Jörn Zaefferer cb69f0025f All: Fix manifest issues for categories and CSS dependencies
Collapses "UI Core" and "Core" into just "Core".

Fixes bad paths for CSS dependencies. Regressed when moving widgets
into the widgets subfolder.
2015-10-23 09:09:51 -04:00

574 lines
14 KiB

* jQuery UI Spinner @VERSION
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
//>>label: Spinner
//>>group: Widgets
//>>description: Displays buttons to easily input numbers via the keyboard or mouse.
//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/spinner/
//>>demos: http://jqueryui.com/spinner/
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/core.css
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/spinner.css
//>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
function spinnerModifer( fn ) {
return function() {
var previous = this.element.val();
fn.apply( this, arguments );
if ( previous !== this.element.val() ) {
this._trigger( "change" );
$.widget( "ui.spinner", {
version: "@VERSION",
defaultElement: "<input>",
widgetEventPrefix: "spin",
options: {
classes: {
"ui-spinner": "ui-corner-all",
"ui-spinner-down": "ui-corner-br",
"ui-spinner-up": "ui-corner-tr"
culture: null,
icons: {
down: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
up: "ui-icon-triangle-1-n"
incremental: true,
max: null,
min: null,
numberFormat: null,
page: 10,
step: 1,
change: null,
spin: null,
start: null,
stop: null
_create: function() {
// handle string values that need to be parsed
this._setOption( "max", this.options.max );
this._setOption( "min", this.options.min );
this._setOption( "step", this.options.step );
// Only format if there is a value, prevents the field from being marked
// as invalid in Firefox, see #9573.
if ( this.value() !== "" ) {
// Format the value, but don't constrain.
this._value( this.element.val(), true );
this._on( this._events );
// Turning off autocomplete prevents the browser from remembering the
// value when navigating through history, so we re-enable autocomplete
// if the page is unloaded before the widget is destroyed. #7790
this._on( this.window, {
beforeunload: function() {
this.element.removeAttr( "autocomplete" );
} );
_getCreateOptions: function() {
var options = this._super();
var element = this.element;
$.each( [ "min", "max", "step" ], function( i, option ) {
var value = element.attr( option );
if ( value != null && value.length ) {
options[ option ] = value;
} );
return options;
_events: {
keydown: function( event ) {
if ( this._start( event ) && this._keydown( event ) ) {
keyup: "_stop",
focus: function() {
this.previous = this.element.val();
blur: function( event ) {
if ( this.cancelBlur ) {
delete this.cancelBlur;
if ( this.previous !== this.element.val() ) {
this._trigger( "change", event );
mousewheel: function( event, delta ) {
if ( !delta ) {
if ( !this.spinning && !this._start( event ) ) {
return false;
this._spin( ( delta > 0 ? 1 : -1 ) * this.options.step, event );
clearTimeout( this.mousewheelTimer );
this.mousewheelTimer = this._delay( function() {
if ( this.spinning ) {
this._stop( event );
}, 100 );
"mousedown .ui-spinner-button": function( event ) {
var previous;
// We never want the buttons to have focus; whenever the user is
// interacting with the spinner, the focus should be on the input.
// If the input is focused then this.previous is properly set from
// when the input first received focus. If the input is not focused
// then we need to set this.previous based on the value before spinning.
previous = this.element[ 0 ] === $.ui.safeActiveElement( this.document[ 0 ] ) ?
this.previous : this.element.val();
function checkFocus() {
var isActive = this.element[ 0 ] === $.ui.safeActiveElement( this.document[ 0 ] );
if ( !isActive ) {
this.element.trigger( "focus" );
this.previous = previous;
// support: IE
// IE sets focus asynchronously, so we need to check if focus
// moved off of the input because the user clicked on the button.
this._delay( function() {
this.previous = previous;
} );
// Ensure focus is on (or stays on) the text field
checkFocus.call( this );
// Support: IE
// IE doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
// so we set a flag to know when we should ignore the blur event
// and check (again) if focus moved off of the input.
this.cancelBlur = true;
this._delay( function() {
delete this.cancelBlur;
checkFocus.call( this );
} );
if ( this._start( event ) === false ) {
this._repeat( null, $( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-spinner-up" ) ? 1 : -1, event );
"mouseup .ui-spinner-button": "_stop",
"mouseenter .ui-spinner-button": function( event ) {
// button will add ui-state-active if mouse was down while mouseleave and kept down
if ( !$( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-state-active" ) ) {
if ( this._start( event ) === false ) {
return false;
this._repeat( null, $( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-spinner-up" ) ? 1 : -1, event );
// TODO: do we really want to consider this a stop?
// shouldn't we just stop the repeater and wait until mouseup before
// we trigger the stop event?
"mouseleave .ui-spinner-button": "_stop"
// Support mobile enhanced option and make backcompat more sane
_enhance: function() {
this.uiSpinner = this.element
.attr( "autocomplete", "off" )
.wrap( "<span>" )
// Add buttons
_draw: function() {
this._addClass( this.uiSpinner, "ui-spinner", "ui-widget ui-widget-content" );
this._addClass( "ui-spinner-input" );
this.element.attr( "role", "spinbutton" );
// Button bindings
this.buttons = this.uiSpinner.children( "a" )
.attr( "tabIndex", -1 )
.attr( "aria-hidden", true )
.button( {
classes: {
"ui-button": ""
} );
// TODO: Right now button does not support classes this is already updated in button PR
this._removeClass( this.buttons, "ui-corner-all" );
this._addClass( this.buttons.first(), "ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-up" );
this._addClass( this.buttons.last(), "ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-down" );
this.buttons.first().button( {
"icon": this.options.icons.up,
"showLabel": false
} );
this.buttons.last().button( {
"icon": this.options.icons.down,
"showLabel": false
} );
// IE 6 doesn't understand height: 50% for the buttons
// unless the wrapper has an explicit height
if ( this.buttons.height() > Math.ceil( this.uiSpinner.height() * 0.5 ) &&
this.uiSpinner.height() > 0 ) {
this.uiSpinner.height( this.uiSpinner.height() );
_keydown: function( event ) {
var options = this.options,
keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case keyCode.UP:
this._repeat( null, 1, event );
return true;
case keyCode.DOWN:
this._repeat( null, -1, event );
return true;
case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
this._repeat( null, options.page, event );
return true;
case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
this._repeat( null, -options.page, event );
return true;
return false;
_start: function( event ) {
if ( !this.spinning && this._trigger( "start", event ) === false ) {
return false;
if ( !this.counter ) {
this.counter = 1;
this.spinning = true;
return true;
_repeat: function( i, steps, event ) {
i = i || 500;
clearTimeout( this.timer );
this.timer = this._delay( function() {
this._repeat( 40, steps, event );
}, i );
this._spin( steps * this.options.step, event );
_spin: function( step, event ) {
var value = this.value() || 0;
if ( !this.counter ) {
this.counter = 1;
value = this._adjustValue( value + step * this._increment( this.counter ) );
if ( !this.spinning || this._trigger( "spin", event, { value: value } ) !== false ) {
this._value( value );
_increment: function( i ) {
var incremental = this.options.incremental;
if ( incremental ) {
return $.isFunction( incremental ) ?
incremental( i ) :
Math.floor( i * i * i / 50000 - i * i / 500 + 17 * i / 200 + 1 );
return 1;
_precision: function() {
var precision = this._precisionOf( this.options.step );
if ( this.options.min !== null ) {
precision = Math.max( precision, this._precisionOf( this.options.min ) );
return precision;
_precisionOf: function( num ) {
var str = num.toString(),
decimal = str.indexOf( "." );
return decimal === -1 ? 0 : str.length - decimal - 1;
_adjustValue: function( value ) {
var base, aboveMin,
options = this.options;
// Make sure we're at a valid step
// - find out where we are relative to the base (min or 0)
base = options.min !== null ? options.min : 0;
aboveMin = value - base;
// - round to the nearest step
aboveMin = Math.round( aboveMin / options.step ) * options.step;
// - rounding is based on 0, so adjust back to our base
value = base + aboveMin;
// Fix precision from bad JS floating point math
value = parseFloat( value.toFixed( this._precision() ) );
// Clamp the value
if ( options.max !== null && value > options.max ) {
return options.max;
if ( options.min !== null && value < options.min ) {
return options.min;
return value;
_stop: function( event ) {
if ( !this.spinning ) {
clearTimeout( this.timer );
clearTimeout( this.mousewheelTimer );
this.counter = 0;
this.spinning = false;
this._trigger( "stop", event );
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
var prevValue, first, last;
if ( key === "culture" || key === "numberFormat" ) {
prevValue = this._parse( this.element.val() );
this.options[ key ] = value;
this.element.val( this._format( prevValue ) );
if ( key === "max" || key === "min" || key === "step" ) {
if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
value = this._parse( value );
if ( key === "icons" ) {
first = this.buttons.first().find( ".ui-icon" );
this._removeClass( first, null, this.options.icons.up );
this._addClass( first, null, value.up );
last = this.buttons.last().find( ".ui-icon" );
this._removeClass( last, null, this.options.icons.down );
this._addClass( last, null, value.down );
this._super( key, value );
_setOptionDisabled: function( value ) {
this._super( value );
this._toggleClass( this.uiSpinner, null, "ui-state-disabled", !!value );
this.element.prop( "disabled", !!value );
this.buttons.button( value ? "disable" : "enable" );
_setOptions: spinnerModifer( function( options ) {
this._super( options );
} ),
_parse: function( val ) {
if ( typeof val === "string" && val !== "" ) {
val = window.Globalize && this.options.numberFormat ?
Globalize.parseFloat( val, 10, this.options.culture ) : +val;
return val === "" || isNaN( val ) ? null : val;
_format: function( value ) {
if ( value === "" ) {
return "";
return window.Globalize && this.options.numberFormat ?
Globalize.format( value, this.options.numberFormat, this.options.culture ) :
_refresh: function() {
this.element.attr( {
"aria-valuemin": this.options.min,
"aria-valuemax": this.options.max,
// TODO: what should we do with values that can't be parsed?
"aria-valuenow": this._parse( this.element.val() )
} );
isValid: function() {
var value = this.value();
// Null is invalid
if ( value === null ) {
return false;
// If value gets adjusted, it's invalid
return value === this._adjustValue( value );
// Update the value without triggering change
_value: function( value, allowAny ) {
var parsed;
if ( value !== "" ) {
parsed = this._parse( value );
if ( parsed !== null ) {
if ( !allowAny ) {
parsed = this._adjustValue( parsed );
value = this._format( parsed );
this.element.val( value );
_destroy: function() {
.prop( "disabled", false )
.removeAttr( "autocomplete role aria-valuemin aria-valuemax aria-valuenow" );
this.uiSpinner.replaceWith( this.element );
stepUp: spinnerModifer( function( steps ) {
this._stepUp( steps );
} ),
_stepUp: function( steps ) {
if ( this._start() ) {
this._spin( ( steps || 1 ) * this.options.step );
stepDown: spinnerModifer( function( steps ) {
this._stepDown( steps );
} ),
_stepDown: function( steps ) {
if ( this._start() ) {
this._spin( ( steps || 1 ) * -this.options.step );
pageUp: spinnerModifer( function( pages ) {
this._stepUp( ( pages || 1 ) * this.options.page );
} ),
pageDown: spinnerModifer( function( pages ) {
this._stepDown( ( pages || 1 ) * this.options.page );
} ),
value: function( newVal ) {
if ( !arguments.length ) {
return this._parse( this.element.val() );
spinnerModifer( this._value ).call( this, newVal );
widget: function() {
return this.uiSpinner;
} );
// TODO: switch return back to widget declaration at top of file when this is removed
if ( $.uiBackCompat !== false ) {
// Backcompat for spinner html extension points
$.widget( "ui.spinner", $.ui.spinner, {
_enhance: function() {
this.uiSpinner = this.element
.attr( "autocomplete", "off" )
.wrap( this._uiSpinnerHtml() )
// Add buttons
.append( this._buttonHtml() );
_uiSpinnerHtml: function() {
return "<span>";
_buttonHtml: function() {
return "<a></a><a></a>";
} );
return $.ui.spinner;
} ) );