LÖVE Helper Utilities for Massive Progression
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Matthias Richter f491a92eaa Initial commit
2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00
camera.lua Initial commit 2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00
class.lua Initial commit 2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00
gamestate.lua Initial commit 2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00
README.textile Initial commit 2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00
vector.lua Initial commit 2010-08-09 17:52:48 +02:00

h1. HUMP - Helper Utilities for Massive Progression

__HUMP__ is a small collection of tools for developing games with LÖVE.

h2. Contents:

* *vector.lua*: powerful vector class (pure lua)
* *class.lua*: "class" system supporting function inheritance
* *camera.lua*: translate-, zoom- and rotatable camera
* *gamestate.lua*: class to handle gamestates

h1. Documentation

h2. vector.lua

h4. Basic

@function vector(x,y)@
Creates a new vector. Element access with @v.x@ and @v.y@.
|Parameters:| @x@ _number_ | x coordinate |
|           | @y@ _number_ | y coordinate |
|Returns:   | the vector   |              |

@function isvector(v)@
Tests for vector type.
|Parameters:| @v@ |
|Returns:   | @true@ if @v@ is a vector |

@function Vector:clone()@
Clones a vector.
|Returns:   | new vector with the same coordinates |

@function Vector:unpack()@
Unpacks the vector.
|Returns:   | the coordinate tuple @x, y@ |
@v = vector(1,2)
print(v:unpack()) -- prints "1     2"@

h4. Operators

Arithmetic (@+@, @-@, @*@, @/@) and comparative operators (@==@, @<=@, @<@) are defined.

* @+@ and @-@ _only_ work on vectors. @-@ is also the unary minus (e.g. @print(-vector(1,0)) -- prints (-1,0)@
* @a * b@ works on vectors and numbers: ==<br />==If @a@ is a number and @b@ is a vector (or vice versa), the result the scalar multiplication. If @a@ and @b@ are vectors, then the result is the _dot product_.|
* @a / b@ is only defined for @a@ being a vector and @b@ being a number. Result is the same as @a * 1/b@

@<=@ and @<@ sort lexically, i.e. @a <= b@ if it holds: @a.x < b.x@ or @a.y < b.y@ if @a.x == b.x@

h4. Even more!

@function vector:permul(other)@
Perform element-wise multiplication.

@function vector:len()@
Get length of vector.

@function vector:len2()@
Get squared length.

@function vector:dist(other)@
Get distance to other vector.
@a,b = vector(0,1), vector(1,0)
print(a:dist(b)) -- prints 1.4142135623731@

@function vector:normalized()@
Get normalized vector. The original vector remains unchanged.

@function vector:normalize_inplace()@
Normalize vector and return it.
*Warning:* This will change the state of all references to this vector.

@function Vector:rotated(phi)@
Get rotated vector. The original vector remains unchanged.
|Parameters:| @phi@ | Rotation angle in radians. |

@function Vector:rotate_inplace(phi)@
Rotate the vector and return it.
*Warning:* This will change the state of all references to this vector.

h2. class.lua

h2. camera.lua
_Depends on vector.lua_

h2. gamestate.lua