local inspect = require 'inspect' context( 'inspect', function() context('numbers', function() test('Should work with integers', function() assert_equal(inspect(1), "1") end) test('Should work with decimals', function() assert_equal(inspect(1.5), "1.5") end) test('Should work with negative numbers', function() assert_equal(inspect(-3.14), "-3.14") end) end) context('strings', function() test('Should put quotes around regular strings', function() assert_equal(inspect("hello"), '"hello"') end) test('Should put apostrophes around strings with quotes', function() assert_equal(inspect('I have "quotes"'), "'I have \"quotes\"'") end) test('Should use regular quotes if the string has both quotes and apostrophes', function() assert_equal(inspect("I have \"quotes\" and 'apostrophes'"), '"I have \\"quotes\\" and \'apostrophes\'"') end) test('Should escape escape control characters', function() assert_equal(inspect('I have \n new \n lines'), '"I have \\\\n new \\\\n lines"') assert_equal(inspect('I have \b a back space'), '"I have \\\\b a back space"') end) end) test('Should work with functions', function() assert_equal(inspect(print), '') end) test('Should work with booleans', function() assert_equal(inspect(true), 'true') assert_equal(inspect(false), 'false') end) context('tables', function() test('Should work with simple array-like tables', function() assert_equal(inspect({1,2,3}), "{ 1, 2, 3 }" ) end) test('Should work with nested arrays', function() assert_equal(inspect({'a','b','c', {'d','e'}, 'f'}), '{ "a", "b", "c", { "d", "e" }, "f" }' ) end) test('Should work with simple dictionary tables', function() assert_equal(inspect({a = 1, b = 2}), "{\n a = 1,\n b = 2\n}") end) test('Should work with nested dictionary tables', function() assert_equal(inspect( {d=3, b={c=2}, a=1} ), [[{ a = 1, b = { c = 2 }, d = 3 }]]) end) test('Should work with hybrid tables', function() assert_equal(inspect({ 'a', {b = 1}, 2, c = 3, ['ahoy you'] = 4 }), [[{ "a", { b = 1 }, 2, ["ahoy you"] = 4, c = 3 }]]) end) test('Should respect depth', function() local level4 = { 1,2,3, a = { b = { c = { d = 4 } } } } assert_equal(inspect(level4, 4), [[{ 1, 2, 3, a = { b = { c = { d = 4 } } } }]]) assert_equal(inspect(level4, 3), [[{ 1, 2, 3, a = { b = { c = {...} } } }]]) assert_equal(inspect(level4, 2), [[{ 1, 2, 3, a = { b = {...} } }]]) assert_equal(inspect(level4, 1), [[{ 1, 2, 3, a = {...} }]]) end) end) end)