/* * dialog_tickets.js */ (function($) { module( "dialog: tickets" ); asyncTest( "#3123: Prevent tabbing out of modal dialogs", function() { expect( 3 ); var el = $( "
" ).dialog({ modal: true }), inputs = el.find( "input" ), widget = el.dialog( "widget" )[ 0 ]; function checkTab() { ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Tab key event moved focus within the modal" ); // check shift tab $( document.activeElement ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB, shiftKey: true }); setTimeout( checkShiftTab, 2 ); } function checkShiftTab() { ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Shift-Tab key event moved focus within the modal" ); el.remove(); start(); } inputs.eq( 1 ).focus(); equal( document.activeElement, inputs[1], "Focus set on second input" ); inputs.eq( 1 ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB }); setTimeout( checkTab, 2 ); }); test("#4826: setting resizable false toggles resizable on dialog", function() { expect(6); var i, el = $('
').dialog({ resizable: false }); TestHelpers.dialog.shouldResize(el, 0, 0, "[default]"); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { el.dialog('close').dialog('open'); TestHelpers.dialog.shouldResize(el, 0, 0, 'initialized with resizable false toggle ('+ (i+1) +')'); } el.remove(); el = $('
').dialog({ resizable: true }); TestHelpers.dialog.shouldResize(el, 50, 50, "[default]"); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { el.dialog('close').dialog('option', 'resizable', false).dialog('open'); TestHelpers.dialog.shouldResize(el, 0, 0, 'set option resizable false toggle ('+ (i+1) +')'); } el.remove(); }); test("#5184: isOpen in dialogclose event is true", function() { expect( 3 ); var el = $( "
" ).dialog({ close: function() { ok( !el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is not open during close" ); } }); ok( el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is open after init" ); el.dialog( "close" ); ok( !el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is not open after close" ); el.remove(); }); test("#5531: dialog width should be at least minWidth on creation", function () { expect( 4 ); var el = $('
').dialog({ width: 200, minWidth: 300 }); equal(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 300, "width is minWidth"); el.dialog('option', 'width', 200); equal(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 300, "width unchanged when set to < minWidth"); el.dialog('option', 'width', 320); equal(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 320, "width changed if set to > minWidth"); el.remove(); el = $('
').dialog({ minWidth: 300 }); ok(el.dialog('option', 'width') >= 300, "width is at least 300"); el.remove(); }); test("#6137: dialog('open') causes form elements to reset on IE7", function() { expect(2); var d1 = $('
' + 'b
').appendTo( "body" ).dialog({autoOpen: false}); d1.find('#b').prop( "checked", true ); equal(d1.find('input:checked').val(), 'b', "checkbox b is checked"); d1.dialog('open'); equal(d1.find('input:checked').val(), 'b', "checkbox b is checked"); d1.remove(); }); test("#6645: Missing element not found check in overlay", function(){ expect(2); var d1 = $('
Dialog 1
').dialog({modal: true}), d2 = $('
Dialog 2
').dialog({modal: true, close: function(){ d2.remove(); }}); equal($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances.length, 2, 'two overlays created'); d2.dialog('close'); equal($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances.length, 1, 'one overlay remains after closing the 2nd overlay'); d1.add(d2).remove(); }); // TODO merge this with the main destroy test test("#4980: Destroy should place element back in original DOM position", function(){ expect( 2 ); var container = $('
'), modal = container.find('#modal'); modal.dialog(); ok(!$.contains(container[0], modal[0]), 'dialog should move modal element to outside container element'); modal.dialog('destroy'); ok($.contains(container[0], modal[0]), 'dialog(destroy) should place element back in original DOM position'); }); })(jQuery);