**hump** - Helper Utilities for a Multitude of Problems ======================================================= **hump** is a set of lightweight helpers for the awesome `LÖVE `_ game framework. It will help to get you over the initial hump when starting to build a new game. **hump** differs from many other libraries in that every component is independent of the remaining ones. The footprint is very small, so the library should fit nicely into your projects. Read on ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 hump.gamestate hump.timer hump.vector hump.vector-light hump.class hump.signal hump.camera license Get hump -------- You can view and download the individual modules on github: `vrld/hump `_. You may also download the whole packed sourcecode either in the `zip `_ or `tar `_ format. Using `Git `_, you can clone the project by running: git clone git://github.com/vrld/hump Once done, tou can check for updates by running git pull Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`