); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); }); month_picker .find('.' + xdc.prev + ',.' + xdc.next) .on(xde.mousedown, function() { var $this = $(this), timer = 0, stop = false; (function arguments_callee1(v) { var month = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMonth(); if ($this.hasClass(options.next)) { _xdsoft_datetime.nextMonth(); } else if ($this.hasClass(options.prev)) { _xdsoft_datetime.prevMonth(); } if (options.monthChangeSpinner) { if (!stop) { timer = setTimeout(arguments_callee1, v || 100); } } }(500)); $([document.body, window]).on(xde.mouseup, function arguments_callee2() { clearTimeout(timer); stop = true; $([document.body, window]).off(xde.mouseup, arguments_callee2); }); }); timepicker .find('.' + xdc.prev + ',.' + xdc.next) .on(xde.mousedown, function() { var $this = $(this), timer = 0, stop = false, period = 110; (function arguments_callee4(v) { var pheight = timeboxparent[0].clientHeight, height = timebox[0].offsetHeight, top = Math.abs(parseInt(timebox.css('marginTop'), 10)); if ($this.hasClass(options.next) && (height - pheight) - options.timeHeightInTimePicker >= top) { timebox.css('marginTop', '-' + (top + options.timeHeightInTimePicker) + 'px'); } else if ($this.hasClass(options.prev) && top - options.timeHeightInTimePicker >= 0) { timebox.css('marginTop', '-' + (top - options.timeHeightInTimePicker) + 'px'); } timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [Math.abs(parseInt(timebox.css('marginTop'), 10) / (height - pheight))]); period = (period > 10) ? 10 : period - 10; if (!stop) { timer = setTimeout(arguments_callee4, v || period); } }(500)); $([document.body, window]).on(xde.mouseup, function arguments_callee5() { clearTimeout(timer); stop = true; $([document.body, window]) .off(xde.mouseup, arguments_callee5); }); }); xchangeTimer = 0; // base handler - generating a calendar and timepicker datetimepicker .on(xde.xchange, function(event) { clearTimeout(xchangeTimer); xchangeTimer = setTimeout(function() { var table = '', start = new Date(_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getFullYear(), _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMonth(), 1, 12, 0, 0), i = 0, j, today = _xdsoft_datetime.now(), maxDate = false, minDate = false, d, y, m, w, classes = [], customDateSettings, newRow = true, time = '', h = '', line_time; while (start.getDay() !== options.dayOfWeekStart) { start.setDate(start.getDate() - 1); } table += ''; if (options.weeks) { table += ''; } for (j = 0; j < 7; j += 1) { table += ''; } table += ''; table += ''; if (options.maxDate !== false) { maxDate = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDate(options.maxDate); maxDate = new Date(maxDate.getFullYear(), maxDate.getMonth(), maxDate.getDate(), 23, 59, 59, 999); } if (options.minDate !== false) { minDate = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDate(options.minDate); minDate = new Date(minDate.getFullYear(), minDate.getMonth(), minDate.getDate()); } while (i < _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.countDaysInMonth() || start.getDay() !== options.dayOfWeekStart || _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMonth() === start.getMonth()) { classes = []; i += 1; d = start.getDate(); y = start.getFullYear(); m = start.getMonth(); w = _xdsoft_datetime.getWeekOfYear(start); classes.push(xdc.date); if (options.beforeShowDay && $.isFunction(options.beforeShowDay.call)) { customDateSettings = options.beforeShowDay.call(datetimepicker, start); } else { customDateSettings = null; } if ((maxDate !== false && start > maxDate) || (minDate !== false && start < minDate) || (customDateSettings && customDateSettings[0] === false)) { classes.push(xdc.disabled); } else if (options.disabledDates.indexOf(start.dateFormat(options.formatDate)) !== -1) { classes.push(xdc.disabled); } if (customDateSettings && customDateSettings[1] !== "") { classes.push(customDateSettings[1]); } if (_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMonth() !== m) { classes.push(xdc.other_month); } if ((options.defaultSelect || datetimepicker.data('changed')) && _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.dateFormat(options.formatDate) === start.dateFormat(options.formatDate)) { classes.push(xdc.current); } if (today.dateFormat(options.formatDate) === start.dateFormat(options.formatDate)) { classes.push(xdc.today); } if (start.getDay() === 0 || start.getDay() === 6 || ~options.weekends.indexOf(start.dateFormat(options.formatDate))) { classes.push(xdc.weekend); } if (options.beforeShowDay && $.isFunction(options.beforeShowDay)) { classes.push(options.beforeShowDay(start)); } if (newRow) { table += ''; newRow = false; if (options.weeks) { table += ''; } } table += ''; if (start.getDay() === options.dayOfWeekStartPrev) { table += ''; newRow = true; } start.setDate(d + 1); } table += '
' + getI18n(options.lang,'dayOfWeek')[(j + options.dayOfWeekStart) % 7] + '
' + w + '' + '
' + d + '
' + '
'; calendar.html(table); month_picker.find('.' + xdc.label + ' span').eq(0).text(getI18n(options.lang,'months')[_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMonth()]); month_picker.find('.' + xdc.label + ' span').eq(1).text(_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getFullYear()); // generate timebox time = ''; h = ''; m = ''; line_time = function line_time(h, m) { var now = _xdsoft_datetime.now(); now.setHours(h); h = parseInt(now.getHours(), 10); now.setMinutes(m); m = parseInt(now.getMinutes(), 10); var optionDateTime = new Date(_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime); optionDateTime.setHours(h); optionDateTime.setMinutes(m); classes = []; if ((options.minDateTime !== false && options.minDateTime > optionDateTime) || (options.maxTime !== false && _xdsoft_datetime.strtotime(options.maxTime).getTime() < now.getTime()) || (options.minTime !== false && _xdsoft_datetime.strtotime(options.minTime).getTime() > now.getTime())) { classes.push(xdc.disabled); } if ((options.initTime || options.defaultSelect || datetimepicker.data('changed')) && parseInt(_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getHours(), 10) === parseInt(h, 10) && (options.step > 59 || Math[options.roundTime](_xdsoft_datetime.currentTime.getMinutes() / options.step) * options.step === parseInt(m, 10))) { if (options.defaultSelect || datetimepicker.data('changed')) { classes.push(xdc.current); } else if (options.initTime) { classes.push(xdc.init_time); } } if (parseInt(today.getHours(), 10) === parseInt(h, 10) && parseInt(today.getMinutes(), 10) === parseInt(m, 10)) { classes.push(xdc.today); } time += '
' + now.dateFormat(options.formatTime) + '
'; }; if (!options.allowTimes || !$.isArray(options.allowTimes) || !options.allowTimes.length) { for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (options.hours12 ? 12 : 24); i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < 60; j += options.step) { h = (i < 10 ? '0' : '') + i; m = (j < 10 ? '0' : '') + j; line_time(h, m); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < options.allowTimes.length; i += 1) { h = _xdsoft_datetime.strtotime(options.allowTimes[i]).getHours(); m = _xdsoft_datetime.strtotime(options.allowTimes[i]).getMinutes(); line_time(h, m); } } timebox.html(time); opt = ''; i = 0; for (i = parseInt(options.yearStart, 10) + options.yearOffset; i <= parseInt(options.yearEnd, 10) + options.yearOffset; i += 1) { opt += '
' + i + '
'; } yearselect.children().eq(0) .html(opt); for (i = 0, opt = ''; i <= 11; i += 1) { opt += '
' + getI18n(options.lang,'months')[i] + '
'; } monthselect.children().eq(0).html(opt); $(datetimepicker) .trigger(xde.generate); }, 10); event.stopPropagation(); }) .on(xde.afterOpen, function() { if (options.timepicker) { var classType, pheight, height, top; if (timebox.find('.' + xdc.current).length) { classType = '.' + xdc.current; } else if (timebox.find('.' + xdc.init_time).length) { classType = '.' + xdc.init_time; } if (classType) { pheight = timeboxparent[0].clientHeight; height = timebox[0].offsetHeight; top = timebox.find(classType).index() * options.timeHeightInTimePicker + 1; if ((height - pheight) < top) { top = height - pheight; } timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [parseInt(top, 10) / (height - pheight)]); } else { timeboxparent.trigger(xde.scroller.scroll_element, [0]); } } }); timerclick = 0; calendar .on(xde.click, 'td', function(xdevent) { xdevent.stopPropagation(); // Prevents closing of Pop-ups, Modals and Flyouts in Bootstrap timerclick += 1; var $this = $(this), currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime; if (currentTime === undefined || currentTime === null) { _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.now(); currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime; } if ($this.hasClass(xdc.disabled)) { return false; } currentTime.setDate(1); currentTime.setFullYear($this.data('year')); currentTime.setMonth($this.data('month')); currentTime.setDate($this.data('date')); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.select, [currentTime]); input.val(_xdsoft_datetime.str()); if ((timerclick > 1 || (options.closeOnDateSelect === true || (options.closeOnDateSelect === 0 && !options.timepicker))) && !options.inline) { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); } if (options.onSelectDate && $.isFunction(options.onSelectDate)) { options.onSelectDate.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input'), xdevent); } datetimepicker.data('changed', true); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.changedatetime); setTimeout(function() { timerclick = 0; }, 200); }); timebox .on(xde.click, 'div', function(xdevent) { xdevent.stopPropagation(); var $this = $(this), currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime; if (currentTime === undefined || currentTime === null) { _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.now(); currentTime = _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime; } if ($this.hasClass(xdc.disabled)) { return false; } currentTime.setHours($this.data('hour')); currentTime.setMinutes($this.data('minute')); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.select, [currentTime]); datetimepicker.data('input').val(_xdsoft_datetime.str()); if (!options.inline) { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); } if (options.onSelectTime && $.isFunction(options.onSelectTime)) { options.onSelectTime.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input'), xdevent); } datetimepicker.data('changed', true); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.xchange); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.changedatetime); }); datepicker .on(xde.mousewheel, function(event) { if (!options.scrollMonth) { return true; } if (event.deltaY < 0) { _xdsoft_datetime.nextMonth(); } else { _xdsoft_datetime.prevMonth(); } return false; }); input .on(xde.mousewheel, function(event) { if (!options.scrollInput) { return true; } if (!options.datepicker && options.timepicker) { current_time_index = timebox.find('.' + xdc.current).length ? timebox.find('.' + xdc.current).eq(0).index() : 0; if (current_time_index + event.deltaY >= 0 && current_time_index + event.deltaY < timebox.children().length) { current_time_index += event.deltaY; } if (timebox.children().eq(current_time_index).length) { timebox.children().eq(current_time_index).trigger('mousedown'); } return false; } if (options.datepicker && !options.timepicker) { datepicker.trigger(event, [event.deltaY, event.deltaX, event.deltaY]); if (input.val) { input.val(_xdsoft_datetime.str()); } datetimepicker.trigger(xde.changedatetime); return false; } }); datetimepicker .on(xde.changedatetime, function(event) { if (options.onChangeDateTime && $.isFunction(options.onChangeDateTime)) { var $input = datetimepicker.data('input'); options.onChangeDateTime.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, $input, event); delete options.value; $input.trigger('change'); } }) .on(xde.generate, function() { if (options.onGenerate && $.isFunction(options.onGenerate)) { options.onGenerate.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input')); } if (triggerAfterOpen) { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.afterOpen); triggerAfterOpen = false; } }) .on(xde.click, function(xdevent) { xdevent.stopPropagation(); }); current_time_index = 0; setPos = function() { var offset = datetimepicker.data('input').offset(), top = offset.top + datetimepicker.data('input')[0].offsetHeight - 1, left = offset.left, position = "absolute"; if (options.fixed) { top -= $(window).scrollTop(); left -= $(window).scrollLeft(); position = "fixed"; } else { if (top + datetimepicker[0].offsetHeight > $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop()) { top = offset.top - datetimepicker[0].offsetHeight + 1; } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } if (left + datetimepicker[0].offsetWidth > $(window).width()) { left = $(window).width() - datetimepicker[0].offsetWidth; } } datetimepicker.css({ left: left, top: top, position: position }); }; datetimepicker .on(xde.open, function(event) { var onShow = true; if (options.onShow && $.isFunction(options.onShow)) { onShow = options.onShow.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input'), event); } if (onShow !== false) { datetimepicker.show(); setPos(); $(window) .off(xde.resize, setPos) .on(xde.resize, setPos); if (options.closeOnWithoutClick) { $([document.body, window]).on(xde.mousedown, function arguments_callee6() { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); $([document.body, window]).off(xde.mousedown, arguments_callee6); }); } } }) .on(xde.close, function(event) { var onClose = true; month_picker .find('.' + xdc.month + ',.' + xdc.year) .find('.' + xdc.select) .hide(); if (options.onClose && $.isFunction(options.onClose)) { onClose = options.onClose.call(datetimepicker, _xdsoft_datetime.currentTime, datetimepicker.data('input'), event); } if (onClose !== false && !options.opened && !options.inline) { datetimepicker.hide(); } event.stopPropagation(); }) .on(xde.toggle, function(event) { if (datetimepicker.is(':visible')) { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); } else { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.open); } }) .data('input', input); timer = 0; timer1 = 0; datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime, _xdsoft_datetime); datetimepicker.setOptions(options); function getCurrentValue() { var ct = false, time; if (options.startDate) { ct = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDate(options.startDate); } else { ct = options.value || ((input && input.val && input.val()) ? input.val() : ''); if (ct) { ct = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDateTime(ct); } else if (options.defaultDate) { ct = _xdsoft_datetime.strToDate(options.defaultDate); if (options.defaultTime) { time = _xdsoft_datetime.strtotime(options.defaultTime); ct.setHours(time.getHours()); ct.setMinutes(time.getMinutes()); } } } if (ct && _xdsoft_datetime.isValidDate(ct)) { datetimepicker.data('changed', true); } else { ct = ''; } return ct || 0; } _xdsoft_datetime.setCurrentTime(getCurrentValue()); input .data(xdc.datetimepicker, datetimepicker) .on([xde.open, xde.focusin, xde.mousedown].join(' '), function(event) { if (input.is(':disabled') || (input.data(xdc.datetimepicker).is(':visible') && options.closeOnInputClick)) { return; } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (input.is(':disabled')) { return; } triggerAfterOpen = true; _xdsoft_datetime.setCurrentTime(getCurrentValue()); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.open); }, 100); }) .on(xde.keydown, function(event) { var val = this.value, elementSelector, key = event.which; if ([ENTER].indexOf(key) !== -1 && options.enterLikeTab) { elementSelector = $("input:visible,textarea:visible"); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); elementSelector.eq(elementSelector.index(this) + 1).focus(); return false; } if ([TAB].indexOf(key) !== -1) { datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); return true; } }); }; destroyDateTimePicker = function(input) { var datetimepicker = input.data(xdc.datetimepicker); if (datetimepicker) { datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime, null); datetimepicker.remove(); input .data(xdc.datetimepicker, null) .off(XDSOFT); $(window).off(xde.resize); $([window, document.body]).off(xde.mousedown); if (input.unmousewheel) { input.unmousewheel(); } } }; $(document) .off([xde.ctrl.keydown, xde.ctrl.keyup].join(' ')) .on(xde.ctrl.keydown, function(e) { if (e.keyCode === CTRLKEY) { ctrlDown = true; } }) .on(xde.ctrl.keyup, function(e) { if (e.keyCode === CTRLKEY) { ctrlDown = false; } }); return this.each(function() { var datetimepicker = $(this).data(xdc.datetimepicker); if (datetimepicker) { if ($.type(opt) === 'string') { switch (opt) { case 'show': $(this).select().focus(); datetimepicker.trigger(xde.open); break; case 'hide': datetimepicker.trigger(xde.close); break; case 'toggle': datetimepicker.trigger(xde.toggle); break; case 'destroy': destroyDateTimePicker($(this)); break; case 'reset': this.value = this.defaultValue; if (!this.value || !datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime).isValidDate(Date.parseDate(this.value, options.format))) { datetimepicker.data('changed', false); } datetimepicker.data(xdc.datetime).setCurrentTime(this.value); break; } } else { datetimepicker .setOptions(opt); } return 0; } if ($.type(opt) !== 'string') { if (!options.lazyInit || options.open || options.inline) { createDateTimePicker($(this)); } else { lazyInit($(this)); } } }); }; $.fn.datetimepicker.defaults = default_options; });