
42 lines
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(function( $ ) {
module( "tooltip: methods" );
test( "destroy", function() {
expect( 2 );
domEqual( "#tooltipped1", function() {
$( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip().tooltip( "destroy" );
// make sure that open tooltips are removed on destroy
$( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip().tooltip( "open" ).tooltip( "destroy" );
equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0 );
test( "open/close", function() {
expect( 3 );
$.fx.off = true;
var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0, "no tooltip on init" );
element.tooltip( "open" );
var tooltip = $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) );
ok( tooltip.is( ":visible" ) );
element.tooltip( "close" );
ok( tooltip.is( ":hidden" ) );
$.fx.off = false;
TODO currently tooltip doesn't override widget
can't return anything useful if no element is kept around and there's no useful reference
test("widget", function() {
var tooltip = $("#tooltipped1").tooltip();
same(tooltip.tooltip("widget")[0], $(".ui-tooltip")[0]);
same(tooltip.tooltip("widget").end()[0], tooltip[0]);
}( jQuery ) );