define( [ "jquery", "ui/widgets/checkboxradio" ], function( $ ) { module( "Checkboxradio: events" ); asyncTest( "Resetting a checkbox's form should refresh the visual state of the checkbox", function( assert ) { expect( 2 ); var form = $( "
" + "" + "
" ), checkbox = form.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio(), widget = checkbox.checkboxradio( "widget" ); checkbox.prop( "checked", false ).checkboxradio( "refresh" ); assert.lacksClasses( widget, "ui-state-active" ); form.get( 0 ).reset(); setTimeout( function() { assert.hasClasses( widget, "ui-state-active" ); start(); }, 1 ); } ); asyncTest( "Checkbox shows focus when using keyboard navigation", function( assert ) { expect( 2 ); var check = $( "#check" ).checkboxradio(), label = $( "label[for='check']" ); assert.lacksClasses( label, "ui-state-focus" ); check.focus(); setTimeout( function() { assert.hasClasses( label, "ui-state-focus" ); start(); } ); } ); } );