/*! * jQuery UI @VERSION * * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI */ (function( $, undefined ) { // prevent duplicate loading // this is only a problem because we proxy existing functions // and we don't want to double proxy them $.ui = $.ui || {}; if ($.ui.version) { return; } //Helper functions and ui object $.extend($.ui, { version: "@VERSION", // $.ui.plugin is deprecated. Use the proxy pattern instead. plugin: { add: function(module, option, set) { var proto = $.ui[module].prototype; for(var i in set) { proto.plugins[i] = proto.plugins[i] || []; proto.plugins[i].push([option, set[i]]); } }, call: function(instance, name, args) { var set = instance.plugins[name]; if(!set || !instance.element[0].parentNode) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { if (instance.options[set[i][0]]) { set[i][1].apply(instance.element, args); } } } }, contains: function(a, b) { return document.compareDocumentPosition ? a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16 : a !== b && a.contains(b); }, hasScroll: function(el, a) { //If overflow is hidden, the element might have extra content, but the user wants to hide it if ($(el).css('overflow') == 'hidden') { return false; } var scroll = (a && a == 'left') ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop', has = false; if (el[scroll] > 0) { return true; } // TODO: determine which cases actually cause this to happen // if the element doesn't have the scroll set, see if it's possible to // set the scroll el[scroll] = 1; has = (el[scroll] > 0); el[scroll] = 0; return has; }, isOverAxis: function(x, reference, size) { //Determines when x coordinate is over "b" element axis return (x > reference) && (x < (reference + size)); }, isOver: function(y, x, top, left, height, width) { //Determines when x, y coordinates is over "b" element return $.ui.isOverAxis(y, top, height) && $.ui.isOverAxis(x, left, width); }, keyCode: { ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, COMMA: 188, COMMAND: 91, COMMAND_LEFT: 91, // COMMAND COMMAND_RIGHT: 93, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, INSERT: 45, LEFT: 37, MENU: 93, // COMMAND_RIGHT NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, WINDOWS: 91 // COMMAND } }); //jQuery plugins $.fn.extend({ _focus: $.fn.focus, focus: function(delay, fn) { return typeof delay === 'number' ? this.each(function() { var elem = this; setTimeout(function() { $(elem).focus(); (fn && fn.call(elem)); }, delay); }) : this._focus.apply(this, arguments); }, enableSelection: function() { return this .attr('unselectable', 'off') .css('MozUserSelect', ''); }, disableSelection: function() { return this .attr('unselectable', 'on') .css('MozUserSelect', 'none'); }, scrollParent: function() { var scrollParent; if(($.browser.msie && (/(static|relative)/).test(this.css('position'))) || (/absolute/).test(this.css('position'))) { scrollParent = this.parents().filter(function() { return (/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test($.curCSS(this,'position',1)) && (/(auto|scroll)/).test($.curCSS(this,'overflow',1)+$.curCSS(this,'overflow-y',1)+$.curCSS(this,'overflow-x',1)); }).eq(0); } else { scrollParent = this.parents().filter(function() { return (/(auto|scroll)/).test($.curCSS(this,'overflow',1)+$.curCSS(this,'overflow-y',1)+$.curCSS(this,'overflow-x',1)); }).eq(0); } return (/fixed/).test(this.css('position')) || !scrollParent.length ? $(document) : scrollParent; }, zIndex: function(zIndex) { if (zIndex !== undefined) { return this.css('zIndex', zIndex); } if (this.length) { var elem = $(this[0]), position, value; while (elem.length && elem[0] !== document) { // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned position = elem.css('position'); if (position == 'absolute' || position == 'relative' || position == 'fixed') { // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified // other browsers return a string // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0 //
value = parseInt(elem.css('zIndex')); if (!isNaN(value) && value != 0) { return value; } } elem = elem.parent(); } } return 0; } }); //Additional selectors $.extend($.expr[':'], { data: function(elem, i, match) { return !!$.data(elem, match[3]); }, focusable: function(element) { var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(), tabIndex = $.attr(element, 'tabindex'); return (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(nodeName) ? !element.disabled : 'a' == nodeName || 'area' == nodeName ? element.href || !isNaN(tabIndex) : !isNaN(tabIndex)) // the element and all of its ancestors must be visible // the browser may report that the area is hidden && !$(element)['area' == nodeName ? 'parents' : 'closest'](':hidden').length; }, tabbable: function(element) { var tabIndex = $.attr(element, 'tabindex'); return (isNaN(tabIndex) || tabIndex >= 0) && $(element).is(':focusable'); } }); })(jQuery);