(function( $ ) { module( "accordion: methods", accordionSetupTeardown() ); test( "destroy", function() { var beforeHtml = $( "#list1" ) .find( "div" ) .css( "font-style", "normal" ) .end() .parent() .html(); var afterHtml = $( "#list1" ) .accordion() .accordion( "destroy" ) .parent() .html() // Opera 9 outputs role="" instead of removing the attribute like everyone else .replace( / role=""/g, "" ); equal( afterHtml, beforeHtml ); }); test( "enable/disable", function() { var accordion = $('#list1').accordion(); state( accordion, 1, 0, 0 ); accordion.accordion( "disable" ); accordion.accordion( "option", "active", 1 ); state( accordion, 1, 0, 0 ); accordion.accordion( "enable" ); accordion.accordion( "option", "active", 1 ); state( accordion, 0, 1, 0 ); }); test( "refresh", function() { var expected = $( "#navigation" ) .parent() .height( 300 ) .end() .accordion({ heightStyle: "fill" }); equalHeights( expected, 246, 258 ); expected.parent().height( 500 ); expected.accordion( "refresh" ); equalHeights( expected, 446, 458 ); }); }( jQuery ) );