local ftcsv = require('ftcsv') local files = { {"empty_file", "ftcsv: Cannot parse an empty file"}, {"empty_file_newline", "ftcsv: Cannot parse a file which contains empty headers"}, {"empty_header", "ftcsv: Cannot parse a file which contains empty headers"}, {"too_few_cols", "ftcsv: too few columns in row 1"}, {"too_few_cols_end", "ftcsv: too few columns in row 2"}, {"too_many_cols", "ftcsv: too many columns in row 2"}, {"dne", "ftcsv: File not found at spec/bad_csvs/dne.csv"} } describe("csv decode error", function() for _, value in ipairs(files) do it("should error out " .. value[1], function() local test = function() ftcsv.parse("spec/bad_csvs/" .. value[1] .. ".csv", ",") end assert.has_error(test, value[2]) end) end end) it("should error out for fieldsToKeep if no headers and no renaming takes place", function() local test = function() local options = {loadFromString=true, headers=false, fieldsToKeep={1, 2}} ftcsv.parse("apple>banana>carrot\ndiamond>emerald>pearl", ">", options) end assert.has_error(test, "ftcsv: fieldsToKeep only works with header-less files when using the 'rename' functionality") end) it("should error out when you want to encode a table and specify a field that doesn't exist", function() local encodeThis = { {a = 'herp1', b = 'derp1'}, {a = 'herp2', b = 'derp2'}, {a = 'herp3', b = 'derp3'}, } local test = function() ftcsv.encode(encodeThis, ">", {fieldsToKeep={"c"}}) end assert.has_error(test, "ftcsv: the field 'c' doesn't exist in the inputTable") end)