/* * tabs_events.js */ (function($) { module("tabs: events"); test('select', function() { ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code."); }); test('load', function() { ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code."); }); test('show', function() { expect(4); var uiObj; el = $('#tabs1').tabs({ show: function(event, ui) { uiObj = ui; } }); ok(uiObj !== undefined, 'should fire show after init'); equals(uiObj.tab, $('#tabs1 a')[0], 'should have tab as DOM anchor element'); equals(uiObj.panel, $('#tabs1 div')[0], 'should have panel as DOM div element'); equals(uiObj.index, 0, 'should have index'); }); test('add', function() { var el = $('