/* * autocomplete_options.js */ (function($) { module("autocomplete: options", { teardown: function() { $( ":ui-autocomplete" ).autocomplete( "destroy" ); } }); /* disabled until autocomplete actually has built-in support for caching // returns at most 4 items function source(request) { ok(true, "handling a request"); switch(request.term) { case "cha": return ["Common Pochard", "Common Chiffchaff", "Common Chaffinch", "Iberian Chiffchaff"] case "chaf": case "chaff": return ["Common Chiffchaff", "Common Chaffinch", "Iberian Chiffchaff"] case "chaffi": return ["Common Chaffinch"] case "schi": return ["schifpre"] } } function search(input) { var autocomplete = input.data("autocomplete"); autocomplete.search("cha"); autocomplete.close(); autocomplete.search("chaf"); autocomplete.close(); autocomplete.search("chaff"); autocomplete.close(); autocomplete.search("chaffi"); autocomplete.close(); autocomplete.search("schi"); } test("cache: default", function() { expect(2); search($("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: source })); }); test("cache: {limit:4}", function() { expect(3); search($("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ cache: { limit: 4 }, source: source })); }); test("cache: false", function() { expect(5); search($("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ cache: false, source: source })); }); */ var data = ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby", "python", "c", "scala", "groovy", "haskell", "perl"]; test( "appendTo", function() { var ac = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete(); same( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "defaults to body" ); ac.autocomplete( "destroy" ); ac.autocomplete({ appendTo: "#ac-wrap2" }); same( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap2" )[0], "id" ); ac.autocomplete( "destroy" ); ac.autocomplete({ appendTo: ".ac-wrap" }); same( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "class" ); same( $( "#ac-wrap2 .ui-autocomplete").length, 0, "class - only appends to one element") ac.autocomplete( "destroy" ); ac.autocomplete({ appendTo: null }); same( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "null" ); ac.autocomplete( "destroy" ); ac.autocomplete().autocomplete( "option", "appendTo", "#ac-wrap1" ); same( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "modified after init" ); ac.autocomplete( "destroy" ); }); function autoFocusTest( afValue, focusedLength ) { var ac = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ autoFocus: afValue, delay: 0, source: data, open: function( event, ui ) { equal( ac.autocomplete( "widget" ).children( ".ui-menu-item:first .ui-state-hover" ).length, focusedLength, "first item is " + afValue ? "" : "not" + " auto focused" ); start(); } }); ac.val( "ja" ).keydown(); stop(); } test( "autoFocus: false", function() { autoFocusTest( false, 0 ); }); test( "autoFocus: true", function() { autoFocusTest( true, 1 ); }); test("delay", function() { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: data, delay: 50 }); ac.val("ja").keydown(); same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 0 ); // wait half a second for the default delay to open the menu stop(); setTimeout(function() { same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 1 ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); start(); }, 100); }); test("disabled", function() { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: data, delay: 0, disabled: true }); ac.val("ja").keydown(); same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 0 ); stop(); setTimeout(function() { same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 0 ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); start(); }, 50); }); test("minLength", function() { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: data }); ac.autocomplete("search", ""); same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 0, "blank not enough for minLength: 1" ); ac.autocomplete("option", "minLength", 0); ac.autocomplete("search", ""); same( $(".ui-menu:visible").length, 1, "blank enough for minLength: 0" ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); }); test("source, local string array", function() { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: data }); ac.val("ja").autocomplete("search"); same( $(".ui-menu .ui-menu-item").text(), "javajavascript" ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); }); function source_test(source, async) { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: source }); ac.val("ja").autocomplete("search"); function result(){ same( $(".ui-menu .ui-menu-item").text(), "javajavascript" ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); async && start(); } if (async) { stop(); $(document).one("ajaxStop", result); } else { result(); } } test("source, local object array, only label property", function() { source_test([ {label:"java"}, {label:"php"}, {label:"coldfusion"}, {label:"javascript"} ]); }); test("source, local object array, only value property", function() { source_test([ {value:"java"}, {value:"php"}, {value:"coldfusion"}, {value:"javascript"} ]); }); test("source, url string with remote json string array", function() { source_test("remote_string_array.txt", true); }); test("source, url string with remote json object array, only value properties", function() { source_test("remote_object_array_values.txt", true); }); test("source, url string with remote json object array, only label properties", function() { source_test("remote_object_array_labels.txt", true); }); test("source, custom", function() { source_test(function(request, response) { same( request.term, "ja" ); response(["java", "javascript"]); }); }); test("source, update after init", function() { var ac = $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: ["java", "javascript", "haskell"] }); ac.val("ja").autocomplete("search"); same( $(".ui-menu .ui-menu-item").text(), "javajavascript" ); ac.autocomplete("option", "source", ["php", "asp"]); ac.val("ph").autocomplete("search"); same( $(".ui-menu .ui-menu-item").text(), "php" ); ac.autocomplete("destroy"); }); })(jQuery);