/* * tabs_tickets.js */ (function($) { module("tabs: tickets"); test('#2715 - id containing colon', function() { // http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/2715 expect(4); el = $('#tabs2').tabs(); ok( $('div.ui-tabs-panel:eq(0)', '#tabs2').is(':visible'), 'first panel should be visible' ); ok( $('div.ui-tabs-panel:eq(1)', '#tabs2').is(':hidden'), 'second panel should be hidden' ); el.tabs('option', 'active', 1).tabs('option', 'active', 0); ok( $('div.ui-tabs-panel:eq(0)', '#tabs2').is(':visible'), 'first panel should be visible' ); ok( $('div.ui-tabs-panel:eq(1)', '#tabs2').is(':hidden'), 'second panel should be hidden' ); }); test('#???? - panel containing inline style', function() { expect(3); var inlineStyle = function(property) { return $('#inline-style')[0].style[property]; }; var expected = inlineStyle('height'); el = $('#tabs2').tabs(); equals(inlineStyle('height'), expected, 'init should not remove inline style'); el.tabs('option', 'active', 1); equals(inlineStyle('height'), expected, 'show tab should not remove inline style'); el.tabs('option', 'active', 0); equals(inlineStyle('height'), expected, 'hide tab should not remove inline style'); }); test('#3627 - Ajax tab with url containing a fragment identifier fails to load', function() { // http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/3627 expect(1); el = $('#tabs2').tabs({ active: 2, beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) { event.preventDefault(); ok(/test.html$/.test( ui.ajaxSettings.url ), 'should ignore fragment identifier'); } }); }); test('#4033 - IE expands hash to full url and misinterprets tab as ajax', function() { // http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4033 expect(1); el = $('
'); el.appendTo('#main'); el.tabs({ beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) { event.preventDefault(); ok( false, 'should not be an ajax tab'); } }); equals($('a', el).attr('aria-controls'), 'tab', 'aria-contorls attribute is correct'); }); test('#5893 - Sublist in the tab list are considered as tab', function() { // http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/5893 expect(1); el = $('#tabs6').tabs(); equals(el.data("tabs").anchors.length, 2, 'should contain 2 tab'); }); test('#6710 - selectors are global', function() { // http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/6710 expect(1); var container = $('\
\ \




'); container.find('#tabs_6710').tabs(); ok( container.find('#tabs-2_6710').is(':hidden'), 'should find panels and add corresponding classes' ); }); })(jQuery);