/* * accordion_options.js */ (function($) { module("accordion: options"); test("{ active: first child }, default", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion(); equals( ac.accordion('option', 'active'), 0); state(ac, 1, 0, 0) }); test("{ active: Selector }", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion({ active: "h3:last" }); state(ac, 0, 0, 1); ac.accordion('option', 'active', "h3:eq(1)"); state(ac, 0, 1, 0); }); test("{ active: Element }", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion({ active: $("#list1 h3:last")[0] }); state(ac, 0, 0, 1); ac.accordion('option', 'active', $("#list1 h3:eq(1)")[0]); state(ac, 0, 1, 0); }); test("{ active: jQuery Object }", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion({ active: $("#list1 h3:last") }); state(ac, 0, 0, 1); ac.accordion('option', 'active', $("#list1 h3:eq(1)")); state(ac, 0, 1, 0); }); test("{ active: false }", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion({ active: false, collapsible: true }); state(ac, 0, 0, 0); equals( $("#list1 .ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active").size(), 0, "no headers selected" ); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), false); }); test("{ active: Number }", function() { expect(4); $("#list1").accordion({ active: 0 }); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), 0); $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active', 1); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), 1); $('.ui-accordion-header:eq(2)', '#list1').click(); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), 2); $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active', 0); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), 0); }); test("{ autoHeight: true }, default", function() { equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ autoHeight: true }), 95, 130); }); test("{ heightStyle: 'auto' }, default", function() { equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ heightStyle: 'auto' }), 95, 130); }); test("{ autoHeight: false }", function() { var accordion = $('#navigation').accordion({ autoHeight: false }); var sizes = []; accordion.find(".ui-accordion-content").each(function() { sizes.push($(this).height()); }); ok( sizes[0] >= 70 && sizes[0] <= 90, "was " + sizes[0] ); ok( sizes[1] >= 98 && sizes[1] <= 126, "was " + sizes[1] ); ok( sizes[2] >= 42 && sizes[2] <= 54, "was " + sizes[2] ); }); test("{ heightStyle: 'content' }", function() { var accordion = $('#navigation').accordion({ heightStyle: 'content' }); var sizes = []; accordion.find(".ui-accordion-content").each(function() { sizes.push($(this).height()); }); ok( sizes[0] >= 70 && sizes[0] <= 90, "was " + sizes[0] ); ok( sizes[1] >= 98 && sizes[1] <= 126, "was " + sizes[1] ); ok( sizes[2] >= 42 && sizes[2] <= 54, "was " + sizes[2] ); }); test("{ collapsible: false }, default", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion(); ac.accordion("option", "active", false); state(ac, 1, 0, 0); }); test("{ collapsible: true }", function() { var ac = $("#list1").accordion({ active: 1, collapsible: true }); var header = $('#list1 .ui-accordion-header:eq(1)').click(); equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), false); state(ac, 0, 0, 0); }); // fillSpace: false == autoHeight: true, covered above test("{ fillSpace: true }", function() { $("#navigationWrapper").height(500); equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ fillSpace: true }), 446, 458); }); test("{ heightStyle: 'fill' }", function() { $("#navigationWrapper").height(500); equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ heightStyle: 'fill' }), 446, 458); }); test("{ fillSpace: true } with sibling", function() { $("#navigationWrapper").height(500); var sibling = $("

Lorem Ipsum

"); $("#navigationWrapper").prepend( sibling.height(100) ); //sibling.outerHeight(true) == 126 equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ fillSpace: true}), 320, 332); }); test("{ fillSpace: true } with multiple siblings", function() { $("#navigationWrapper").height(500); var sibling = $("

Lorem Ipsum

"); $("#navigationWrapper") .prepend( sibling.clone().height(100) ) .prepend( sibling.clone().height(100).css( "position", "absolute" ) ) .prepend( sibling.clone().height(50) ); //sibling.outerHeight(true) == 126 equalHeights($('#navigation').accordion({ fillSpace: true}), 244, 256); }); test("{ header: '> li > :first-child,> :not(li):even' }, default", function() { state($("#list1").accordion(), 1, 0, 0); state($("#navigation").accordion(), 1, 0, 0); }); test("{ icons: false }", function() { var list = $("#list1"); function icons(on) { same($("span.ui-icon", list).length, on ? 3 : 0); same( list.hasClass("ui-accordion-icons"), on ); } list.accordion(); icons(true); list.accordion("destroy").accordion({ icons: false }); icons(false); list.accordion("option", "icons", $.ui.accordion.prototype.options.icons); icons(true); list.accordion("option", "icons", false); icons(false); }); test("{ icons: { activeHeader : 'test' } }", function() { var list = $("#list1"); list.accordion( { icons: { "activeHeader": "test" } } ); equals( $( "#list1 span.test" ).length, 1); list.accordion("option", "icons", { "activeHeader": "news" } ); equals( $( "#list1 span.test" ).length, 0); equals( $( "#list1 span.news" ).length, 1); }); test("{ navigation: true, navigationFilter: header }", function() { $("#navigation").accordion({ navigation: true, navigationFilter: function() { return /\?p=1\.1\.3$/.test(this.href); } }); equals( $("#navigation .ui-accordion-content:eq(2)").size(), 1, "third content active" ); }); test("{ navigation: true, navigationFilter: content }", function() { $("#navigation").accordion({ navigation: true, navigationFilter: function() { return /\?p=1\.1\.3\.2$/.test(this.href); } }); equals( $("#navigation .ui-accordion-content:eq(2)").size(), 1, "third content active" ); }); test("change headerSelected option after creation", function() { var list = $("#list1"); list.accordion( { icons: { "activeHeader": "test" } } ); equals( $( "#list1 span.test" ).length, 1); list.accordion( "option", "icons", { "headerSelected": "deprecated" } ); equals( $( "#list1 span.deprecated" ).length, 1); }); })(jQuery);