module.exports = function( grunt ) { "use strict"; var // files coreFiles = [ "core.js", "widget.js", "mouse.js", "draggable.js", "droppable.js", "resizable.js", "selectable.js", "sortable.js", "effect.js" ], uiFiles = file ) { return "ui/" + file; }).concat( expandFiles( "ui/*.js" ).filter(function( file ) { return coreFiles.indexOf( file.substring( 3 ) ) === -1; }) ), allI18nFiles = expandFiles( "ui/i18n/*.js" ), cssFiles = [ "core", "accordion", "autocomplete", "button", "datepicker", "dialog", "draggable", "menu", "progressbar", "resizable", "selectable", "selectmenu", "sortable", "slider", "spinner", "tabs", "tooltip", "theme" ].map(function( component ) { return "themes/base/" + component + ".css"; }), // minified files minify = { options: { preserveComments: false }, main: { options: { banner: createBanner( uiFiles ) }, files: { "dist/jquery-ui.min.js": "dist/jquery-ui.js" } }, i18n: { options: { banner: createBanner( allI18nFiles ) }, files: { "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js": "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.js" } } }, compareFiles = { all: [ "dist/jquery-ui.js", "dist/jquery-ui.min.js" ] }, component = grunt.option( "component" ) || "**"; function mapMinFile( file ) { return "dist/" + file.replace( /ui\//, "minified/" ); } function expandFiles( files ) { return grunt.util._.pluck( grunt.file.expandMapping( files ), "src" ).map(function( values ) { return values[ 0 ]; }); } uiFiles.concat( allI18nFiles ).forEach(function( file ) { minify[ file ] = { options: { banner: createBanner() }, files: {} }; minify[ file ].files[ mapMinFile( file ) ] = file; }); uiFiles.forEach(function( file ) { // TODO this doesn't do anything until compareFiles[ file ] = [ file, mapMinFile( file ) ]; }); // grunt plugins require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt ); // local testswarm and build tasks grunt.loadTasks( "build/tasks" ); function stripDirectory( file ) { return file.replace( /.+\/(.+?)>?$/, "$1" ); } function createBanner( files ) { // strip folders var fileNames = files && stripDirectory ); return "/*! <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - " + "<%='isoDate') %>\n" + "<%= pkg.homepage ? '* ' + pkg.homepage + '\\n' : '' %>" + (files ? "* Includes: " + fileNames.join(", ") + "\n" : "") + "* Copyright <%= %>;" + " Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, 'type').join(', ') %> */\n"; } grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ), files: { dist: "<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>" }, compare_size: compareFiles, concat: { ui: { options: { banner: createBanner( uiFiles ), stripBanners: { block: true } }, src: uiFiles, dest: "dist/jquery-ui.js" }, i18n: { options: { banner: createBanner( allI18nFiles ) }, src: allI18nFiles, dest: "dist/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.js" }, css: { options: { banner: createBanner( cssFiles ), stripBanners: { block: true } }, src: cssFiles, dest: "dist/jquery-ui.css" } }, jscs: { // datepicker and sortable are getting rewritten, ignore until that's done ui: [ "ui/*.js", "!ui/datepicker.js", "!ui/sortable.js" ], // TODO enable this once we have a tool that can auto format files // tests: "tests/unit/**/*.js", grunt: [ "Gruntfile.js", "build/tasks/*.js" ] }, uglify: minify, htmllint: { // ignore files that contain invalid html, used only for ajax content testing all: grunt.file.expand( [ "demos/**/*.html", "tests/**/*.html" ] ).filter(function( file ) { return !/(?:ajax\/content\d\.html|tabs\/data\/test\.html|tests\/unit\/core\/core.*\.html)/.test( file ); }) }, qunit: { files: expandFiles( "tests/unit/" + component + "/*.html" ).filter(function( file ) { return !( /(all|index|test)\.html$/ ).test( file ); }), options: { page: { viewportSize: { width: 700, height: 500 } } } }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: true }, all: [ "ui/*.js", "Gruntfile.js", "build/**/*.js", "tests/unit/**/*.js" ] }, csslint: { base_theme: { src: "themes/base/*.css", options: { csslintrc: ".csslintrc" } } }, esformatter: { options: { preset: "jquery" }, ui: "ui/*.js", tests: "tests/unit/**/*.js", build: { options: { skipHashbang: true }, src: "build/**/*.js" }, grunt: "Gruntfile.js" }, bowercopy: { all: { options: { clean: true, ignore: [ "jquery" ], destPrefix: "external" }, files: { "qunit/qunit.js": "qunit/qunit/qunit.js", "qunit/qunit.css": "qunit/qunit/qunit.css", "qunit/LICENSE.txt": "qunit/LICENSE.txt", "qunit-assert-classes/qunit-assert-classes.js": "qunit-assert-classes/qunit-assert-classes.js", "qunit-assert-classes/LICENSE.txt": "qunit-assert-classes/LICENSE", "jquery-mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel.js": "jquery-mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel.js", "jquery-mousewheel/LICENSE.txt": "jquery-mousewheel/LICENSE.txt", "jquery-simulate/jquery.simulate.js": "jquery-simulate/jquery.simulate.js", "jquery-simulate/LICENSE.txt": "jquery-simulate/LICENSE.txt", "jshint/jshint.js": "jshint/dist/jshint.js", "jshint/LICENSE": "jshint/LICENSE", "jquery/jquery.js": "jquery-1.x/dist/jquery.js", "jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.x/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.7.0/jquery.js": "jquery-1.7.0/jquery.js", "jquery-1.7.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.7.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.7.1/jquery.js": "jquery-1.7.1/jquery.js", "jquery-1.7.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.7.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.7.2/jquery.js": "jquery-1.7.2/jquery.js", "jquery-1.7.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.7.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.8.0/jquery.js": "jquery-1.8.0/jquery.js", "jquery-1.8.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.8.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.8.1/jquery.js": "jquery-1.8.1/jquery.js", "jquery-1.8.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.8.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.8.2/jquery.js": "jquery-1.8.2/jquery.js", "jquery-1.8.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.8.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.8.3/jquery.js": "jquery-1.8.3/jquery.js", "jquery-1.8.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.8.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.9.0/jquery.js": "jquery-1.9.0/jquery.js", "jquery-1.9.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.9.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.9.1/jquery.js": "jquery-1.9.1/jquery.js", "jquery-1.9.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.9.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.10.0/jquery.js": "jquery-1.10.0/jquery.js", "jquery-1.10.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.10.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.10.1/jquery.js": "jquery-1.10.1/jquery.js", "jquery-1.10.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.10.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.10.2/jquery.js": "jquery-1.10.2/jquery.js", "jquery-1.10.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.10.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.11.0/jquery.js": "jquery-1.11.0/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-1.11.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.11.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.11.1/jquery.js": "jquery-1.11.1/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-1.11.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.11.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-1.11.2/jquery.js": "jquery-1.11.2/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-1.11.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-1.11.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.0.0/jquery.js": "jquery-2.0.0/jquery.js", "jquery-2.0.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.0.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.0.1/jquery.js": "jquery-2.0.1/jquery.js", "jquery-2.0.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.0.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.0.2/jquery.js": "jquery-2.0.2/jquery.js", "jquery-2.0.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.0.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.0.3/jquery.js": "jquery-2.0.3/jquery.js", "jquery-2.0.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.0.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.1.0/jquery.js": "jquery-2.1.0/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-2.1.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.1.0/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.1.1/jquery.js": "jquery-2.1.1/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-2.1.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.1.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.1.2/jquery.js": "jquery-2.1.2/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-2.1.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.1.2/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "jquery-2.1.3/jquery.js": "jquery-2.1.3/dist/jquery.js", "jquery-2.1.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "jquery-2.1.3/MIT-LICENSE.txt" } } }, authors: { prior: [ "Paul Bakaus ", "Richard Worth ", "Yehuda Katz ", "Sean Catchpole ", "John Resig ", "Tane Piper ", "Dmitri Gaskin ", "Klaus Hartl ", "Stefan Petre ", "Gilles van den Hoven ", "Micheil Bryan Smith ", "Jörn Zaefferer ", "Marc Grabanski ", "Keith Wood ", "Brandon Aaron ", "Scott González ", "Eduardo Lundgren ", "Aaron Eisenberger ", "Joan Piedra ", "Bruno Basto ", "Remy Sharp ", "Bohdan Ganicky " ] } }); grunt.registerTask( "update-authors", function() { var getAuthors = require( "grunt-git-authors" ), done = this.async(); getAuthors({ priorAuthors: grunt.config( "authors.prior" ) }, function( error, authors ) { if ( error ) { grunt.log.error( error ); return done( false ); } authors = author ) { if ( author.match( /^Jacek Jędrzejewski