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Matthias Richter 2015-11-02 21:23:33 +01:00
parent fa1071c5e1
commit 487b1a1921
2 changed files with 6 additions and 395 deletions

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@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
vector = require "hump.vector"
A handy 2D vector class providing most of the things you do with vectors.
You can access the individual coordinates by ``vec.x`` and ``vec.y``.
.. note::
The vectors are stored as tables. Most operations create new vectors and
thus new tables, which *may* put
function player:update(dt)
local delta = vector(0,0)
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
delta.x = -1
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
delta.x = 1
if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
delta.y = -1
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
delta.y = 1
player.velocity = player.velocity + delta * player.acceleration * dt
if player.velocity:len() > player.max_velocity then
player.velocity = player.velocity:normalized() * player.max_velocity
player.position = player.position + player.velocity * dt
Vector arithmetic
**hump** provides vector arithmetic by implement the corresponding metamethods
(``__add``, ``__mul``, etc.). Here are the semantics:
``vector + vector = vector``
Component wise sum: \((a,b) + (x,y) = (a+x, b+y)\)
``vector - vector = vector``
Component wise difference: \((a,b) - (x,y) = (a-x, b-y)\)
``vector * vector = number``
Dot product: \((a,b) * (x,y) = a*x + b*y\)
``number * vector = vector``
Scalar multiplication/scaling: \((a,b) * s = (s*a, s*b)\)
``vector * number = vector``
Scalar multiplication/scaling: \(s * (x,y) = (s*x, s*y)\)
``vector / number = vector``
Scalar multiplication/scaling: \((a,b) / s = (a/s, b/s)\).
Common relations are also defined:
``a == b``
Same as ``a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y``.
``a <= b``
Same as ``a.x <= b.x and a.y <= b.y``.
``a < b``
Lexicographical order: ``a.x < b.x or (a.x == b.x and a.y < b.y)``.
-- acceleration, player.velocity and player.position are vectors
acceleration = vector(0,-9)
player.velocity = player.velocity + acceleration * dt
player.position = player.position + player.velocity * dt
Function Reference
.. function::,y)
:param numbers x,y: Coordinates.
:returns: The vector.
Create a new vector.
a =,10)
-- as a shortcut, you can call the module like a function:
vector = require "hump.vector"
a = vector(10,10)
.. function:: vector.isvector(v)
:param mixed v: The variable to test.
:returns: ``true`` if ``v`` is a vector, ``false`` otherwise.
Test whether a variable is a vector.
if not vector.isvector(v) then
v = vector(v,0)
.. function:: vector.vector:clone()
:returns: Copy of the vector.
Copy a vector. Assigning a vector to a variable will create a *reference*, so
when modifying the vector referenced by the new variable would also change the
old one::
a = vector(1,1) -- create vector
b = a -- b references a
c = a:clone() -- c is a copy of a
b.x = 0 -- changes a,b and c
print(a,b,c) -- prints '(1,0), (1,0), (1,1)'
copy = original:clone()
.. function:: vector.vector:unpack()
:returns: The coordinates ``x,y``.
Extract coordinates.
x,y = pos:unpack()
::, self.pos:unpack())
.. function:: vector.vector:permul(other)
:param vector other: The second source vector.
:returns: Vector whose components are products of the source vectors.
Multiplies vectors coordinate wise, i.e. ``result = vector(a.x * b.x, a.y *
This does not change either argument vectors, but creates a new one.
-- scale with different magnitudes
scaled = original:permul(vector(1,1.5))
.. function:: vector.vector:len()
:returns: ``number`` Length of the vector.
Get length of a vector, i.e. ``math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y)``.
distance = (a - b):len()
.. function:: vector.vector:len2()
:returns: ``number`` Squared length of the vector.
Get squared length of a vector, i.e. ``vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y``.
-- get closest vertex to a given vector
closest, dsq = vertices[1], (pos - vertices[1]):len2()
for i = 2,#vertices do
local temp = (pos - vertices[i]):len2()
if temp < dsq then
closest, dsq = vertices[i], temp
.. function:: vector.vector:dist(other)
:param vector other: Other vector to measure the distance to.
:returns: ``number`` The distance of the vectors.
Get distance of two vectors. The same as ``(a - b):len()``.
-- get closest vertex to a given vector
-- slightly slower than the example using len2()
closest, dist = vertices[1], pos:dist(vertices[1])
for i = 2,#vertices do
local temp = pos:dist(vertices[i])
if temp < dist then
closest, dist = vertices[i], temp
.. function:: vector.vector:dist2(other)
:param vector other: Other vector to measure the distance to.
:returns: ``number`` The squared distance of the vectors.
Get squared distance of two vectors. The same as ``(a - b):len2()``.
-- get closest vertex to a given vector
-- slightly faster than the example using len2()
closest, dsq = vertices[1], pos:dist2(vertices[1])
for i = 2,#vertices do
local temp = pos:dist2(vertices[i])
if temp < dsq then
closest, dsq = vertices[i], temp
.. function:: vector.vector:normalized()
:returns: ``vector`` Vector with same direction as the input vector, but length 1.
Get normalized vector, i.e. a vector with the same direction as the input
vector, but with length 1.
This does not change the input vector, but creates a new vector.
direction = velocity:normalized()
.. function:: vector.vector:normalize_inplace()
:returns: ``vector`` Itself - the normalized vector
Normalize a vector, i.e. make the vector unit length. Great to use on
intermediate results.
**This modifies the vector. If in doubt, use
normal = (b - a):perpendicular():normalize_inplace()
.. function:: vector.vector:rotated(angle)
:param number angle: Rotation angle in radians.
:returns: ``vector`` The rotated vector
Get a rotated vector.
This does not change the input vector, but creates a new vector.
-- approximate a circle
circle = {}
for i = 1,30 do
local phi = 2 * math.pi * i / 30
circle[#circle+1] = vector(0,1):rotated(phi)
![Rotated vector sketch](vector-rotated.png)
.. function:: vector.vector:rotate_inplace(angle)
:param number angle: Rotation angle in radians.
:returns: ``vector`` Itself - the rotated vector
Rotate a vector in-place. Great to use on intermediate results.
**This modifies the vector. If in doubt, use
-- ongoing rotation
.. function:: vector.vector:perpendicular()
:returns: ``vector`` A vector perpendicular to the input vector
Quick rotation by 90°. Creates a new vector. The same (but faster) as
normal = (b - a):perpendicular():normalize_inplace()
![Perpendiculat vector sketch](vector-perpendicular.png)
.. function:: vector.vector:projectOn(v)
:param vector v: The vector to project on.
:returns: ``vector`` The projected vector.
Project vector onto another vector (see sketch).
velocity_component = velocity:projectOn(axis)
![Projected vector sketch](vector-projectOn.png)
.. function:: vector.vector:mirrorOn(v)
:param vector v: The vector to mirror on.
:returns: ``vector`` The mirrored vector.
Mirrors vector on the axis defined by the other vector.
deflected_velocity = ball.velocity:mirrorOn(surface_normal)
![Mirrored vector sketch](vector-mirrorOn.png)
.. function:: vector.vector:cross(other)
:param vector other: Vector to compute the cross product with.
:returns: ``number`` Cross product of both vectors.
Get cross product of both vectors. Equals the area of the parallelogram spanned
by both vectors.
parallelogram_area = a:cross(b)
.. function:: vector.vector:angleTo(other)
:param vector other (optional): Vector to measure the angle to.
:returns: ``number`` Angle in radians.
Measures the angle between two vectors. If ``other`` is omitted it defaults
to the vector ``(0,0)``, i.e. the function returns the angle to the coordinate
lean = self.upvector:angleTo(vector(0,1))
if lean > .1 then self:fallOver() end

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@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ An table-free version of :doc:`hump.vector <vector>`. Instead of a vector type,
``hump.vector-light`` provides functions that operate on numbers.
.. note::
Using this module instead of :doc:`hump.vector <vector>` may result in faster
code, but does so at the expense of speed of development and code readability.
Unless you are absolutely sure that your code is significantly slowed down by
:doc:`hump.vector <vector>`, I recommend using it instead.
Using this module instead of :doc:`hump.vector <vector>` may result in
faster code, but does so at the expense of speed of development and code
readability. Unless you are absolutely sure that your code is
significantly slowed down by :doc:`hump.vector <vector>`, I recommend using
it instead.