/* * jQuery UI Droppable @VERSION * * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Droppables * * Depends: * jquery.ui.core.js * jquery.ui.widget.js * jquery.ui.draggable.js */ (function( $, undefined ) { $.widget("ui.droppable", { version: "@VERSION", widgetEventPrefix: "drop", allowedTolerance: ['touch'], options: { // accept: '*', // activeClass: false, // addClasses: true, // greedy: false, // hoverClass: false, // scope: 'default', tolerance: 'intersect' }, // draggableProportions: width and height of currently dragging draggable // over: whether or not a draggable is currently over droppable // proportions: width and height of droppable refreshPosition: function() { // Store current location this.offset = this.element.offset(); //Store the droppable's proportions this.proportions = { width: this.element[0].offsetWidth, height: this.element[0].offsetHeight }; }, _create: function() { this.refreshPosition(); // TODO: Use $.Callbacks or .on from 1.7 $('*').live( "drag", $.proxy( this._drag, this ) ); $('*').live( "dragstart", $.proxy( this._dragStart, this ) ); this._bind( this.document, { mouseup: "_mouseUp" }); }, _drag: function( event, ui ) { var handleFunc, edges, tolerance = this.options.tolerance, over = false; switch ( tolerance ) { case "intersect": case "touch": edges = { right: ( this.offset.left + this.proportions.width ), bottom: ( this.offset.top + this.proportions.height ), draggableRight: ( ui.offset.left + this.draggableProportions.width ), draggableBottom: ( ui.offset.top + this.draggableProportions.height ) }; handleFunc = "_handle" + tolerance.substr(0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + tolerance.substr( 1 ); over = this[ handleFunc ]( edges, ui ); break; default: throw( "Invalid tolerance passed: " + this.options.tolerance + ". Allowed: " + this.allowedTolerance.join( ", " ) ); } // If there is sufficient overlap as deemed by tolerance if ( over === true ) { this._trigger( "over", event, this._uiHash() ); this.over = true; } // If there isn't enough overlap and droppable was previously flagged as over else if ( this.over === true ) { this.over = false; this._trigger( "out", event, this._uiHash() ); } }, _dragStart: function( event, ui ) { var draggable = $( event.target ); // TODO: Possibly move into draggable hash, so if there are multiple droppables, it's not recalculating all the time this.draggableProportions = { width: draggable[0].offsetWidth, height: draggable[0].offsetHeight }; }, // Determines if draggable is over droppable based on intersect tolerance _handleIntersect: function( edges, ui ) { var xDiff = edges.draggableRight - this.offset.left, yDiff = edges.draggableBottom - this.offset.top, xHalfway = Math.round( this.proportions.width / 2 ), yHalfway = Math.round( this.proportions.height / 2 ), xHalfOverlap = false; yHalfOverlap = false; // If Coming from left or right xHalfOverlap = ( ui.offset.left < this.offset.left ) ? ( xDiff >= xHalfway ) : ( xDiff <= xHalfway + this.proportions.width ); // If Coming from top or bottom yHalfOverlap = ( ui.offset.top < this.offset.top ) ? ( yDiff >= yHalfway ) : ( yDiff <= yHalfway + this.proportions.height ); return ( xHalfOverlap && yHalfOverlap ); }, // Determines if draggable is over droppable based on touch tolerance _handleTouch: function( edges, ui ) { var xOverlap = ( edges.draggableRight >= this.offset.left && ui.offset.left <= edges.right ), yOverlap = ( edges.draggableBottom >= this.offset.top && ui.offset.top <= edges.bottom ); return ( xOverlap && yOverlap ); }, _mouseUp: function( event ) { if ( this.over ) { this._trigger( "drop", event, this._uiHash() ); } this.over = false; }, // TODO: fill me out _uiHash: function() { return {}; } }); })(jQuery);