(function ($) { module("selectmenu: events", { setup: function () { this.element = $("#speed"); } }); test("change", function () { expect(5); this.element.selectmenu({ change: function (event, ui) { ok(event, "change event fired on change"); equals(event.type, "selectmenuchange", "event type set to selectmenuchange"); ok(ui, "ui object is passed as second argument to event handler"); equals(ui.item.element[0].nodeName, "OPTION", "ui.item.element[0] points to original option element"); equals(ui.item.value, value, "ui.item.value property updated correctly"); } }); var button = this.element.selectmenu("widget").parent(), menu = this.element.selectmenu("menuWidget").parent(), value = this.element.find("option").first().text(); button.find("a").simulate( "focus" ).simulate( "click" ); menu.find("a").first().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" ); }); test("close", function () { expect(3); this.element.selectmenu({ close: function (event, ui) { ok(event, "close event fired on close"); equals(event.type, "selectmenuclose", "event type set to selectmenuclose"); ok(ui, "ui object is passed as second argument to event handler"); } }); this.element.selectmenu("open").selectmenu("close"); }); test("focus", function () { expect(4); var counter = 0; this.element.selectmenu({ focus: function (event, ui) { counter++; if (counter === 1) { ok(event, "focus event fired on mouseover"); equals(event.type, "selectmenufocus", "event type set to selectmenufocus"); ok(ui, "ui object is passed as second argument to event handler"); equals(ui.item.element[0].nodeName, "OPTION", "ui points to original option element"); } } }); var button = this.element.selectmenu("widget").parent(), menu = this.element.selectmenu("menuWidget").parent(); button.find("a").simulate( "focus" ).simulate( "click" ); menu.find(".ui-menu-item").simulate("mouseover"); }); test("open", function () { expect(3); this.element.selectmenu({ open: function (event, ui) { ok(event, "open event fired on open"); equals(event.type, "selectmenuopen", "event type set to selectmenuopen"); ok(ui, "ui object is passed as second argument to event handler"); } }); this.element.selectmenu("open"); }); test("select", function () { expect(4); this.element.selectmenu({ select: function (event, ui) { ok(event, "select event fired on item select"); equals(event.type, "selectmenuselect", "event type set to selectmenuselect"); ok(ui, "ui object is passed as second argument to event handler"); equals(ui.item.element[0].nodeName, "OPTION", "ui points to original option element"); } }); var button = this.element.selectmenu("widget").parent(), menu = this.element.selectmenu("menuWidget").parent(); button.find("a").simulate( "focus" ).simulate( "click" ); menu.find("a").first().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger("click"); }); })(jQuery);