/* * jQuery UI Progressbar @VERSION * * Copyright (c) 2008 AUTHORS.txt (http://ui.jquery.com/about) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Progressbar * * Depends: * ui.core.js */ (function($) { $.widget("ui.progressbar", { _init: function() { this._interval = this.options.interval; var self = this, options = this.options, identifier = 'progressbar' + (++$.ui.progressbar.uuid), text = options.text || '0%'; this.element .addClass("ui-progressbar") .width(options.width) .attr({ role: "progressbar", "aria-valuemin": 0, "aria-valuemax": 100, "aria-valuenow": 0 }); $.extend(this, { active: false, pixelState: 0, percentState: 0, identifier: identifier }); this.wrapper = $('
') .appendTo(this.element); this.bar = $('
') .css({ width: 0, overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 100 }) .appendTo(this.wrapper); this.textElement = $('
') .html(text) .css({ width: 0, overflow: 'hidden' }) .appendTo(this.bar); this.textBg = $('
') .html(text) .css({ width: this.element.width() }) .appendTo(this.bar); }, destroy: function() { this.stop(); this.element .removeClass("ui-progressbar ui-progressbar-disabled") .removeData("progressbar").unbind(".progressbar") .find('.ui-progressbar-wrap').remove(); delete $.easing[this.identifier]; }, _animate: function() { var self = this, options = this.options, interval = options.interval; this.bar.animate( { width: options.width }, { duration: interval, easing: options.equation || this.identifier, step: function(step, b) { var timestamp = new Date().getTime(), elapsedTime = (timestamp - b.startTime); self.progress( (step / options.width) * 100 ); options.interval = interval - elapsedTime; }, complete: function() { if (self.active) { options.interval = self._interval; self.bar.width(0); self.textElement.width(0); self._animate(); } else { delete $.easing[self.identifier]; } } } ); }, disable: function() { this.element.addClass("ui-progressbar-disabled"); this.disabled = true; this.element.attr("aria-disabled", true); }, enable: function() { this.element.removeClass("ui-progressbar-disabled"); this.disabled = false; this.element.attr("aria-disabled", false); }, pause: function() { if (this.disabled) return; this.bar.stop(); this._trigger('pause', null, this.ui()); }, progress: function(percentState) { this.bar.removeClass('ui-hidden'); this.percentState = percentState > 100 ? 100 : percentState; this.pixelState = (this.percentState / 100) * this.options.width; this.bar.width(this.pixelState); this.textElement.width(this.pixelState); var percent = Math.round(this.percentState); if (this.options.range && !this.options.text) { this._setText(percent + '%'); } this.element.attr("aria-valuenow", percent); this._trigger('progress', null, this.ui()); }, start: function() { var self = this, options = this.options; if (this.disabled) { return; } $.easing[this.identifier] = function (x, t, b, c, d) { var inc = options.increment, width = options.width, step = ((inc > width ? width : inc) / width), state = Math.round(x / step) * step; return state > 1 ? 1 : state; }; self.active = true; if (options.duration < options.interval) { options.duration = options.interval; } setTimeout( function() { self.active = false; }, options.duration ); this._animate(); this._trigger('start', null, this.ui()); return false; }, stop: function() { this.bar.stop(); this.bar.width(0); this.textElement.width(0); this.bar.addClass('ui-hidden'); this.options.interval = this._interval; this._trigger('stop', null, this.ui()); }, _setData: function(key, value){ switch (key) { case 'text': this._setText(value); break; } $.widget.prototype._setData.apply(this, arguments); }, _setText: function(text){ this.textElement.add(this.textBg).html(text); }, ui: function() { return { options: this.options, pixelState: this.pixelState, percentState: this.percentState }; } }); $.extend($.ui.progressbar, { version: "@VERSION", defaults: { duration: 1000, increment: 1, interval: 1000, range: true, text: '', width: 300 }, uuid: 0 }); })(jQuery);