/* * Calendar math built on jquery-global * * Based on Marc Grabanski's jQuery Date Plugin * http://marcgrabanski.com/articles/jquery-date-plugin */ ( function( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define( [ "jquery" ], factory ); } else { // Browser globals factory( jQuery ); } }( function( $ ) { $.ui = $.ui || {}; var _Date, weekdaysRev = { "sun": 0, "mon": 1, "tue": 2, "wed": 3, "thu": 4, "fri": 5, "sat": 6 }; _Date = function( date, attributes ) { if ( !( this instanceof _Date ) ) { return new _Date( date, attributes ); } this.setAttributes( attributes ); if ( typeof date === "string" && date.length ) { this.dateObject = attributes.parse( date ); } else if ( $.type( date ) === "date" ) { this.dateObject = date; } this.dateObject = this.dateObject || new Date(); }; $.extend( _Date.prototype, { setAttributes: function( attributes ) { this.attributes = attributes; this.firstDay = weekdaysRev[ this.attributes.firstDay ]; }, // TODO: Same as the underlying Date object's terminology, but still misleading. // TODO: We can use .setTime() instead of new Date and rename to setTimestamp. setTime: function( time ) { this.dateObject = new Date( time ); return this; }, setDay: function( day ) { var date = this.dateObject; // FIXME: Why not to use .setDate? this.dateObject = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), day, date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ); return this; }, setMonth: function( month ) { // Overflow example: Month is October 31 (yeah Halloween) and month is changed to April with 30 days, // the new date will me May 1. We will honor the month the user wants to set and if and overflow // occurs, set to last day of month. var date = this.dateObject, days = date.getDate(), year = date.getFullYear(); if ( days > this.daysInMonth( year, month ) ) { // Overflow days = this.daysInMonth( year, month ); } this.dateObject = new Date( year, month, days, date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ); return this; }, setYear: function( year ) { var date = this.dateObject, day = date.getDate(), month = date.getMonth(); // Check if Leap, and February and day is 29th if ( this.isLeapYear( year ) && month === 1 && day === 29 ) { // set day to last day of February day = this.daysInMonth( year, month ); } this.dateObject = new Date( year, month, day, date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ); return this; }, setFullDate: function( year, month, day ) { this.dateObject = new Date( year, month, day ); return this; }, adjust: function( period, offset ) { var date = this.dateObject, day = period === "D" ? date.getDate() + offset : date.getDate(), month = period === "M" ? date.getMonth() + offset : date.getMonth(), year = period === "Y" ? date.getFullYear() + offset : date.getFullYear(); // If not day, update the day to the new month and year if ( period !== "D" ) { day = Math.max( 1, Math.min( day, this.daysInMonth( year, month ) ) ); } this.dateObject = new Date( year, month, day, date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ); return this; }, daysInMonth: function( year, month ) { var date = this.dateObject; year = year || date.getFullYear(); month = month || date.getMonth(); return 32 - new Date( year, month, 32 ).getDate(); }, monthName: function() { return this.attributes.formatMonth( this.dateObject ); }, day: function() { return this.dateObject.getDate(); }, month: function() { return this.dateObject.getMonth(); }, year: function() { return this.dateObject.getFullYear(); }, isLeapYear: function( year ) { year = year || this.dateObject.getFullYear(); return new Date( year, 1, 29 ).getMonth() === 1; }, weekdays: function() { var date, firstDay = this.firstDay, result = []; // date = firstDay date = new Date( this.dateObject.getTime() ); date.setDate( date.getDate() + firstDay - 1 - date.getDay() ); for ( var dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++ ) { date.setTime( date.getTime() + 86400000 ); result.push({ shortname: this.attributes.formatWeekdayShort( date ), fullname: this.attributes.formatWeekdayFull( date ) }); } return result; }, days: function() { var result = [], today = new _Date( new Date(), this.attributes ), date = this.dateObject, firstDayOfMonth = new Date( this.year(), date.getMonth(), 1 ).getDay(), leadDays = ( firstDayOfMonth - this.firstDay + 7 ) % 7, rows = Math.ceil( ( leadDays + this.daysInMonth() ) / 7 ), printDate = new Date( this.year(), date.getMonth(), 1 - leadDays ); for ( var row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { var week = result[ result.length ] = { number: this.attributes.formatWeekOfYear( printDate ), days: [] }; for ( var dayx = 0; dayx < 7; dayx++ ) { var day = week.days[ week.days.length ] = { lead: printDate.getMonth() !== date.getMonth(), date: printDate.getDate(), month: printDate.getMonth(), year: printDate.getFullYear(), timestamp: printDate.getTime(), today: today.equal( printDate ) }; day.render = day.selectable = !day.lead; if ( this.eachDay ) { this.eachDay( day ); } // TODO use adjust("D", 1)? printDate.setDate( printDate.getDate() + 1 ); } } return result; }, // specialized for multi-month template, could be used in general months: function( add ) { var clone, result = [ this ]; for ( var i = 0; i < add; i++ ) { clone = this.clone(); clone.adjust( "M", i + 1 ); result.push( clone ); } result[ 0 ].first = true; result[ result.length - 1 ].last = true; return result; }, clone: function() { var date = this.dateObject; return new _Date( new Date( date.getTime() ), this.attributes ); }, // TODO compare year, month, day each for better performance equal: function( other ) { var format = function( date ) { return "" + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate(); }; return format( this.dateObject ) === format( other ); }, date: function() { return this.dateObject; } }); return $.ui.calendarDate = _Date; } ) );