
135 lines
3.8 KiB
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module.exports = function( grunt ) {
"use strict";
grunt.registerTask( "manifest", "Generate jquery.json manifest files", function() {
var uiFiles,
totalManifests = 0,
pkg = grunt.config( "pkg" ),
base = {
core: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}"
widget: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}",
dependencies: [ "core", "widget" ]
interaction: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}",
dependencies: [ "core", "widget", "mouse" ]
effect: {
name: "ui.effect-{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin} Effect",
keywords: [ "effect", "show", "hide" ],
homepage: "http://jqueryui.com/effect/",
demo: "http://jqueryui.com/effect/",
docs: "http://api.jqueryui.com/{plugin}-effect/",
dependencies: [ "effect" ]
Object.keys( base ).forEach(function( type ) {
var baseManifest = base[ type ],
plugins = grunt.file.readJSON( "build/" + type + ".json" ),
bower = grunt.file.readJSON( "bower.json" );
Object.keys( plugins ).forEach(function( plugin ) {
var manifest, bowerKey,
data = plugins[ plugin ],
name = plugin.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + plugin.substr( 1 );
function replace( str ) {
return str.replace( "{plugin}", plugin ).replace( "{Plugin}", name );
manifest = {
name: data.name || replace( baseManifest.name ),
2012-07-06 16:39:17 +00:00
title: data.title || replace( baseManifest.title ),
description: data.description,
keywords: [ "ui", plugin ]
.concat( baseManifest.keywords || [] )
.concat( data.keywords || [] ),
version: pkg.version,
author: pkg.author,
maintainers: pkg.maintainers,
2012-07-06 16:47:44 +00:00
licenses: pkg.licenses,
bugs: pkg.bugs,
homepage: data.homepage || replace( baseManifest.homepage ||
"http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
demo: data.demo || replace( baseManifest.demo ||
"http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
docs: data.docs || replace( baseManifest.docs ||
"http://api.jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
download: "http://jqueryui.com/download/",
dependencies: {},
// custom
category: data.category || type
for ( bowerKey in bower.dependencies ) {
manifest.dependencies[ bowerKey ] = bower.dependencies[ bowerKey ];
(baseManifest.dependencies || [])
.concat(data.dependencies || [])
.forEach(function( dependency ) {
manifest.dependencies[ "ui." + dependency ] = pkg.version;
grunt.file.write( manifest.name + ".jquery.json",
JSON.stringify( manifest, null, "\t" ) + "\n" );
totalManifests += 1;
uiFiles = grunt.file.expand( "ui/*.js" ).length;
if ( totalManifests !== uiFiles ) {
grunt.log.error( "Generated " + totalManifests + " manifest files, but there are " +
uiFiles + " ui/*.js files. Do all of them have entries?" );
return false;
grunt.registerTask( "clean", function() {
require( "rimraf" ).sync( "dist" );
grunt.registerTask( "asciilint", function() {
var valid = true,
files = grunt.file.expand({ filter: "isFile" }, "ui/*.js" );
files.forEach(function( filename ) {
var i, c,
text = grunt.file.read( filename );
// Ensure files use only \n for line endings, not \r\n
if ( /\x0d\x0a/.test( text ) ) {
grunt.log.error( filename + ": Incorrect line endings (\\r\\n)" );
valid = false;
// Ensure only ASCII chars so script tags don't need a charset attribute
if ( text.length !== Buffer.byteLength( text, "utf8" ) ) {
grunt.log.error( filename + ": Non-ASCII characters detected:" );
for ( i = 0; i < text.length; i++ ) {
c = text.charCodeAt( i );
if ( c > 127 ) {
grunt.log.error( "- position " + i + ": " + c );
grunt.log.error( "-- " + text.substring( i - 20, i + 20 ) );
valid = false;
if ( valid ) {
grunt.log.ok( files.length + " files lint free." );
return valid;