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* dialog_core.js
var el,
offsetBefore, offsetAfter,
heightBefore, heightAfter,
widthBefore, widthAfter,
function dlg() {
return el.data("dialog").element.parents(".ui-dialog:first");
function isOpen(why) {
ok(dlg().is(":visible"), why);
function isNotOpen(why) {
ok(!dlg().is(":visible"), why);
function drag(handle, dx, dy) {
var d = dlg();
offsetBefore = d.offset();
heightBefore = d.height();
widthBefore = d.width();
//this mouseover is to work around a limitation in resizable
//TODO: fix resizable so handle doesn't require mouseover in order to be used
$(handle, d).simulate("mouseover");
$(handle, d).simulate("drag", {
dx: dx || 0,
dy: dy || 0
dragged = { dx: dx, dy: dy };
offsetAfter = d.offset();
heightAfter = d.height();
widthAfter = d.width();
function moved(dx, dy, msg) {
msg = msg ? msg + "." : "";
var actual = { left: offsetAfter.left, top: offsetAfter.top };
var expected = { left: offsetBefore.left + dx, top: offsetBefore.top + dy };
same(actual, expected, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ' + msg);
function shouldmove(why) {
var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
drag(handle, 50, 50);
moved(50, 50, why);
function shouldnotmove(why) {
var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
drag(handle, 50, 50);
moved(0, 0, why);
function resized(dw, dh, msg) {
msg = msg ? msg + "." : "";
var actual = { width: widthAfter, height: heightAfter };
var expected = { width: widthBefore + dw, height: heightBefore + dh };
same(actual, expected, 'resized[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ' + msg);
function shouldresize(why) {
var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
drag(handle, 50, 50);
resized(50, 50, why);
function shouldnotresize(why) {
var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
drag(handle, 50, 50);
resized(0, 0, why);
function broder(el, side){
return parseInt(el.css('border-' + side + '-width'), 10);
function margin(el, side) {
return parseInt(el.css('margin-' + side), 10);
(function($) {
module("dialog: core");
test("element types", function() {
var typeNames = ('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,ol,ul,dl,div,form'
+ ',table,fieldset,address,ins,del,em,strong,q,cite,dfn,abbr'
+ ',acronym,code,samp,kbd,var,img,object,hr'
+ ',input,button,label,select,iframe').split(',');
$.each(typeNames, function(i) {
var typeName = typeNames[i];
el = $(document.createElement(typeName)).appendTo('body');
(typeName == 'table' && el.append("<tr><td>content</td></tr>"));
ok(true, '$("&lt;' + typeName + '/&gt").dialog()');
test("title id", function() {
var titleId;
// reset the uuid so we know what values to expect
$.ui.dialog.uuid = 0;
el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-1', 'auto-numbered title id');
el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-2', 'auto-numbered title id');
el = $('<div id="foo"/>').dialog();
titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-foo', 'carried over title id');
test("ARIA", function() {
el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
equals(dlg().attr('role'), 'dialog', 'dialog role');
var labelledBy = dlg().attr('aria-labelledby');
ok(labelledBy.length > 0, 'has aria-labelledby attribute');
equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id'), labelledBy,
'proper aria-labelledby attribute');
equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').attr('role'), 'button',
'close link role');