/* * position_core.js */ (function($) { module("position"); test('my, at, of', function() { $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, 'left top, left top'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 60, left: 40 }, 'left top, left bottom'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left', at: 'bottom', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 55, left: 50 }, 'left, bottom'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left foo', at: 'bar baz', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 45, left: 50 }, 'left foo, bar baz'); }); test('multiple elements', function() { var elements = $('#el1, #el2'); var result = elements.position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: '#parent', collision: 'none' }); same(result, elements); var expected = {top: 10, left: 4}; elements.each(function() { same($(this).offset(), expected); }); }); test('positions', function() { var definitions = []; var offsets = { left: 0, center: 3, right: 6, top: 0, center: 3, bottom: 6 }; var start = { left: 4, top: 4 }; $.each([0, 1], function(my) { $.each(["top", "center", "bottom"], function(vindex, vertical) { $.each(["left", "center", "right"], function(hindex, horizontal) { definitions.push({ my: my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : 'left top', at: !my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : 'left top', result: { top: my ? start.top - offsets[vertical] : start.top + offsets[vertical], left: my ? start.left - offsets[horizontal] : start.left + offsets[horizontal] } }); }); }); }); var el = $("#el1"); $.each(definitions, function(index, definition) { el.position({ my: definition.my, at: definition.at, of: '#parent', collision: 'none' }); same(el.offset(), definition.result, "Position via " + QUnit.jsDump.parse({my:definition.my, at:definition.at})); }); }); test('of', function() { $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, 'selector'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: $('#parentx'), collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 60, left: 40 }, 'jQuery object'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: $('#parentx')[0], collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, 'DOM element'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'right bottom', of: document, collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: $(document).height() - 10, left: $(document).width() - 10 }, 'document'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'right bottom', of: $(document), collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: $(document).height() - 10, left: $(document).width() - 10 }, 'document'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'right bottom', of: window, collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: $(window).height() - 10, left: $(window).width() - 10 }, 'window'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'right bottom', of: $(window), collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: $(window).height() - 10, left: $(window).width() - 10 }, 'window'); $(window).scrollTop(500).scrollLeft(200); $('#elx').position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'right bottom', of: window, collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: $(window).height() + 500 - 10, left: $(window).width() + 200 - 10 }, 'window, scrolled'); $(window).scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0); var event = $.extend($.Event('someEvent'), { pageX: 200, pageY: 300 }); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: event, collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 300, left: 200 }, 'event - left top, left top'); event = $.extend($.Event('someEvent'), { pageX: 400, pageY: 600 }); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'right bottom', of: event, collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 600, left: 400 }, 'event - left top, right bottom'); }); test('offset', function() { $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: '#parentx', offset: '10', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 70, left: 50 }, 'single value'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: '#parentx', offset: '5 -3', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 57, left: 45 }, 'two values'); $('#elx').position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: '#parentx', offset: '5px -3px', collision: 'none' }); same($('#elx').offset(), { top: 57, left: 45 }, 'with units'); }); test('using', function() { expect(6); var count = 0, elems = $('#el1, #el2'), expectedPosition = { top: 40, left: 40 }, originalPosition = elems.position({ my: 'right bottom', at: 'rigt bottom', of: '#parentx', collision: 'none' }).offset(); elems.position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: '#parentx', using: function(position) { same(this, elems[count], 'correct context for call #' + count); same(position, expectedPosition, 'correct position for call #' + count); count++; } }); elems.each(function() { same($(this).offset(), originalPosition, 'elements not moved'); }); }); function collisionTest(config, result, msg) { var elem = $("#elx").position($.extend({ my: "left top", at: "right bottom", of: window }, config)); same(elem.offset(), result, msg); } function collisionTest2(config, result, msg) { collisionTest($.extend({ my: "right bottom", at: "left top" }, config), result, msg); } test("collision: fit, no offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "fit" }, { top: $(window).height() - 10, left: $(window).width() - 10 }, "right bottom"); collisionTest2({ collision: "fit" }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top"); }); test("collision: fit, with offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "fit", offset: "2 3" }, { top: $(window).height() - 10, left: $(window).width() - 10 }, "right bottom"); collisionTest2({ collision: "fit", offset: "2 3" }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top, positive offset"); collisionTest2({ collision: "fit", offset: "-2 -3" }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top, negative offset"); }); test("collision: flip, no offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "flip" }, { top: -10, left: -10 }, "left top"); collisionTest2({ collision: "flip" }, { top: $(window).height(), left: $(window).width() }, "right bottom"); }); test("collision: flip, with offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "flip", offset: "2 3" }, { top: -13, left: -12 }, "left top, with offset added"); collisionTest2({ collision: "flip", offset: "2 3" }, { top: $(window).height() - 3, left: $(window).width() - 2 }, "bottom, positive offset"); collisionTest2({ collision: "flip", offset: "-2 -3" }, { top: $(window).height() + 3, left: $(window).width() + 2 }, "right bottom, negative offset"); }); test("collision: none, no offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "none" }, { top: $(window).height(), left: $(window).width() }, "left top"); collisionTest2({ collision: "none" }, { top: -10, left: -10 }, "moved to the right bottom"); }); test("collision: none, with offset", function() { collisionTest({ collision: "none", offset: "2 3" }, { top: $(window).height() + 3, left: $(window).width() + 2 }, "right bottom, with offset added"); collisionTest2({ collision: "none", offset: "2 3" }, { top: -7, left: -8 }, "left top, positive offset"); collisionTest2({ collision: "none", offset: "-2 -3" }, { top: -13, left: -12 }, "left top, negative offset"); }); //test('bug #5280: consistent results (avoid fractional values)', function() { // var wrapper = $('#bug-5280'), // elem = wrapper.children(), // offset1 = elem.position({ // my: 'center', // at: 'center', // of: wrapper, // collision: 'none' // }).offset(), // offset2 = elem.position({ // my: 'center', // at: 'center', // of: wrapper, // collision: 'none' // }).offset(); // same(offset1, offset2); //}); })(jQuery);