module.exports = function( grunt ) { "use strict"; var // files coreFiles = [ "jquery.ui.core.js", "jquery.ui.widget.js", "jquery.ui.mouse.js", "jquery.ui.draggable.js", "jquery.ui.droppable.js", "jquery.ui.resizable.js", "jquery.ui.selectable.js", "jquery.ui.sortable.js", "jquery.ui.effect.js" ], uiFiles = file ) { return "ui/" + file; }).concat( expandFiles( "ui/*.js" ).filter(function( file ) { return coreFiles.indexOf( file.substring( 3 ) ) === -1; }) ), allI18nFiles = expandFiles( "ui/i18n/*.js" ), cssFiles = [ "core", "accordion", "autocomplete", "button", "datepicker", "dialog", "menu", "progressbar", "resizable", "selectable", "selectmenu", "slider", "spinner", "tabs", "tooltip", "theme" ].map(function( component ) { return "themes/base/jquery.ui." + component + ".css"; }), // minified files minify = { options: { preserveComments: false }, main: { options: { banner: createBanner( uiFiles ) }, files: { "dist/jquery-ui.min.js": "dist/jquery-ui.js" } }, i18n: { options: { banner: createBanner( allI18nFiles ) }, files: { "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js": "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.js" } } }, compareFiles = { all: [ "dist/jquery-ui.js", "dist/jquery-ui.min.js" ] }; function mapMinFile( file ) { return "dist/" + file.replace( /\.js$/, ".min.js" ).replace( /ui\//, "minified/" ); } function expandFiles( files ) { return grunt.util._.pluck( grunt.file.expandMapping( files ), "src" ).map(function( values ) { return values[ 0 ]; }); } uiFiles.concat( allI18nFiles ).forEach(function( file ) { minify[ file ] = { options: { banner: createBanner() }, files: {} }; minify[ file ].files[ mapMinFile( file ) ] = file; }); uiFiles.forEach(function( file ) { // TODO this doesn't do anything until compareFiles[ file ] = [ file, mapMinFile( file ) ]; }); // grunt plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-contrib-jshint" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-contrib-uglify" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-contrib-concat" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-contrib-qunit" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-contrib-csslint" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-jscs-checker" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-html" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-compare-size" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-git-authors" ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-esformatter" ); // local testswarm and build tasks grunt.loadTasks( "build/tasks" ); function stripDirectory( file ) { return file.replace( /.+\/(.+?)>?$/, "$1" ); } function createBanner( files ) { // strip folders var fileNames = files && stripDirectory ); return "/*! <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - " + "<%='isoDate') %>\n" + "<%= pkg.homepage ? '* ' + pkg.homepage + '\\n' : '' %>" + (files ? "* Includes: " + fileNames.join(", ") + "\n" : "") + "* Copyright <%='yyyy') %> <%= %>;" + " Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, 'type').join(', ') %> */\n"; } grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ), files: { dist: "<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>" }, compare_size: compareFiles, concat: { ui: { options: { banner: createBanner( uiFiles ), stripBanners: { block: true } }, src: uiFiles, dest: "dist/jquery-ui.js" }, i18n: { options: { banner: createBanner( allI18nFiles ) }, src: allI18nFiles, dest: "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.js" }, css: { options: { banner: createBanner( cssFiles ), stripBanners: { block: true } }, src: cssFiles, dest: "dist/jquery-ui.css" } }, jscs: { // datepicker, sortable, resizable and draggable are getting rewritten, ignore until that's done ui: [ "ui/jquery.ui.*.js", "!ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js", "!ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js", "!ui/jquery.ui.resizable.js", "!ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js" ], // TODO enable this once we have a tool that can help with fixing formatting of existing files // tests: "tests/unit/**/*.js", grunt: "Gruntfile.js" }, uglify: minify, htmllint: { // ignore files that contain invalid html, used only for ajax content testing all: grunt.file.expand( [ "demos/**/*.html", "tests/**/*.html" ] ).filter(function( file ) { return !/(?:ajax\/content\d\.html|tabs\/data\/test\.html|tests\/unit\/core\/core.*\.html)/.test( file ); }) }, qunit: { files: expandFiles( "tests/unit/**/*.html" ).filter(function( file ) { // disabling everything that doesn't (quite) work with PhantomJS for now // TODO except for all|index|test, try to include more as we go return !( /(all|index|test|dialog|tooltip)\.html$/ ).test( file ); }) }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: true }, all: [ "ui/*.js", "Gruntfile.js", "build/**/*.js", "tests/unit/**/*.js" ] }, csslint: { base_theme: { src: "themes/base/*.css", options: { csslintrc: ".csslintrc" } } }, esformatter: { options: { preset: "jquery" }, ui: "ui/*.js", tests: "tests/unit/**/*.js", build: { options: { skipHashbang: true }, src: "build/**/*.js" }, grunt: "Gruntfile.js" } }); grunt.registerTask( "default", [ "lint", "test" ]); grunt.registerTask( "lint", [ "asciilint", "jshint", "jscs", "csslint", "htmllint" ]); grunt.registerTask( "test", [ "qunit" ]); grunt.registerTask( "sizer", [ "concat:ui", "uglify:main", "compare_size:all" ]); grunt.registerTask( "sizer_all", [ "concat:ui", "uglify", "compare_size" ]); };