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* jQuery UI Draggable @VERSION
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Draggable
* Depends:
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.interaction.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
(function( $, undefined ) {
// create a shallow copy of an object
function copy( obj ) {
var prop,
ret = {};
for ( prop in obj ) {
ret[ prop ] = obj[ prop ];
return ret;
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.interaction, {
version: "@VERSION",
widgetEventPrefix: "drag",
options: {
appendTo: null,
exclude: "input,textarea,button,select,option",
handle: null,
helper: false
// dragEl: element being dragged (original or helper)
// position: final CSS position of dragEl
// offset: offset of dragEl
// originalPosition: CSS position before drag start
// originalOffset: offset before drag start
// originalPointer: pageX/Y at drag start (offset of pointer)
// startPosition: CSS position at drag start (after beforeStart)
// startOffset: offset at drag start (after beforeStart)
// tempPosition: overridable CSS position of dragEl
// overflowOffset: offset of scroll parent
// overflow: object containing width and height keys of scroll parent
// domPosition: object containing original parent and index when using
// appendTo option without a helper
_create: function() {
this.scrollSensitivity = 20;
this.scrollSpeed = 5;
// Static position elements can't be moved with top/left
if ( this.element.css( "position" ) === "static" ) {
this.element.css( "position", "relative" );
this.element.addClass( "ui-draggable" );
/** interaction interface **/
_isValidTarget: function( element ) {
var handle = this.options.handle ? element.is( this.options.handle ) : true,
exclude = this.options.exclude ? element.is( this.options.exclude ) : false;
return ( handle && !exclude );
_start: function( event, pointerPosition ) {
var offset, startCssLeft, startCssTop, startPosition, startOffset;
// The actual dragging element, should always be a jQuery object
this.dragEl = ( this.options.helper === true || typeof this.options.helper === 'function' ) ?
this._createHelper( pointerPosition ) :
// _createHelper() ensures that helpers are in the correct position
// in the DOM, but we need to handle appendTo when there is no helper
if ( this.options.appendTo && this.dragEl === this.element ) {
this.domPosition = {
parent: this.element.parent(),
index: this.element.index()
offset = this.dragEl.offset();
.appendTo( this._appendToEl() )
.offset( offset );
this.cssPosition = this.dragEl.css( "position" );
this.scrollParent = this.element.scrollParent();
// Cache starting positions
this.originalPosition = this.startPosition = this._getPosition();
this.originalOffset = this.startOffset = this.dragEl.offset();
this.originalPointer = pointerPosition;
// Cache current position and offset
this.position = copy( this.startPosition );
this.offset = copy( this.startOffset );
// Cache the offset of scrollParent, if required for _handleScrolling
if ( this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && this.scrollParent[0].tagName !== "HTML" ) {
this.overflowOffset = this.scrollParent.offset();
this.overflow = {
height: this.scrollParent[0] === this.document[0] ?
this.window.height() : this.scrollParent.height(),
width: this.scrollParent[0] === this.document[0] ?
this.window.width() : this.scrollParent.width()
this._preparePosition( pointerPosition );
// If user cancels beforeStart, don't allow dragging
if ( this._trigger( "beforeStart", event,
this._originalHash( pointerPosition ) ) === false ) {
// domPosition needs to be undone even if beforeStart is stopped
// Otherwise this.dragEl will remain in the element appendTo is set to
return false;
// Save off the usual properties locally, so they can be reverted from start
startCssLeft = this.dragEl.css("left");
startCssTop = this.dragEl.css("top");
startPosition = copy( this._getPosition() );
startOffset = copy( this.offset );
this.startPosition = this._getPosition();
this.startOffset = this.dragEl.offset();
// If user cancels on start, don't allow dragging
if ( this._trigger( "start", event,
this._fullHash( pointerPosition ) ) === false ) {
// domPosition needs to be undone even if start is stopped
// Otherwise this.dragEl will remain in the element appendTo is set to
this.startPosition = startPosition;
this.startOffset = startOffset;
left: startCssLeft,
top: startCssTop
return false;
_resetDomPosition: function() {
// Nothing to do in this case
if ( !this.domPosition ) {
var parent = this.domPosition.parent,
next = parent.children().eq( this.domPosition.index );
if ( next.length ) {
next.before( this.element );
} else {
parent.append( this.element );
this.element.offset( this.offset );
this.domPosition = null;
_move: function( event, pointerPosition ) {
this._preparePosition( pointerPosition );
// If user cancels drag, don't move the element
if ( this._trigger( "drag", event, this._fullHash( pointerPosition ) ) === false ) {
return false;
// Scroll the scrollParent, if needed
this._handleScrolling( pointerPosition );
_stop: function( event, pointerPosition ) {
this._preparePosition( pointerPosition );
// If user cancels stop, leave helper there
if ( this._trigger( "stop", event, this._fullHash( pointerPosition ) ) !== false ) {
if ( this.options.helper ) {
delete this.element.data( 'draggable' ).helper;
/** internal **/
_createHelper: function( pointerPosition ) {
var helper,
offset = this.element.offset(),
xPos = (pointerPosition.x - offset.left) / this.element.outerWidth(),
yPos = (pointerPosition.y - offset.top) / this.element.outerHeight();
// clone
if ( this.options.helper === true ) {
helper = this.element.clone()
.removeAttr( "id" )
.find( "[id]" )
.removeAttr( "id" )
} else {
// TODO: figure out the signature for this; see #4957
helper = $( this.options.helper() );
// Ensure the helper is in the DOM; obey the appendTo option if it exists
if ( this.options.appendTo || !helper.closest( "body" ).length ) {
helper.appendTo( this._appendToEl() || this.document[0].body );
this.element.data( 'draggable' ).helper = helper;
return helper
// Helper must be absolute to function properly
.css( "position", "absolute" )
left: pointerPosition.x - helper.outerWidth() * xPos,
top: pointerPosition.y - helper.outerHeight() * yPos
// TODO: Remove after 2.0, only used for backCompat
_appendToEl: function() {
return this.options.appendTo;
_getPosition: function() {
var left, top, position,
scrollTop = this.scrollParent.scrollTop(),
scrollLeft = this.scrollParent.scrollLeft();
// If fixed or absolute
if ( this.cssPosition !== "relative" ) {
position = this.dragEl.position();
// Take into account scrollbar
position.top -= scrollTop;
position.left -= scrollLeft;
return position;
// When using relative, css values are checked
// Otherwise the position wouldn't account for padding on ancestors
left = this.dragEl.css( "left" );
top = this.dragEl.css( "top" );
// Webkit will give back auto if there is no explicit value
left = ( left === "auto" ) ? 0: parseInt( left, 10 );
top = ( top === "auto" ) ? 0: parseInt( top, 10 );
return {
left: left - scrollLeft,
top: top - scrollTop
_handleScrolling: function( pointerPosition ) {
var scrollTop = this.scrollParent.scrollTop(),
scrollLeft = this.scrollParent.scrollLeft(),
scrollSensitivity = this.scrollSensitivity,
// overflowOffset is only set when scrollParent is not doc/html
overflowLeft = this.overflowOffset ?
this.overflowOffset.left :
overflowTop = this.overflowOffset ?
this.overflowOffset.top :
xRight = this.overflow.width + overflowLeft - pointerPosition.x,
xLeft = pointerPosition.x- overflowLeft,
yBottom = this.overflow.height + overflowTop - pointerPosition.y,
yTop = pointerPosition.y - overflowTop;
// Handle vertical scrolling
if ( yBottom < scrollSensitivity ) {
this.scrollParent.scrollTop( scrollTop +
this._speed( scrollSensitivity - yBottom ) );
} else if ( yTop < scrollSensitivity ) {
this.scrollParent.scrollTop( scrollTop -
this._speed( scrollSensitivity - yTop ) );
// Handle horizontal scrolling
if ( xRight < scrollSensitivity ) {
this.scrollParent.scrollLeft( scrollLeft +
this._speed( scrollSensitivity - xRight ) );
} else if ( xLeft < scrollSensitivity ) {
this.scrollParent.scrollLeft( scrollLeft -
this._speed( scrollSensitivity - xLeft ) );
_speed: function( distance ) {
return this.scrollSpeed + Math.round( distance / 2 );
// Uses event to determine new position of draggable, before any override from callbacks
// TODO: handle absolute element inside relative parent like a relative element
_preparePosition: function( pointerPosition ) {
var leftDiff = pointerPosition.x - this.originalPointer.x,
topDiff = pointerPosition.y - this.originalPointer.y,
newLeft = leftDiff + this.startPosition.left,
newTop = topDiff + this.startPosition.top;
// Save off new values for .css() in various callbacks using this function
this.position = {
left: newLeft,
top: newTop
// Save off values to compare user override against automatic coordinates
this.tempPosition = {
left: newLeft,
top: newTop
// Refresh offset cache with new positions
this.offset.left = this.startOffset.left + leftDiff;
this.offset.top = this.startOffset.top + topDiff;
// Places draggable where event, or user via event/callback, indicates
_setCss: function() {
var newLeft = this.position.left,
newTop = this.position.top;
// User overriding left/top so shortcut math is no longer valid
if ( this.tempPosition.left !== this.position.left ||
this.tempPosition.top !== this.position.top ) {
// Reset offset based on difference of expected and overridden values
this.offset.left += newLeft - this.tempPosition.left;
this.offset.top += newTop - this.tempPosition.top;
// TODO: does this work with nested scrollable parents?
if ( this.cssPosition !== "fixed" ) {
newLeft += this.scrollParent.scrollLeft();
newTop += this.scrollParent.scrollTop();
left: newLeft,
top: newTop
_originalHash: function( pointerPosition ) {
var ret = {
position: this.position,
offset: copy( this.offset ),
pointer: copy( pointerPosition )
if ( this.options.helper ) {
ret.helper = this.dragEl;
return ret;
_fullHash: function( pointerPosition ) {
return $.extend( this._originalHash( pointerPosition ), {
originalPosition: copy( this.originalPosition ),
originalOffset: copy( this.originalOffset ),
originalPointer: copy( this.originalPointer )
_blockFrames: function() {
this.iframeBlocks = this.document.find( "iframe" ).map(function() {
var iframe = $( this ),
iframeOffset = iframe.offset();
return $( "<div>" )
position: "absolute",
width: iframe.outerWidth(),
height: iframe.outerHeight(),
top: iframeOffset.top,
left: iframeOffset.left
.appendTo( iframe.parent() )[0];
_unblockFrames: function() {
if ( this.iframeBlocks ) {
delete this.iframeBlocks;
_destroy: function() {
this.element.removeClass( "ui-draggable" );
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
// $.widget doesn't know how to handle redefinitions with a custom prefix
// custom prefixes are going away anyway, so it's not worth fixing right now
widgetEventPrefix: "drag",
options: {
containment: null
_create: function() {
dragstart: "_setContainment",
drag: "_contain"
_setContainment: function( event, ui ) {
var offset, left, top,
container = this._getContainer();
if ( !container ) {
this.containment = null;
offset = container.offset();
left = offset.left +
(parseFloat( $.css( container[0], "borderLeftWidth", true ) ) || 0) +
(parseFloat( $.css( container[0], "paddingLeft", true ) ) || 0);
top = offset.top +
(parseFloat( $.css( container[0], "borderTopWidth", true ) ) || 0) +
(parseFloat( $.css( container[0], "paddingTop", true ) ) || 0);
this.containment = {
left: left,
top: top,
right: left + container.width(),
bottom: top + container.height(),
leftDiff: ui.originalOffset.left - ui.originalPosition.left,
topDiff: ui.originalOffset.top - ui.originalPosition.top,
width: this.dragEl.outerWidth(),
height: this.dragEl.outerHeight()
_contain: function( event, ui ) {
var containment = this.containment;
if ( !containment ) {
ui.position.left = Math.max( ui.position.left,
containment.left - containment.leftDiff );
ui.position.left = Math.min( ui.position.left,
containment.right - containment.width - containment.leftDiff );
ui.position.top = Math.max( ui.position.top,
containment.top - containment.topDiff );
ui.position.top = Math.min( ui.position.top,
containment.bottom - containment.height - containment.topDiff );
_getContainer: function() {
var container,
containment = this.options.containment;
if ( !containment ) {
container = null;
} else if ( containment === "parent" ) {
container = this.element.parent();
} else {
container = $( containment );
if ( !container.length ) {
container = null;
return container;
})( jQuery );
if ( $.uiBackCompat !== false ) {
// appendTo 'parent' value
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
_appendToEl: function() {
var el = this.options.appendTo;
if ( el === 'parent' ) {
el = this.dragEl.parent();
return el;
// helper 'original' or 'clone' value
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
_create: function() {
if ( this.options.helper === 'original' ) {
this.options.helper = false;
if ( this.options.helper === 'clone' ) {
this.options.helper = true;
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
if ( key !== 'helper' ) {
return this._super( key, value );
if ( value === 'clone' ) {
value = true;
if ( value === 'original' ) {
value = false;
this._super( key, value );
// axis option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
axis: false
_create: function() {
var self = this;
// On drag, make sure top does not change so axis is locked
this.element.on( "drag", function( event, ui ) {
if ( self.options.axis === "x" ) {
ui.position.top = ui.originalPosition.top;
if ( self.options.axis === "y" ) {
ui.position.left = ui.originalPosition.left;
// cancel option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
cancel: null
_create: function() {
if ( this.options.cancel !== null ) {
this.options.exclude = this.options.cancel;
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
if ( key !== 'cancel' ) {
return this._super( key, value );
this._super( key, value );
this.options.exclude = this.options.cancel;
// cursor option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
cursor: "auto"
_create: function() {
var startCursor, self, body;
self = this;
body = $( this.document[0].body );
// Cache original cursor to set back
this.element.on( "dragbeforestart", function() {
if ( self.options.cursor ) {
startCursor = body[0].style.cursor;
body.css( "cursor", self.options.cursor );
// Set back cursor to whatever default was
this.element.on( "dragstop", function() {
if ( self.options.cursor ) {
body.css( "cursor", startCursor );
// cursorAt option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
cursorAt: false
_create: function() {
var self = this;
this.element.on( "dragbeforestart", function( event, ui ) {
var elem = self.dragEl,
cursorAt = self.options.cursorAt;
// No need to continue
if ( !cursorAt ) {
if ( "top" in cursorAt ) {
ui.position.top += ui.pointer.y - ui.offset.top - cursorAt.top;
if ( "left" in cursorAt ) {
ui.position.left += ui.pointer.x - ui.offset.left - cursorAt.left;
if ( "bottom" in cursorAt ) {
ui.position.top += ui.pointer.y - ui.offset.top - elem.outerHeight() + cursorAt.bottom;
if ( "right" in cursorAt ) {
ui.position.left += ui.pointer.x - ui.offset.left - elem.outerWidth() + cursorAt.right;
// grid option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
grid: false
_create: function() {
var self = this,
currentX, currentY;
this.element.on( "dragbeforestart", function( event, ui ) {
if ( !self.options.grid ) {
// Save off the start position, which may be overwritten during drag
currentX = ui.position.left;
currentY = ui.position.top;
this.element.on( "drag", function( event, ui ) {
if ( !self.options.grid ) {
// Save off the intended intervals
var x = self.options.grid[0],
y = self.options.grid[1];
// If x is actually something, check that user is at least half way to next point
if ( x ) {
if ( ui.position.left - currentX > x/2 ) {
currentX = currentX + x;
} else if ( currentX - ui.position.left > x/2 ) {
currentX = currentX - x;
// If y is actually something, check that user is at least half way to next point
if ( y ) {
if ( ui.position.top - currentY > y/2 ) {
currentY = currentY + y;
} else if ( currentY - ui.position.top > y/2 ) {
currentY = currentY - y;
// If there threshold wasn't crossed these variables wouldn't be changed
// Otherwise this will now bump the draggable to the next spot on grid
ui.position.left = currentX;
ui.position.top = currentY;
// opacity option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
opacity: false
_create: function() {
var self = this,
this.element.on( "dragstart", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.opacity ) {
// Cache the original opacity of draggable element to reset later
originalOpacity = self.dragEl.css( 'opacity' );
// Set draggable element to new opacity
self.dragEl.css( 'opacity', self.options.opacity );
this.element.on( "dragstop", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.opacity ) {
// Reset opacity
self.dragEl.css( 'opacity', originalOpacity );
// TODO: handle droppables
// revert + revertDuration options
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
revert: false,
revertDuration: 500
_create: function() {
var self = this,
originalLeft, originalTop, originalPosition;
this.element.on( "dragbeforestart", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.revert ) {
// Cache the original css of draggable element to reset later
originalLeft = self.dragEl.css( 'left' );
originalTop = self.dragEl.css( 'top' );
originalPosition = self.dragEl.css( 'position' );
this.element.on( "dragstop", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.revert ) {
// Reset to before drag
left: originalLeft,
top: originalTop,
position: originalPosition
}, self.options.revertDuration );
// zIndex option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
zIndex: false
_create: function() {
var self = this,
this.element.on( "dragstart", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.zIndex ) {
// Cache the original zIndex of draggable element to reset later
originalZIndex = self.dragEl.css( 'z-index' );
// Set draggable element to new zIndex
self.dragEl.css( 'z-index', self.options.zIndex );
this.element.on( "dragstop", function() {
// No need to continue
if ( !self.options.zIndex ) {
// Reset zIndex
self.dragEl.css( 'z-index', originalZIndex );
// TODO: need droppable working
// scope option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
scope: "default"
// scroll + scrollSensitivity + scrollSpeedType option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
scroll: true,
scrollSpeed: null,
scrollSensitivity: null
_create : function() {
var self = this,
handleScroll = this._handleScrolling,
speed = this._speed;
this._speed = function( distance ) {
if ( self.options.scrollSpeed !== null ) {
self.scrollSpeed = self.options.scrollSpeed;
// Undo calculation that makes things go faster as distance increases
distance = 0;
return speed.call( self, distance );
// Wrap member function to check for ability to scroll
this._handleScrolling = function( pointerPosition ) {
if ( !self.options.scroll ) {
if ( self.options.scrollSensitivity !== null ) {
self.scrollSensitivity = self.options.scrollSensitivity;
handleScroll.call( self, pointerPosition );
// stack option
$.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.draggable, {
options: {
stack: false
_create: function() {
var self = this;
this.element.on( "dragbeforestart", function() {
var stack = self.options.stack,
group, min;
if ( !self.options.stack ) {
group = $.makeArray( $(stack) ).sort(function(a,b) {
var aZIndex = parseInt( $(a).css("zIndex"), 10 ),
bZIndex = parseInt( $(b).css("zIndex"), 10 );
return ( aZIndex || 0) - ( bZIndex|| 0);
if (!group.length) {
min = parseInt(group[0].style.zIndex, 10) || 0;
$(group).each(function(i) {
this.style.zIndex = min + i;
self.element[0].style.zIndex = min + group.length;
} |