diff --git a/demos/functional/templates/ui.datepicker.html b/demos/functional/templates/ui.datepicker.html
index 2a4af253a..ae4c78fba 100644
--- a/demos/functional/templates/ui.datepicker.html
+++ b/demos/functional/templates/ui.datepicker.html
@@ -182,13 +182,16 @@
title: 'Callbacks',
desc: 'Custom functions may be invoked when certain events occur within the datepicker.',
- html: '',
+ html: '',
destroy: '$("#callbacks").datepicker("destroy");',
options: [
{ desc: 'On select', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onSelect: function(date) { alert("The chosen date is " + date); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' },
{ desc: 'On close', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onClose: function(date) { alert("Closed with date " + date); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' },
- { desc: 'On change of month/year', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onChangeMonthYear: function(date) { alert("Moved to month " + $.datepicker.formatDate("MM yy", date)); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' }
+ { desc: 'On change of month/year', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onChangeMonthYear: function(date) { alert("Moved to month " + $.datepicker.formatDate("MM yy", date)); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' },
+ { desc: 'On select for range', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onSelect: function(date) { alert("The chosen dates are " + date); }, rangeSelect: true, numberOfMonths: 2, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' },
+ { desc: 'On close for range', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onClose: function(date) { alert("Closed with dates " + date); }, rangeSelect: true, numberOfMonths: 2, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' },
+ { desc: 'On change of month/year for range', source: '$("#callbacks").datepicker({onChangeMonthYear: function(date) { alert("Moved to month " + $.datepicker.formatDate("MM yy", date)); }, rangeSelect: true, numberOfMonths: 2, showOn: "both", buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true});' }