// Initialise the date picker demonstrations $(document).ready(function () { // initialize tab interface tabs.init(); // reset defaults to English $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['']); // replace script tags with HTML code $(".demojs").each(function () { $(this).before( '
' +
" );
eval( $(this).html() );
// Localization
if ($.browser.safari)
$('.languageSelect,.l10nDatepicker,#frFullFormat').attr({ disabled: 'disabled' });
// Stylesheets
$('#altStyle').datepicker({buttonImage: 'demo/img/calendar2.gif',
prevText: ' Prev',
nextText: 'Next '});
$('#button3').click(function() {
$(this).datepicker('dialog', $('#altDialog').val(),
setAltDateFromDialog, {prompt: 'Choose a date', speed: '',
prevText: ' Prev',
nextText: 'Next '});
// Load and apply a localisation package for the date picker
function localise() {
var input = $('input', this.parentNode.parentNode);
var date = $(input).datepicker('getDate');
var language = $(this).val();
$.localise('../../../source/i18n/ui.datepicker', {language: language});
$(input).datepicker('change', $.datepicker.regional[language]);
$.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['']); // Reset for general usage
if (date) {
$(input).datepicker('setDate', date);
$.datepicker.regional[language].dateFormat, date));
// Demonstrate a callback from inline configuration
function showDay(input) {
var date = $(input).datepicker('getDate');
$('#inlineDay').html(date ? $.datepicker.formatDate('DD', date) : 'blank');
// Display a date selected in a "dialog"
function setAltDateFromDialog(date) {
// Custom Tabs written by Marc Grabanski
var tabs =
init : function ()
// Setup tabs
$("ul[@id^=tab_menu] a:eq(0)").addClass('over');
// Slide visible up and clicked one down
$("ul[@id^=tab_menu] a").each(function(i){
$(this).click(function () {
$("ul[@id^=tab_menu] a.over").removeClass('over');
$( $(this).attr("href") ).fadeIn();
tabs.stylesheet = $(this).attr("href") == "#styles" ? 'alt' : 'default';
$('link').each(function() {
this.disabled = (this.title != '' && this.title != tabs.stylesheet);
return false;