(function($) { function present( value, array, message ) { QUnit.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) !== -1 , value, array, message ); } function notPresent( value, array, message ) { QUnit.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) === -1 , value, array, message ); } // minDuration is used for "short" animate tests where we are only concerned about the final var minDuration = 15, // duration is used for "long" animates where we plan on testing properties during animation duration = 200, // mid is used for testing in the "middle" of the "duration" animations mid = duration / 2; module( "effects.core" ); $.each( $.effects.effect, function( effect ) { if ( effect === "transfer" ) { return; } module( "effect."+effect ); asyncTest( "show/hide", function() { var hidden = $( "div.hidden" ); expect( 8 ); var count = 0, test = 0; function queueTest( fn ) { count++; var point = count; return function( next ) { test++; equal( point, test, "Queue function fired in order" ); if ( fn ) { fn(); } else { setTimeout( next, minDuration ); } }; } hidden.queue( queueTest() ).show( effect, minDuration, queueTest(function() { equal( hidden.css("display"), "block", "Hidden is shown after .show(\"" +effect+ "\", time)" ); })).queue( queueTest() ).hide( effect, minDuration, queueTest(function() { equal( hidden.css("display"), "none", "Back to hidden after .hide(\"" +effect+ "\", time)" ); })).queue( queueTest(function(next) { deepEqual( hidden.queue(), ["inprogress"], "Only the inprogress sentinel remains"); start(); })); }); asyncTest( "relative width & height - properties are preserved", function() { var test = $("div.relWidth.relHeight"), width = test.width(), height = test.height(), cssWidth = test[0].style.width, cssHeight = test[0].style.height; expect( 4 ); test.toggle( effect, minDuration, function() { equal( test[0].style.width, cssWidth, "Inline CSS Width has been reset after animation ended" ); equal( test[0].style.height, cssHeight, "Inline CSS Height has been rest after animation ended" ); start(); }); equal( test.width(), width, "Width is the same px after animation started" ); equal( test.height(), height, "Height is the same px after animation started" ); }); }); module("animateClass"); asyncTest( "animateClass works with borderStyle", function() { var test = $("div.animateClass"), count = 0; expect(3); test.toggleClass("testAddBorder", minDuration, function() { test.toggleClass("testAddBorder", minDuration, function() { equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "none", "None border set" ); start(); }); equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "solid", "None border not immedately set" ); }); equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "solid", "Solid border immedately set" ); }); asyncTest( "animateClass works with colors", function() { var test = $("div.animateClass"), count = 0; expect(2); test.toggleClass("testChangeBackground", duration, function() { present( test.css("backgroundColor"), [ "#ffffff", "#fff", "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ], "Color is final" ); start(); }); setTimeout(function() { var color = test.css("backgroundColor"); notPresent( color, [ "#000000", "#ffffff", "#000", "#fff", "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,255,255)" ], "Color is not endpoints in middle." ); }, mid); }); asyncTest( "animateClass works with children", function() { var test = $("div.animateClass"), h2 = test.find("h2"); expect(4); setTimeout(function() { notPresent( h2.css("fontSize"), ["10px","20px"], "Font size is neither endpoint when in middle."); }, mid); test.toggleClass("testChildren", { children: true, duration: duration, complete: function() { equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "20px", "Text size is final during complete"); test.toggleClass("testChildren", duration, function() { equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "10px", "Text size revertted after class removed"); start(); }); setTimeout(function() { equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "20px", "Text size unchanged during animate with children: undefined" ); }, mid); }}); }); })(jQuery);