2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
/ *
* jQuery UI Sortable
* Copyright ( c ) 2008 Paul Bakaus
* Dual licensed under the MIT ( MIT - LICENSE . txt )
* and GPL ( GPL - LICENSE . txt ) licenses .
* http : //docs.jquery.com/UI/Sortables
* Depends :
* ui . core . js
* Revision : $Id : ui . sortable . js 5433 2008 - 05 - 04 20 : 07 : 17 Z joern . zaefferer $
* /
; ( function ( $ ) {
function contains ( a , b ) {
var safari2 = $ . browser . safari && $ . browser . version < 522 ;
if ( a . contains && ! safari2 ) {
return a . contains ( b ) ;
if ( a . compareDocumentPosition )
return ! ! ( a . compareDocumentPosition ( b ) & 16 ) ;
while ( b = b . parentNode )
if ( b == a ) return true ;
return false ;
} ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
$ . widget ( "ui.sortable" , $ . extend ( $ . ui . mouse , {
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
init : function ( ) {
var o = this . options ;
this . containerCache = { } ;
this . element . addClass ( "ui-sortable" ) ;
//Get the items
this . refresh ( ) ;
//Let's determine if the items are floating
this . floating = this . items . length ? ( /left|right/ ) . test ( this . items [ 0 ] . item . css ( 'float' ) ) : false ;
//Let's determine the parent's offset
if ( ! ( /(relative|absolute|fixed)/ ) . test ( this . element . css ( 'position' ) ) ) this . element . css ( 'position' , 'relative' ) ;
this . offset = this . element . offset ( ) ;
//Initialize mouse events for interaction
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
this . mouseInit ( ) ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
} ,
plugins : { } ,
ui : function ( inst ) {
return {
helper : ( inst || this ) [ "helper" ] ,
placeholder : ( inst || this ) [ "placeholder" ] || $ ( [ ] ) ,
position : ( inst || this ) [ "position" ] . current ,
absolutePosition : ( inst || this ) [ "position" ] . absolute ,
options : this . options ,
element : this . element ,
item : ( inst || this ) [ "currentItem" ] ,
sender : inst ? inst . element : null
} ;
} ,
propagate : function ( n , e , inst ) {
$ . ui . plugin . call ( this , n , [ e , this . ui ( inst ) ] ) ;
this . element . triggerHandler ( n == "sort" ? n : "sort" + n , [ e , this . ui ( inst ) ] , this . options [ n ] ) ;
} ,
serialize : function ( o ) {
var items = $ ( this . options . items , this . element ) . not ( '.ui-sortable-helper' ) ; //Only the items of the sortable itself
var str = [ ] ; o = o || { } ;
items . each ( function ( ) {
var res = ( $ ( this ) . attr ( o . attribute || 'id' ) || '' ) . match ( o . expression || ( /(.+)[-=_](.+)/ ) ) ;
if ( res ) str . push ( ( o . key || res [ 1 ] ) + '[]=' + ( o . key ? res [ 1 ] : res [ 2 ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
return str . join ( '&' ) ;
} ,
toArray : function ( attr ) {
var items = $ ( this . options . items , this . element ) . not ( '.ui-sortable-helper' ) ; //Only the items of the sortable itself
var ret = [ ] ;
items . each ( function ( ) { ret . push ( $ ( this ) . attr ( attr || 'id' ) ) ; } ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
enable : function ( ) {
this . element . removeClass ( "ui-sortable-disabled" ) ;
this . options . disabled = false ;
} ,
disable : function ( ) {
this . element . addClass ( "ui-sortable-disabled" ) ;
this . options . disabled = true ;
} ,
/* Be careful with the following core functions */
intersectsWith : function ( item ) {
var x1 = this . position . absolute . left , x2 = x1 + this . helperProportions . width ,
y1 = this . position . absolute . top , y2 = y1 + this . helperProportions . height ;
var l = item . left , r = l + item . width ,
t = item . top , b = t + item . height ;
if ( this . options . tolerance == "pointer" ) {
return ( y1 + this . clickOffset . top > t && y1 + this . clickOffset . top < b && x1 + this . clickOffset . left > l && x1 + this . clickOffset . left < r ) ;
} else {
return ( l < x1 + ( this . helperProportions . width / 2 ) // Right Half
&& x2 - ( this . helperProportions . width / 2 ) < r // Left Half
&& t < y1 + ( this . helperProportions . height / 2 ) // Bottom Half
&& y2 - ( this . helperProportions . height / 2 ) < b ) ; // Top Half
} ,
intersectsWithEdge : function ( item ) {
var x1 = this . position . absolute . left , x2 = x1 + this . helperProportions . width ,
y1 = this . position . absolute . top , y2 = y1 + this . helperProportions . height ;
var l = item . left , r = l + item . width ,
t = item . top , b = t + item . height ;
if ( this . options . tolerance == "pointer" ) {
if ( ! ( y1 + this . clickOffset . top > t && y1 + this . clickOffset . top < b && x1 + this . clickOffset . left > l && x1 + this . clickOffset . left < r ) ) return false ;
if ( this . floating ) {
if ( x1 + this . clickOffset . left > l && x1 + this . clickOffset . left < l + item . width / 2 ) return 2 ;
if ( x1 + this . clickOffset . left > l + item . width / 2 && x1 + this . clickOffset . left < r ) return 1 ;
} else {
if ( y1 + this . clickOffset . top > t && y1 + this . clickOffset . top < t + item . height / 2 ) return 2 ;
if ( y1 + this . clickOffset . top > t + item . height / 2 && y1 + this . clickOffset . top < b ) return 1 ;
} else {
if ( ! ( l < x1 + ( this . helperProportions . width / 2 ) // Right Half
&& x2 - ( this . helperProportions . width / 2 ) < r // Left Half
&& t < y1 + ( this . helperProportions . height / 2 ) // Bottom Half
&& y2 - ( this . helperProportions . height / 2 ) < b ) ) return false ; // Top Half
if ( this . floating ) {
if ( x2 > l && x1 < l ) return 2 ; //Crosses left edge
if ( x1 < r && x2 > r ) return 1 ; //Crosses right edge
} else {
if ( y2 > t && y1 < t ) return 1 ; //Crosses top edge
if ( y1 < b && y2 > b ) return 2 ; //Crosses bottom edge
return false ;
} ,
//This method checks approximately if the item is dragged in a container, but doesn't touch any items
inEmptyZone : function ( container ) {
if ( ! $ ( container . options . items , container . element ) . length ) {
return container . options . dropOnEmpty ? true : false ;
} ;
var last = $ ( container . options . items , container . element ) . not ( '.ui-sortable-helper' ) ; last = $ ( last [ last . length - 1 ] ) ;
var top = last . offset ( ) [ this . floating ? 'left' : 'top' ] + last [ 0 ] [ this . floating ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight' ] ;
return ( this . position . absolute [ this . floating ? 'left' : 'top' ] > top ) ;
} ,
refresh : function ( ) {
this . refreshItems ( ) ;
this . refreshPositions ( ) ;
} ,
refreshItems : function ( ) {
this . items = [ ] ;
this . containers = [ this ] ;
var items = this . items ;
var queries = [ $ ( this . options . items , this . element ) ] ;
if ( this . options . connectWith ) {
for ( var i = this . options . connectWith . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var cur = $ ( this . options . connectWith [ i ] ) ;
for ( var j = cur . length - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- ) {
var inst = $ . data ( cur [ j ] , 'sortable' ) ;
if ( inst && ! inst . options . disabled ) {
queries . push ( $ ( inst . options . items , inst . element ) ) ;
this . containers . push ( inst ) ;
} ;
} ;
for ( var i = queries . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
queries [ i ] . each ( function ( ) {
$ . data ( this , 'sortable-item' , true ) ; // Data for target checking (mouse manager)
items . push ( {
item : $ ( this ) ,
width : 0 , height : 0 ,
left : 0 , top : 0
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ,
refreshPositions : function ( fast ) {
for ( var i = this . items . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var t = this . items [ i ] . item ;
if ( ! fast ) this . items [ i ] . width = ( this . options . toleranceElement ? $ ( this . options . toleranceElement , t ) : t ) . outerWidth ( ) ;
if ( ! fast ) this . items [ i ] . height = ( this . options . toleranceElement ? $ ( this . options . toleranceElement , t ) : t ) . outerHeight ( ) ;
var p = ( this . options . toleranceElement ? $ ( this . options . toleranceElement , t ) : t ) . offset ( ) ;
this . items [ i ] . left = p . left ;
this . items [ i ] . top = p . top ;
} ;
for ( var i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var p = this . containers [ i ] . element . offset ( ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . left = p . left ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . top = p . top ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . width = this . containers [ i ] . element . outerWidth ( ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . height = this . containers [ i ] . element . outerHeight ( ) ;
} ;
} ,
destroy : function ( ) {
this . element
. removeClass ( "ui-sortable ui-sortable-disabled" )
. removeData ( "sortable" )
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
. unbind ( ".sortable" ) ;
this . mouseDestroy ( ) ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
for ( var i = this . items . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- )
this . items [ i ] . item . removeData ( "sortable-item" ) ;
} ,
createPlaceholder : function ( that ) {
( that || this ) . placeholderElement = this . options . placeholderElement ? $ ( this . options . placeholderElement , ( that || this ) . currentItem ) : ( that || this ) . currentItem ;
( that || this ) . placeholder = $ ( '<div></div>' )
. addClass ( this . options . placeholder )
. appendTo ( 'body' )
. css ( { position : 'absolute' } )
. css ( ( that || this ) . placeholderElement . offset ( ) )
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
. css ( { width : ( that || this ) . placeholderElement . outerWidth ( ) , height : ( that || this ) . placeholderElement . outerHeight ( ) } ) ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
} ,
contactContainers : function ( e ) {
for ( var i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( this . intersectsWith ( this . containers [ i ] . containerCache ) ) {
if ( ! this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over ) {
if ( this . currentContainer != this . containers [ i ] ) {
//When entering a new container, we will find the item with the least distance and append our item near it
var dist = 10000 ; var itemWithLeastDistance = null ; var base = this . position . absolute [ this . containers [ i ] . floating ? 'left' : 'top' ] ;
for ( var j = this . items . length - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- ) {
if ( ! contains ( this . containers [ i ] . element [ 0 ] , this . items [ j ] . item [ 0 ] ) ) continue ;
var cur = this . items [ j ] [ this . containers [ i ] . floating ? 'left' : 'top' ] ;
if ( Math . abs ( cur - base ) < dist ) {
dist = Math . abs ( cur - base ) ; itemWithLeastDistance = this . items [ j ] ;
//We also need to exchange the placeholder
if ( this . placeholder ) this . placeholder . remove ( ) ;
if ( this . containers [ i ] . options . placeholder ) {
this . containers [ i ] . createPlaceholder ( this ) ;
} else {
this . placeholder = null ; this . placeholderElement = null ;
itemWithLeastDistance ? this . rearrange ( e , itemWithLeastDistance ) : this . rearrange ( e , null , this . containers [ i ] . element ) ;
this . propagate ( "change" , e ) ; //Call plugins and callbacks
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "change" , e , this ) ; //Call plugins and callbacks
this . currentContainer = this . containers [ i ] ;
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "over" , e , this ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over = 1 ;
} else {
if ( this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over ) {
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "out" , e , this ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over = 0 ;
} ;
} ,
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
mouseStart : function ( e ) {
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
var o = this . options ;
this . currentContainer = this ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
if ( this . options . disabled || this . options . type == 'static' ) return false ;
//Find out if the clicked node (or one of its parents) is a actual item in this.items
var currentItem = null , nodes = $ ( e . target ) . parents ( ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( $ . data ( this , 'sortable-item' ) ) {
currentItem = $ ( this ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( $ . data ( e . target , 'sortable-item' ) ) currentItem = $ ( e . target ) ;
if ( ! currentItem ) return false ;
if ( this . options . handle ) {
var validHandle = false ;
$ ( this . options . handle , currentItem ) . each ( function ( ) { if ( this == e . target ) validHandle = true ; } ) ;
if ( ! validHandle ) return false ;
this . currentItem = currentItem ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
this . refresh ( ) ;
//Create and append the visible helper
this . helper = typeof o . helper == 'function' ? $ ( o . helper . apply ( this . element [ 0 ] , [ e , this . currentItem ] ) ) : this . currentItem . clone ( ) ;
if ( ! this . helper . parents ( 'body' ) . length ) this . helper . appendTo ( o . appendTo || this . currentItem [ 0 ] . parentNode ) ; //Add the helper to the DOM if that didn't happen already
this . helper . css ( { position : 'absolute' , clear : 'both' } ) . addClass ( 'ui-sortable-helper' ) ; //Position it absolutely and add a helper class
//Prepare variables for position generation
$ . extend ( this , {
offsetParent : this . helper . offsetParent ( ) ,
offsets : {
absolute : this . currentItem . offset ( )
} ,
mouse : {
start : { top : e . pageY , left : e . pageX }
} ,
margins : {
top : parseInt ( this . currentItem . css ( "marginTop" ) ) || 0 ,
left : parseInt ( this . currentItem . css ( "marginLeft" ) ) || 0
} ) ;
//The relative click offset
this . offsets . parent = this . offsetParent . offset ( ) ;
this . clickOffset = { left : e . pageX - this . offsets . absolute . left , top : e . pageY - this . offsets . absolute . top } ;
this . originalPosition = {
left : this . offsets . absolute . left - this . offsets . parent . left - this . margins . left ,
top : this . offsets . absolute . top - this . offsets . parent . top - this . margins . top
//Generate a flexible offset that will later be subtracted from e.pageX/Y
//I hate margins - they need to be removed before positioning the element absolutely..
this . offset = {
left : e . pageX - this . originalPosition . left ,
top : e . pageY - this . originalPosition . top
} ;
//Save the first time position
$ . extend ( this , {
position : {
current : { top : e . pageY - this . offset . top , left : e . pageX - this . offset . left } ,
absolute : { left : e . pageX - this . clickOffset . left , top : e . pageY - this . clickOffset . top } ,
dom : this . currentItem . prev ( ) [ 0 ]
} ) ;
//If o.placeholder is used, create a new element at the given position with the class
if ( o . placeholder ) this . createPlaceholder ( ) ;
this . propagate ( "start" , e ) ; //Call plugins and callbacks
this . helperProportions = { width : this . helper . outerWidth ( ) , height : this . helper . outerHeight ( ) } ; //Save and store the helper proportions
//If we have something in cursorAt, we'll use it
if ( o . cursorAt ) {
if ( o . cursorAt . top != undefined || o . cursorAt . bottom != undefined ) {
this . offset . top -= this . clickOffset . top - ( o . cursorAt . top != undefined ? o . cursorAt . top : ( this . helperProportions . height - o . cursorAt . bottom ) ) ;
this . clickOffset . top = ( o . cursorAt . top != undefined ? o . cursorAt . top : ( this . helperProportions . height - o . cursorAt . bottom ) ) ;
if ( o . cursorAt . left != undefined || o . cursorAt . right != undefined ) {
this . offset . left -= this . clickOffset . left - ( o . cursorAt . left != undefined ? o . cursorAt . left : ( this . helperProportions . width - o . cursorAt . right ) ) ;
this . clickOffset . left = ( o . cursorAt . left != undefined ? o . cursorAt . left : ( this . helperProportions . width - o . cursorAt . right ) ) ;
if ( this . options . placeholder != 'clone' ) $ ( this . currentItem ) . css ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' ) ; //Set the original element visibility to hidden to still fill out the white space
for ( var i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "activate" , e , this ) ; } //Post 'activate' events to possible containers
//Prepare possible droppables
if ( $ . ui . ddmanager ) $ . ui . ddmanager . current = this ;
if ( $ . ui . ddmanager && ! o . dropBehaviour ) $ . ui . ddmanager . prepareOffsets ( this , e ) ;
this . dragging = true ;
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return true ;
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} ,
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
mouseDrag : function ( e ) {
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
//Compute the helpers position
this . position . current = { top : e . pageY - this . offset . top , left : e . pageX - this . offset . left } ;
this . position . absolute = { left : e . pageX - this . clickOffset . left , top : e . pageY - this . clickOffset . top } ;
for ( var i = this . items . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var intersection = this . intersectsWithEdge ( this . items [ i ] ) ;
if ( ! intersection ) continue ;
if ( this . items [ i ] . item [ 0 ] != this . currentItem [ 0 ] //cannot intersect with itself
&& this . currentItem [ intersection == 1 ? "next" : "prev" ] ( ) [ 0 ] != this . items [ i ] . item [ 0 ] //no useless actions that have been done before
&& ! contains ( this . currentItem [ 0 ] , this . items [ i ] . item [ 0 ] ) //no action if the item moved is the parent of the item checked
&& ( this . options . type == 'semi-dynamic' ? ! contains ( this . element [ 0 ] , this . items [ i ] . item [ 0 ] ) : true )
) {
this . direction = intersection == 1 ? "down" : "up" ;
this . rearrange ( e , this . items [ i ] ) ;
this . propagate ( "change" , e ) ; //Call plugins and callbacks
break ;
//Post events to containers
this . contactContainers ( e ) ;
//Interconnect with droppables
if ( $ . ui . ddmanager ) $ . ui . ddmanager . drag ( this , e ) ;
this . propagate ( "sort" , e ) ; //Call plugins and callbacks
this . helper . css ( { left : this . position . current . left + 'px' , top : this . position . current . top + 'px' } ) ; // Stick the helper to the cursor
return false ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
} ,
mouseStop : function ( e ) {
this . propagate ( "stop" , e ) ; //Call plugins and trigger callbacks
if ( this . position . dom != this . currentItem . prev ( ) [ 0 ] ) this . propagate ( "update" , e ) ; //Trigger update callback if the DOM position has changed
if ( ! contains ( this . element [ 0 ] , this . currentItem [ 0 ] ) ) { //Node was moved out of the current element
this . propagate ( "remove" , e ) ;
for ( var i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( contains ( this . containers [ i ] . element [ 0 ] , this . currentItem [ 0 ] ) ) {
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "update" , e , this ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "receive" , e , this ) ;
} ;
} ;
//Post events to containers
for ( var i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "deactivate" , e , this ) ;
if ( this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over ) {
this . containers [ i ] . propagate ( "out" , e , this ) ;
this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over = 0 ;
//If we are using droppables, inform the manager about the drop
if ( $ . ui . ddmanager && ! this . options . dropBehaviour ) $ . ui . ddmanager . drop ( this , e ) ;
this . dragging = false ;
if ( this . cancelHelperRemoval ) return false ;
$ ( this . currentItem ) . css ( 'visibility' , '' ) ;
if ( this . placeholder ) this . placeholder . remove ( ) ;
this . helper . remove ( ) ;
return false ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
} ,
rearrange : function ( e , i , a ) {
a ? a . append ( this . currentItem ) : i . item [ this . direction == 'down' ? 'before' : 'after' ] ( this . currentItem ) ;
this . refreshPositions ( true ) ; //Precompute after each DOM insertion, NOT on mousemove
if ( this . placeholderElement ) this . placeholder . css ( this . placeholderElement . offset ( ) ) ;
if ( this . placeholderElement && this . placeholderElement . is ( ":visible" ) ) this . placeholder . css ( { width : this . placeholderElement . outerWidth ( ) , height : this . placeholderElement . outerHeight ( ) } ) ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
} ) ) ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
$ . extend ( $ . ui . sortable , {
getter : "serialize toArray" ,
defaults : {
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
distance : 0 ,
delay : 0 ,
cancel : ":input,button" ,
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
items : '> *' ,
zIndex : 1000
} ) ;
/ *
* Sortable Extensions
* /
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "cursor" , {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
var t = $ ( 'body' ) ;
if ( t . css ( "cursor" ) ) ui . options . _cursor = t . css ( "cursor" ) ;
t . css ( "cursor" , ui . options . cursor ) ;
} ,
stop : function ( e , ui ) {
if ( ui . options . _cursor ) $ ( 'body' ) . css ( "cursor" , ui . options . _cursor ) ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "zIndex" , {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
var t = ui . helper ;
if ( t . css ( "zIndex" ) ) ui . options . _zIndex = t . css ( "zIndex" ) ;
t . css ( 'zIndex' , ui . options . zIndex ) ;
} ,
stop : function ( e , ui ) {
if ( ui . options . _zIndex ) $ ( ui . helper ) . css ( 'zIndex' , ui . options . _zIndex ) ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "opacity" , {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
var t = ui . helper ;
if ( t . css ( "opacity" ) ) ui . options . _opacity = t . css ( "opacity" ) ;
t . css ( 'opacity' , ui . options . opacity ) ;
} ,
stop : function ( e , ui ) {
if ( ui . options . _opacity ) $ ( ui . helper ) . css ( 'opacity' , ui . options . _opacity ) ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "revert" , {
stop : function ( e , ui ) {
var self = ui . instance ;
self . cancelHelperRemoval = true ;
var cur = self . currentItem . offset ( ) ;
var op = self . helper . offsetParent ( ) . offset ( ) ;
if ( ui . instance . options . zIndex ) ui . helper . css ( 'zIndex' , ui . instance . options . zIndex ) ; //Do the zIndex again because it already was resetted by the plugin above on stop
//Also animate the placeholder if we have one
if ( ui . instance . placeholder ) ui . instance . placeholder . animate ( { opacity : 'hide' } , parseInt ( ui . options . revert , 10 ) || 500 ) ;
ui . helper . animate ( {
left : cur . left - op . left - self . margins . left ,
top : cur . top - op . top - self . margins . top
} , parseInt ( ui . options . revert , 10 ) || 500 , function ( ) {
self . currentItem . css ( 'visibility' , 'visible' ) ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( self . placeholder ) self . placeholder . remove ( ) ;
self . helper . remove ( ) ;
if ( ui . options . _zIndex ) ui . helper . css ( 'zIndex' , ui . options . _zIndex ) ;
} , 50 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "containment" , {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
var o = ui . options ;
if ( ( o . containment . left != undefined || o . containment . constructor == Array ) && ! o . _containment ) return ;
if ( ! o . _containment ) o . _containment = o . containment ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
if ( o . _containment == 'parent' ) o . _containment = this . element [ 0 ] . parentNode ;
if ( o . _containment == 'sortable' ) o . _containment = this . element [ 0 ] ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
if ( o . _containment == 'document' ) {
o . containment = [
0 ,
0 ,
$ ( document ) . width ( ) ,
( $ ( document ) . height ( ) || document . body . parentNode . scrollHeight )
] ;
} else { //I'm a node, so compute top/left/right/bottom
var ce = $ ( o . _containment ) ;
var co = ce . offset ( ) ;
o . containment = [
co . left ,
co . top ,
co . left + ( ce . outerWidth ( ) || ce [ 0 ] . scrollWidth ) ,
co . top + ( ce . outerHeight ( ) || ce [ 0 ] . scrollHeight )
] ;
} ,
sort : function ( e , ui ) {
var o = ui . options ;
var h = ui . helper ;
var c = o . containment ;
2008-05-25 04:04:57 +00:00
var self = this ;
2008-05-23 09:26:18 +00:00
var borderLeft = ( parseInt ( self . offsetParent . css ( "borderLeftWidth" ) , 10 ) || 0 ) ;
var borderRight = ( parseInt ( self . offsetParent . css ( "borderRightWidth" ) , 10 ) || 0 ) ;
var borderTop = ( parseInt ( self . offsetParent . css ( "borderTopWidth" ) , 10 ) || 0 ) ;
var borderBottom = ( parseInt ( self . offsetParent . css ( "borderBottomWidth" ) , 10 ) || 0 ) ;
if ( c . constructor == Array ) {
if ( ( self . position . absolute . left < c [ 0 ] ) ) self . position . current . left = c [ 0 ] - self . offsets . parent . left - self . margins . left ;
if ( ( self . position . absolute . top < c [ 1 ] ) ) self . position . current . top = c [ 1 ] - self . offsets . parent . top - self . margins . top ;
if ( self . position . absolute . left - c [ 2 ] + self . helperProportions . width >= 0 ) self . position . current . left = c [ 2 ] - self . offsets . parent . left - self . helperProportions . width - self . margins . left - borderLeft - borderRight ;
if ( self . position . absolute . top - c [ 3 ] + self . helperProportions . height >= 0 ) self . position . current . top = c [ 3 ] - self . offsets . parent . top - self . helperProportions . height - self . margins . top - borderTop - borderBottom ;
} else {
if ( ( ui . position . left < c . left ) ) self . position . current . left = c . left ;
if ( ( ui . position . top < c . top ) ) self . position . current . top = c . top ;
if ( ui . position . left - self . offsetParent . innerWidth ( ) + self . helperProportions . width + c . right + borderLeft + borderRight >= 0 ) self . position . current . left = self . offsetParent . innerWidth ( ) - self . helperProportions . width - c . right - borderLeft - borderRight ;
if ( ui . position . top - self . offsetParent . innerHeight ( ) + self . helperProportions . height + c . bottom + borderTop + borderBottom >= 0 ) self . position . current . top = self . offsetParent . innerHeight ( ) - self . helperProportions . height - c . bottom - borderTop - borderBottom ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "axis" , {
sort : function ( e , ui ) {
var o = ui . options ;
if ( o . constraint ) o . axis = o . constraint ; //Legacy check
o . axis == 'x' ? ui . instance . position . current . top = ui . instance . originalPosition . top : ui . instance . position . current . left = ui . instance . originalPosition . left ;
} ) ;
$ . ui . plugin . add ( "sortable" , "scroll" , {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
var o = ui . options ;
o . scrollSensitivity = o . scrollSensitivity || 20 ;
o . scrollSpeed = o . scrollSpeed || 20 ;
ui . instance . overflowY = function ( el ) {
do { if ( ( /auto|scroll/ ) . test ( el . css ( 'overflow' ) ) || ( /auto|scroll/ ) . test ( el . css ( 'overflow-y' ) ) ) return el ; el = el . parent ( ) ; } while ( el [ 0 ] . parentNode ) ;
return $ ( document ) ;
} ( this ) ;
ui . instance . overflowX = function ( el ) {
do { if ( ( /auto|scroll/ ) . test ( el . css ( 'overflow' ) ) || ( /auto|scroll/ ) . test ( el . css ( 'overflow-x' ) ) ) return el ; el = el . parent ( ) ; } while ( el [ 0 ] . parentNode ) ;
return $ ( document ) ;
} ( this ) ;
if ( ui . instance . overflowY [ 0 ] != document && ui . instance . overflowY [ 0 ] . tagName != 'HTML' ) ui . instance . overflowYstart = ui . instance . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop ;
if ( ui . instance . overflowX [ 0 ] != document && ui . instance . overflowX [ 0 ] . tagName != 'HTML' ) ui . instance . overflowXstart = ui . instance . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft ;
} ,
sort : function ( e , ui ) {
var o = ui . options ;
var i = ui . instance ;
if ( i . overflowY [ 0 ] != document && i . overflowY [ 0 ] . tagName != 'HTML' ) {
if ( i . overflowY [ 0 ] . offsetHeight - ( ui . position . top - i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop + i . clickOffset . top ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop = i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop + o . scrollSpeed ;
if ( ( ui . position . top - i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop + i . clickOffset . top ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop = i . overflowY [ 0 ] . scrollTop - o . scrollSpeed ;
} else {
//$(document.body).append('<p>'+(e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop())+'</p>');
if ( e . pageY - $ ( document ) . scrollTop ( ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
$ ( document ) . scrollTop ( $ ( document ) . scrollTop ( ) - o . scrollSpeed ) ;
if ( $ ( window ) . height ( ) - ( e . pageY - $ ( document ) . scrollTop ( ) ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
$ ( document ) . scrollTop ( $ ( document ) . scrollTop ( ) + o . scrollSpeed ) ;
if ( i . overflowX [ 0 ] != document && i . overflowX [ 0 ] . tagName != 'HTML' ) {
if ( i . overflowX [ 0 ] . offsetWidth - ( ui . position . left - i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft + i . clickOffset . left ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft + o . scrollSpeed ;
if ( ( ui . position . top - i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft + i . clickOffset . left ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft - o . scrollSpeed ;
} else {
if ( e . pageX - $ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
$ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( $ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( ) - o . scrollSpeed ) ;
if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) - ( e . pageX - $ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( ) ) < o . scrollSensitivity )
$ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( $ ( document ) . scrollLeft ( ) + o . scrollSpeed ) ;
i . offset = {
left : i . mouse . start . left - i . originalPosition . left + ( i . overflowXstart !== undefined ? i . overflowXstart - i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollLeft : 0 ) ,
top : i . mouse . start . top - i . originalPosition . top + ( i . overflowYstart !== undefined ? i . overflowYstart - i . overflowX [ 0 ] . scrollTop : 0 )
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;