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synced 2025-01-07 20:34:24 +00:00
Some checks failed
Filestash / Update Filestash (push) Has been cancelled
Node / ${{ matrix.BROWSER }} | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(chrome, map[name:jQuery git versions:--jquery git --jquery 3.x-git]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / ${{ matrix.BROWSER }} | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(chrome, map[name:jQuery stable versions:--jquery 3.7.1 --jquery 3.6.4 --jquery 2.2.4 --jquery 1.12.4]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / ${{ matrix.BROWSER }} | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(firefox, map[name:jQuery git versions:--jquery git --jquery 3.x-git]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / ${{ matrix.BROWSER }} | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(firefox, map[name:jQuery stable versions:--jquery 3.7.1 --jquery 3.6.4 --jquery 2.2.4 --jquery 1.12.4]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / edge | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(map[name:jQuery git versions:--jquery git --jquery 3.x-git]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / edge | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(map[name:jQuery stable versions:--jquery 3.7.1 --jquery 3.6.4 --jquery 2.2.4 --jquery 1.12.4]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / safari | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(map[name:jQuery git versions:--jquery git --jquery 3.x-git]) (push) Has been cancelled
Node / safari | ${{ matrix.JQUERYS.name }}
(map[name:jQuery stable versions:--jquery 3.7.1 --jquery 3.6.4 --jquery 2.2.4 --jquery 1.12.4]) (push) Has been cancelled
The ESLint config for `demos` extends the one for the `ui` directory. However, the `ui` one used to not be a root one, making the `demos` one effectively not depend on the `jquery` preset. Fix that and fix lots of lint violations in `demos/search.js`. Closes gh-2303
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( function( factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// Fetch jQuery as an AMD dependency
require( [ "jquery" ], factory );
} else {
// Use the jQuery browser global
factory( jQuery );
} )( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
var database = {
"Great Bittern": "Botaurus stellaris",
"Little Grebe": "Tachybaptus ruficollis",
"Black-necked Grebe": "Podiceps nigricollis",
"Little Bittern": "Ixobrychus minutus",
"Black-crowned Night Heron": "Nycticorax nycticorax",
"Purple Heron": "Ardea purpurea",
"White Stork": "Ciconia ciconia",
"Spoonbill": "Platalea leucorodia",
"Red-crested Pochard": "Netta rufina",
"Common Eider": "Somateria mollissima",
"Red Kite": "Milvus milvus",
"Hen Harrier": "Circus cyaneus",
"Montagu`s Harrier": "Circus pygargus",
"Black Grouse": "Tetrao tetrix",
"Grey Partridge": "Perdix perdix",
"Spotted Crake": "Porzana porzana",
"Corncrake": "Crex crex",
"Common Crane": "Grus grus",
"Avocet": "Recurvirostra avosetta",
"Stone Curlew": "Burhinus oedicnemus",
"Common Ringed Plover": "Charadrius hiaticula",
"Kentish Plover": "Charadrius alexandrinus",
"Ruff": "Philomachus pugnax",
"Common Snipe": "Gallinago gallinago",
"Black-tailed Godwit": "Limosa limosa",
"Common Redshank": "Tringa totanus",
"Sandwich Tern": "Sterna sandvicensis",
"Common Tern": "Sterna hirundo",
"Arctic Tern": "Sterna paradisaea",
"Little Tern": "Sternula albifrons",
"Black Tern": "Chlidonias niger",
"Barn Owl": "Tyto alba",
"Little Owl": "Athene noctua",
"Short-eared Owl": "Asio flammeus",
"European Nightjar": "Caprimulgus europaeus",
"Common Kingfisher": "Alcedo atthis",
"Eurasian Hoopoe": "Upupa epops",
"Eurasian Wryneck": "Jynx torquilla",
"European Green Woodpecker": "Picus viridis",
"Crested Lark": "Galerida cristata",
"White-headed Duck": "Oxyura leucocephala",
"Pale-bellied Brent Goose": "Branta hrota",
"Tawny Pipit": "Anthus campestris",
"Whinchat": "Saxicola rubetra",
"European Stonechat": "Saxicola rubicola",
"Northern Wheatear": "Oenanthe oenanthe",
"Savi`s Warbler": "Locustella luscinioides",
"Sedge Warbler": "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",
"Great Reed Warbler": "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",
"Bearded Reedling": "Panurus biarmicus",
"Red-backed Shrike": "Lanius collurio",
"Great Grey Shrike": "Lanius excubitor",
"Woodchat Shrike": "Lanius senator",
"Common Raven": "Corvus corax",
"Yellowhammer": "Emberiza citrinella",
"Ortolan Bunting": "Emberiza hortulana",
"Corn Bunting": "Emberiza calandra",
"Great Cormorant": "Phalacrocorax carbo",
"Hawfinch": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",
"Common Shelduck": "Tadorna tadorna",
"Bluethroat": "Luscinia svecica",
"Grey Heron": "Ardea cinerea",
"Barn Swallow": "Hirundo rustica",
"Hooded Crow": "Corvus cornix",
"Dunlin": "Calidris alpina",
"Eurasian Pied Flycatcher": "Ficedula hypoleuca",
"Eurasian Nuthatch": "Sitta europaea",
"Short-toed Tree Creeper": "Certhia brachydactyla",
"Wood Lark": "Lullula arborea",
"Tree Pipit": "Anthus trivialis",
"Eurasian Hobby": "Falco subbuteo",
"Marsh Warbler": "Acrocephalus palustris",
"Wood Sandpiper": "Tringa glareola",
"Tawny Owl": "Strix aluco",
"Lesser Whitethroat": "Sylvia curruca",
"Barnacle Goose": "Branta leucopsis",
"Common Goldeneye": "Bucephala clangula",
"Western Marsh Harrier": "Circus aeruginosus",
"Common Buzzard": "Buteo buteo",
"Sanderling": "Calidris alba",
"Little Gull": "Larus minutus",
"Eurasian Magpie": "Pica pica",
"Willow Warbler": "Phylloscopus trochilus",
"Wood Warbler": "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",
"Great Crested Grebe": "Podiceps cristatus",
"Eurasian Jay": "Garrulus glandarius",
"Common Redstart": "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",
"Blue-headed Wagtail": "Motacilla flava",
"Common Swift": "Apus apus",
"Marsh Tit": "Poecile palustris",
"Goldcrest": "Regulus regulus",
"European Golden Plover": "Pluvialis apricaria",
"Eurasian Bullfinch": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",
"Common Whitethroat": "Sylvia communis",
"Meadow Pipit": "Anthus pratensis",
"Greylag Goose": "Anser anser",
"Spotted Flycatcher": "Muscicapa striata",
"European Greenfinch": "Carduelis chloris",
"Common Greenshank": "Tringa nebularia",
"Great Spotted Woodpecker": "Dendrocopos major",
"Greater Canada Goose": "Branta canadensis",
"Mistle Thrush": "Turdus viscivorus",
"Great Black-backed Gull": "Larus marinus",
"Goosander": "Mergus merganser",
"Great Egret": "Casmerodius albus",
"Northern Goshawk": "Accipiter gentilis",
"Dunnock": "Prunella modularis",
"Stock Dove": "Columba oenas",
"Common Wood Pigeon": "Columba palumbus",
"Eurasian Woodcock": "Scolopax rusticola",
"House Sparrow": "Passer domesticus",
"Common House Martin": "Delichon urbicum",
"Red Knot": "Calidris canutus",
"Western Jackdaw": "Corvus monedula",
"Brambling": "Fringilla montifringilla",
"Northern Lapwing": "Vanellus vanellus",
"European Reed Warbler": "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",
"Lesser Black-backed Gull": "Larus fuscus",
"Little Egret": "Egretta garzetta",
"Little Stint": "Calidris minuta",
"Common Linnet": "Carduelis cannabina",
"Mute Swan": "Cygnus olor",
"Common Cuckoo": "Cuculus canorus",
"Black-headed Gull": "Larus ridibundus",
"Greater White-fronted Goose": "Anser albifrons",
"Great Tit": "Parus major",
"Redwing": "Turdus iliacus",
"Gadwall": "Anas strepera",
"Fieldfare": "Turdus pilaris",
"Tufted Duck": "Aythya fuligula",
"Crested Tit": "Lophophanes cristatus",
"Willow Tit": "Poecile montanus",
"Eurasian Coot": "Fulica atra",
"Common Blackbird": "Turdus merula",
"Smew": "Mergus albellus",
"Common Sandpiper": "Actitis hypoleucos",
"Sand Martin": "Riparia riparia",
"Purple Sandpiper": "Calidris maritima",
"Northern Pintail": "Anas acuta",
"Blue Tit": "Cyanistes caeruleus",
"European Goldfinch": "Carduelis carduelis",
"Eurasian Whimbrel": "Numenius phaeopus",
"Common Reed Bunting": "Emberiza schoeniclus",
"Eurasian Tree Sparrow": "Passer montanus",
"Rook": "Corvus frugilegus",
"European Robin": "Erithacus rubecula",
"Bar-tailed Godwit": "Limosa lapponica",
"Dark-bellied Brent Goose": "Branta bernicla",
"Eurasian Oystercatcher": "Haematopus ostralegus",
"Eurasian Siskin": "Carduelis spinus",
"Northern Shoveler": "Anas clypeata",
"Eurasian Wigeon": "Anas penelope",
"Eurasian Sparrow Hawk": "Accipiter nisus",
"Icterine Warbler": "Hippolais icterina",
"Common Starling": "Sturnus vulgaris",
"Long-tailed Tit": "Aegithalos caudatus",
"Ruddy Turnstone": "Arenaria interpres",
"Mew Gull": "Larus canus",
"Common Pochard": "Aythya ferina",
"Common Chiffchaff": "Phylloscopus collybita",
"Greater Scaup": "Aythya marila",
"Common Kestrel": "Falco tinnunculus",
"Garden Warbler": "Sylvia borin",
"Eurasian Collared Dove": "Streptopelia decaocto",
"Eurasian Skylark": "Alauda arvensis",
"Common Chaffinch": "Fringilla coelebs",
"Common Moorhen": "Gallinula chloropus",
"Water Pipit": "Anthus spinoletta",
"Mallard": "Anas platyrhynchos",
"Winter Wren": "Troglodytes troglodytes",
"Common Teal": "Anas crecca",
"Green Sandpiper": "Tringa ochropus",
"White Wagtail": "Motacilla alba",
"Eurasian Curlew": "Numenius arquata",
"Song Thrush": "Turdus philomelos",
"European Herring Gull": "Larus argentatus",
"Grey Plover": "Pluvialis squatarola",
"Carrion Crow": "Corvus corone",
"Coal Tit": "Periparus ater",
"Spotted Redshank": "Tringa erythropus",
"Blackcap": "Sylvia atricapilla",
"Egyptian Vulture": "Neophron percnopterus",
"Razorbill": "Alca torda",
"Alpine Swift": "Apus melba",
"Long-legged Buzzard": "Buteo rufinus",
"Audouin`s Gull": "Larus audouinii",
"Balearic Shearwater": "Puffinus mauretanicus",
"Upland Sandpiper": "Bartramia longicauda",
"Greater Spotted Eagle": "Aquila clanga",
"Ring Ouzel": "Turdus torquatus",
"Yellow-browed Warbler": "Phylloscopus inornatus",
"Blue Rock Thrush": "Monticola solitarius",
"Buff-breasted Sandpiper": "Tryngites subruficollis",
"Jack Snipe": "Lymnocryptes minimus",
"White-rumped Sandpiper": "Calidris fuscicollis",
"Ruddy Shelduck": "Tadorna ferruginea",
"Cetti's Warbler": "Cettia cetti",
"Citrine Wagtail": "Motacilla citreola",
"Roseate Tern": "Sterna dougallii",
"Black-legged Kittiwake": "Rissa tridactyla",
"Pygmy Cormorant": "Phalacrocorax pygmeus",
"Booted Eagle": "Aquila pennata",
"Lesser White-fronted Goose": "Anser erythropus",
"Little Bunting": "Emberiza pusilla",
"Eleonora's Falcon": "Falco eleonorae",
"European Serin": "Serinus serinus",
"Twite": "Carduelis flavirostris",
"Yellow-legged Gull": "Larus michahellis",
"Gyr Falcon": "Falco rusticolus",
"Greenish Warbler": "Phylloscopus trochiloides",
"Red-necked Phalarope": "Phalaropus lobatus",
"Mealy Redpoll": "Carduelis flammea",
"Glaucous Gull": "Larus hyperboreus",
"Great Skua": "Stercorarius skua",
"Great Bustard": "Otis tarda",
"Velvet Scoter": "Melanitta fusca",
"Pine Grosbeak": "Pinicola enucleator",
"House Crow": "Corvus splendens",
"Hume`s Leaf Warbler": "Phylloscopus humei",
"Great Northern Loon": "Gavia immer",
"Long-tailed Duck": "Clangula hyemalis",
"Lapland Longspur": "Calcarius lapponicus",
"Northern Gannet": "Morus bassanus",
"Eastern Imperial Eagle": "Aquila heliaca",
"Little Auk": "Alle alle",
"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker": "Dendrocopos minor",
"Iceland Gull": "Larus glaucoides",
"Parasitic Jaeger": "Stercorarius parasiticus",
"Bewick`s Swan": "Cygnus bewickii",
"Little Bustard": "Tetrax tetrax",
"Little Crake": "Porzana parva",
"Baillon`s Crake": "Porzana pusilla",
"Long-tailed Jaeger": "Stercorarius longicaudus",
"King Eider": "Somateria spectabilis",
"Greater Short-toed Lark": "Calandrella brachydactyla",
"Houbara Bustard": "Chlamydotis undulata",
"Curlew Sandpiper": "Calidris ferruginea",
"Common Crossbill": "Loxia curvirostra",
"European Shag": "Phalacrocorax aristotelis",
"Horned Grebe": "Podiceps auritus",
"Common Quail": "Coturnix coturnix",
"Bearded Vulture": "Gypaetus barbatus",
"Lanner Falcon": "Falco biarmicus",
"Middle Spotted Woodpecker": "Dendrocopos medius",
"Pomarine Jaeger": "Stercorarius pomarinus",
"Red-breasted Merganser": "Mergus serrator",
"Eurasian Black Vulture": "Aegypius monachus",
"Eurasian Dotterel": "Charadrius morinellus",
"Common Nightingale": "Luscinia megarhynchos",
"Northern willow warbler": "Phylloscopus trochilus acredula",
"Manx Shearwater": "Puffinus puffinus",
"Northern Fulmar": "Fulmarus glacialis",
"Eurasian Eagle Owl": "Bubo bubo",
"Orphean Warbler": "Sylvia hortensis",
"Melodious Warbler": "Hippolais polyglotta",
"Pallas's Leaf Warbler": "Phylloscopus proregulus",
"Atlantic Puffin": "Fratercula arctica",
"Black-throated Loon": "Gavia arctica",
"Bohemian Waxwing": "Bombycilla garrulus",
"Marsh Sandpiper": "Tringa stagnatilis",
"Great Snipe": "Gallinago media",
"Squacco Heron": "Ardeola ralloides",
"Long-eared Owl": "Asio otus",
"Caspian Tern": "Hydroprogne caspia",
"Red-breasted Goose": "Branta ruficollis",
"Red-throated Loon": "Gavia stellata",
"Common Rosefinch": "Carpodacus erythrinus",
"Red-footed Falcon": "Falco vespertinus",
"Ross's Goose": "Anser rossii",
"Red Phalarope": "Phalaropus fulicarius",
"Pied Wagtail": "Motacilla yarrellii",
"Rose-coloured Starling": "Sturnus roseus",
"Rough-legged Buzzard": "Buteo lagopus",
"Saker Falcon": "Falco cherrug",
"European Roller": "Coracias garrulus",
"Short-toed Eagle": "Circaetus gallicus",
"Peregrine Falcon": "Falco peregrinus",
"Merlin": "Falco columbarius",
"Snow Goose": "Anser caerulescens",
"Snowy Owl": "Bubo scandiacus",
"Snow Bunting": "Plectrophenax nivalis",
"Common Grasshopper Warbler": "Locustella naevia",
"Golden Eagle": "Aquila chrysaetos",
"Black-winged Stilt": "Himantopus himantopus",
"Steppe Eagle": "Aquila nipalensis",
"Pallid Harrier": "Circus macrourus",
"European Storm-petrel": "Hydrobates pelagicus",
"Horned Lark": "Eremophila alpestris",
"Eurasian Treecreeper": "Certhia familiaris",
"Taiga Bean Goose": "Anser fabalis",
"Temminck`s Stint": "Calidris temminckii",
"Terek Sandpiper": "Xenus cinereus",
"Tundra Bean Goose": "Anser serrirostris",
"European Turtle Dove": "Streptopelia turtur",
"Leach`s Storm-petrel": "Oceanodroma leucorhoa",
"Eurasian Griffon Vulture": "Gyps fulvus",
"Paddyfield Warbler": "Acrocephalus agricola",
"Osprey": "Pandion haliaetus",
"Firecrest": "Regulus ignicapilla",
"Water Rail": "Rallus aquaticus",
"European Honey Buzzard": "Pernis apivorus",
"Eurasian Golden Oriole": "Oriolus oriolus",
"Whooper Swan": "Cygnus cygnus",
"Two-barred Crossbill": "Loxia leucoptera",
"White-tailed Eagle": "Haliaeetus albicilla",
"Atlantic Murre": "Uria aalge",
"Garganey": "Anas querquedula",
"Black Redstart": "Phoenicurus ochruros",
"Common Scoter": "Melanitta nigra",
"Rock Pipit": "Anthus petrosus",
"Lesser Spotted Eagle": "Aquila pomarina",
"Cattle Egret": "Bubulcus ibis",
"White-winged Black Tern": "Chlidonias leucopterus",
"Black Stork": "Ciconia nigra",
"Mediterranean Gull": "Larus melanocephalus",
"Black Kite": "Milvus migrans",
"Yellow Wagtail": "Motacilla flavissima",
"Red-necked Grebe": "Podiceps grisegena",
"Gull-billed Tern": "Gelochelidon nilotica",
"Pectoral Sandpiper": "Calidris melanotos",
"Barred Warbler": "Sylvia nisoria",
"Red-throated Pipit": "Anthus cervinus",
"Grey Wagtail": "Motacilla cinerea",
"Richard`s Pipit": "Anthus richardi",
"Black Woodpecker": "Dryocopus martius",
"Little Ringed Plover": "Charadrius dubius",
"Whiskered Tern": "Chlidonias hybrida",
"Lesser Redpoll": "Carduelis cabaret",
"Pallas' Bunting": "Emberiza pallasi",
"Ferruginous Duck": "Aythya nyroca",
"Whistling Swan": "Cygnus columbianus",
"Black Brant": "Branta nigricans",
"Marbled Teal": "Marmaronetta angustirostris",
"Canvasback": "Aythya valisineria",
"Redhead": "Aythya americana",
"Lesser Scaup": "Aythya affinis",
"Steller`s Eider": "Polysticta stelleri",
"Spectacled Eider": "Somateria fischeri",
"Harlequin Duck": "Histronicus histrionicus",
"Black Scoter": "Melanitta americana",
"Surf Scoter": "Melanitta perspicillata",
"Barrow`s Goldeneye": "Bucephala islandica",
"Falcated Duck": "Anas falcata",
"American Wigeon": "Anas americana",
"Blue-winged Teal": "Anas discors",
"American Black Duck": "Anas rubripes",
"Baikal Teal": "Anas formosa",
"Green-Winged Teal": "Anas carolinensis",
"Hazel Grouse": "Bonasa bonasia",
"Rock Partridge": "Alectoris graeca",
"Red-legged Partridge": "Alectoris rufa",
"Yellow-billed Loon": "Gavia adamsii",
"Cory`s Shearwater": "Calonectris borealis",
"Madeiran Storm-Petrel": "Oceanodroma castro",
"Great White Pelican": "Pelecanus onocrotalus",
"Dalmatian Pelican": "Pelecanus crispus",
"American Bittern": "Botaurus lentiginosus",
"Glossy Ibis": "Plegadis falcinellus",
"Spanish Imperial Eagle": "Aquila adalberti",
"Lesser Kestrel": "Falco naumanni",
"Crab-Plover": "Dromas ardeola",
"Cream-coloured Courser": "Cursorius cursor",
"Collared Pratincole": "Glareola pratincola",
"Black-winged Pratincole": "Glareola nordmanni",
"Killdeer": "Charadrius vociferus",
"Lesser Sand Plover": "Charadrius mongolus",
"Greater Sand Plover": "Charadrius leschenaultii",
"Caspian Plover": "Charadrius asiaticus",
"American Golden Plover": "Pluvialis dominica",
"Pacific Golden Plover": "Pluvialis fulva",
"Sharp-tailed Sandpiper": "Calidris acuminata",
"Broad-billed Sandpiper": "Limicola falcinellus",
"Spoon-Billed Sandpiper": "Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus",
"Short-Billed Dowitcher": "Limnodromus griseus",
"Long-billed Dowitcher": "Limnodromus scolopaceus",
"Hudsonian Godwit": "Limosa haemastica",
"Little Curlew": "Numenius minutus",
"Lesser Yellowlegs": "Tringa flavipes",
"Wilson`s Phalarope": "Phalaropus tricolor",
"Pallas`s Gull": "Larus ichthyaetus",
"Laughing Gull": "Larus atricilla",
"Franklin`s Gull": "Larus pipixcan",
"Bonaparte`s Gull": "Larus philadelphia",
"Ring-billed Gull": "Larus delawarensis",
"American Herring Gull": "Larus smithsonianus",
"Caspian Gull": "Larus cachinnans",
"Ivory Gull": "Pagophila eburnea",
"Royal Tern": "Sterna maxima",
"Brünnich`s Murre": "Uria lomvia",
"Crested Auklet": "Aethia cristatella",
"Parakeet Auklet": "Cyclorrhynchus psittacula",
"Tufted Puffin": "Lunda cirrhata",
"Laughing Dove": "Streptopelia senegalensis",
"Great Spotted Cuckoo": "Clamator glandarius",
"Great Grey Owl": "Strix nebulosa",
"Tengmalm`s Owl": "Aegolius funereus",
"Red-Necked Nightjar": "Caprimulgus ruficollis",
"Chimney Swift": "Chaetura pelagica",
"Green Bea-Eater": "Merops orientalis",
"Grey-headed Woodpecker": "Picus canus",
"Lesser Short-Toed Lark": "Calandrella rufescens",
"Eurasian Crag Martin": "Hirundo rupestris",
"Red-rumped Swallow": "Cecropis daurica",
"Blyth`s Pipit": "Anthus godlewskii",
"Pechora Pipit": "Anthus gustavi",
"Grey-headed Wagtail": "Motacilla thunbergi",
"Yellow-Headed Wagtail": "Motacilla lutea",
"White-throated Dipper": "Cinclus cinclus",
"Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin": "Cercotrichas galactotes",
"Thrush Nightingale": "Luscinia luscinia",
"White-throated Robin": "Irania gutturalis",
"Caspian Stonechat": "Saxicola maura variegata",
"Western Black-eared Wheatear": "Oenanthe hispanica",
"Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush": "Monticola saxatilis",
"Red-throated Thrush/Black-throated": "Turdus ruficollis",
"American Robin": "Turdus migratorius",
"Zitting Cisticola": "Cisticola juncidis",
"Lanceolated Warbler": "Locustella lanceolata",
"River Warbler": "Locustella fluviatilis",
"Blyth`s Reed Warbler": "Acrocephalus dumetorum",
"Caspian Reed Warbler": "Acrocephalus fuscus",
"Aquatic Warbler": "Acrocephalus paludicola",
"Booted Warbler": "Acrocephalus caligatus",
"Marmora's Warbler": "Sylvia sarda",
"Dartford Warbler": "Sylvia undata",
"Subalpine Warbler": "Sylvia cantillans",
"Ménétries's Warbler": "Sylvia mystacea",
"Rüppel's Warbler": "Sylvia rueppelli",
"Asian Desert Warbler": "Sylvia nana",
"Western Orphean Warbler": "Sylvia hortensis hortensis",
"Arctic Warbler": "Phylloscopus borealis",
"Radde`s Warbler": "Phylloscopus schwarzi",
"Western Bonelli`s Warbler": "Phylloscopus bonelli",
"Red-breasted Flycatcher": "Ficedula parva",
"Eurasian Penduline Tit": "Remiz pendulinus",
"Daurian Shrike": "Lanius isabellinus",
"Long-Tailed Shrike": "Lanius schach",
"Lesser Grey Shrike": "Lanius minor",
"Southern Grey Shrike": "Lanius meridionalis",
"Masked Shrike": "Lanius nubicus",
"Spotted Nutcracker": "Nucifraga caryocatactes",
"Daurian Jackdaw": "Corvus dauuricus",
"Purple-Backed Starling": "Sturnus sturninus",
"Red-Fronted Serin": "Serinus pusillus",
"Arctic Redpoll": "Carduelis hornemanni",
"Scottish Crossbill": "Loxia scotica",
"Parrot Crossbill": "Loxia pytyopsittacus",
"Black-faced Bunting": "Emberiza spodocephala",
"Pink-footed Goose": "Anser brachyrhynchus",
"Black-winged Kite": "Elanus caeruleus",
"European Bee-eater": "Merops apiaster",
"Sabine`s Gull": "Larus sabini",
"Sooty Shearwater": "Puffinus griseus",
"Lesser Canada Goose": "Branta hutchinsii",
"Ring-necked Duck": "Aythya collaris",
"Greater Flamingo": "Phoenicopterus roseus",
"Iberian Chiffchaff": "Phylloscopus ibericus",
"Ashy-headed Wagtail": "Motacilla cinereocapilla",
"Stilt Sandpiper": "Calidris himantopus",
"Siberian Stonechat": "Saxicola maurus",
"Greater Yellowlegs": "Tringa melanoleuca",
"Forster`s Tern": "Sterna forsteri",
"Dusky Warbler": "Phylloscopus fuscatus",
"Cirl Bunting": "Emberiza cirlus",
"Olive-backed Pipit": "Anthus hodgsoni",
"Sociable Lapwing": "Vanellus gregarius",
"Spotted Sandpiper": "Actitis macularius",
"Baird`s Sandpiper": "Calidris bairdii",
"Rustic Bunting": "Emberiza rustica",
"Yellow-browed Bunting": "Emberiza chrysophrys",
"Great Shearwater": "Puffinus gravis",
"Bonelli`s Eagle": "Aquila fasciata",
"Calandra Lark": "Melanocorypha calandra",
"Sardinian Warbler": "Sylvia melanocephala",
"Ross's Gull": "Larus roseus",
"Yellow-Breasted Bunting": "Emberiza aureola",
"Pine Bunting": "Emberiza leucocephalos",
"Black Guillemot": "Cepphus grylle",
"Pied-billed Grebe": "Podilymbus podiceps",
"Soft-plumaged Petrel": "Pterodroma mollis",
"Bulwer's Petrel": "Bulweria bulwerii",
"White-Faced Storm-Petrel": "Pelagodroma marina",
"Pallas’s Fish Eagle": "Haliaeetus leucoryphus",
"Sandhill Crane": "Grus canadensis",
"Macqueen’s Bustard": "Chlamydotis macqueenii",
"White-tailed Lapwing": "Vanellus leucurus",
"Great Knot": "Calidris tenuirostris",
"Semipalmated Sandpiper": "Calidris pusilla",
"Red-necked Stint": "Calidris ruficollis",
"Slender-billed Curlew": "Numenius tenuirostris",
"Bridled Tern": "Onychoprion anaethetus",
"Pallas’s Sandgrouse": "Syrrhaptes paradoxus",
"European Scops Owl": "Otus scops",
"Northern Hawk Owl": "Surnia ulula",
"White-Throated Needletail": "Hirundapus caudacutus",
"Belted Kingfisher": "Ceryle alcyon",
"Blue-cheeked Bee-eater": "Merops persicus",
"Black-headed Wagtail": "Motacilla feldegg",
"Northern Mockingbird": "Mimus polyglottos",
"Alpine Accentor": "Prunella collaris",
"Red-flanked Bluetail": "Tarsiger cyanurus",
"Isabelline Wheatear": "Oenanthe isabellina",
"Pied Wheatear": "Oenanthe pleschanka",
"Eastern Black-eared Wheatear": "Oenanthe melanoleuca",
"Desert Wheatear": "Oenanthe deserti",
"White`s Thrush": "Zoothera aurea",
"Siberian Thrush": "Zoothera sibirica",
"Eyebrowed Thrush": "Turdus obscurus",
"Dusky Thrush": "Turdus eunomus",
"Black-throated Thrush": "Turdus atrogularis",
"Pallas`s Grasshopper Warbler": "Locustella certhiola",
"Spectacled Warbler": "Sylvia conspicillata",
"Two-barred Warbler": "Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus",
"Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler": "Phylloscopus orientalis",
"Collared Flycatcher": "Ficedula albicollis",
"Wallcreeper": "Tichodroma muraria",
"Turkestan Shrike": "Lanius phoenicuroides",
"Steppe Grey Shrike": "Lanius pallidirostris",
"Spanish Sparrow": "Passer hispaniolensis",
"Red-eyed Vireo": "Vireo olivaceus",
"Myrtle Warbler": "Dendroica coronata",
"White-crowned Sparrow": "Zonotrichia leucophrys",
"White-throated Sparrow": "Zonotrichia albicollis",
"Cretzschmar`s Bunting": "Emberiza caesia",
"Chestnut Bunting": "Emberiza rutila",
"Red-headed Bunting": "Emberiza bruniceps",
"Black-headed Bunting": "Emberiza melanocephala",
"Indigo Bunting": "Passerina cyanea",
"Balearic Woodchat Shrike": "Lanius senator badius",
"Demoiselle Crane": "Grus virgo",
"Chough": "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",
"Red-Billed Chough": "Pyrrhocorax graculus",
"Elegant Tern": "Sterna elegans",
"Chukar": "Alectoris chukar",
"Yellow-Billed Cuckoo": "Coccyzus americanus",
"American Sandwich Tern": "Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida",
"Olive-Tree Warbler": "Hippolais olivetorum",
"Eastern Olivaceous Warbler": "Acrocephalus pallidus",
"Indian Cormorant": "Phalacrocorax fuscicollis",
"Spur-Winged Lapwing": "Vanellus spinosus",
"Yelkouan Shearwater": "Puffinus yelkouan",
"Trumpeter Finch": "Bucanetes githagineus",
"Red Grouse": "Lagopus scoticus",
"Rock Ptarmigan": "Lagopus mutus",
"Long-Tailed Cormorant": "Phalacrocorax africanus",
"Double-crested Cormorant": "Phalacrocorax auritus",
"Magnificent Frigatebird": "Fregata magnificens",
"Naumann's Thrush": "Turdus naumanni",
"Oriental Pratincole": "Glareola maldivarum",
"Bufflehead": "Bucephala albeola",
"Snowfinch": "Montifrigilla nivalis",
"Ural owl": "Strix uralensis",
"Spanish Wagtail": "Motacilla iberiae",
"Song Sparrow": "Melospiza melodia",
"Rock Bunting": "Emberiza cia",
"Siberian Rubythroat": "Luscinia calliope",
"Pallid Swift": "Apus pallidus",
"Eurasian Pygmy Owl": "Glaucidium passerinum",
"Madeira Little Shearwater": "Puffinus baroli",
"House Finch": "Carpodacus mexicanus",
"Green Heron": "Butorides virescens",
"Solitary Sandpiper": "Tringa solitaria",
"Heuglin's Gull": "Larus heuglini"
function searchResponse( term ) {
term = term.toLowerCase();
var result = [];
for ( var key in database ) {
if ( key.toLowerCase().indexOf( term ) !== -1 ) {
result.push( {
id: database[ key ],
label: key,
value: key
} );
if ( result.length > 11 ) {
return result;
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completeCallback( 200, "OK", { text: JSON.stringify( result ) }, [] );
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