package = "hump" version = "0.4-2" source = { url = "git://" } description = { summary = "Lightweight game development utilities", detailed = [[Collection of independent components that implement common task needed in games: - Gamestates that can stack on each other (e.g., for menus) - Timers and Tweens with thread-like scripting support - Cameras with camera movement control (locking, smooth follow, etc) - 2D vector math - Signals and Slots - Prototype-based OOP helper ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT", } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } build = { type = "builtin", modules = { [""] = "camera.lua", ["hump.class"] = "class.lua", ["hump.gamestate"] = "gamestate.lua", ["hump.signal"] = "signal.lua", ["hump.timer"] = "timer.lua", ["hump.vector"] = "vector.lua", ["hump.vector-light"] = "vector-light.lua" }, }