* button_tickets.js
(function( $ ) {
module( "button: tickets" );
test( "#5295 - button does not remove hoverstate if disabled" , function() {
expect( 1 );
var btn = $("#button").button();
btn.hover( function() {
btn.button( "disable" );
btn.trigger( "mouseenter" );
btn.trigger( "mouseleave" );
ok( !btn.is( ".ui-state-hover") );
test( "#5946 - buttonset should ignore buttons that are not :visible", function() {
expect( 2 );
$( "#radio01" ).next().andSelf().hide();
var set = $( "#radio0" ).buttonset({ items: "input[type=radio]:visible" });
ok( set.find( "label:eq(0)" ).is( ":not(.ui-button):not(.ui-corner-left)" ) );
ok( set.find( "label:eq(1)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-left" ) );
test( "#6262 - buttonset not applying ui-corner to invisible elements", function() {
expect( 3 );
$( "#radio0" ).hide();
var set = $( "#radio0" ).buttonset();
ok( set.find( "label:eq(0)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-left" ) );
ok( set.find( "label:eq(1)" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
ok( set.find( "label:eq(2)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-right" ) );
test( "#6711 Checkbox/Radiobutton do not Show Focused State when using Keyboard Navigation", function() {
expect( 2 );
var check = $( "#check" ).button(),
label = $( "label[for='check']" );
ok( !label.is( ".ui-state-focus" ) );
ok( label.is( ".ui-state-focus" ) );
test( "#7092 - button creation that requires a matching label does not find label in all cases", function() {
expect( 5 );
var group = $( "" );
group.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).button();
ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
group = $( "" );
group.filter( "input[type=checkbox]" ).button();
ok( group.filter( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
group = $( "" );
group.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).button();
ok( group.filter( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
group = $( "" );
group.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).button();
ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
group = $( "" );
group.filter( "input[type=checkbox]" ).button();
ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
test( "#7534 - Button label selector works for ids with \":\"", function() {
expect( 1 );
var group = $( "" );
group.find( "input" ).button();
ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ), "Found an id with a :" );
test( "#8237 - Anchor tags lose disabled state when refreshed", function() {
expect( 1 );
var element = $( "" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
element.button({ disabled: true }).button( "refresh" );
ok( element.button( "option", "disabled" ), "Anchor button should remain disabled after refresh" );
})( jQuery );