/* * accordion_core.js */ (function($) { module("accordion: core"); test("handle click on header-descendant", function() { var ac = $('#navigation').accordion({ autoHeight: false }); $('#navigation h2:eq(1) a').trigger("click"); state(ac, 0, 1, 0); }); test("ui-accordion-heading class added to headers anchor", function() { expect(1); var ac = $("#list1").accordion(); var anchors = $(".ui-accordion-heading"); equals( anchors.length, "3"); }); test("accessibility", function () { expect(9); var ac = $('#list1').accordion().accordion("option", "active", 1); var headers = $(".ui-accordion-header"); equals( headers.eq(1).attr("tabindex"), "0", "active header should have tabindex=0"); equals( headers.eq(0).attr("tabindex"), "-1", "inactive header should have tabindex=-1"); equals( ac.attr("role"), "tablist", "main role"); equals( headers.attr("role"), "tab", "tab roles"); equals( headers.next().attr("role"), "tabpanel", "tabpanel roles"); equals( headers.eq(1).attr("aria-expanded"), "true", "active tab has aria-expanded"); equals( headers.eq(0).attr("aria-expanded"), "false", "inactive tab has aria-expanded"); ac.accordion("option", "active", 0); equals( headers.eq(0).attr("aria-expanded"), "true", "newly active tab has aria-expanded"); equals( headers.eq(1).attr("aria-expanded"), "false", "newly inactive tab has aria-expanded"); }); })(jQuery);