define( [ "jquery", "lib/common", "ui/core" ], function( $, common ) { module( "core - jQuery extensions" ); common.testJshint( "core" ); test( "innerWidth - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.innerWidth(), 122, "getter passthru" ); el.hide(); equal( el.innerWidth(), 122, "getter passthru when hidden" ); }); test( "innerWidth - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.innerWidth( 120 ); equal( el.width(), 98, "width set properly" ); el.hide(); el.innerWidth( 100 ); equal( el.width(), 78, "width set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "innerHeight - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.innerHeight(), 70, "getter passthru" ); el.hide(); equal( el.innerHeight(), 70, "getter passthru when hidden" ); }); test( "innerHeight - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.innerHeight( 60 ); equal( el.height(), 40, "height set properly" ); el.hide(); el.innerHeight( 50 ); equal( el.height(), 30, "height set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "outerWidth - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.outerWidth(), 140, "getter passthru" ); el.hide(); equal( el.outerWidth(), 140, "getter passthru when hidden" ); }); test( "outerWidth - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.outerWidth( 130 ); equal( el.width(), 90, "width set properly" ); el.hide(); el.outerWidth( 120 ); equal( el.width(), 80, "width set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "outerWidth(true) - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.outerWidth(true), 154, "getter passthru w/ margin" ); el.hide(); equal( el.outerWidth(true), 154, "getter passthru w/ margin when hidden" ); }); test( "outerWidth(true) - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.outerWidth( 130, true ); equal( el.width(), 76, "width set properly" ); el.hide(); el.outerWidth( 120, true ); equal( el.width(), 66, "width set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "outerHeight - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.outerHeight(), 86, "getter passthru" ); el.hide(); equal( el.outerHeight(), 86, "getter passthru when hidden" ); }); test( "outerHeight - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.outerHeight( 80 ); equal( el.height(), 44, "height set properly" ); el.hide(); el.outerHeight( 70 ); equal( el.height(), 34, "height set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "outerHeight(true) - getter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); equal( el.outerHeight(true), 98, "getter passthru w/ margin" ); el.hide(); equal( el.outerHeight(true), 98, "getter passthru w/ margin when hidden" ); }); test( "outerHeight(true) - setter", function() { expect( 2 ); var el = $( "#dimensions" ); el.outerHeight( 90, true ); equal( el.height(), 42, "height set properly" ); el.hide(); el.outerHeight( 80, true ); equal( el.height(), 32, "height set properly when hidden" ); }); test( "uniqueId / removeUniqueId", function() { expect( 3 ); var el = $( "img" ).eq( 0 ); equal( el.attr( "id" ), null, "element has no initial id" ); el.uniqueId(); ok( /ui-id-\d+$/.test( el.attr( "id" ) ), "element has generated id" ); el.removeUniqueId(); equal( el.attr( "id" ), null, "unique id has been removed from element" ); }); test( "Labels", function() { expect( 2 ); var expected = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" ]; var dom = $( "#labels-fragment" ); function testLabels( testType ) { var labels = dom.find( "#test" ).labels(); var found = function() { // Support: Core 1.9 Only // We use $.trim() because core 1.9.x silently fails when white space is present return $.trim( $( this ).text() ); } ).get(); deepEqual( found, expected, ".labels() finds all labels in " + testType + ", and sorts them in DOM order" ); } testLabels( "the DOM" ); // Detach the dom to test on a fragment dom.detach(); testLabels( "document fragments" ); } ); ( function() { var domAttached = $( "#form-test" ); var domDetached = $( "#form-test-detached" ).detach(); function testForm( name, dom ) { var inputs = dom.find( "input" ); inputs.each( function() { var input = $( this ); asyncTest( name + /_/g, " " ), function() { expect( 1 ); var form = input.form(); // If input has a form the value should reset to "" if not it should be "changed" var value = form.length ? "" : "changed"; input.val( "changed" ); // If there is a form we reset just that. If there is not a form, reset every form. // The idea is if a form is found resetting that form should reset the input. // If no form is found no amount of resetting should change the value. ( form.length ? form : dom.find( "form" ).addBack( "form" ) ).each( function() { this.reset(); } ); setTimeout( function() { equal( input.val(), value, "Proper form found for #" + input.attr( "id" ) ); start(); } ); } ); } ); } testForm( "form: attached: ", domAttached ); testForm( "form: detached: ", domDetached ); } )(); } );