local ftcsv = { _VERSION = 'ftcsv 1.1.0', _DESCRIPTION = 'CSV library for Lua', _URL = 'https://github.com/FourierTransformer/ftcsv', _LICENSE = [[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Shakil Thakur Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] } -- lua 5.1 load compat local M = {} if type(jit) == 'table' or _ENV then M.load = _G.load else M.load = loadstring end -- perf local sbyte = string.byte local ssub = string.sub -- luajit specific speedups -- luajit performs faster with iterating over string.byte, -- whereas vanilla lua performs faster with string.find if type(jit) == 'table' then -- finds the end of an escape sequence function M.findClosingQuote(i, inputLength, inputString, quote, doubleQuoteEscape) -- local doubleQuoteEscape = doubleQuoteEscape local currentChar, nextChar = sbyte(inputString, i), nil while i <= inputLength do -- print(i) nextChar = sbyte(inputString, i+1) -- this one deals with " double quotes that are escaped "" within single quotes " -- these should be turned into a single quote at the end of the field if currentChar == quote and nextChar == quote then doubleQuoteEscape = true i = i + 2 currentChar = sbyte(inputString, i) -- identifies the escape toggle elseif currentChar == quote and nextChar ~= quote then -- print("exiting", i-1) return i-1, doubleQuoteEscape else i = i + 1 currentChar = nextChar end end end else -- vanilla lua closing quote finder function M.findClosingQuote(i, inputLength, inputString, quote, doubleQuoteEscape) local firstCharIndex = 1 local firstChar, iChar = nil, nil repeat firstCharIndex, i = inputString:find('".?', i+1) firstChar = sbyte(inputString, firstCharIndex) iChar = sbyte(inputString, i) -- nextChar = string.byte(inputString, i+1) -- print("HI", offset, i) -- print(firstChar, iChar) if firstChar == quote and iChar == quote then doubleQuoteEscape = true end until iChar ~= quote if i == nil then return inputLength-1, doubleQuoteEscape end -- print("exiting", i-2) return i-2, doubleQuoteEscape end end -- load an entire file into memory local function loadFile(textFile) local file = io.open(textFile, "r") if not file then error("File not found at " .. textFile) end local allLines = file:read("*all") file:close() return allLines end -- creates a new field and adds it to the main table local function createField(inputString, quote, fieldStart, i, doubleQuoteEscape) local field -- so, if we just recently de-escaped, we don't want the trailing \" if sbyte(inputString, i-1) == quote then -- print("Skipping last \"") field = ssub(inputString, fieldStart, i-2) else field = ssub(inputString, fieldStart, i-1) end if doubleQuoteEscape then -- print("QUOTE REPLACE") -- print(line[fieldNum]) field = field:gsub('""', '"') end return field end -- main function used to parse local function parseString(inputString, inputLength, delimiter, i, headerField, fieldsToKeep) -- keep track of my chars! local currentChar, nextChar = sbyte(inputString, i), nil local skipChar = 0 local field local fieldStart = i local fieldNum = 1 local lineNum = 1 local doubleQuoteEscape = false local exit = false --bytes local CR = sbyte("\r") local LF = sbyte("\n") local quote = sbyte('"') local delimiterByte = sbyte(delimiter) local assignValue local outResults -- the headers haven't been set yet. -- aka this is the first run! if headerField == nil then -- print("this is for headers") headerField = {} assignValue = function() headerField[fieldNum] = field return true end else -- print("this is for magic") outResults = {} outResults[1] = {} assignValue = function() outResults[lineNum][headerField[fieldNum]] = field end end while i <= inputLength do -- go by two chars at a time! currentChar is set at the bottom. -- currentChar = string.byte(inputString, i) nextChar = sbyte(inputString, i+1) -- print(i, string.char(currentChar), string.char(nextChar)) -- empty string if currentChar == quote and nextChar == quote then -- print("EMPTY STRING") skipChar = 1 fieldStart = i + 2 -- print("fs+2:", fieldStart) -- identifies the escape toggle elseif currentChar == quote and nextChar ~= quote then -- print("ESCAPE TOGGLE") fieldStart = i + 1 i, doubleQuoteEscape = M.findClosingQuote(i+1, inputLength, inputString, quote, doubleQuoteEscape) -- print("I VALUE", i, doubleQuoteEscape) skipChar = 1 -- create some fields if we can! elseif currentChar == delimiterByte then -- create the new field -- print(headerField[fieldNum]) if fieldsToKeep == nil or fieldsToKeep[headerField[fieldNum]] then field = createField(inputString, quote, fieldStart, i, doubleQuoteEscape) -- print("FIELD", field, "FIELDEND", headerField[fieldNum], lineNum) -- outResults[headerField[fieldNum]][lineNum] = field assignValue() end doubleQuoteEscape = false fieldNum = fieldNum + 1 fieldStart = i + 1 -- print("fs+1:", fieldStart) -- end -- newline?! elseif ((currentChar == CR and nextChar == LF) or currentChar == LF) then if fieldsToKeep == nil or fieldsToKeep[headerField[fieldNum]] then -- create the new field field = createField(inputString, quote, fieldStart, i, doubleQuoteEscape) -- outResults[headerField[fieldNum]][lineNum] = field exit = assignValue() if exit then if (currentChar == CR and nextChar == LF) then return headerField, i + 1 else return headerField, i end end end doubleQuoteEscape = false -- determine how line ends if (currentChar == CR and nextChar == LF) then -- print("CRLF DETECTED") skipChar = 1 fieldStart = fieldStart + 1 -- print("fs:", fieldStart) end -- incrememnt for new line lineNum = lineNum + 1 outResults[lineNum] = {} fieldNum = 1 fieldStart = i + 1 + skipChar -- print("fs:", fieldStart) end i = i + 1 + skipChar if (skipChar > 0) then currentChar = sbyte(inputString, i) else currentChar = nextChar end skipChar = 0 end -- create last new field if fieldsToKeep == nil or fieldsToKeep[headerField[fieldNum]] then field = createField(inputString, quote, fieldStart, i, doubleQuoteEscape) assignValue() end -- clean up last line if it's weird (this happens when there is a CRLF newline at end of file) -- doing a count gets it to pick up the oddballs local finalLineCount = 0 for _, _ in pairs(outResults[lineNum]) do finalLineCount = finalLineCount + 1 end local initialLineCount = 0 for _, _ in pairs(outResults[1]) do initialLineCount = initialLineCount + 1 end -- print("Final/Initial", finalLineCount, initialLineCount) if finalLineCount ~= initialLineCount then outResults[lineNum] = nil end return outResults end -- runs the show! function ftcsv.parse(inputFile, delimiter, options) -- delimiter MUST be one character assert(#delimiter == 1 and type(delimiter) == "string", "the delimiter must be of string type and exactly one character") -- OPTIONS yo local header = true local rename local fieldsToKeep = nil local loadFromString = false local headerFunc if options then if options.headers ~= nil then assert(type(options.headers) == "boolean", "ftcsv only takes the boolean 'true' or 'false' for the optional parameter 'headers' (default 'true'). You passed in '" .. tostring(options.headers) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.headers) .. "'.") header = options.headers end if options.rename ~= nil then assert(type(options.rename) == "table", "ftcsv only takes in a key-value table for the optional parameter 'rename'. You passed in '" .. tostring(options.rename) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.rename) .. "'.") rename = options.rename end if options.fieldsToKeep ~= nil then assert(type(options.fieldsToKeep) == "table", "ftcsv only takes in a list (as a table) for the optional parameter 'fieldsToKeep'. You passed in '" .. tostring(options.fieldsToKeep) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.fieldsToKeep) .. "'.") local ofieldsToKeep = options.fieldsToKeep if ofieldsToKeep ~= nil then fieldsToKeep = {} for j = 1, #ofieldsToKeep do fieldsToKeep[ofieldsToKeep[j]] = true end end if header == false then assert(next(rename) ~= nil, "ftcsv can only have fieldsToKeep for header-less files when they have been renamed. Please add the 'rename' option and try again.") end end if options.loadFromString ~= nil then assert(type(options.loadFromString) == "boolean", "ftcsv only takes a boolean value for optional parameter 'loadFromString'. You passed in '" .. tostring(options.loadFromString) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.loadFromString) .. "'.") loadFromString = options.loadFromString end if options.headerFunc ~= nil then assert(type(options.headerFunc) == "function", "ftcsv only takes a function value for optional parameter 'headerFunc'. You passed in '" .. tostring(options.headerFunc) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.headerFunc) .. "'.") headerFunc = options.headerFunc end end -- handle input via string or file! local inputString if loadFromString then inputString = inputFile else inputString = loadFile(inputFile) end local inputLength = #inputString -- parse through the headers! local headerField, i = parseString(inputString, inputLength, delimiter, 0) i = i + 1 -- start at the next char -- for files where there aren't headers! if header == false then i = 0 for j = 1, #headerField do headerField[j] = j end end -- rename fields as needed! if rename then -- basic rename (["a" = "apple"]) for j = 1, #headerField do if rename[headerField[j]] then -- print("RENAMING", headerField[j], rename[headerField[j]]) headerField[j] = rename[headerField[j]] end end -- files without headers, but with a rename need to be handled too! if #rename > 0 then for j = 1, #rename do headerField[j] = rename[j] end end end -- apply some sweet header manuipulation if headerFunc then for j = 1, #headerField do headerField[j] = headerFunc(headerField[j]) end end local output = parseString(inputString, inputLength, delimiter, i, headerField, fieldsToKeep) return output end -- a function that delimits " to "", used by the writer local function delimitField(field) field = tostring(field) if field:find('"') then return field:gsub('"', '""') else return field end end -- a function that compiles some lua code to quickly print out the csv local function writer(inputTable, dilimeter, headers) -- they get re-created here if they need to be escaped so lua understands it based on how -- they came in for i = 1, #headers do if inputTable[1][headers[i]] == nil then error("the field '" .. headers[i] .. "' doesn't exist in the table") end if headers[i]:find('"') then headers[i] = headers[i]:gsub('"', '\\"') end end local outputFunc = [[ local state, i = ... local d = state.delimitField i = i + 1; if i > state.tableSize then return nil end; return i, '"' .. d(state.t[i]["]] .. table.concat(headers, [["]) .. '"]] .. dilimeter .. [["' .. d(state.t[i]["]]) .. [["]) .. '"\r\n']] -- print(outputFunc) local state = {} state.t = inputTable state.tableSize = #inputTable state.delimitField = delimitField return M.load(outputFunc), state, 0 end -- takes the values from the headers in the first row of the input table local function extractHeaders(inputTable) local headers = {} for key, _ in pairs(inputTable[1]) do headers[#headers+1] = key end -- lets make the headers alphabetical table.sort(headers) return headers end -- turns a lua table into a csv -- works really quickly with luajit-2.1, because table.concat life function ftcsv.encode(inputTable, delimiter, options) local output = {} -- dilimeter MUST be one character assert(#delimiter == 1 and type(delimiter) == "string", "the delimiter must be of string type and exactly one character") -- grab the headers from the options if they are there local headers = nil if options then if options.fieldsToKeep ~= nil then assert(type(options.fieldsToKeep) == "table", "ftcsv only takes in a list (as a table) for the optional parameter 'fieldsToKeep'. You passed in '" .. tostring(options.headers) .. "' of type '" .. type(options.headers) .. "'.") headers = options.fieldsToKeep end end if headers == nil then headers = extractHeaders(inputTable) end -- newHeaders are needed if there are quotes within the header -- because they need to be escaped local newHeaders = {} for i = 1, #headers do if headers[i]:find('"') then newHeaders[i] = headers[i]:gsub('"', '""') else newHeaders[i] = headers[i] end end output[1] = '"' .. table.concat(newHeaders, '","') .. '"\r\n' -- add each line by line. for i, line in writer(inputTable, delimiter, headers) do output[i+1] = line end return table.concat(output) end return ftcsv