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define( [
], function( $ ) {
module( "Button (deprecated): core" );
test( "Calling button on a checkbox input calls checkboxradio widget", function() {
var checkbox = $( "#checkbox01" );
expect( 2 );
ok( !!checkbox.checkboxradio( "instance" ),
"Calling button on a checkbox creates checkboxradio instance" );
ok( !checkbox.checkboxradio( "option", "icon" ),
"Calling button on a checkbox sets the checkboxradio icon option to false" );
} );
test( "Calling buttonset calls controlgroup", function() {
var controlgroup = $( ".buttonset" );
expect( 1 );
ok( controlgroup.is( ":ui-controlgroup" ), "Calling buttonset creates controlgroup instance" );
} );
module( "Button (deprecated): methods" );
test( "destroy", function( assert ) {
expect( 1 );
assert.domEqual( "#checkbox02", function() {
$( "#checkbox02" ).button().button( "destroy" );
} );
} );
test( "refresh: Ensure disabled state is preserved correctly.", function() {
expect( 5 );
var element = null;
element = $( "#checkbox02" );
element.button( { disabled: true } ).button( "refresh" );
ok( element.button( "option", "disabled" ), "Checkboxes should remain disabled after refresh" );
ok( element.prop( "disabled" ), "Input remains disabled after refresh" );
element = $( "#radio02" );
element.button( { disabled: true } ).button( "refresh" );
ok( element.button( "option", "disabled" ), "Radio buttons should remain disabled after refresh" );
element = $( "#checkbox02" );
element.button( { disabled: true } ).prop( "disabled", false ).button( "refresh" );
ok( !element.button( "option", "disabled" ), "Changing a checkbox's disabled property should update the state after refresh." );
element = $( "#radio02" );
element.button( { disabled: true } ).prop( "disabled", false ).button( "refresh" );
ok( !element.button( "option", "disabled" ), "Changing a radio button's disabled property should update the state after refresh." );
} );
module( "button (deprecated): options" );
test( "Setting items option on buttonset sets the button properties on the items option", function() {
expect( 2 );
var controlgroup = $( ".buttonset" );
controlgroup.buttonset( { items: "bar" } );
equal( controlgroup.controlgroup( "option", "items.button" ), "bar",
"items.button set when setting items option on init on buttonset" );
controlgroup.buttonset( "option", "items", "foo" );
equal( controlgroup.controlgroup( "option", "items.button" ), "foo",
"items.button set when setting items option on buttonset" );
} );
test( "disabled, null", function() {
expect( 2 );
$( "#radio02" ).prop( "disabled", true ).button( { disabled: null } );
deepEqual( $( "#radio02" ).button( "option", "disabled" ), true,
"disabled option set to true" );
deepEqual( true, $( "#radio02" ).prop( "disabled" ), "element is not disabled" );
} );
test( "text / showLabel options proxied", function() {
expect( 8 );
var button = $( "#button" );
button.button( {
text: false,
icon: "ui-icon-gear"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "showLabel" ), false,
"Setting the text option to false sets the showLabel option to false on init" );
button.button( "option", "showLabel", true );
equal( button.button( "option", "text" ), true,
"Setting showLabel true with option method sets text option to true" );
button.button( "option", "text", false );
equal( button.button( "option", "showLabel" ), false,
"Setting text false with option method sets showLabel option to false" );
button.button( "option", "text", true );
equal( button.button( "option", "showLabel" ), true,
"Setting text true with option method sets showLabel option to true" );
button.button( "option", "showLabel", false );
equal( button.button( "option", "text" ), false,
"Setting showLabel false with option method sets text option to false" );
button.button( "destroy" );
button.button( {
text: true,
icon: "ui-icon-gear"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "showLabel" ), true,
"Setting the text option to true sets the showLabel option to true on init" );
button.button( "destroy" );
button.button( {
showLabel: true,
icon: "ui-icon-gear"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "text" ), true,
"Setting the showLabel option to true sets the text option to true on init" );
button.button( "destroy" );
button.button( {
showLabel: false,
icon: "ui-icon-gear"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "text" ), false,
"Setting the showLabel option to false sets the text option to false on init" );
} );
test( "icon / icons options properly proxied", function() {
expect( 10 );
var button = $( "#button" );
button.button( {
icon: "foo"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icons.primary" ), "foo",
"Icon option properly proxied on init" );
button.button( {
icon: "bar"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icons.primary" ), "bar",
"Icon option properly proxied with option method" );
button.button( {
icons: {
primary: "foo"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icon" ), "foo",
"Icons primary option properly proxied with option method" );
equal( button.button( "option", "iconPosition" ), "beginning",
"Icons primary option sets iconPosition option to beginning" );
button.button( {
icons: {
secondary: "bar"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icon" ), "bar",
"Icons secondary option properly proxied with option method" );
equal( button.button( "option", "iconPosition" ), "end",
"Icons secondary option sets iconPosition option to end" );
button.button( "destroy" );
button.button( {
icons: {
primary: "foo"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icon" ), "foo",
"Icons primary option properly proxied on init" );
equal( button.button( "option", "iconPosition" ), "beginning",
"Icons primary option sets iconPosition option to beginning on init" );
button.button( {
icons: {
secondary: "bar"
} );
equal( button.button( "option", "icon" ), "bar",
"Icons secondary option properly proxied on init" );
equal( button.button( "option", "iconPosition" ), "end",
"Icons secondary option sets iconPosition option to end on init" );
} );
} );