" ).testWidget2().data( "testWidget2" );
instance.method( 5 );
delete $.ui.testWidget2;
test( "._superApply()", function() {
expect( 7 );
var instance;
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
method: function( a, b ) {
same( this, instance, "this is correct in super widget" );
same( a, 5, "parameter passed to super widget" );
same( b, 10, "second parameter passed to super widget" );
return a + b;
$.widget( "ui.testWidget2", $.ui.testWidget, {
method: function( a, b ) {
same( this, instance, "this is correct in widget" );
same( a, 5, "parameter passed to widget" );
same( b, 10, "second parameter passed to widget" );
var ret = this._superApply( "method", arguments );
same( ret, 15, "super returned value" );
instance = $( "
" ).testWidget2().data( "testWidget2" );
instance.method( 5, 10 );
delete $.ui.testWidget2;
test( ".option() - getter", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {}
var div = $( "
" ).testWidget({
foo: "bar",
baz: 5,
qux: [ "quux", "quuux" ]
same( div.testWidget( "option", "foo"), "bar", "single option - string" );
same( div.testWidget( "option", "baz"), 5, "single option - number" );
same( div.testWidget( "option", "qux"), [ "quux", "quuux" ],
"single option - array" );
var options = div.testWidget( "option" );
same( options, {
disabled: false,
foo: "bar",
baz: 5,
qux: [ "quux", "quuux" ]
}, "full options hash returned" );
options.foo = "notbar";
same( div.testWidget( "option", "foo"), "bar",
"modifying returned options hash does not modify plugin instance" );
test( ".option() - delegate to ._setOptions()", function() {
var calls = [];
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
_setOptions: function( options ) {
calls.push( options );
var div = $( "
" ).testWidget();
calls = [];
div.testWidget( "option", "foo", "bar" );
same( calls, [{ foo: "bar" }], "_setOptions called for single option" );
calls = [];
div.testWidget( "option", {
bar: "qux",
quux: "quuux"
same( calls, [{ bar: "qux", quux: "quuux" }],
"_setOptions called with multiple options" );
test( ".option() - delegate to ._setOption()", function() {
var calls = [];
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
_setOption: function( key, val ) {
key: key,
val: val
var div = $( "
" ).testWidget();
calls = [];
div.testWidget( "option", "foo", "bar" );
same( calls, [{ key: "foo", val: "bar" }],
"_setOption called for single option" );
calls = [];
div.testWidget( "option", {
bar: "qux",
quux: "quuux"
same( calls, [
{ key: "bar", val: "qux" },
{ key: "quux", val: "quuux" }
], "_setOption called with multiple options" );
test( ".enable()", function() {
expect( 2 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
_setOption: function( key, val ) {
same( key, "disabled", "_setOption called with disabled option" );
same( val, false, "disabled set to false" );
$( "
" ).testWidget().testWidget( "enable" );
test( ".disable()", function() {
expect( 2 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
_setOption: function( key, val ) {
same( key, "disabled", "_setOption called with disabled option" );
same( val, true, "disabled set to true" );
$( "
" ).testWidget().testWidget( "disable" );
test( ".widget() - base", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {}
var div = $( "
" ).testWidget();
same( div[0], div.testWidget( "widget" )[0]);
test( ".widget() - overriden", function() {
var wrapper = $( "
" );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
widget: function() {
return wrapper;
same( wrapper[0], $( "
" ).testWidget().testWidget( "widget" )[0] );
test( "._trigger() - no event, no ui", function() {
expect( 7 );
var handlers = [];
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {}
$( "#widget" ).testWidget({
foo: function( event, ui ) {
same( event.type, "testwidgetfoo", "correct event type in callback" );
same( ui, {}, "empty ui hash passed" );
handlers.push( "callback" );
$( document ).add( "#widget-wrapper" ).add( "#widget" )
.bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
same( ui, {}, "empty ui hash passed" );
handlers.push( this );
same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), true,
"_trigger returns true when event is not cancelled" );
same( handlers, [
$( "#widget" )[ 0 ],
$( "#widget-wrapper" )[ 0 ],
], "event bubbles and then invokes callback" );
$( document ).unbind( "testwidgetfoo" );
test( "._trigger() - cancelled event", function() {
expect( 3 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {}
$( "#widget" ).testWidget({
foo: function( event, ui ) {
ok( true, "callback invoked even if event is cancelled" );
.bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
ok( true, "event was triggered" );
return false;
same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), false,
"_trigger returns false when event is cancelled" );
test( "._trigger() - cancelled callback", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {}
$( "#widget" ).testWidget({
foo: function( event, ui ) {
return false;
same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), false,
"_trigger returns false when callback returns false" );
test( "._trigger() - provide event and ui", function() {
expect( 7 );
var originalEvent = $.Event( "originalTest" );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
testEvent: function() {
var ui = {
foo: "bar",
baz: {
qux: 5,
quux: 20
this._trigger( "foo", originalEvent, ui );
same( ui, {
foo: "notbar",
baz: {
qux: 10,
quux: "jQuery"
}, "ui object modified" );
$( "#widget" ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
same( ui, {
foo: "bar",
baz: {
qux: 5,
quux: 20
}, "ui hash passed" );
ui.foo = "notbar";
$( "#widget-wrapper" ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
same( ui, {
foo: "notbar",
baz: {
qux: 5,
quux: 20
}, "modified ui hash passed" );
ui.baz.qux = 10;
$( "#widget" ).testWidget({
foo: function( event, ui ) {
equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
same( ui, {
foo: "notbar",
baz: {
qux: 10,
quux: 20
}, "modified ui hash passed" );
ui.baz.quux = "jQuery";
.testWidget( "testEvent" );
test( "auto-destroy - .remove()", function() {
expect( 1 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( true, "destroyed from .remove()" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().remove();
test( "auto-destroy - .remove() on parent", function() {
expect( 1 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( true, "destroyed from .remove() on parent" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().parent().remove();
test( "auto-destroy - .remove() on child", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( false, "destroyed from .remove() on child" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().children().remove();
// http://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/34
$.ui.testWidget.prototype.destroy = $.noop;
test( "auto-destroy - .empty()", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( false, "destroyed from .empty()" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().empty();
// http://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/34
$.ui.testWidget.prototype.destroy = $.noop;
test( "auto-destroy - .empty() on parent", function() {
expect( 1 );
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( true, "destroyed from .empty() on parent" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().parent().empty();
test( "auto-destroy - .detach()", function() {
$.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
_create: function() {},
destroy: function() {
ok( false, "destroyed from .detach()" );
$( "#widget" ).testWidget().detach();
})( jQuery );