/* * dialog_core.js */ (function($) { // TODO add teardown callback to remove dialogs module("dialog: core"); test("title id", function() { expect(1); var titleId, element = $("
").dialog(); titleId = element.dialog("widget").find(".ui-dialog-title").attr("id"); ok( /ui-id-\d+$/.test( titleId ), "auto-numbered title id"); element.remove(); }); test( "ARIA", function() { expect( 4 ); var element = $( "
" ).dialog(), wrapper = element.dialog( "widget" ); equal( wrapper.attr( "role" ), "dialog", "dialog role" ); equal( wrapper.attr( "aria-labelledby" ), wrapper.find( ".ui-dialog-title" ).attr( "id" ) ); equal( wrapper.attr( "aria-describedby" ), element.attr( "id" ), "aria-describedby added" ); element.remove(); element = $("


").dialog(); strictEqual( element.dialog( "widget" ).attr( "aria-describedby" ), undefined, "no aria-describedby added, as already present in markup" ); element.remove(); }); test("widget method", function() { expect( 1 ); var dialog = $("
").appendTo("#qunit-fixture").dialog(); deepEqual(dialog.parent()[0], dialog.dialog("widget")[0]); dialog.remove(); }); asyncTest( "focus tabbable", function() { expect( 6 ); var element, options = { buttons: [{ text: "Ok", click: $.noop }] }; function checkFocus( markup, options, testFn, next ) { // Support: IE8 // For some reason the focus doesn't get set properly if we don't // focus the body first. $( "body" ).focus(); element = $( markup ).dialog( options ); setTimeout(function() { testFn(); element.remove(); setTimeout( next ); }); } function step1() { element = $( "
" ).dialog( options ); setTimeout(function() { var input = element.find( "input:last" ).focus().blur(); element.dialog( "instance" )._focusTabbable(); setTimeout(function() { equal( document.activeElement, input[ 0 ], "1. an element that was focused previously." ); element.remove(); setTimeout( step2 ); }); }); } function step2() { checkFocus( "
", options, function() { equal( document.activeElement, element.find( "input" )[ 1 ], "2. first element inside the dialog matching [autofocus]" ); }, step3 ); } function step3() { checkFocus( "
", options, function() { equal( document.activeElement, element.find( "input" )[ 0 ], "3. tabbable element inside the content element" ); }, step4 ); } function step4() { checkFocus( "
", options, function() { equal( document.activeElement, element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button" )[ 0 ], "4. tabbable element inside the buttonpane" ); }, step5 ); } function step5() { checkFocus( "
", {}, function() { equal( document.activeElement, element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-titlebar-close" )[ 0 ], "5. the close button" ); }, step6 ); } function step6() { element = $( "
" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false }); element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).hide(); element.dialog( "open" ); setTimeout(function() { equal( document.activeElement, element.parent()[ 0 ], "6. the dialog itself" ); element.remove(); start(); }); } step1(); }); test( "#7960: resizable handles below modal overlays", function() { expect( 1 ); var resizable = $( "
" ).resizable(), dialog = $( "
" ).dialog({ modal: true }), resizableZindex = parseInt( resizable.find( ".ui-resizable-handle" ).css( "zIndex" ), 10 ), overlayZindex = parseInt( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" ).css( "zIndex" ), 10 ); ok( resizableZindex < overlayZindex, "Resizable handles have lower z-index than modal overlay" ); dialog.dialog( "destroy" ); }); asyncTest( "Prevent tabbing out of dialogs", function() { expect( 3 ); var element = $( "
" ).dialog(), inputs = element.find( "input" ), widget = element.dialog( "widget" )[ 0 ]; function checkTab() { ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Tab key event moved focus within the modal" ); // check shift tab $( document.activeElement ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB, shiftKey: true }); setTimeout( checkShiftTab ); } function checkShiftTab() { ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Shift-Tab key event moved focus within the modal" ); element.remove(); setTimeout( start ); } inputs[1].focus(); setTimeout(function() { equal( document.activeElement, inputs[1], "Focus set on second input" ); inputs.eq( 1 ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB }); setTimeout( checkTab ); }); }); asyncTest( "#9048: multiple modal dialogs opened and closed in different order", function() { expect( 1 ); $( "#dialog1, #dialog2" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal:true }); $( "#dialog1" ).dialog( "open" ); $( "#dialog2" ).dialog( "open" ); $( "#dialog1" ).dialog( "close" ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#dialog2" ).dialog( "close" ); $( "#favorite-animal" ).focus(); ok( true, "event handlers cleaned up (no errors thrown)" ); start(); }); }); asyncTest( "interaction between overlay and other dialogs", function() { $.widget( "ui.testWidget", $.ui.dialog, { options: { modal: true, autoOpen: false } }); expect( 2 ); var first = $( "
" ).dialog({ modal: true }), firstInput = first.find( "input" ), second = $( "
" ).testWidget(), secondInput = second.find( "input" ); // Support: IE8 // For some reason the focus doesn't get set properly if we don't // focus the body first. $( "body" ).focus(); // Wait for the modal to init setTimeout(function() { second.testWidget( "open" ); // Simulate user tabbing from address bar to an element outside the dialog $( "#favorite-animal" ).focus(); setTimeout(function() { equal( document.activeElement, secondInput[ 0 ] ); // Last active dialog must receive focus firstInput.focus(); $( "#favorite-animal" ).focus(); setTimeout(function() { equal( document.activeElement, firstInput[ 0 ] ); // Cleanup first.remove(); second.remove(); delete $.ui.testWidget; delete $.fn.testWidget; start(); }); }); }); }); })(jQuery);