local encode, decode, dkencode, dkdecode local test_module, opt = ... -- command line argument --local test_module = 'cmj-json' --local test_module = 'dkjson' --local test_module = 'dkjson-nopeg' --local test_module = 'fleece' --local test_module = 'jf-json' --locel test_module = 'lua-yajl' --local test_module = 'mp-cjson' --local test_module = 'nm-json' --local test_module = 'sb-json' --local test_module = 'th-json' --local opt = "esc" -- Test which characters in the BMP get escaped and whether this is correct --local opt = "esc_full" -- Full range from 0 to 0x10ffff --local opt = "esc_asc" -- Just 0 to 127 --local opt = "refcycle" -- What happens when a reference cycle gets encoded? if test_module == 'dkjson-nopeg' then test_module = 'dkjson' package.preload["lpeg"] = function () error "lpeg disabled" end package.loaded["lpeg"] = nil lpeg = nil end do -- http://chiselapp.com/user/dhkolf/repository/dkjson/ local dkjson = require "dkjson" dkencode = dkjson.encode dkdecode = dkjson.decode end if test_module == 'cmj-json' then -- http://json.luaforge.net/ local json = require "cmjjson" -- renamed, the original file was just 'json' encode = json.encode decode = json.decode elseif test_module == 'dkjson' then -- http://chiselapp.com/user/dhkolf/repository/dkjson/ encode = dkencode decode = dkdecode elseif test_module == 'fleece' then -- http://www.eonblast.com/fleece/ local fleece = require "fleece" encode = function(x) return fleece.json(x, "E4") end elseif test_module == 'jf-json' then -- http://regex.info/blog/lua/json local json = require "jfjson" -- renamed, the original file was just 'JSON' encode = function(x) return json:encode(x) end decode = function(x) return json:decode(x) end elseif test_module == 'lua-yajl' then -- http://github.com/brimworks/lua-yajl local yajl = require ("yajl") encode = yajl.to_string decode = yajl.to_value elseif test_module == 'mp-cjson' then -- http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson.php local json = require "cjson" encode = json.encode decode = json.decode elseif test_module == 'nm-json' then -- http://luaforge.net/projects/luajsonlib/ local json = require "LuaJSON" encode = json.encode or json.stringify decode = json.decode or json.parse elseif test_module == 'sb-json' then -- http://www.chipmunkav.com/downloads/Json.lua local json = require "sbjson" -- renamed, the original file was just 'Json' encode = json.Encode decode = json.Decode elseif test_module == 'th-json' then -- http://luaforge.net/projects/luajson/ local json = require "json" encode = json.encode decode = json.decode else print "No module specified" return end if not encode then print ("No encode method") else local x, r local function test (x, s) return string.match(x, "^%s*%[%s*%\"" .. s .. "%\"%s*%]%s*$") end x = encode{ "'" } if not test(x, "%'") then print("\"'\" isn't encoded correctly:", x) end x = encode{ "\011" } if not test(x, "%\\u000[bB]") then print("\\u000b isn't encoded correctly:", x) end x = encode{ "\000" } if not test(x, "%\\u0000") then print("\\u0000 isn't encoded correctly") end r,x = pcall (encode, { [1000] = "x" }) if not r then print ("encoding a sparse array (#=0) raises an error:", x) else if #x > 30 then print ("sparse array (#=0) encoded as:", x:sub(1,15).." <...> "..x:sub(-15,-1), "#"..#x) else print ("sparse array (#=0) encoded as:", x) end end r,x = pcall (encode, { [1] = "a", [1000] = "x" }) if not r then print ("encoding a sparse array (#=1) raises an error:", x) else if #x > 30 then print ("sparse array (#=1) encoded as:", x:sub(1,15).." <...> "..x:sub(-15,-1), "#str="..#x) else print ("sparse array (#=1) encoded as:", x) end end r,x = pcall (encode, { [1] = "a", [5] = "c", ["x"] = "x" }) if not r then print ("encoding a mixed table raises an error:", x) else print ("mixed table encoded as:", x) end r, x = pcall(encode, { math.huge*0 }) -- NaN if not r then print ("encoding NaN raises an error:", x) else r = dkdecode(x) if not r then print ("NaN isn't converted into valid JSON:", x) elseif type(r[1]) == "number" and r[1] == r[1] then -- a number, but not NaN print ("NaN is converted into a valid number:", x) else print ("NaN is converted to:", x) end end if test_module == 'fleece' then print ("Fleece (0.3.1) is known to freeze on +/-Inf") else r, x = pcall(encode, { math.huge }) -- +Inf if not r then print ("encoding +Inf raises an error:", x) else r = dkdecode(x) if not r then print ("+Inf isn't converted into valid JSON:", x) else print ("+Inf is converted to:", x) end end r, x = pcall(encode, { -math.huge }) -- -Inf if not r then print ("encoding -Inf raises an error:", x) else r = dkdecode(x) if not r then print ("-Inf isn't converted into valid JSON:", x) else print ("-Inf is converted to:", x) end end end end if not decode then print ("No decode method") else local x, r x = decode[=[ ["\u0000"] ]=] if x[1] ~= "\000" then print ("\\u0000 isn't decoded correctly") end x = decode[=[ ["\u20AC"] ]=] if x[1] ~= "\226\130\172" then print ("\\u20AC isn't decoded correctly") end x = decode[=[ ["\uD834\uDD1E"] ]=] if x[1] ~= "\240\157\132\158" then print ("\\uD834\\uDD1E isn't decoded correctly") end r, x = pcall(decode, [=[ {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": {"x":{"x":{"x":{"x":{"x": "deep down" } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ]=]) if not r then print ("decoding a deep nested table raises an error:", x) else local i = 0 while type(x) == 'table' do i = i + 1 x = x.x end if i ~= 60 or x ~= "deep down" then print ("deep nested table isn't decoded correctly") end end if false and test_module == 'cmj-json' then -- unfortunatly the version can't be read print ("decoding a big array takes ages (or forever?) on cmj-json prior to version 0.9.5") else r, x = pcall(decode, "["..("0,"):rep(100000).."0]") if not r then print ("decoding a big array raises an error:", x) else if type(x) ~= 'table' or #x ~= 100001 then print ("big array isn't decoded correctly") end end end r, x = pcall(decode, "{}") if not r then print ("decoding an empty object raises an error:", x) end r, x = pcall(decode, "[]") if not r then print ("decoding an empty array raises an error:", x) end r, x = pcall(decode, "[1e+2]") if not r then print ("decoding a number with exponential notation raises an error:", x) elseif x[1] ~= 1e+2 then print ("1e+2 decoded incorrectly:", r[1]) end -- special tests for dkjson: if test_module == 'dkjson' then x = dkdecode[=[ [{"x":0}] ]=] if getmetatable(x).__jsontype ~= 'array' then print (".__jsontype ~= array") end if getmetatable(x[1]).__jsontype ~= 'object' then print (".__jsontype ~= object") end local x,p,m = dkdecode" invalid " if p ~= 2 or type(m) ~= 'string' or not m:find("at line 1, column 2$") then print (("Invalid location: position=%d, message=%q"):format(p,m)) end local x,p,m = dkdecode" \n invalid " if p ~= 4 or type(m) ~= 'string' or not m:find("at line 2, column 2$") then print (("Invalid location: position=%d, message=%q"):format(p,m)) end end end if encode and opt == "refcycle" then local a = {} a.a = a print ("Trying a reference cycle...") encode(a) end if encode and (opt or ""):sub(1,3) == "esc" then local strchar, strbyte, strformat = string.char, string.byte, string.format local floor = math.floor local function unichar (value) if value < 0 then return nil elseif value <= 0x007f then return strchar (value) elseif value <= 0x07ff then return strchar (0xc0 + floor(value/0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0xffff then return strchar (0xe0 + floor(value/0x1000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0x10ffff then return strchar (0xf0 + floor(value/0x40000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x1000) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) else return nil end end local escapecodes = { ["\""] = "\\\"", ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n", ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t", ["/"] = "\\/" } local function escapeutf8 (uchar) local a, b, c, d = strbyte (uchar, 1, 4) a, b, c, d = a or 0, b or 0, c or 0, d or 0 if a <= 0x7f then value = a elseif 0xc0 <= a and a <= 0xdf and b >= 0x80 then value = (a - 0xc0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80 elseif 0xe0 <= a and a <= 0xef and b >= 0x80 and c >= 0x80 then value = ((a - 0xe0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80) * 0x40 + c - 0x80 elseif 0xf0 <= a and a <= 0xf7 and b >= 0x80 and c >= 0x80 and d >= 0x80 then value = (((a - 0xf0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80) * 0x40 + c - 0x80) * 0x40 + d - 0x80 else return "" end if value <= 0xffff then return strformat ("\\u%.4x", value) elseif value <= 0x10ffff then -- encode as UTF-16 surrogate pair value = value - 0x10000 local highsur, lowsur = 0xD800 + floor (value/0x400), 0xDC00 + (value % 0x400) return strformat ("\\u%.4x\\u%.4x", highsur, lowsur) else return "" end end local x,xe local t = {} local esc = {} local escerr = {} local range if opt == "esc_full" then range = 0x10ffff elseif opt == "esc_asc" then range = 0x7f else range = 0xffff end for i = 0,range do t[1] = unichar(i) xe = encode(t) x = string.match(xe, "^%s*%[%s*%\"(.*)%\"%s*%]%s*$") if type(x) ~= 'string' then escerr[i] = xe elseif string.lower(x) == escapeutf8(t[1]) then esc[i] = 'u' elseif x == escapecodes[t[1]] then esc[i] = 'c' elseif x:sub(1,1) == "\\" then --print ("Invalid escape code for "..i..":", x) escerr[i] = xe end end do local i = 0 while i <= range do local first while i <= range and not esc[i] do i = i + 1 end if not esc[i] then break end first = i while esc[i] do i = i + 1 end if i-1 > first then print ("Escaped from "..first.." to "..i-1) else if first >= 32 and first <= 127 then print ("Escaped "..first.." ("..string.char(first)..")") else print ("Escaped "..first) end end end end do local i = 0 while i <= range do local first while i <= range and not escerr[i] do i = i + 1 end if not escerr[i] then break end first = i while escerr[i] do i = i + 1 end if i-1 > first then print ("Errors while escaping from "..first.." to "..i-1) else print ("Errors while escaping "..first) end end end end -- Copyright (C) 2011 David Heiko Kolf -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -- a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -- the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -- NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS -- BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN -- ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN -- CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE.