This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon.

Sed vel diam id libero rutrum convallis. Donec aliquet leo vel magna. Phasellus rhoncus faucibus ante. Etiam bibendum, enim faucibus aliquet rhoncus, arcu felis ultricies neque, sit amet auctor elit eros a lectus.


Sed vel diam id libero rutrum convallis. Donec aliquet leo vel magna. Phasellus rhoncus faucibus ante. Etiam bibendum, enim faucibus aliquet rhoncus, arcu felis ultricies neque, sit amet auctor elit eros a lectus.

This is a default dialog which opens in a floating layer above the page content protected with an iframe. It is created by simply calling .dialog on the ID of the content like this:


A basic dialog window has a title bar and a content area. If the content length exceeds the size of the window, a scrollbar will automatically appear. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon by default.