module.exports = function( Release ) { var shell = require( "shelljs" ), path = require( "path" ), fs = require( "fs" ); function replaceAtVersion() { console.log( "Replacing @VERSION..." ); var matches = []; function recurse( folder ) { fs.readdirSync( folder ).forEach(function( fileName ) { var content, fullPath = folder + "/" + fileName; if ( fs.statSync( fullPath ).isDirectory() ) { recurse( fullPath ); return; } content = fs.readFileSync( fullPath, { encoding: "utf-8" }); if ( !/@VERSION/.test( content ) ) { return; } matches.push( fullPath ); fs.writeFileSync( fullPath, content.replace( /@VERSION/g, Release.newVersion ) ); }); } [ "ui", "themes" ].forEach( recurse ); console.log( "Replaced @VERSION in " + matches.length + " files." ); return matches; } function buildCDNPackage( callback ) { console.log( "Building CDN package" ); var downloadBuilder = require( "" ), jqueryUi = new downloadBuilder.JqueryUi( path.resolve( "." ) ), builder = new downloadBuilder.Builder( jqueryUi, ":all:" ), packer = new downloadBuilder.ThemesPacker( builder, { includeJs: true }), target = "../" + + "-" + jqueryUi.pkg.version + ""; // Zip dir structure must be flat, override default base folder packer.basedir = ""; packer.zipTo( target, function( error ) { if ( error ) { Release.abort( "Failed to zip CDN package", error ); } callback(); }); } Release.define({ issueTracker: "trac", contributorReportId: 22, changelogShell: function() { var monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], now = new Date(); return "\n\nReleased on " + monthNames[ now.getMonth() ] + " " + now.getDate() + ", " + now.getFullYear() + "\n\n"; }, generateArtifacts: function( fn ) { var files; function copyCdnFiles() { var zipFile = "../jquery*" )[ 0 ], tmpFolder = "../tmp-zip-output", unzipCommand = "unzip -o " + zipFile + " -d " + tmpFolder; console.log( "Unzipping for dist/cdn copies" ); shell.mkdir( "-p", tmpFolder ); Release.exec({ command: unzipCommand, silent: true }, "Failed to unzip cdn files" ); shell.mkdir( "-p", "dist/cdn" ); shell.cp( tmpFolder + "/jquery-ui*.js", "dist/cdn" ); shell.cp( "-r", tmpFolder + "/themes", "dist/cdn" ); fn( files ); } Release.exec( "grunt manifest" ); files = "*.jquery.json" ).concat( replaceAtVersion() ); buildCDNPackage( copyCdnFiles ); } }); }; module.exports.dependencies = [ "", "shelljs@0.2.6" ];